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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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This is an interesting article. Nothing particularly new, just summarises many of the characteristics we think we can see in this case.

Oh my ! Thanks for posting, it screams GBC all over, his motives, his (flawed) reasoning, the affairs, the monetary shenanigans..... It's just chilling to read that it's not unusual for husbands to murder their wives for all the reasons that many (here) hypothesise lead to Allisons murder.

All MOO.
That's how it read to me-like a 'boohoo poor GBC' story.
I'm openly anti GBC-so I'm going to get a linguistics friend to take a look at it, as it could just be me being overly sensitive.


Quoting myself - how sad.
Linguistics friend replied "Almost like its setting a story up for abuse".
Pointed out that the story was made to seem 'personally related"' ie: HIS family and HIS facial hair.
Closing comment from friend was "underlying agenda ??".

Now my 2 cents worth:
As is often said: innocent until proven guilty.
This particular story really seems to go for sympathy in a BIG way for GBC, and to my mind appears to imply that he (GBC) is being treated unjustly-this was also implied by the big wig lawyer who visited him.
Personally ( please take note of the word 'personally') I think it's reprehensible to imply that Corrective services are somehow unjust for following the rules and regulations of the facility where GBC is currently interred.
I'm using iPhone, so you'll need to picture a 'steam coming out of ears' emoticon.

All MOO.
I don't think it's a sympathetic article in the least. All of the things I read in the CM about the case, they seem to be saying we know he's guilty and there's so much more we could tell you, but this is how we have to word it to avoid problems. That's just my opinion.
I'm intrigued that the word 'forced' was used twice. Once in relation to the non contact visit and the other in relation to his beard removal. It's unusual to see the same adjective used twice in a news story. Usually the same adjective is re used to re- iterate a point.
It's probably nothing - but it caught my attention.

I think it's more to point out the fact that he is an accused murderer and is being treated like one. And also to point out how far his fall from grace is-no longer is he calling the shots, he's being told what he can and can't do!
Oh my ! Thanks for posting, it screams GBC all over, his motives, his (flawed) reasoning, the affairs, the monetary shenanigans..... It's just chilling to read that it's not unusual for husbands to murder their wives for all the reasons that many (here) hypothesise lead to Allisons murder.

All MOO.

just about to read the link, but earlier on when I was reading about narcissistic behaviour, it occurred to me that a LOT of wife killers would exhibit many of these behaviours. I mean regardless of the situation that these killers find themselves in, whether it be monetary problems, other women, custody battles, or just wanting to get out.......they all choose to kill their wives, as they gain more from them dead than alive. Total disregard for anything other than the means to an end, regardless of how to obtain it.

This is an interesting article. Nothing particularly new, just summarises many of the characteristics we think we can see in this case.

Sometimes I think that a woman rarely wins with a narcissistic husband who wants out.

If he doesn't kill her in cold blood as GBC allegedly killed Allison, then he kills her slowly over a decade or more of property and child custody issues.

If there are children involved it is almost impossible to 'get away' from them and not be affected almost daily by their narcissistic behaviors.

Imagine what someone like GBC would be like in a family law battle ... impossible to reason with or rely on. Allison was just killed the fast way, IMO.
just about to read the link, but earlier on when I was reading about narcissistic behaviour, it occurred to me that a LOT of wife killers would exhibit many of these behaviours. I mean regardless of the situation that these killers find themselves in, whether it be monetary problems, other women, custody battles, or just wanting to get out.......they all choose to kill their wives, as they gain more from them dead than alive. Total disregard for anything other than the means to an end, regardless of how to obtain it.

*cold shiver* it's that 'total disregard' that chills me, to reduce another human being to an inanimate object that needs to be gotten rid of.

All MOO.

This is an interesting article. Nothing particularly new, just summarises many of the characteristics we think we can see in this case.

Thanks Nads..that was so insightful! Some statements REALLY stnad out for me.

"the materially motivated."

Men in this last category lack emotional involvement, remorse, and a conscience. "They don't get jealous, because they don't care much about women," "They care more about the assets." They're preoccupied with money and status.

The men involved often have something to lose: fine cars, nice homes, reputations they've carefully crafted, or lives that others consider perfect.

Yet those lives are never as perfect as they appear. Typically, these men are keeping secrets - secrets they will do almost anything to protect.
"They tend to have affairs," .

"They tend to have a lot of financial dealings on the side. In fact, experts agree that most men who kill their wives to avoid divorcing them are sociopaths, able to distinguish right from wrong but not caring too much about that distinction. They will do what's good for them,
Mix up here? BigT seems to have same avatar as Pulpfiction.
updated selection of avatar is good. I missed discussion about Big Bwana who must think he is the boss. This might indicate he Is real afrikana type maybe from free state or something like this. Thre are many south Africans who belive in apartheid. I think there is a lot to learn about dispossession in a QLD jail, and some real good teachers. I just can't see how a good Ippi girl could have put up with a Bwana. I guess that's what te pages were eh?

This is an interesting article. Nothing particularly new, just summarises many of the characteristics we think we can see in this case.

Hey, that was very interesting, Nads. Thankyou. For any of us struggling with the idea that a man could do that to his wife might understand a little more... well not 'understand' why, but just know that it does happen.

Even though I have no doubt in my mind that GBC did it, I still can't phathom what could possibly go through their minds to enable them to do it. I'm glad I don't 'get it'.
Sometimes I think that a woman rarely wins with a narcissistic husband who wants out.

If he doesn't kill her in cold blood as GBC allegedly killed Allison, then he kills her slowly over a decade or more of property and child custody issues.

If there are children involved it is almost impossible to 'get away' from them and not be affected almost daily by their narcissistic behaviors.

Imagine what someone like GBC would be like in a family law battle ... impossible to reason with or rely on. Allison was just killed the fast way, IMO.

I have to agree. These men do not let up, they don't have respect for the law... and they don't even care about the children through it all.
I know some people find it hard to believe that these men may not love their kids, but it does happen. They even go as far as to prefer that their kids are 'attractive' because it makes them look bad to have a less than attractive child. They don't care how their threats and rubbish affect them either. They don't love, they 'possess'. Yet they can put on a damn good show of being the perfect family man, adored by all. It's sickening.
And you're right, they carry on with their rubbish for years, there is no end.
I missed discussion about Big Bwana who must think he is the boss. This might indicate he Is real afrikana type maybe from free state or something like this. Thre are many south Africans who belive in apartheid. I think there is a lot to learn about dispossession in a QLD jail, and some real good teachers. I just can't see how a good Ippi girl could have put up with a Bwana. I guess that's what te pages were eh?

Guess it is all complicated ...


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Nice one Possum......and very good saying (had to google it of course to be sure haha)

something narcissistic types could not even fathom
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