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I've seen them at dancing and outwardly they look good. However you notice the stoop that Geoff now has, the anxiety on their faces, the uncomfortableness of people staring and being the subject of talk. I think the Dickie family as a whole is absolutely amazing. They are all living together to get through this. What Allisons sister and brother have given up to assist as well is just mind blowing. How sad that Allison didn't feel she could lean on this wonderful family in her time of need. How awful that GBC in his revolting treatment of her made her doubt their love and acceptance for her.

My scuttlebutt is that they have custody of the girls till the end of the year and then it will be reviewed. During that time the BC family has absolutely no access. After this OW will be given supervised access but only OW. I think this will be very stressful for them....all the what ifs etc

My belief is that there is more to come regarding charges etc for the BC's to have been cleanly cut out in this fashion. Clearly those in the know believe that they would unduly influence the girls in some way.

Interestingly the girls are not completely in the know about where GBC is and why. The Dickies whatever their beliefs and feelings have maintained some "fairytale" for the girls. Obviously being back at school and in the public arena they will hear things but clearly at home it is all about support and love and not overt GBC bashing. I bow to them on this one - I'm not sure I could do it!!

All of course MOO
Found it!
Very busy patting myself on my back. Can we discuss this? Why is she likely to get access & is it usual procedure for such things to be decided so far in advance.
Hi all

Haven't kept up with the threads, but not sure if this was mentioned. Apparently GBC's lawyer has told him to stay silent and he will definitely get him off, due to the inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence. Only from a general but reliable source, so sadly it could be true and the way things work.

Also suggested there has been custody issues over the girls with someone from that fine family contesting the Dickies rights to have the kids in their care.

Heard from people close to the family that everyone's response from day one was "he's killed her". If this is true, there's been some amazing restraint shown.
If Alison was my daughter he'd be dead and i'd be the one in jail.

My justice prevail somehow.


Welcome back Keyboredom... :)

I'm a bit skeptical about the lawyer saying he'll get him off because of inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence.

If the lawyer doesn't yet have all the evidence how would he know what police have on GBC. The evidence isn't due to be handed over to defence until 20th August & the accounting side of it all not until November.
Found it!
Very busy patting myself on my back. Can we discuss this? Why is she likely to get access & is it usual procedure for such things to be decided so far in advance.

Hi Onlyone,

I cannot give you verification as my information comes from a source that cannot be identified. I will say MOO etc so that the powers that be remain happy but it is from the horse's mouth so to speak.....

My understanding is that OW will be given supervised access because she was named by GBC as guardian of the children. I had an altercation with another member earlier on here (just after he was arrested) but GBC named her as guardian. Essentially as he hasn't harmed the girls his "rights" (and I use that word because of what it recognises not because it may be the correct legal term) as their father still remain intact and he is able to assert who will look after the girls but he still makes the decisions. He put this all in place just before he was arrested. What has subsequently happened is that the courts have ignored this in what is quite unusual. The belief is that the seniors BC's are in some way involved and will try to unduly influence the girls as they are potential witnesses. The facetime call in fact changed a lot of decisions!! IMO

OW is not believed to have been involved but because she potentially knew after the fact they are still keeping her out of the way as well. The decision is apparently reviewed every 6 weeks but is expected to stay as status quo until the end of the year. In the Dickies favour is that they have been resistant to hammering GBC in the press and therefore have come across as less likely to influence the girls.

The BC family haven't allowed the Dickies access to the belongings because they belong to GBC. Unfortunately being an *advertiser censored**&le isn't grounds to force the issue. The local community has triumphed and come to the rescue here and it's been just amazing.

It is an incredibly stressful situation and there is a lot of stress and fear but they are living day to day and moment to moment hoping and praying it all goes their way.

On another point IMO GBC has been told to keep his mouth shut but I think eventually it will become too much for him - he will need to boast of his exploits. I have also heard from a friend who works at the prison that he is exhibiting behaviour that is quite sexually graphic. There is a thought he is trying to pass himself off as a sex addict!! Ewwww shudder IMO IMO
Welcome back Keyboredom... :)

I'm a bit skeptical about the lawyer saying he'll get him off because of inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence.

If the lawyer doesn't yet have all the evidence how would he know what police have on GBC. The evidence isn't due to be handed over to defence until 20th August & the accounting side of it all not until November.

you make a good point Marly, for me though, I was given this info on sunday. KB coming here and posting has just verified it for me, if only in my mind.

I have always and will always take KB's posts very seriously, so whilst we are only talking here, I take this on board as something to put in my fact file.
But I do see that it a real hard one to see coming to fruition. On top of that, not a single soul that I have ever talked to wants this to be true. Fingers crossed its not
Welcome back Keyboredom... :)

I'm a bit skeptical about the lawyer saying he'll get him off because of inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence.

If the lawyer doesn't yet have all the evidence how would he know what police have on GBC. The evidence isn't due to be handed over to defence until 20th August & the accounting side of it all not until November.

Good point Marly, they took a long time to gather the evidence to make an arrest, so surely they've got enough for a conviction!
Hi Onlyone,

I cannot give you verification as my information comes from a source that cannot be identified. I will say MOO etc so that the powers that be remain happy but it is from the horse's mouth so to speak.....

My understanding is that OW will be given supervised access because she was named by GBC as guardian of the children. I had an altercation with another member earlier on here (just after he was arrested) but GBC named her as guardian. Essentially as he hasn't harmed the girls his "rights" (and I use that word because of what it recognises not because it may be the correct legal term) as their father still remain intact and he is able to assert who will look after the girls but he still makes the decisions. He put this all in place just before he was arrested. What has subsequently happened is that the courts have ignored this in what is quite unusual. The belief is that the seniors BC's are in some way involved and will try to unduly influence the girls as they are potential witnesses. The facetime call in fact changed a lot of decisions!! IMO

OW is not believed to have been involved but because she potentially knew after the fact they are still keeping her out of the way as well. The decision is apparently reviewed every 6 weeks but is expected to stay as status quo until the end of the year. In the Dickies favour is that they have been resistant to hammering GBC in the press and therefore have come across as less likely to influence the girls.

The BC family haven't allowed the Dickies access to the belongings because they belong to GBC. Unfortunately being an *advertiser censored**&le isn't grounds to force the issue. The local community has triumphed and come to the rescue here and it's been just amazing.

It is an incredibly stressful situation and there is a lot of stress and fear but they are living day to day and moment to moment hoping and praying it all goes their way.

On another point IMO GBC has been told to keep his mouth shut but I think eventually it will become too much for him - he will need to boast of his exploits. I have also heard from a friend who works at the prison that he is exhibiting behaviour that is quite sexually graphic. There is a thought he is trying to pass himself off as a sex addict!! Ewwww shudder IMO IMO

Thank you CC, that makes sense now. I was forgetting he would have rights...
I feel even more the the Dickies - what an incredible stress to live under, as if losing a daughter and gaining a family to raise wasn't sufficient. Really puts the BC's into the spotlight of what they are - really is all about them. How do they look in a mirror & think they are doing the right thing.
Can any of our legal experts predict what would happen if he is convicted, will his wishes for the girls be reinstated post trial? What if another BC is an assessory, would that change anything?
What would the child experts say on the influence of having to live with the family of the person convicted (fingers crossed) of murdering your mother?
Sex addict? Pah! Hope it falls off.
Hi Onlyone,

I cannot give you verification as my information comes from a source that cannot be identified. I will say MOO etc so that the powers that be remain happy but it is from the horse's mouth so to speak.....

My understanding is that OW will be given supervised access because she was named by GBC as guardian of the children. I had an altercation with another member earlier on here (just after he was arrested) but GBC named her as guardian. Essentially as he hasn't harmed the girls his "rights" (and I use that word because of what it recognises not because it may be the correct legal term) as their father still remain intact and he is able to assert who will look after the girls but he still makes the decisions. He put this all in place just before he was arrested. What has subsequently happened is that the courts have ignored this in what is quite unusual. The belief is that the seniors BC's are in some way involved and will try to unduly influence the girls as they are potential witnesses. The facetime call in fact changed a lot of decisions!! IMO

OW is not believed to have been involved but because she potentially knew after the fact they are still keeping her out of the way as well. The decision is apparently reviewed every 6 weeks but is expected to stay as status quo until the end of the year. In the Dickies favour is that they have been resistant to hammering GBC in the press and therefore have come across as less likely to influence the girls.

The BC family haven't allowed the Dickies access to the belongings because they belong to GBC. Unfortunately being an *advertiser censored**&le isn't grounds to force the issue. The local community has triumphed and come to the rescue here and it's been just amazing.

It is an incredibly stressful situation and there is a lot of stress and fear but they are living day to day and moment to moment hoping and praying it all goes their way.

On another point IMO GBC has been told to keep his mouth shut but I think eventually it will become too much for him - he will need to boast of his exploits. I have also heard from a friend who works at the prison that he is exhibiting behaviour that is quite sexually graphic. There is a thought he is trying to pass himself off as a sex addict!! Ewwww shudder IMO IMO

Thanks Completely Confused! I too have been told that the custody thing is every six weeks, and that the first three weeks has flown, and with 3 weeks remaining (now 2) they are very anxious, so it is very unsettling and must be causing huge amounts of stress.

As for the sex addict thing..I have heard that too, lots of self gratification in jail (not to be confused with the more innocent use of the phrase I posted earlier, this time I am saying it like it is)

It makes me wonder about the affairs. I know for narcissistic types, affairs are a quick and easy way to get their supply of attention and admiration.

Something that was going around at the very beginning but has never ever been mentioned since, was the story that he was a sex addict, and that swinging was something that might have been an activity of his. I remember posting that I believed that sometimes, in a relationship that is falling apart, a woman will be open to the suggestion of trying to spice up their relationship, so to speak. Understandably, this comment offended and upset many posters. As such, I havent gone there since. But I heard it, and I accept that these things happen, and that beautiful, intelligent and confident women will sometimes consider things you might not at first think a possibility.

I am not saying I think this, I am saying that I head it, and if it were true, it would not make a single, minutae, scrap or iota of difference to the respect I feel for Allison MOO MOO MOO
I'm wondering if the QPS could plant an inmate with sympathetic big ears to kindly befriend GBC while he's in jail? It's a pity they don't have cellmates.

Or better still, a sympathetic attractive female guard!
Hi Onlyone,

I cannot give you verification as my information comes from a source that cannot be identified. I will say MOO etc so that the powers that be remain happy but it is from the horse's mouth so to speak.....

My understanding is that OW will be given supervised access because she was named by GBC as guardian of the children. I had an altercation with another member earlier on here (just after he was arrested) but GBC named her as guardian. Essentially as he hasn't harmed the girls his "rights" (and I use that word because of what it recognises not because it may be the correct legal term) as their father still remain intact and he is able to assert who will look after the girls but he still makes the decisions. He put this all in place just before he was arrested. What has subsequently happened is that the courts have ignored this in what is quite unusual. The belief is that the seniors BC's are in some way involved and will try to unduly influence the girls as they are potential witnesses. The facetime call in fact changed a lot of decisions!! IMO

OW is not believed to have been involved but because she potentially knew after the fact they are still keeping her out of the way as well. The decision is apparently reviewed every 6 weeks but is expected to stay as status quo until the end of the year. In the Dickies favour is that they have been resistant to hammering GBC in the press and therefore have come across as less likely to influence the girls.

The BC family haven't allowed the Dickies access to the belongings because they belong to GBC. Unfortunately being an *advertiser censored**&le isn't grounds to force the issue. The local community has triumphed and come to the rescue here and it's been just amazing.

It is an incredibly stressful situation and there is a lot of stress and fear but they are living day to day and moment to moment hoping and praying it all goes their way.

On another point IMO GBC has been told to keep his mouth shut but I think eventually it will become too much for him - he will need to boast of his exploits. I have also heard from a friend who works at the prison that he is exhibiting behaviour that is quite sexually graphic. There is a thought he is trying to pass himself off as a sex addict!! Ewwww shudder IMO IMO

Thanks CC. I've passed the info on.

The activity referred to in the last para, in psych terms imo, is to reinforce the imagined 'power of the male' rather than exhibitionism. He'd be struggling mentally by now with the demons inside his head ever present.

No sympathy from me.
I have also heard from a friend who works at the prison that he is exhibiting behaviour that is quite sexually graphic.
Would this chronic masturbation (or whatever) stop them from intergrating GBC into the general prison population?
I don't know anything about the prison system Possum, but I would imagine that a lot of masturbation would go on, so I wouldn't think that would necessarily stop them integrating GBC into the mainstream prison population. I wonder if because of the nature of the crime though, whether they would be keeping him separate for his safety (or his mental health?)

Big thanks to Completelyconfused for the info posted further up - very interesting.

Gosh it must be sooo stressful for the Dickies, as if they haven't been through enough already.

What an appalling and revolting family the BCs appear to be. I imagine they will never be able to show their faces without incurring a huge amount of disgust from the majority of people, and they deserve every ounce of it IMO.
What sort of isolation is BC staying in with respect to the prison? Doesn't have to go into the yard type isolation, or in a different section type isolation?
I think it's sad that the Dickies have not been given access to the family belongings to go through- surely some of it belonged to Allison -not all would be Gerard's. The girls might be pining for some of their own things- special dolls - favourite clothes etc. I remember the prayer request from the Walton's at the time of the funeral was to pray for 'unity' between the 2 families (cant give a link sorry) which would suggest that even before Gerard was charged - the families didnt get on. Of course we dont know what was said behind closed doors but you have to be impressed by the dignified way that the Dickies have behaved through all this nightmare such a contrast to the garage pash session with Nigel and Elaine and smart comments from EBC when reporters were at their house.

I wonder if Olivia and Ian are planning on relocating to Brisbane from Townsville? Woof I think mentioned the children in the Walton family are home schooled. Olivia will have her work cut out for her if she wants to home school the 6 children if they get custody. The girls might be happy to be with them though -they would have grown up together with lots of family interaction before Walton's moved to Townsville. They were all staying together at Snr Baden-clays during those dark days before Allison was found and before the funeral. I heard they were having Bible studies together. Gerard's grief seemed real to the Waltons - judging by the email requesting bail surety- or they are easily fooled....or way too trusting. With all that has come out I cant understand how he could be innocent.

Those poor little girls- how uncertain is their future? I hope Dickies aren't cut off totally if custody is granted to OW.
My ravings only....IMO
August 06, 2012 12:43PM

An Ipswich golf day has raised more than $30,000 for the three daughters of Allison Baden-Clay.

The brother of the former Ipswich Girls' Grammar School student, Ashley Dickie, was among the 220 golfers who took to the Sandy Gallop Golf Club on Sunday.

WOW how good is that. and another stirling act by a Dickie . with family and friends like this i think we can be pretty sure the 3 little angels will be supported well by those of the family who love and care for them.
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