DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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this picture here is taken at around 2.00pm in the afternoon...the sun is to the right of the bridge...maybe upstream towards the scout camp, where Kholo turns? the shadow from the sign might help to compare the shadows in the photos we have been discussing? It doesnt seem quite as long as the shadows cast by the people on the maybe 3pm??

When was that photo taken though?
If it was in the last month or so then the sun is much lower than where it was in April.
Sunset on 30th April was 5:17 pm

So yes - maybe those other photos were taken during the setting-up phase?

Do you mean the last 2 photos, the ones we were wondering about earlier? ... with the yellow thing in the middle of the road?
Agree, if I went from brunette to blonde my husband wouldn't notice; I think it is important that he knew exactly what she was wearing.

But I don't think it could be used as evidence to convict him.

I wonder if that is what triggered police to be suspicious :)
If I turned up and he described exactly what she was wearing I would slap the cuffs on him then and there, and that's just for trying to be better than every other husband out there.
Agree, if I went from brunette to blonde my husband wouldn't notice; I think it is important that he knew exactly what she was wearing.

But I don't think it could be used as evidence to convict him.

If the children were still at home in the morning when he reported Allison missing, he would/could probably say he asked the girls what their Mother was wearing the night before...
Would that mean they were all finished and ready to go within about 4 hours of arriving there? When does the sun set in april, may? 5.30? That is when she was taken out of there ) thought?

On the 30th, it set at 5:17pm, Last light is at 5:41pm.
However the location of the bridge is at the bottom of a gully (Ugly Gully in fact), so the shadows would have no longer been cast at maybe 4:45-5:00, but still light through to 5:40.
I wonder if the Baden-Clays had a dryer. I know they are probably not as useful in QLD as here in "sunny" Melbourne. I wonder if freshly done washing of say, one outfit and some towels, or stripped beds, or a running dryer etc might have been another tip off. If this is the case, washed or not I assume that would be valuable evidence because one wash isn't going to get everything out of clothes or bedding is it?
This isn't off topic... just another insight to if a man notices what his wife is wearing.
My son has said before that he never really notices what his partner is wearing unless it was one particular pair of shorts that he really HATED. THEN he would remember. So he is more likely to notice if she's wearing clothes he hates, rather then just notice her in general.

You are on the button!

My husband only comments if he doesn't like what I have on...
Yep - agree with your earlier comment - full of poop describing what she was wearing.
I'm not quite sure, Minni - do you mean you're standing looking ALONG the bridge towards the Mt Crosby end?

Just to clarify - if you stand on the bridge, looking over the rail UP Kholo Creek, with the Brisbane River BEHIND you, and the Brisbane end of the bridge on your right, then the sun comes up to your right and sets to your left.

Those shadows in Onlyone's photos are long and pointing towards the Brisbane end of the bridge. So it is late afternoon.
IMO we have different capacities for spatial awareness, so your detailed orienting of the sun and how it casts shadows on and under the bridge helps orient our views more accurately. MOO
Do you mean the last 2 photos, the ones we were wondering about earlier? ... with the yellow thing in the middle of the road?

Yes - that would have been well before 5:17 sunset. So a guess would say about 4-ish, and if she was winched up around 5:30, then that would have been the setting-up stage of things. Initially I thought it was after she'd been retrieved, but now thinking about it, and looking at those shadows, I think it was before.
IMO we have different capacities for spatial awareness, so your detailed orienting of the sun and how it casts shadows on and under the bridge in this case helps orient our views more accurately. An important contribution to sleuthing. MOO[/

Yes spatial awareness is critical. Pity GBC seems to be lacking a bit in that area given his propensity for car accidents. But spatial awareness and an innate sense of direction are not necessarily the same.
I am sure they will blame the blood as Allison cutting her finger on something whilst putting it in the back of the car or a blood nose when getting something out of the car. What is going to matter will be the amount of blood they found I think. Given it's the family car, it will be very hard to use it as solid evidence as she is expected to be using the car. If it was someone elses car then it would be a lot more solid.

I hope that's where they find her chipped tooth, Pleeeese :please:
I have just rewatched this video
And I agree that first photo looks later than the other two.
There are no shadows cast when they are bringing the body up so we can only assume it was just as the sun was setting.

I originally assumed the green tent was setup to shade the investigators, but I am now guessing it was setup so the media were filming the whole procedure.
Sleuthers, just noticed an important detail about the placement of the body on the stretcher present in this footage which gives a clue about the location of the body. At 2.45-2.50 you will see visual evidence that the stretcher is placed up on the concrete base between the two first pylons. It is then moved down onto the mud in preparation for winching up to the road. In a subsequent video, the winching happened from this spot in the mud. My opinion only.
Sleuthers, just noticed an important detail about the placement of the body on the stretcher present in this footage which gives a clue about the location of the body. At 2.45-2.50 you will see visual evidence that the stretcher is placed up on the concrete base between the two first pylons. It is then moved down onto the mud in preparation for winching up to the road. In a subsequent video, the winching happened from this spot in the mud. My opinion only.

Well if it was placed on the concrete base there would be no skid marks, and also if it was already attached to the winch here would be no weight on the ground and hence again no skid marks. IMO
Sleuthers, just noticed an important detail about the placement of the body on the stretcher present in this footage which gives a clue about the location of the body. At 2.45-2.50 you will see visual evidence that the stretcher is placed up on the concrete base between the two first pylons. It is then moved down onto the mud in preparation for winching up to the road. In a subsequent video, the winching happened from this spot in the mud. My opinion only.

The footage saddens me so much. Alone out there for so long and & such a sad ending.
I have just rewatched this video
And I agree that first photo looks later than the other two.
There are no shadows cast when they are bringing the body up so we can only assume it was just as the sun was setting.

I originally assumed the green tent was setup to shade the investigators, but I am now guessing it was setup so the media were filming the whole procedure.

Also Erin Edwards the reporter says her body has only been retrieved in the last hour. I am assuming the 7 nightly news is on at 6.00 or 6.30 meaning her body was winched up probably close to 5.30pm
Sleuthers, just noticed an important detail about the placement of the body on the stretcher present in this footage which gives a clue about the location of the body. At 2.45-2.50 you will see visual evidence that the stretcher is placed up on the concrete base between the two first pylons. It is then moved down onto the mud in preparation for winching up to the road. In a subsequent video, the winching happened from this spot in the mud. My opinion only.

I actually dont see that visual at all, they way I saw it (I watched it twice ot check) is at 2.45 - 2.50, it only shows the stretcher on the mud, then in mid looks like it is on the concrete base, but it isn't, it's in the process of being winched
On another area of interest(to me anyway): Have heard that the accused's daddy (NBC) has a hearing aid. He wouldn't sleep with it in so I wonder if mummy Elaine is the person who took the face-time phone call at 12.30am?
Well if it was placed on the concrete base there would be no skid marks, and also if it was already attached to the winch here would be no weight on the ground and hence again no skid marks. IMO

It wasn't placed on the concrete base, it just appears that way at first glance
On another area of interest(to me anyway): Have heard that the accused's daddy (NBC) has a hearing aid. He wouldn't sleep with it in so I wonder if mummy Elaine is the person who took the face-time phone call at 12.30am?

yes, or sissy?
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