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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Business name on this has been changed to IN COMMAND DATA SYSTEMS as from 21 June 2012. Interesting! Trading name is OZSPY INDOOROOPILLY.
ASIC is down at the moment for maintenance till 10.00am tomorrow.

Note the date 21 June... That's the date that other GBC company had changes. Accountant did them all at the same time - GBC had changed his domicile address the week before. Efficient little accountant, well done. Follow the paper trail QPS.
Business name on this has been changed to IN COMMAND DATA SYSTEMS as from 21 June 2012. Interesting! Trading name is OZSPY INDOOROOPILLY.
ASIC is down at the moment for maintenance till 10.00am tomorrow.

I just found this googling interesting ...

All members of the Brisbane Inner West Chamber of Commerce are
invited to register as Trade Members.
Trade Membership entitles holders to a regular newsletter with our specials as well as 10% discount on all goods and services provided by OzSpy

So.... GBC was using his interest in the Chamber of Commerce to promote his OZSpy Indooroopilly interests. ( hidden interests?)

What a tangled web he weaves. So, hmmmm, He had access to spy equipment (listening into plans Allison may have been making to leave him?) ( Loyd Rayney style perhaps?) and equipment to protect himself in the event that he was ever watched or searched perhaps? If QPS finds this then it will add to the list of documents to help prove premeditation.

I hope the QPS have raided the OZ spy shop and the associates there as well. Dig dig dig as this guy had it all planned out , and jail isn't stopping him from carrying out those plans completely. He premeditated , he planned.
He is so psychotic narcisstic that even jail isn't going to stop him from carrying out his premeditated plans. Wonder what he'll do next?

Watch and see his premeditated plan unfold, and it will show his cunning reasons for pushing poor lovely Allison out of the picture.

What we have seen him do concerning taking over the company and property is exactly what he had planned to do. Jail , he thinks is just a small hiccup.

I bet when Allison and her brother put into action to buy this property, GBC took over and argued, and eventually controlled how that property was purchased.
Big noting himself along the way. He must have ensured that he was a company director, so he could have the ultimate control.
I bet he fantasised about turning his 1/4 share into a sole share. He needed to do something to prove to himself that he wasn't a big looser. If he could do this , then he was clearly Mr Sucessful, Mr World of topstep, ( Mr Top of the world , above God above the law ) He placed himself in a position that could later allow him to screw the lot of them. What an evil SOAB. Psychotic narcisstic SOAB.

I think we will see more shocking actions soon and he will clearly show his motives and premeditation and planning, which will help the QPS nail him well and good.
GBC is taking his last gasp, and "acting out" to feed his Bruce Overland alta ego, for all the world to see.
He's just plan stupid and really really dumb. Oh, he thinks he's smart, but he is dumber than dumb. Playing right into a big police forensic accountants net.
He won't achieve anything other than exposing himself and his motives though, so don't be worried. Sit back and watch the show.
I trust our law and courts and I have every confidence in Mr Dickies lawyers , that they will protect all of Allison's money for the benefit of her children.

Have faith that evil will not prevail. He is being watched by the world. :eye::eye::camera::detective::sleuth:, he won't get away with anything.
Guys your sleuthing has been amazing! The web of companies is incredibly interesting. We should keep the firmly dates in mind - GBC never seems to do anything without a distinct motive or unless he is backed into a corner. It might prove interesting to see what else business wise caused the changes on these dates.

I was always sus on the security investigation one - it is almost like he could use those devices to fore warn him of mistresses movements. Imagine if he bugged Allison to see if she was 'up' to anything ---just the thing a Narcissist would do.
Sorry if this has been mentioned already but a penny just dropped here. What if he sold it under-value in order to repay one of those nasty debts?!? $200-250K under value and the possibility to make money from redevelopment! Sounds like he just paid that $300K he owed. Thoughts?

Very Slick CHek! Yes indeed - goodwill to the debtor a really tricky way for both parties to benefit!:waitasec:
What has happened is the best thing possible.
The police can use his actions whilst in jail , to prove motive and premeditation.
Police can prove he has acted without resources in jail to gain complete control of this property and push the rightful owners out of the proceeds of sale. He knew how to do this in his own head.
The dickies can protect Allison's money and not have the burdon of holding and protecting a rental property.
The proceeds of sale is cash and can be protected and not distributed at all . Money held in a trust till the outcome of the trial can earn interest. This is better than having a property sit, and cost thousands of dollars in mortgage payments, rates, insurance etc.
The police and the Dickies are way ahead of " Mr World of Life behind bars"
I have always wondered what he did with her engagement and wedding rings, was she wearing them that night... Did he throw them in the river or bushes....or has someone pawned them..for some much needed cash, or was she wearing them when she was found.
I have always wondered what he did with her engagement and wedding rings, was she wearing them that night... Did he throw them in the river or bushes....or has someone pawned them..for some much needed cash, or was she wearing them when she was found.

If she was planning to leave him and disgusted by his cheating, I hope she threw them in a river herself, right in front of him and spat in his ugly face( ok, get a fake set and let him think that, then max out his credit cards , meanwhile pawn them herself and do a little bit more shopping maybe.
I hope that's what happened. I hope Allison showed him what a loser he is and had something for herself .
I just found this googling interesting ...

All members of the Brisbane Inner West Chamber of Commerce are
invited to register as Trade Members.
Trade Membership entitles holders to a regular newsletter with our specials as well as 10% discount on all goods and services provided by OzSpy

So.... GBC was using his interest in the Chamber of Commerce to promote his OZSpy Indooroopilly interests. ( hidden interests?)

... So, he had access to spy equipment (listening into plans Allison may have been making to leave him?) ( Loyd Rayney style perhaps?) and equipment to protect himself in the event that he was ever watched or searched perhaps? If QPS finds this then it will add to the list of documents to help prove premeditation.

I think we will see more shocking actions soon and he will clearly show his motives and premeditation and planning....

Unfortunately, this is also possible sadly. Hypothetically, the alleged murderer had to ensure that Allison's iphone was not found as it allegedly contained much evidence of the above activities. Iphones can be used as spying devices and conversations can be listened into remotely without the awareness of the owner of the iphone. For example, if Allison had her iphone in her handbag or on the table while she was having coffee with friends, the conversations can be listened into remotely via the iphone. Of course, not your average Joe, but someone with an interest in doing so. Hopefully QPolice is right on it. Maybe some of our technowiz members can expand on this. My opinion only, not fact.
What has happened is the best thing possible.
The police can use his actions whilst in jail , to prove motive and premeditation.
Police can prove he has acted without resources in jail to gain complete control of this property and push the rightful owners out of the proceeds of sale. He knew how to do this in his own head.
The dickies can protect Allison's money and not have the burdon of holding and protecting a rental property.
The proceeds of sale is cash and can be protected and not distributed at all . Money held in a trust till the outcome of the trial can earn interest. This is better than having a property sit, and cost thousands of dollars in mortgage payments, rates, insurance etc.
The police and the Dickies are way ahead of " Mr World of Life behind bars"

I don't think money in trust accounts earn interest.
Check - there could be A LOT more of those properties sold to clients below market value to leverage the tax benefit and assist in reducing the development cost.

Would be worth and investigation into previous properties.

Aunty you must be feeling very emotional today - love your passion!
If she was planning to leave him and disgusted by his cheating, I hope she threw them in a river herself, right in front of him and spat in his ugly face( ok, get a fake set and let him think that, then max out his credit cards , meanwhile pawn them herself and do a little bit more shopping maybe.
I hope that's what happened. I hope Allison showed him what a loser he is and had something for herself .

I am sure Allison, true daughter of her parents, acted with dignity and did not stoop to his level.

Thanks for the link, interesting read. It does appear Tim Zampech has done the right thing by The Dickies here and his legal obligations. Seems people have felt the need to contact him personally and offer 'advice' which to me seems out of line. Tim states he was contacted by a "representative of WOTS" which we can safely say was OW.

But if this is true:


One has to wonder if this guy has been recommended to OW by someone in the TM camp?? Nice convenience that her brother is a property lawyer aswell. I've gotta say (IMO) I'm not convinced TM doesnt want to be with GBC still. Just a gut feeling. From what we've been told in MSM she seemed pretty entrenched in the BC family.

As mentioned earlier about GBC giving TM commissions etc and showing favouritism. I think its also safe to say she was creating a little 'nest egg' for when her and GBC could finally be together. I think this woman was involved and still is involved in alot more than meets the eye. Again JMO.
One has to wonder if this guy has been recommended to OW by someone in the TM camp?? Nice convenience that her brother is a property lawyer aswell. I've gotta say (IMO) I'm not convinced TM doesnt want to be with GBC still. Just a gut feeling. From what we've been told in MSM she seemed pretty entrenched in the BC family.

As mentioned earlier about GBC giving TM commissions etc and showing favouritism. I think its also safe to say she was creating a little 'nest egg' for when her and GBC could finally be together. I think this woman was involved and still is involved in alot more than meets the eye. Again JMO.

There is much for further consideration contained in the above post:-

i) I'm not convinced TM doesnt want to be with GBC still.
ii) She seemed pretty entrenched in the BC family.
iii) GBC giving TM commissions etc and showing favouritism.
iv) I think its also safe to say she was creating a little 'nest egg' for when her and GBC could finally be together
v) I think this woman was involved and still is involved in alot more than meets the eye.

A question which could be asked is was she or any of her family/business associates involved in the recent sale process of the Gold Coast property?
This is a question for QPolice - I would imagine given that there is a murder investigation going on. My opinion only, not fact.
I don't think money in trust accounts earn interest.

Keen you are correct. Real estate agents and lawyers trust accounts don't earn interest for the clients, so if money is going to be held for any significant length of time, the parties that may be entitled to it usually agree that it be invested in an interest bearing bank account. Then at least it can be earning some money pending agreement on its distribution by the persons who may have an entitlement to it.
As mentioned earlier about GBC giving TM commissions etc and showing favouritism. I think its also safe to say she was creating a little 'nest egg' for when her and GBC could finally be together.

I agree that this could have been happening though I don't know GBC's intentions in allowing this to happen. Could just be to keep sweet with TM as he owed her money. I wonder if he really ever intended to leave Allison for TM even though he told her that he would in that Overland email. I think being with TM would have limited his sexual shenanigans as she would be keeping a very close eye on him and have him under the thumb so to speak, more so than Allison perhaps. So a relationship with TM would not give him his freedom. He would also have to deal with her children and play happy families as well as his responsibilities to his own girls. Was that more pressures that he would have wanted? I don't know, just putting it out there.

Edit. I also don't think that TM was his "type". I think he liked the younger, preferably blonde women. But of course I don't know that for sure. I always felt when he gave the interview that he wouldn't have approached that pretty blonde reporter if it had been a male. Just my gut, nothing else.
A question which could be asked is was she or any of her family/business associates involved in the recent sale process of the Gold Coast property?
This is a question for QPolice - I would imagine.

:websleuther: My opinion only, not fact.

Exactly ;)
I agree that this could have been happening though I don't know GBC's intentions in allowing this to happen. Could just be to keep sweet with TM as he owed her money. I wonder if he really ever intended to leave Allison for TM even though he told her that he would in that Overland email. I think being with TM would have limited his sexual shenanigans as she would be keeping a very close eye on him and have him under the thumb so to speak, more so than Allison perhaps. So a relationship with TM would not give him his freedom. He would also have to deal with her children and play happy families as well as his responsibilities to his own girls. Was that more pressures that he would have wanted? I don't know, just putting it out there.

I hear ya, Alioop. I've wondered the same myself. Part of me thinks he'd only shack up with TM if there was an obligation there i.e. money. Another part of me thinks she was probably meeting his every need in the sense that she protrayed herself to be far better a partner than Allison to further her allure.

But I'm not so sure she'd keep that close an eye on him. She seemed totally unaware/gullible to the fact he had other 'flings' on the side. If thats what we are led to beleive. I think TM would've justified alot of his behaviour by blaming it on Allison. JMO.
I hear you too Obs. TM wasn't meeting his every need though if he was cheating on her with other women.

I take your point that she was just as gullible and he may have thought he could continue to run business as usual even moving in with her.
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