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Guys, posts have been removed this morning because you have been asked to keep discussions about aussiecrim site out of this thread.

As far as we are concerned, even if they were "censored", we don't know this.

The guy could quite possibly be having technical issues with the site, which he has had in the past.

Any further posts on that will be removed. Please stick to the topic of Allison's case.
alioop just curious about this from the report last week when Geoff Dickie was applying for control of Allison's estate. It states he was given an interim order for it but then right at the end of the report it says a decision is due next Friday (which makes it 7th Sept)

September 05, 2012

THE father of Brookfield mother Allison Baden-Clay has been given an interim order to take control of her estate from her husband Gerard.

Today's application hearing has now finished. A decision is due next Friday.
Guys if you want to further discuss aussiecrims site could you please take it to chat thread so that it leaves this thread for Allison's case.

Thanks possumheart, but Marlywings meant discussing the AussieCriminals website being "down".


Again, please take the discussion about that site being down to the Chit Chat thread. :tyou:
alioop just curious about this from the report last week when Geoff Dickie was applying for control of Allison's estate. It states he was given an interim order for it but then right at the end of the report it says a decision is due next Friday (which makes it 7th Sept)

Marly, I think just bad reporting from the Courier mail. The judge made the order on the spot, GBC did not contest Mr Dickie's application- Mr Dickie was going to be appointed interim administrator of Allison's will as he was the back up executor and GBC was not able to perform his appointment as executor given the murder charges and being in remand. Though even if he were on bail I am sure he still wouldn't have been allowed to act as executor. A quick and easy decision for the judge to make in the circumstances so he made it on the spot. It would have taken a couple of days for the official stamped court order to issue from the registry.
Just dropping by, hellooooooo where is everyone, been a tad quiet since last past 44 mins after midday.

Is this site still working?
Yes we are all just waiting for news any news will do.
Well there is sensational news on "that" Facebook page.
I won't link as it's pure rumour at this stage!

Will keep an eye on it and if anything is proven will post.
Well there is sensational news on "that" Facebook page.
I won't link as it's pure rumour at this stage!

Will keep an eye on it and if anything is proven will post.

just had a peep, wow!! if its true, he has ruined so many lives, its far reaching!
where is everyone?? its just me and eight guests! awkward!!
Well there is sensational news on "that" Facebook page.
I won't link as it's pure rumour at this stage!

Will keep an eye on it and if anything is proven will post.

Is that the JFA and Family page CC? I haven't been on any of the FB pages about this case for a very long time. A lot of the comments seem quite tactless and pointed unfortunately; not great info, is any of it reliable?
Hi everyone

Wow, good work everyone re the Companies!
Have been reading up on posts as not been able to for most of the week.
You guys amaze me at every turn, good sleuthing!

Seeking, you asked about the pdf file attached with the double adapter.
My guess is that it is an instruction manual, I didn't actually have a look at it.
Instruction: Plug into wall, he he he. Nah, it probably explains how to get information off it etc. etc. I still haven't worked out how to quote from a previous Thread, I'll get there. It's probably really simple too :)

Fuskier, you are amazing at hunting down posts as well as Makara, Mountain Misst and everyone else...few headaches there I'm guessing, good now that it's been cleared up. I was stressing just reading up thinking omg, what is going on, why aren't the links no longer working?

Yay, pat on the back to all of you for a great job well done!

You may provide a link but please don't copy & paste comments from aussiecrims site. As per the rules found here...

[ame=""]Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
You know, just a thought here.....

If my husband/wife had gone missing/found deceased, there is no way in the world that I would let my children go to school. I would be too scared to let them out of my sight and would keep them with me until such time as was necessary. I know kids need to be with their peers, but wouldn't their safety come first? Yes it would. I would be scared something would happen to them and would not trust anyone else to look after them except myself. Plus I would be asking the Police for protection for my children etc. It's really as simple as that I think anyway.
Everyone's different. Whilst I don't know what I would do, I may decide to send them to school and play it all down with the kids as she could turn up at any time. (Of course presuming I know I didn't kill her!) That way I could do all I could to find my spouse with the kids otherwise occupied.
i read an interesting letter on this page from the harcourts estate agent who recently sold allisons house, defending his actions

also, wondering how all gbcs mistresses are coping with the burdon of knowing and being with him, wonder if he confided in any of the others about his plans, horrible to have hindsight after the fact. i imagine they would feel a sense of having a lucky escape!
you would feel you had a lucky escape
Is that the JFA and Family page CC? I haven't been on any of the FB pages about this case for a very long time. A lot of the comments seem quite tactless and pointed unfortunately; not great info, is any of it reliable?

Thanks Marlywings, I wasn't too sure.

Here is the "sensational link" from Facebook
I hope it's a rumour!
I'm not buying anything on that FB page. MSM would've been all over it had been true. They seem to just copy and paste their 'info' from here or Auscrims.
Everyone's different. Whilst I don't know what I would do, I may decide to send them to school and play it all down with the kids as she could turn up at any time. (Of course presuming I know I didn't kill her!) That way I could do all I could to find my spouse with the kids otherwise occupied.

Agree alioop, everyone is different.

Please delete if this is not appropriate, I'm thinking it is as I'm trying to figure why GBC did not act in this way IMOO?

1.If the spouse/partner was 'missing':
I would leave them with a trusted relative while I searched as much as possible but I would not leave them for extended periods of time anywhere. GBC did not search for Allison.

2. If the spouse/partner was found 'deceased':
For me, and I can't speak for anyone else, though to me most people would as it would be human nature to and we have primal instincts to defend/protect our offspring. Firstly, my primal instincts would kick in and if I knew I did nothing to cause my spouse/partner's demise, I would be fearful as to who did and would not let my children out of my sight. I would seek psychologists/police advice and monitor their behaviour as well and then decide with the advice of professionals/police when they should go back into a school setting, most probably on staggered time frames, the timing of that I would go on Police advice again. I would go with them to the school for short periods of time, but I would still be around.
The Police psychologist/counsellor would help to explain to the children why this is occurring as well.

There can also be special instructions even through a Court that no one can pick up your children from school except yourself, though not foolproof.

Of course if I knew it was 'me' for argument's sake, who caused the spouses' demise, I would not be fearful of letting my children out of my sight because I would know who the murderer is.

In relation to playing it down for the children, of course that's logical and good that you have mentioned it, I would do everything to try and play it down,I would show them strength explain to them why certain things have to occur, etc. Even if I was fearful (for them), I would not show them that fear, though I would still not allow them to be away from me. I would arrange Counselling immediately, through the school and then through Victims of Crime and be there with them. In the meantime I would be working with Police with my full co-operation, GBC has not done this, he has stayed silent, he has not given the QPS his full co-operation.

Interesting subject alioop, would be good if some verified poster who is a psychologist could elaborate on this sensitive matter? I guess in the long run it's up to the individual family, but I would go on Police advice.
P.S. He did not leave them out of his sight in the early days because imo he was afraid of what they would say. There are many things he did not do to show he was worried for their safety.
You know, just a thought here.....

If my husband/wife had gone missing/found deceased, there is no way in the world that I would let my children go to school. I would be too scared to let them out of my sight and would keep them with me until such time as was necessary. I know kids need to be with their peers, but wouldn't their safety come first? Yes it would. I would be scared something would happen to them and would not trust anyone else to look after them except myself. Plus I would be asking the Police for protection for my children etc. It's really as simple as that I think anyway.

I would let the kids go to school so that I could go look for my husband!!
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