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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I do not believe for a moment that Allison left her medication in the glove-box of the car and also the carport as was reported today. She had three little girls to consider and I feel sure that she would not leave her medication in harm's way.

Not so good try GBC. :furious:

I don't think she would have stored it in the car either. Here's something I found:

Keep your tablets where young
children cannot reach them.
A locked cupboard at least 1and a
half metres above the ground is a
good place to store medicines.
Keep Zoloft in a cool, dry place
where the temperature stays below
Do not store it or any other
medicine in the bathroom or near a
sink. Do not leave it in the car or
on window sills.$File/pfczolot.pdf
Yes, this has me intrigued as well Doc. You mentioned earlier that the Fig Tree Pocket tower can be seen from Moggill Road. Is it possible that the phone pinged to the FTP tower as Allison and her phone were transported to Kholo Creek? Another scenario is that GBC took the phone to FTP, phoned himself and then left Allison's phone at FTP still connected. He or one of the clan collected it later. IMO that phone will never be found and I also believe that OW knows what happened to it.


I drive down Moggill/Mt Crosby Road all the time and have never been connected to a FTP Tower.
Of course she wouldnt do that, and you cant get another script filled until your other one is nearly up. Its not like you can stockpile zoloft easily.

When I was on zoloft/xanax my psychiatrist was forever stockpiling me up and I did have a MASSIVE amount. About a years worth... he just kept giving me scripts and I kept filling them. (Bad I know, but I'm not an organised person and was not in a good state of mind)
I think of course the defence is running its suicide theory, they have nothing else to claim! It's an extremely ridiculous theory to think they can convince people of though. They expect us to believe she pays to get her hair done, then takes such little care with it as to get plants in it later that same night, has plans for the next day and goes *somehow* several km from her home at night to the bridge and then decides to take too much zoloft and sit there in the mud waiting for it to claim her life (no evidence of a fall, the bridge maybe not high enough to kill anyway and why take a drug overdose if you were going to do it by jumping)? Puh-lease!! Who would do it that way? If she was going to go somewhere to suicide I don't think she'd want to be hidden to risk her kids never knowing whether she was alive or dead, or leave no note for them. Also how do they propose she got there with the cars at home? Why wouldnt she take a car when they had two? She wouldnt have motive to try to make her death or where it happened a secret! Why would she walk somewhere that is so far and the route is dark, narrow cornered and hilly (trust me I know it), it's not a walking route. If she got a lift with someone they think the person who did it wouldn't remember after her face being splashed on the news so much?

*if* she had a lethal amount of drugs in her system, and it's a big if since the report didn't find that to be true, then I don't believe she ingested that knowingly herself. People have been poisoned before. The killer may have done that first to make the kill easier or for the intended purpose of claiming suicide later.

Pfffft defence, not buying it one iota.

December 14, 2012 - 6:41PM
Amy Remeikis

However, Justice Applegarth said the Crown's contention that Mrs Baden-Clay was killed late on April 19 or the early hours of April 20 had been put in doubt by evidence that the 43-year-old's phone's internet service was engaged at 6.21am on April 20 and remained on for 13 hours.

Justive Applegarth said the evidence pointed to the phone being in the Fig Tree Pocket area, far away from Mr Baden-Clay.
I was just thinking too that GBC's comments and actions will hurt his attempts to be thought of as innocent.

He was apparently asleep all night yet his phone managed to be pretty active.

He told police his affair was over for a while yet the mistress would confirm it was continuing and he planned to leave his wife as does Aison's diary seemingly.

He says he used an app on his phone to try to find her but tests show he didn't

His wife is listed as only missing yet he is contacting the life insurance agent to expect a claim on her policy


Then they could play the crocodile tears interview.

Tell me this though - someone may watch a show and want to understand the term pleading the fifth but would anyone really search for self incrimination from watching tv?
Sorry, this is going to be a long one...

Firstly, apologies regarding the flowers on Kholo Creek bridge. My husband swore there were none left, but yes they are obviously still there! I think it was because the flowers off the Kholo Creek sign is no longer blocking it and he got confused.

I have also believed Allison was left where she was found, and had my eerie feeling every time I went over the bridge. I did comment on this way back and got knocked down by another member (who knocked me down quite a few times actually).

I'd still like to know why GBC had a face-time call with his dad and why his phone was on/off the charger throughout the night Allison went missing.

Re: diary. There seems to be no saddened notes written by Allison. Having had depression myself, when I am down, my diary notes are really quite bad. The words don't make sense, the anger comes out and I write exactly what I feel.

Suicide - never believed it. Why get your hair down, just to commit suicide? And IF Allison were to do this, the way she loved her girls she most likely would have written a note to them.

Thanks to everyone for posting all their court notes and thoughts.

Also how do they propose she got there with the cars at home? Why wouldnt she take a car when they had two? She wouldnt have motive to try to make her death or where it happened a secret! Why would she walk somewhere that is so far and the route is dark, narrow cornered and hilly (trust me I know it), it's not a walking route. If she got a lift with someone they think the person who did it wouldn't remember after her face being splashed on the news so much?

I just google maped it and it said it'd take over 3 hours to walk.

If it took that long SOMEONE would see a lone woman walking those roads at night.
Amy Remeikis ‏@Amy_Remeikis
Also, washing the Baden-Clay off me felt amazing. Loooonnnng day. #youdontknowunlessyouwerethere @CarlyWaters7 @ursulaheger @AshleyMcDermid
I just read about the diary. My heart continues to break for sweet Allison. :tears: I look forward to the day GBC is locked up for good.
He must be crying in his cell right now. He must be a little bit hurt, but he'll be ok.
Is there an on line article which states what was written in the diary?

Allsion is fighting for justice from the grave,guiding them to what they need.

Of course she would be pondering her marriage after finding out what a low life he was. She gave up everything for this man, for what? He seems to have walked all over her : (
I've moved back to the other side of the world since the first bail hearing, yet I still log on and check to see what is happening.

I am exceedingly glad that this frankly spurious attempt has failed.

I find his appetite to blacken Allison's name so repeatedly utterly disturbing. He clearly doesn't think about his children's mental health at all.
Mulling overnight.... Suicide was the obvious scapegoat & worth a go for bail. What if he's setting up for the version of moving her after to protect the girls. Wouldn't put it past him, can picture it now had to use the money for legal fees and bail to be out for the girls. Dr Watson a question for you would drugs disperse through a person if administered after death - wouldn't be ingested but as they broke down would they be present in the tissues and organs they were close to?
Back to being obsessed.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I just had to vent - blondey, browney redish hair????
Didn't he know what colour her hair was!
I drive down Moggill/Mt Crosby Road all the time and have never been connected to a FTP Tower.
Interesting. You may have stumbled upon something there. Have you checked with Telstra
that your phone has never been connected to FTP? This needs to be sleuthed further IMO
about what the possibilities could be.
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