DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Forensic examination of GBC's phone shows it was connected to a charger at 8.29pm on thurs 19 April. At 8.45pm it was removed from the charger. At 12.30 am his phone was used to make a facetime call to NBC's iPhone. At 1.48am on Friday 20 April it was connected to a charger. At 6.18 am it was removed from the charger. First text sent to Allison at 6.20am.

I am in no way good with technical stuff, but I would guess that connected or disconnected to a charger really means connected to or disconnected from a power source. The charger itself is not a power source but a means of obtaining power. So bearing this in mind can we interpret the above like this:-

8.29 connected to a power source, possibly in a car, to a computer or a power point at home or elsewhere.
8.45 removed from whatever that power source was. It was only charging for 16 minutes. Maybe it was charging in the car during a quick trip in the car somewhere. Maybe a drive through kenmore roundabout to get petrol or milk or some errand that only was a 16 minute drive one way? Or maybe he was at home and made a call, text or email or used the internet so he took it off the charger and didn't put it back on?

1.48am connected to a power source after 5 hours being off the charger. If that power connection was in the car then when he stopped the car it would have shown as being disconnected from the power source. But that wasn't shown until 6.18am ( 2 minutes before his first text to Allison at 6.20 am). So either he was out in the car with the phone charging or perhaps in a car with phone attached to a computer using its battery power source ( unlikely) for a bit under 5 hours. Or he could have been out then come home and left the phone in the car on the accessories with the key remaining in the ignition and then turned off the car and unplugged the phone at 6.18. ( unlikely) .
I say unlikely because I think the last thing he would have been thinking was the record on his phone of it going on and off a charger. He like most of us wouldn't even know his phone kept a record of that and he never thought he would be a suspect and have his phone forensically examined.

So I think it likely that he was at home at 1.48am and put his phone on the charger to a power point. It stayed there til 6.18 am when he removed it from the charger and texted Alison. So if he went out after 1.48 am he didn't take his phone with him because he would have had to remove it from the home charger to do that. More likely it is that he was aware that his phone location could be tracked by an app so he didn't take it with him to dispose of Allison's body.

So if he had no phone in the car with him and if he had another car helping him, then communication would have been a bit difficult between vehicles. Maybe they stopped say at the Anstead shops for a chat?

I would be interested to hear what anyone else thinks about all this stuff.

Thanks alioop, this makes sense - of course the phone must have stayed connected until 6:18am which to me means it is unlikely to have been charged in the car.

I think a very interesting aspect in all of this is also Allison's phone, whether it was used and whether the police have been able to track its movements. Perhaps it was used when gbc's was home on the charger? Or maybe he would have worried about it being tracked too....

Edit: snap Makara re Allison's phone :)
Liadan, the mention on Monday is another procedural date where the magistrate will check the progress of the prosecution handing over all the outstanding evidence to the defence. If there is still any outstanding then it will likely be adjourned to another date for the magistrate to then check on that date if there is nothing outstanding. Hopefully at Monday's mention everything will have been done that had to be done. If it is I don't think a date for the committal is decided on Monday. I think it happens further down the track when the defence have had a chance to examine all the material and they can then say what their client pleads. If the plea is guilty then it goes straight to sentencing. If not guilty then a committal date is set. If at the committal the magistrate finds that there is sufficient evidence to likely convict , then it goes to trial in the Supreme Court some time later when it can be fit into the busy court calendar.

Re evidence at the committal, the prosecution will present witnesses who answer questions then can be cross examined by the defence. They would have already done statements but these aren't usually available to the public as they are not filed in the court. The committal will usually be open to the public. Same thing re a trial.

Thanks Alioops - I don't seem to be able to keep the different kind of dates straight in my head.
Thanks makara and Thinking for your comments. Good point re Allison's phone as I hadn't factored it into any of my ponderings about GBC's phone usage. If he did take her phone then I wonder if he was stupid enough to call anyone from it. It would have been tempting as he didn't have his own phone whilst driving around. Even if the police never did find her phone, there would be records on the called numbers if he did call someone. I am pretty sure that the police took all the BC mobile phones for forensic examination.
Thanks alioop, this makes sense - of course the phone must have stayed connected until 6:18am which to me means it is unlikely to have been charged in the car.

I think a very interesting aspect in all of this is also Allison's phone, whether it was used and whether the police have been able to track its movements. Perhaps it was used when gbc's was home on the charger? Or maybe he would have worried about it being tracked too....

What has me stumped is if GBC did in fact ditch Allison's phone why did he leave it switched on? Was it to back up his story that she went for a walk? Or was it accidently dropped? It was reported in MSM that Allison's phone was triangulated to within 150 metres of her house. I'm looking for the link to that now.
So that then leads me to think, why did the murderer get rid of Allison's phone. Would there have been anything much for him to worry about on it prior to Allison's death? I don't think so, not more so than in her diary or info she may have given to friends or family.
I think the phone must have been involved either at the time of her death like an attempted call for help or it was involved in the disposal of her body. So possibly calls made on it or its tracking apps. That must be why it was necessary to dispose of it. Or to set up a story that someone stole it when they killed her whilst she was out for a walk.

I do hope the QPS did find it and they are keeping any evidence from it up their sleeve for the committal.
According to this article, it was KAW who was the last one to have contact with Allison, albeit by phone. I wish we knew what time Allison sent KAW the text message, or if in fact it was Allison at all. I'm sure QPS have all of that information. I know we've gone over this before but I like to re-visit the MSM articles to see what else pops out.

Mrs Baden-Clay's best friend, KAW, has helped the Dickies in their ordeal and was at the search site every day. She was one of the last to have contact with Mrs Baden-Clay, texting her on the night she disappeared about her plans for the following day.
"That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that night, so she would have got all her stuff ready," KAW said.
"I had texted her that day, the Thursday, and she texted me back that night saying she'd drop around on her way home from this conference ."She arranged to drop some stuff off for me on the way home. So it was all a bit of a shock."

Thanks alioop, this makes sense - of course the phone must have stayed connected until 6:18am which to me means it is unlikely to have been charged in the car.

I think a very interesting aspect in all of this is also Allison's phone, whether it was used and whether the police have been able to track its movements. Perhaps it was used when gbc's was home on the charger? Or maybe he would have worried about it being tracked too....

Been sifting thru the grey matter re retrieval of iPhone data. If Allison used iTunes to download upgrades on her iPhone (as us iPhone users do) then iTunes would have stored lots of data - such as a call log, contacts etc, which is able to be retrieved by remote access (by the user or QPS presumably).

This is in a similar manner to which extraction of GBC's phone data exposed the Face Time call (although that wasn't done thru iTunes because QPS had the actual phone).

So lots would have been able to be retrieved by QPS with their extraction software by remote access - at least up to when she last updated the phone. As to more recent data. I know not how.
Thanks makara and Thinking for your comments. Good point re Allison's phone as I hadn't factored it into any of my ponderings about GBC's phone usage. If he did take her phone then I wonder if he was stupid enough to call anyone from it. It would have been tempting as he didn't have his own phone whilst driving around. Even if the police never did find her phone, there would be records on the called numbers if he did call someone. I am pretty sure that the police took all the BC mobile phones for forensic examination.

I agree Alioop - i think her phone is incredibly important. Everytime I charge my iPhone I hook it up to my PC and to resync it as well but maybe Allison didn't have the same procedure -maybe she ust charged it and didn't bother to resync. But all her calls and texts that that day would have been logged on other phones and obviously the phone bill. That is information that GBC can't erase.

I also reckon as I mentioned several threads back that she had to have had a phone with a stealth track app on on it. I reckon there is no way in the world a man with so many mistresses would risk his wife coming anywhere near him. I don't think she knew how many he had. Imagine him driving by the house out to a property and oops there are Allison and the girls off to Ballet. He would want to know her movements! I often wonder if GBC cracked it when she left her phone at home or in the car as I would say I do on a regular basis. How inconvenient for GBC.
According to this article, it was KAW who was the last one to have contact with Allison, albeit by phone. I wish we knew what time Allison sent KAW the text message, or if in fact it was Allison at all. I'm sure QPS have all of that information. I know we've gone over this before but I like to re-visit the MSM articles to see what else pops out.

Mrs Baden-Clay's best friend, KAW has helped the Dickies in their ordeal and was at the search site every day. She was one of the last to have contact with Mrs Baden-Clay, texting her on the night she disappeared about her plans for the following day.
"That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that night, so she would have got all her stuff ready," KAW said.
"I had texted her that day, the Thursday, and she texted me back that night saying she'd drop around on her way home from this conference ."She arranged to drop some stuff off for me on the way home. So it was all a bit of a shock."


So Makara just to clarify- KAW was one of the last people to speak to Allison but not the last. I reckon that QPS will keep the log of phone calls to themselves and would not want everyone to know who her last contact was with. I am sure "Hey honey I am coming home" was not the sort of thing she was calling to say. But we know she wasn't confiding in anyone.

If there is a friend in her contacts who could share some light on how foul her homelife had been or she had seen a cousellor besides our handy dandy Marriage Enancement Facilitator then this info could be the last loose screw holding the hinge so to speak and could let the information flow. I am doubtful tho - she seemed so carefully contained in life her emotions and actions were so thought through.
I also reckon as I mentioned several threads back that she had to have had a phone with a stealth track app on on it. I reckon there is no way in the world a man with so many mistresses would risk his wife coming anywhere near him. I don't think she knew how many he had. Imagine him driving by the house out to a property and oops there are Allison and the girls off to Ballet. He would want to know her movements! I often wonder if GBC cracked it when she left her phone at home or in the car as I would say I do on a regular basis. How inconvenient for GBC.

Liadan, I don't know about stealth stuff but in GBC's own text words he is saying that Allison had some app that he could see where she was. Maybe that was enough to for him to normally keep track of her whereabouts. She may or may not have known that app was on her phone. But why say those words in the text. I feel he added that for a reason but I don't know what his reason was.
I think it is good to revisit old stuff as threads were moving at a fast pace and I know I glossed over stuff that now knowing more, is very relevant and fills some of the gaps.

It is not as if we have loads of new info to keep us busy and probably won't have much more until the committal likely to be next year!!
I think it is good to revisit old stuff as threads were moving at a fast pace and I know I glossed over stuff that now knowing more, is very relevant and fills some of the gaps.

It is not as if we have loads of new info to keep us busy and probably won't have much more until the committal likely to be next year!!

I agree alioop. The last few days of posts have been great and very interesting and relevant.

One thing that continues to haunt me is the fact that the children were there that night. The neighbors reported a disturbance and we have all seen the pics of the house - let's face it, it is not a big home. The living space appears to all be on one level. I can't see how the children could possibly not have heard goings on.

Without wanting to discuss the children personally I was just wondering alioop, from a legal perspective - can children definitely be called as witnesses and if so, how much credence is their testimony given (speaking generally)?
So Makara just to clarify- KAW was one of the last people to speak to Allison but not the last. I reckon that QPS will keep the log of phone calls to themselves and would not want everyone to know who her last contact was with. I am sure "Hey honey I am coming home" was not the sort of thing she was calling to say. But we know she wasn't confiding in anyone.

If there is a friend in her contacts who could share some light on how foul her homelife had been or she had seen a cousellor besides our handy dandy Marriage Enancement Facilitator then this info could be the last loose screw holding the hinge so to speak and could let the information flow. I am doubtful tho - she seemed so carefully contained in life her emotions and actions were so thought through.

Point taken, thanks Liadan. The article does say "one of the last" not the last, as I said in my previous post. Sorry, my mind has been a bit foggy of late, too much real life stuff on it at the moment.

Marriage Enhancement Facilitator!! Eeeek! Gawd I laughed the first time I read that and then saw a photo of NBC! :floorlaugh: He's enough to scare the pants off anyone! :what:

Hopefully he didn't offer his services to Allison and GBC. That is just wrong on so many levels.

Re:phone charger . He was supposed to be asleep. Allison was supposed to be alive . According to him. Hope he doesn't use that one
Evening troops :) Sorry been otherwise preoccupied for a few days, and only just checked in.

Liadan - your question about the rate of decomposition of the brain relative to the rest of the body: as stated previously, I'm not a forensic pathologist, but the brain cells die within minutes of death, whereas other tissues take varying amounts of time. After 11 days, I would have thought that the brain would already be well on its way to decomposition. I don't know of any situations that would CAUSE the brain to decompose faster than normal - but that doesn't exclude them just because I don't know about them. But overall, I'd be thinking that the decomp of the brain would be more advanced after 11 days than many other body parts.

Alioop: just on your timeline of the phone-charger scenario: the iPhone connector/charger on my 4WD is wired to be ON all the time, irrespective of the state of the ignition. I often forget to take the phone out of the car, and it just charges overnight from the vehicle battery, even though the car is in the garage. Just a little factor that MAY be a complication in an otherwise excellent theory that could tie together what could have happened that night.

Good sleuthing in the last few pages since I last checked in - some impressive stuff in there. I'm also trying to find out whether or not that house sale went through, or if the Dickies managed to get some justice for Allison out of the deal. I'll let you know if I find out.

Keep up the good work :)
Doc, that is interesting about your car charger being on all the time. My captiva charger doesn't do this, however it is a few years old. I will see what i can find out about the charger in the new series 11 captiva that the BC's had. This seems to be the relevant car as it is the one the police are holding as evidence due to the blood they found in it.
Doc, that is interesting about your car charger being on all the time. My captiva charger doesn't do this, however it is a few years old. I will see what i can find out about the charger in the new series 11 captiva that the BC's had. This seems to be the relevant car as it is the one the police are holding as evidence due to the blood they found in it.

That is interesting Ali, may I ask how you know that BC Captiva is a Series 11, with a Msm quote?
If convicted, surely the girls will be adults by the time GBC is released.
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