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DNA Solves
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There is no current legal basis for a family court judge to prohibit access by the BC's. They have not been charged with any crime and they had a very close relationship with the girls prior to Allison's death and prior to GBC's arrest. It may have been after the Dickie's were given temporary custody when GBC was arrested that the BC's weren't allowed contact with them but as time has moved on and no further arrests made, they have obviously been allowed contact as being in the interests of the girls.

The BCs have them for a weekend every few weeks.
The third woman, just from memory , could be that one from Belle real estate, in Brissy somewhere, she had a very long chin, mother of 2 ( her face book said,
" I just love being a mother!!") blonde, sometimes referred to actually as Chinwoman at various times, on various blogs.

Chinwoman! I've not heard of her. Must. find. Chinwoman.
Having scrolled through all Belle's profiles I cant find she has either resigned or been fired, or has removed her staff profile. Its not a face one forgets. I recall, vaguely , that she came to light around May last year, and it was from her that the lead went on to Sydney woman ( Ms Crane). Vaguer still, is that the actual agency, Belle Real Estate Agency was in Carina.. or it ended in that vowel. Or sounded like that word. Not from Brisbane, or Qld, so can't nail it satisfactorily.
Having scrolled through all Belle's profiles I cant find she has either resigned or been fired, or has removed her staff profile. Its not a face one forgets. I recall, vaguely , that she came to light around May last year, and it was from her that the lead went on to Sydney woman ( Ms Crane). Vaguer still, is that the actual agency, Belle Real Estate Agency was in Carina.. or it ended in that vowel. Or sounded like that word. Not from Brisbane, or Qld, so can't nail it satisfactorily.

Was it MH from Belle at Taringa?
I don't see a Taringa office listed.

If it was me I would move office and head up the coast away from people who might know me - just in case......if it comes out she will be bombarded as well.....
If it was me I would move office and head up the coast away from people who might know me - just in case......if it comes out she will be bombarded as well.....

Silly, silly girls falling for <modsnip> silky seduction.
Clearly I have alliteratitis tonight
I just don't see what the attraction is!!

Like I've said to my friends, he must be hung like a horse or something because he ain't much to look at!
I just don't see what the attraction is!!

Like I've said to my friends, he must be hung like a horse or something because he ain't much to look at!

Oh, you are so rude alicat.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I just don't see what the attraction is!!

Like I've said to my friends, he must be hung like a horse or something because he ain't much to look at!

Bahahahahaha I'm hearing ya!!
Gerard would have worked the percentage system.. Proposition EVERYONE and eventually, someone will say, why not? ... We haven't heard, and probably wont, from the women who knocked the loser back.

The irony of Ole Tone complaining to Gerard about his 'unfaithfulness' to her. It just slays me. Those diary excerpts are heartbreaking. Ole Tone calling Allison a 'lady of leisure'... 3 little kids, a house, trying to start up her career. ... rotten husband, vile inlaws, debt, emotional abuse, financial abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse? of a certain sort, I am sure. Allison, Allison, why didnt you GO?? just GO. ..

Another thing that irks me. What are the qualifications necessary for 'marriage counselling'?? if any? this homework exercise... these lists.. I dunno. . they look well... USELESS, to me. ..
Thought I'd pop back to see whats been happening with all the latest news! i yahooed when they announced the bail denied!! It's taken me a few days to catch up on all the posts! Nothing new to add, you're all doing a great job keeping us in the loop. :)
&#8220;Three alleged affairs, including a relationship with a woman named for the first time as Jackie Crane, and their impact on his troubled marriage are also detailed.&#8221;

Jackie Crane, another women linked by court documents and MSM to GBC (aka Bruce Overland, Gorgeous Boy, or <<<<modsnip>>>) has been active in removing her information quickly.

For those of you that missed the facebook and linkedIn profiles, here is a cached version showing her photo and position as Business Manager at Devine Real Estate in Sydney.

IMO, she does look a little like Allison.

They're all forgettable, like their rancid casanova.:twocents::twocents:
Bahaha 'rancid Casanova' is at least four cents' worth
Lots of good points and I agree with your friend's estimate of the cost of the bail application. Regarding the part that I have bolded about GBC's debt, from my understanding of hearing it discussed in court is that when the forensic accounting was done, it showed that at the time of Allison's death that they had plenty of debt but that when the paper value of his rent roll was offset against the debt that the amount of actual debt was $58,000. But they didn't have the cash for the value of the rent roll, if they did they would not have been for eg maxed out on the credit cards or GBC crying to get a loan. So I don't know if his rent roll has since been sold, it probably has to another real estate agent at a discount.

So as to what GBC's current financial position is, I can only guess that it is massively in debt even after the sale of the rent roll. He surely would have nothing left after paying whatever he had for legal fees.

Might it be pro bono?
I am only guessing but I wouldn't think so.
Whenever I revisit Allison's thread, I am really struck everyone time by how much of a bumbling idiot he was. He's so inept, it must be driving his family crazy that he was as crap at murder as he was at his business ventures and life.

I am so rapt his bail hearing cost him 50k. And we got some more information about his idiocy out of it, so money well spent afaiac.

I am looking forward to see who goes down with him, bwana or the minister's wife.

Do they have family suites? :rolleyes:
I am only guessing but I wouldn't think so.

If it is pro bono, you'd have to wonder if it was a tactical error; isn't that supposed to be all about Good Publicity? I can only see Bad coming out of this for any law firm brave enough to touch it....
I am only guessing but I wouldn't think so.

I suspect the legal grapevine in Bris is the same as other places - so if it was pb someone would know.
More likely as your previous post, counsel is legal aid, maybe the charity appeal was to pay sols. ? JMO
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