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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I recently found out TM's mobile phone number and compared to GBC phone records.

GBC made no calls or txt to TM before the 20th, most likely because Allison would check and recognise her number on his phone bill.

Then from the 20th.
5 x text messages
10 x phone calls
All in the two days before his phone was confiscated.

Why didn't he care anymore ?... because he knew Allison would not be around to check!

More compelling circumstantial evidence.

Just my take on the documents that have been posted so far (thanks so much for this guys). So far I honestly do not see a strong link to murder. I am really hoping we have more to work with this week.

I do find so far, the most telling evidence to be the plant species report. This places Allison in the rear of her property in a situation where she could be covered in plant material prior to being placed at Kholo Creek. We can also assume she didn't get her hair done to roll in the trees, be covered in leaves (there was quite few) and then walk 14 km to take her own life. Even if this was the case many of the leaves may have dislodged during the walk.

Now, I can say this from my own analysis - it is not words that are damning in the case - it is the silences, especially from GBC. Ploughing through the finanacial records and various statements I notice that whenever he isn't performing honestly - he remains silent. He never discusses Allison in front of MH. He doesn't refer to finances with his Century 21 partners. He won't discuss bills. He has to have discussion of the affair structured, so that he actaully will discuss it with Allison. He doesn't discuss the exact reasons for needing money with Dr Flegg. The car accident to avoid dealing with police. It is silences rather than lies. In the orignal police reports and doctor's reports, he elicits little discussion other than to answer a direct question by police and he avoids giving direct statements to police. This silencing behaviour is also evident with other family members.

My take on OW- from her recent press statement - I interpreted the message - Look he is my brother so I support him - I love him. I also loved Allison. He hasn't admitted to killing her so I must support him and believe him, I am his sister and this is also my faith. It is ALMOST an apology for her position in the matter, to JUSTIFY her stance. She is doing her duty - but I am not convinced she thinks he is completely innocent deep down. This is my take on the interview. Listen again and tell me what you think, again it is more in what is not being said.

I do hope that something more concrete is offered this week. I have a feeling - the best is yet to come.
I recently found out TM's mobile phone number and compared to GBC phone records.

GBC made no calls or txt to TM before the 20th, most likely because Allison would check and recognise her number on his phone bill.

Then from the 20th.
5 x text messages
10 x phone calls
All in the two days before his phone was confiscated.

Why didn't he care anymore ?... because he knew Allison would not be around to check!

More compelling circumstantial evidence.


Yes!! Good catch on that!!!:rocker:
Has anyone noticed that when Const Ash arrived, he observed a blue sedan which it seems OW used to take the girls to school. When the senior detectives arrived later, Senior Sgt Curtis observed a beige 4WD and by this time OW was back and no mention of a blue sedan. Have I got that correct and is it significant?

OMG What did you say?
That blue sedan has been bugging me for days. Was it a 4WD blue sedan I wonder? Gulp!!
I'm certainly looking forward to it, however I'd be looking forward to it a heck of a lot more if it was live streamed online ;)

Wouldn't that just be the best!!! They do in the USA don't they??
Sucks to be us!!! Would be awesome!!!!
Has anyone noticed that when Const Ash arrived, he observed a blue sedan which it seems OW used to take the girls to school. When the senior detectives arrived later, Senior Sgt Curtis observed a beige 4WD and by this time OW was back and no mention of a blue sedan. Have I got that correct and is it significant?
Whoa..... I missed that about a beige 4WD. What happened to the blue sedan?
Is there a reason the blue sedan should not be at the scene?

It is alleged a white four-wheel-drive didn’t have its headlights on, only parking lights, and was closely tailing a smaller, Blue four-wheel-drive at about 4am on April 2012.
Has anyone noticed that when Const Ash arrived, he observed a blue sedan which it seems OW used to take the girls to school. When the senior detectives arrived later, Senior Sgt Curtis observed a beige 4WD and by this time OW was back and no mention of a blue sedan. Have I got that correct and is it significant?
It was a blue sedan that was parked in the driveway when Constable Ash arrived and parked their Police vehicle behind it. GBC asked the police to move their vehicle so that OW could move her blue sedan. (She had just put the 3 children into the car, for an altogether innocent trip to school.)
Has anyone noticed that when Const Ash arrived, he observed a blue sedan which it seems OW used to take the girls to school. When the senior detectives arrived later, Senior Sgt Curtis observed a beige 4WD and by this time OW was back and no mention of a blue sedan. Have I got that correct and is it significant?
I would dearly love to know a bit more about that blue sedan. And its secrets.
Neil Robertson't statement - Interesting Skype call on 20/4/12 at 11:43 am: "Hi there, can we talk. Something very serious." From Nigelain's laptop to Adam in Canada. Was this OW calling or Elaine? Was NBC still at the house with GBC and police at that time?

I would have said: "Hi there, Allison is missing and we can't find her!"

Another very suss thing!
Just my take on the documents that have been posted so far (thanks so much for this guys). So far I honestly do not see a strong link to murder. I am really hoping we have more to work with this week.

I do find so far, the most telling evidence to be the plant species report. This places Allison in the rear of her property in a situation where she could be covered in plant material prior to being placed at Kholo Creek. We can also assume she didn't get her hair done to roll in the trees, be covered in leaves (there was quite few) and then walk 14 km to take her own life. Even if this was the case many of the leaves may have dislodged during the walk.

Now, I can say this from my own analysis - it is not words that are damning in the case - it is the silences, especially from GBC. Ploughing through the finanacial records and various statements I notice that whenever he isn't performing honestly - he remains silent. He never discusses Allison in front of MH. He doesn't refer to finances with his Century 21 partners. He won't discuss bills. He has to have discussion of the affair structured, so that he actaully will discuss it with Allison. He doesn't discuss the exact reasons for needing money with Dr Flegg. The car accident to avoid dealing with police. It is silences rather than lies. In the orignal police reports and doctor's reports, he elicits little discussion other than to answer a direct question by police and he avoids giving direct statements to police. This silencing behaviour is also evident with other family members.

My take on OW- from her recent press statement - I interpreted the message - Look he is my brother so I support him - I love him. I also loved Allison. He hasn't admitted to killing her so I must support him and believe him, I am his sister and this is also my faith. It is ALMOST an apology for her position in the matter, to JUSTIFY her stance. She is doing her duty - but I am not convinced she thinks he is completely innocent deep down. This is my take on the interview. Listen again and tell me what you think, again it is more in what is not being said.

I do hope that something more concrete is offered this week. I have a feeling - the best is yet to come.

I agree that OW seemed like she was begging for QPS to find some other perp, because she could not get her mind to think her brother could have committed this horrible crime. I feel she knows he did it.
I agree that OW seemed like she was begging for QPS to find some other perp, because she could not get her mind to think her brother could have committed this horrible crime. I feel she knows he did it.

Yes. Meanwhile his brother seems to be doing his best to keep right out of it all.

IMO GBC doesn't have his support.
Yes. Meanwhile his brother seems to be doing his best to keep right out of it all.

IMO GBC doesn't have his support.

I feel Elaine is also staying well away from him. She wasn't the first to visit him in jail either!
But Gerard has an explanation for this aberration. 'She had a tendency to put her phone on silent because every time and every email , or something comes to the , you know, it , it, dings, um.. and the girls actually said that this morning.. They said Mum often puts her phone on silent. So we checked where she'd normally leave it. '...

When Allisons phone comes up as out of range, Gerard is right there with an explanation for that, too... .

'it could be', says Gerard.. ' that it's turned off, it could be that location services are turned of , um ah ( indistinct) which is ( indistinct), um , dont either of you guys have an Iphone? um, you do? yeah. Um.. so.. you know, if you, of you look up Yellow pages, um for example , if your location services are turned on, it'll show you the nearest business..... and that sort of thing. But if you turn it off or, or whatever, you can hide from people who are following you, or whatever......'...

Freudian slip there, Gerard??

I'm confused, it's been a long day... is this true? Did he really say this, or is this a made up story? (Sorry, just confused and thanks)
GBC reported Allison missing at 7:15am on Friday 20 April 2012. The police arrived at the Brookfield house at about 8:30am in answer to GBC's OOO call. By 3:00pm that day the house was declared a crime scene.

Sometime after GBC was interviewed by the attending police he;

phoned criminal lawyer Darren Mahoney's office as early as 12:29pm on Friday 20 April.

There was a further call by GBC to Mahoney's office at 12:55pm on the same day.

GBC phoned the office of solicitor Robyn Ratcliffe in Toowoomba twice. Firstly at 1:11pm and again at 1:12pm.

At 2:01pm GBC phoned Darren Mahoney's mobile and called that same number again at 3:08pm.

For a man whose wife was missing, it didn't take GBC very long at all to contact and engage criminal lawyer Darren Mahoney on the very same day that he'd reported his wife missing. A bit odd that! And why a criminal lawyer? Stupid question really. We all know why.

It is interesting to note that NBC also phoned criminal lawyer Darren Mahoney at 3:23pm on Friday 20 April. NBC also sent an SMS to Darren Mahoney as early as 8:12am on Saturday 21 April and his last SMS to Mahoney was at 1:15pm the same day.

Desperate measures for two men who, IMO should have been out searching for Allison and not driving down the highway to the Gold Coast to confer with a criminal lawyer on the same day that GBC reported Allison missing.

What is also very intriguing is that at 12:25pm on Friday 20 April, GBC phoned Andrew Willsford, the Brookfield showgrounds maintenance man. This call preceded the calls mentioned above. Why did GBC phone the maintenance man of the showgrounds across the road from his house? I've always had a sneaking suspicion that GBC somehow had access to the showgrounds and that was where he cleaned the Captiva before returning home. Why did he phone the maintenance man? It will be very interesting to see if Mr. Willsford is called as a witness either at the committal hearing or the trial.

My opinion only and not that of Websleuths.
I recently found out TM's mobile phone number and compared to GBC phone records.

GBC made no calls or txt to TM before the 20th, most likely because Allison would check and recognise her number on his phone bill.

Then from the 20th.
5 x text messages
10 x phone calls
All in the two days before his phone was confiscated.

Why didn't he care anymore ?... because he knew Allison would not be around to check!

More compelling circumstantial evidence.


Bear in mind that GBC's mobile was not his only form of communication. If you read the forensic computer analyst's report you'll see that GBC had many phones. GBC also acquired a mobile phone from Flegg or Flegg's assistant, whichever story you choose to believe. Then there were the police phone taps of Nigelaine passing on messages from GBC to TM and let's not forget the phone box calls. And then there was Bruce and his schmoozy emails to TM. :floorlaugh: Freaking hell, nobody could write this stuff, it is just all too ridiculous.

My opinion only and not that of Websleuths.
Bear in mind that GBC's mobile was not his only form of communication. If you read the forensic computer analyst's report you'll see that GBC had many phones. GBC also acquired a mobile phone from Flegg or Flegg's assistant, whichever story you choose to believe. Then there were the police phone taps of Nigelaine passing on messages from GBC to TM and let's not forget the phone box calls. And then there was Bruce and his schmoozy emails to TM. :floorlaugh: Freaking hell, nobody could write this stuff, it is just all too ridiculous.

So annoying we don't have OW's phone records.
So annoying we don't have OW's phone records.

Hey capt'n,

they may have been submitted as part of her affidavit at the second bail hearing. As far as I know nobody has purchased that affidavit. I'm of the understanding that her mobile number that appears in the phone records is now defunct.
Neil Robertson't statement - Interesting Skype call on 20/4/12 at 11:43 am: "Hi there, can we talk. Something very serious." From Nigelain's laptop to Adam in Canada. Was this OW calling or Elaine? Was NBC still at the house with GBC and police at that time?

I would have said: "Hi there, Allison is missing and we can't find her!"

Another very suss thing!

Yep. And to make it more sus these are actually deleted Skype chat messages.
Why delete them? I suspect it was OW. Maybe she didn't want the olds to know? Or QPS once it was seized?

Also you have the time wrong - the software package they're using reports in UTC time - add 10 hours to get Brisvegas.

ie. 2143 on the 20/4/12: "Hi there! Can we talk. Something very serious."
then in the following morning:
0504 on the 21/4/12: "I'm at Mum's - please call asap. O"

Generally people have a reason for trying to cover up their tracks... what would OW's reason be? Sounds like she thinks she might be a potential suspect...
Unfortunately I won't be available once things get underway today.

Regardless I will be thinking of you all. Be back as soon as I can.
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