DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Just checking Marley, are we breaking any rules quoting from handwritten notes we made at the committal hearing?

Hi Happy -- yes, you may post based on your notes if you were at the hearing. HOWEVER - you are responsible for making sure that the information does not violate sub judice. For example, if some one testifies using an alias - you may NOT post their real name; or if the info relates to some portion of the hearing that court has sealed, you may not post about it.

Hope that helps,

If the girls were not at home - then we can assume everything else the whole clan said was also untrue
I've been thinking about Allison's missing phone. It would be very interesting to know the calls TO her phone and if someone tried to call her early on the 20th Like around the phone is on the bench . Gbc s dilemma is wether or not to answer it . If he does he has tell whoever that she has gone for a walk .they keep trying to call her and he realizes that he has to act quickly and get rid of the phone and has to report her missing much earlier than he intended ?? Thank you curious for your time and effort . Excellent work

Yes - and that's why finding that phone would have been a priority - sadly I think it has been smashed to smithereens and he probably wishes he had done the same to his ( hey why not he has the most awful bad luck with shaving, caterpillars, light fittings, pylons, stationary cars etc etc)
Hi everyone,
Sorry to butt in but I am just popping in to say hi.
I've been here reading from day dot but have only just joined today.
I am a local and I suppose like any local I have had my own experiences/close encounters to share. I look forward to contributing to discussion if I get some more courage. ( I've never done anything like this before due to being quite shy ). It has been great to read all the posts - many thanks.

:greetings: so glad that you have joined us. X
Hi everyone,
Sorry to butt in but I am just popping in to say hi.
I've been here reading from day dot but have only just joined today.
I am a local and I suppose like any local I have had my own experiences/close encounters to share. I look forward to contributing to discussion if I get some more courage. ( I've never done anything like this before due to being quite shy ). It has been great to read all the posts - many thanks.

Hi and welcome! Don't be shy, we're a nice bunch :)

Please get yourself verified as a local so you can share with us!
Yes - and that's why finding that phone would have been a priority - sadly I think it has been smashed to smithereens and he probably wishes he had done the same to his ( hey why not he has the most awful bad luck with shaving, caterpillars, light fittings, pylons, stationary cars etc etc)

I wonder if it was in her pocket and fell into the water upon her descent into the Creek (sorry if that offends). Does anyone know if they did an underwater search / dredge of the river bed?
Hi everyone,
Sorry to butt in but I am just popping in to say hi.
I've been here reading from day dot but have only just joined today.
I am a local and I suppose like any local I have had my own experiences/close encounters to share. I look forward to contributing to discussion if I get some more courage. ( I've never done anything like this before due to being quite shy ). It has been great to read all the posts - many thanks.

Hi Minor Key & welcome to Websleuths...nice to have you on board :)

Just for your information & also for any other new "local" members, please note the following:

Until or unless you are a verified member then you can not discuss anything that is not known through the media/court documents. No insider information is allowed without being verified. We are not allowed to post/discuss rumours. Further info re becoming a Verified Insider is available on the following link.

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[ame=""]Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Just a question on the sub judice - I am a legal nitwit - so excuse the ignorance. But at the hearing the judge ruled that the photos that had been seen by the courtroom could be distributed by the media. Apparently photos are not usually shown at Committal Hearings and the media brought their lawyer in to argue what is fair to show for the courtroom; a subset of the public should be fair to show to the greater public. And that is what eventually happened - the judge allowed the photographs to be published.

Throughout the days the media were all furiously taking notes. In the three days that I attended the only guidance the judge gave to the courtroom was that nothing could be recorded by electronic means- no photos taken in or around the room and no sound recordings. But there was no embargo on notes. I did not get the impression that anything the lawyers were talking about with the witnesses was going to affect the future balance of a trial outcome. Would they simply talk in the judges rooms if that was the case? - but this was a public forum so how would the information here jeopardise the trial? (See I told you - no clue!!!! :propeller:)
I wonder if it was in her pocket and fell into the water upon her descent into the Creek (sorry if that offends). Does anyone know if they did an underwater search / dredge of the river bed?

No pockets in her pants Zan, and it wasn't in her jumper. I think we can safely say that her phone was very well and very carefully disposed of!
At some time between 5pm and 5.30pm, TM phoned GBC and following their talk about buying sausages ...... to drop off to his daughters at his Parents' address, etc, etc, TM stated "I suggested that Gerard should tell Allison that I was attending the conference. I then asked to meet with Gerard in an attempt to understand and discuss what was going through his head in regards our relationship".

..... wonder if TM did show up at GBC's house ... 'to meet' with GBC, and 'to tell Allison in person that she was attending the conference'..... unbeknown to TM's twin boys who she has said were usually 'starting the sleep process at 8.30pm'..... we know that Allison was alive at 8.28pm (on the phone to Olivia). Witnesses heard loud screams (female, it seems).
.... not saying that TM was involved in the murder of Allison; just that she could be avoiding saying that she was at GBC's residence that night.

TM left the conference at 3pm, and when her boys returned home a short time later ..."I told them that I was sick and went to bed". (Must have been badly in need of some sleep). JMO
I thought Tm said the only time she saw Al in recent times was at the Indooroopilly gym. But I suppose if she was going to front Al she wouldnt have told cops or anybody. wonder if cops have queried her whereabouts on that fateful night
Hi everyone,
Sorry to butt in but I am just popping in to say hi.
I've been here reading from day dot but have only just joined today.
I am a local and I suppose like any local I have had my own experiences/close encounters to share. I look forward to contributing to discussion if I get some more courage. ( I've never done anything like this before due to being quite shy ). It has been great to read all the posts - many thanks.

Hey if you are a local get yourself verified and then you can tell us everything you know . hope I am not out of line Marly
Hi Minor Key & welcome to Websleuths...nice to have you on board :)

Just for your information & also for any other new "local" members, please note the following:

Until or unless you are a verified member then you can not discuss anything that is not known through the media/court documents. No insider information is allowed without being verified. We are not allowed to post/discuss rumours. Further info re becoming a Verified Insider is available on the following link.

Verified / Professional Posters

Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
sorry Marly was posting when u were:blushing:
I understand that no one was allowed to remove anything from when the second lot of police arrived and once they established the house as a crime scene with a warrant, then forensics could remove anything they thought may be evidence of a crime, which would include the whole vacuum I expect. We only know from the statements posted that GBC and/or NBC were seen loading the vacuum and a hose into BWANA car boot but we don't know if it was refused to be handed over. But it would have been supervised I think until they got the warrant.

I have wondered if they asked him where are the clothes you were wearing last night ? Now we know he received those scratches on his chest through clothing that shirt would indeed be a tell tale piece of evidence unless it had already been disposed of!
I thought Tm said the only time she saw Al in recent times was at the Indooroopilly gym. But I suppose if she was going to front Al she wouldnt have told cops or anybody. wonder if cops have queried her whereabouts on that fateful night

TM, in her Statement where she said that in her previous visits to GBC's residence had travelled along Brookfield Rd, would probably have travelled through the Kenmore roundabout and her vehicle captured in the CCTV camera..... if she did indeed visit/leave that night! JMO
Just went on Aussie criminals website for a quick look last night and I see they have all the documents wbleuthers have paid for and that they are grateful that someone has shared with them . Just thinking - perhaps you can ask them to share in cost of purchase of next document ? Just a thought. Hope I not out of line here .
Just went on Aussie criminals website for a quick look last night and I see they have all the documents wbleuthers have paid for and that they are grateful that someone has shared with them . Just thinking - perhaps you can ask them to share in cost of purchase of next document ? Just a thought. Hope I not out of line here .

I think they actually originated from that site. One of the contributors there uploaded them to Aussie Criminals and then kindly allowed them to be uploaded here. I think. Anyone?
I think they actually originated from that site. One of the contributors there uploaded them to Aussie Criminals and then kindly allowed them to be uploaded here. I think. Anyone?

No, that's incorrect. The bail documents were purchased by members of WS. Some of the members here are also members of Aussie Crims and they have probably shared the link to the docs.
No, that's incorrect. The bail documents were purchased by members of WS. Some of the members here are also members of Aussie Crims and they have probably shared the link to the docs.

Thank you Makara, I saw them on Aussie Crims long before I heard about them on here hence my confusion. Thanks for clearing it up :)
Thank you Makara, I saw them on Aussie Crims long before I heard about them on here hence my confusion. Thanks for clearing it up :)

No worries. We had to wait for clearance by Admin before we could post them here.
I really do wonder why he felt the need to get rid of Allison's phone? There must be a reason. Or perhaps it's as simple as him thinking that she wouldn't leave her phone behind and he wouldn't be able to pretend to text her. It is strange too that they couldn't find it with all the searching. I wonder if it was somehow removed after he was able to return to the house.
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