DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I remember the police also asking if anyone had seen someone driving erratically that night. I still wonder how this ties in? Maybe it doesn't?

That roundabout holds a massive piece of the puzzle!!
The police called for info on sightings of vehicles.
The police set themselves up there doing that testing, timing the vehicle etc.
GBC asked Bruce Flegg if there was a camera there.

I wonder if the tapped phones got any interesting info when GBC heard that the police were at the roundabout that night??

There is so much info yet to come!

Hi Humdinger, the Police asking if anyone has seen someone driving erratic may fit in with the Tyres screeching heard by Mrs Rhodes at 10pm near the Brookfield home.
Hi Humdinger, the Police asking if anyone has seen someone driving erratic may fit in with the Tyres screeching heard by Mrs Rhodes at 10pm near the Brookfield home.

Good point Judicious!

So much we don't yet know or understand!

Am I correct in saying that we won't hear anything new until the trial?
OT, but how sick is it that Kate Malonyay's suspected murderer Elliott Coulson gets a fully funded Naval hero send off after he jumped to escape police. Just so wrong. Know where your taxes go!
OT, but how sick is it that Kate Malonyay's suspected murderer Elliott Coulson gets a fully funded Naval hero send off after he jumped to escape police. Just so wrong. Know where your taxes go!

That is really sick if you ask me.
Mock Trial Preparation and Performance
You put your hand up, or maybe a friend put it up for you, or wrote your name down. Perhaps a teacher said, “Give it a go.” Whatever, because now you’re in a team that has to prepare for a mock trial and you haven’t got a clue and so, what now?

Stalking from AIC

iTunes - Music - Three of a Kind - Single by Georgia Horsley
Jun 21, 2012 –


Tishy, there is another link from AIC re death from sexual partners. Can't find it at the moment.

That stalking story is quite chilling
I remember the police also asking if anyone had seen someone driving erratically that night. I still wonder how this ties in? Maybe it doesn't?

That roundabout holds a massive piece of the puzzle!!
The police called for info on sightings of vehicles.
The police set themselves up there doing that testing, timing the vehicle etc.
GBC asked Bruce Flegg if there was a camera there.

I wonder if the tapped phones got any interesting info when GBC heard that the police were at the roundabout that night??

There is so much info yet to come!

Maybe not much happened other than a BC car was sighted. But maybe the calls for assistance from the public and the police testing etc were a tactic by the police to make GBC or his clan panic, make mistakes or confess?
Looking at the photos of GBC released it looks as though there is bruising coming out around his nose - these were taken on the Friday. Bruising cannot come from anything other than being punched ? Well done Allison this bruising wasn't from shaving - the QPS are smart! And then the other photo shows dark circles under his eyes - from someone who said he went to bed at 10 pm and slept soundly until 6 am !
Detective Danny Boyle has the answers we can only speculate

When : Thursday 19th April Time : ? ( we think anytime between 8.30 pm on to 10.30 pm)

Who : GBC and ? ( we know there is at least one other as witnesses heard voices at the bridge at 11.30 pm and also 2 cars at the bridge at 4 am)

How : strangulation with jumper ? Was this the first and final method ? Or had he tried something else first ? Eg asphyxiation and it didn't work?

Where : outside or inside ?

Why : financial gain first and foremost ? Then free of marriage secondly ?

All in my own opinion of course !
Detective Danny Boyle has the answers we can only speculate

Err - just to clarify - Danny Boyle is the Prosecutor, not the detective. He is a lawyer representing the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The lead detective on the case was/is Det Superintendent Mark Ainsworth.

I'm happy for Ali or any other legal eagle to correct me if I'm not entirely accurate regarding Mr Boyle's official position.

Sorry for the nit-picking ;)

But that doesn't detract from the points you make, of course.
Err - just to clarify - Danny Boyle is the Prosecutor, not the detective. He is a lawyer representing the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The lead detective on the case was/is Det Superintendent Mark Ainsworth.

I'm happy for Ali or any other legal eagle to correct me if I'm not entirely accurate regarding Mr Boyle's official position.

Sorry for the nit-picking ;)

But that doesn't detract from the points you make, of course.
Thanks. Important distinction there DrWatson.
Err - just to clarify - Danny Boyle is the Prosecutor, not the detective. He is a lawyer representing the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The lead detective on the case was/is Det Superintendent Mark Ainsworth.

I'm happy for Ali or any other legal eagle to correct me if I'm not entirely accurate regarding Mr Boyle's official position.

Sorry for the nit-picking ;)

But that doesn't detract from the points you make, of course.

Yes sorry about my incorrect professional position description. Bit carried away!
Thinking of Allison tonight, it's cold and a little bit drizzly. Not many posts these days, but thinking of you. *advertiser censored*
Awaiting announcement of Trial dates and/or new info.
I've spoken about my days of a being in real estate and how I witnessed an easy affair within the agency between another salesperson and the married owner. The wife didn't know for years. I'm gobsmacked by the most recent revelation. The owner divorced his wife and moved into the salesgirls home, she owned her beautiful home outright and she bought into the business and now her home is mortgaged to the hilt to keep him and the business alive. She realises now she was and is his meal ticket and has no avenue of escape as now she has lost all her assets. She works 24/7 to keep her home and he is an absolute parasite feeding on her being the 'willing horse'.
Is this sounding familiar?
He refuses to change his will and it still leaves everything to his ex and his children.

Karma was my first thought too but this woman was fed so many lies and hard luck rubbish that she fell in hook line and sinker.
Allison's girls second Mothers Day without their Mum who loved them so very, very much
If Roses Grow In Heaven

If roses grow in Heaven Lord
Please pick a bunch for me
Place them in my Mother's arms
And tell her they're from me.
Tell her I love her and miss her
And when she turns to smile
Place a kiss upon her cheek
And hold her for a while.
Because remembering her is easy
I do it every day
But there is an ache within my heart
That will never go away.
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