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Feb 18, 2009
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Gerard Bayden-Clay has been arrested and charged with the murder of Allison Bayden-Clay

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Thread 45

Bail Hearing Documents

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Allison Baden-Clay case
itsthevibe verified insider
Squizzey1 is a verified insider
XyzQuestions is a verified insider
redlightthroughpaper is a verified insider

DrWatson is a Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon

alioop is a verified attorney (solicitor)
nowvoyager is a verified attorney (solicitor)

PlainJaneDoe is a verified expert in neuroscience
Second :) I am about to travel to the Gold Coast again as I did at this time last year - it breaks my heart to think of Allison looking forward to her Friday conference and weekend with her little family and then ....
It's going to be a week of reflection and sadness for many :(
Are there any plans for flowers to be placed at the bridge this week?
Allegedly there is a meet for interested locals and supporters of justice for Allison at 6.00am in the park in Brookfield near MtCrosby road, then a walk to the Kholo bridge planned for 20th April. Indromum can you assist with any more specific details please?
Hi everyone ... sorry to jump in here … I follow along with you here often, but had an O/T question to ask of you.

I stumbled on this video released by the QLD Police in October of last year. It is quite chilling, so please don’t watch if it could upset you (nothing graphic, but still chilling). It is about 4 young women who went missing and were found dead 4 days later, I believe the video was taken on Mount Coot-tha (after sleuthing the trails sign in the video a bit) but I can find nothing else at all about this in MSM, and police are giving very little away.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Just hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

I thought you would be the best people to ask as this seems to be in the Indooroopilly district, and the police are looking for answers.

TIA :seeya:

It is # 12 on the list at this link .. called ‘Missing Persons Video released by QLD Police’ ..
Hi everyone ... sorry to jump in here … I follow along with you here often, but had an O/T question to ask of you.

I stumbled on this video released by the QLD Police in October of last year. It is quite chilling, so please don’t watch if it could upset you (nothing graphic, but still chilling). It is about 4 young women who went missing and were found dead 4 days later, I believe the video was taken on Mount Coot-tha (after sleuthing the trails sign in the video a bit) but I can find nothing else at all about this in MSM, and police are giving very little away.

Has anyone heard anything about this? I thought you would be the best people to ask as this seems to be in the Indooroopilly district, and the police are looking for answers.

TIA :seeya:

It is # 12 on the list at this link .. called ‘Missing Persons Video released by QLD Police’ ..

Just watched it - remember this - appears to have slipped under the radar doesn't it ! I guess QPS are working on it of course - there are just so many an there is the G C woman too she hasn't been located !
Hi everyone ... sorry to jump in here … I follow along with you here often, but had an O/T question to ask of you.

I stumbled on this video released by the QLD Police in October of last year. It is quite chilling, so please don’t watch if it could upset you (nothing graphic, but still chilling). It is about 4 young women who went missing and were found dead 4 days later, I believe the video was taken on Mount Coot-tha (after sleuthing the trails sign in the video a bit) but I can find nothing else at all about this in MSM, and police are giving very little away.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Just hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

I thought you would be the best people to ask as this seems to be in the Indooroopilly district, and the police are looking for answers.

TIA :seeya:

It is # 12 on the list at this link .. called ‘Missing Persons Video released by QLD Police’ ..

Holy cow! Is this real??? From what I can see there is quite literally NOTHING on MSM about this! Weird!
Hi everyone ... sorry to jump in here … I follow along with you here often, but had an O/T question to ask of you.

I stumbled on this video released by the QLD Police in October of last year. It is quite chilling, so please don’t watch if it could upset you (nothing graphic, but still chilling). It is about 4 young women who went missing and were found dead 4 days later, I believe the video was taken on Mount Coot-tha (after sleuthing the trails sign in the video a bit) but I can find nothing else at all about this in MSM, and police are giving very little away.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Just hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

I thought you would be the best people to ask as this seems to be in the Indooroopilly district, and the police are looking for answers.

TIA :seeya:

It is # 12 on the list at this link .. called ‘Missing Persons Video released by QLD Police’ ..

This is a hoax with woeful acting! Those girls are alive, well and living in Brisbane. One of them posted info onto her Pinterest wall yesterday. One of the other girls also has a Pinterest account. They're on Facebook etc. etc.

I've passed the video link onto Qld. Police. They should be able to say whether it is fact or fiction. I'm going with the latter.
I'll be wearing yellow for Allison when I give my annual colloquium on Thursday.
This is a hoax with woeful acting! Those girls are alive, well and living in Brisbane. One of them posted info onto her Pinterest wall yesterday. One of the other girls also has a Pinterest account. They're on Facebook etc. etc.

I've passed the video link onto Qld. Police. They should be able to say whether it is fact or fiction. I'm going with the latter.

Thanks Makara (and all) .. the behaviour of the girls does seem staged doesn't it? Reminds me of the Blair Witch Project. I saw the Pinterest accounts too, and wasn't sure if they were related. Could find nothing else. The video is posted in a pretty legitimate place, which is what I find puzzling. I only noticed it as I was looking for more info on Novy Chardon's disappearance.

Anyway, apologies for butting in again! :)
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