Alternate Theories

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You walk away. That's what people who don't want their kids do. They walk away and leave them with someone who wants them.

But, RH cared to much about his image. He didn't want child support. He didn't want to answer questions. He didn't want to start over. He resented Cooper for putting him in that position. And Leanna didn't want Cooper much more than him. He probably justified it in his mind, that it was the best thing for Cooper.

All JMO.

I think there is someone sitting in jail that is trying to construct his own "alternative theory" as well....and for just the reasons you point out.

RH cares terribly about his image in his "real life." He saw himself becoming a tragic figure...the recipient of sympathy and financial largesse from all those folks whose heart broke for this dedicated, Christian Dad. He sees himself (Freud would have to be resurrected to know WHY!) as this sexy rock star musician. But he coveted the admiration that he received as this FABULOUS Dad and husband...the pillar of the church..with the fast-tracked career. Soon to be VP...all that.

But after that hearing, his best bet to save his sorry derrière is to expose his REAL self...the sleazy sex addict that disrespected his wife, made a mockery of his religion, was a loser-employee and so wrapped up in his vile addictions that his own child became invisible to him in a matter of minutes.

"I'm so into my disgusting sexual addictions and my perverted ego...that I forgot the kid."

That's the alternative theory he has to work with. He's going to have to completely ditch Christian Dad persona because no one believes it. He wasnt praying all day when he forgot. He's going to have to ditch Future Vice President persona...he's the employee nobody wants and now he is FIRED! He wasn't deep into solving Home Depots ID issues when he forgot, was he? And he sure wasn't daydreaming about his lovely the Devoted Family Man is no option either.

I can't wait to see what "alternative theory" becomes his excuse.
Okay....some more "alternative" theories:

Maybe little CH was beginning to show signs of autism or asperger's and the parents couldn't handle anything less than what they deemed "perfection" in their minds----all of course due to bizarre egos, psychopathy, weird psychosocial constraints, or from a cost analysis perspective? Remember, these parents are weird so anything is possible. It's almost as if they could justify something like this---> get rid of our imperfect son & it doesn't matter 'cause we'll have another one.....LH even said things to that effect at the funeral (RH has been and will be a good father down the road, etc etc).

Also, I truly believe that RH thinks he is very handsome and desireable which is another super oddity. :thinking:

all moo.....

From what was reported, child was developing normally.
but but Andrea Yates was a female with postpartum psychosis. Imoo huge difference between that and a man who wants his freedom.

Yates also had a long history of mental health treatment. Which neither of these two parents apparently do.
My theory is detailed here

Is Karen on here? The Karen that went to the court hearing with me? I would like to chat to her about some stuff? For example, she showed me proof that JRH was in the infirmary while in jail but now the authorities are denying he was ever in the infirmary..

I think most people pretty much agree on what they think happened, other than some of the details. This is a place to bring up other options. I would hope that any disagreements about different parts of the ideas would be discussed in a thread about that subject if one exists. Thanks
Since the general discussion is closed, I am not sure if this would be the correct thread for these thoughts but something said here previously made me think of it.

Re: him taking over the finances. I married young to a cheating narcissist. I fought like crap to keep our marriage together but he was so irresponsible and abusive. I always handled the fiances b/c otherwise nothing would ever get paid and we would have been homeless. I kid you not, we were late with rent, it was payday friday and I was anxiously waiting on his paycheck to turn in rent. Instead, he stopped on the way home and blew his entire check on a new gun. :gaah: Anyway, just painting the picture and to me there seems to be a lot of similarities here with my first marriage and LH/JRH. I insisted we go to marriage counseling, again trying to keep my vows. Our brilliant therapist said that since there were trust issues, that I needed to show him that I could trust him. To turn the finances over to him. :facepalm: I was young and stupid so I did, and everything went into the crapper. Needless to say, I divorced him shortly after that. I just got to thinking this morning, I wonder if something like that is the reason why LH passed the reins to JRH in may? And it sounds like he was doing as stellar of a job as my XH did.

Also, another thought re: his super short work day. IF this was planned, he had to know that he would get an extended amount of time off for bereavement I would assume. More than normal since it was such a tragic accident and at his place of work, he just can't bring himself to come back yet! He was already in vacation mindset.
Thank you Confusion for starting this thread.

What if RH did forget?

He leaves CFA, goes directly to work thinking he dropped Cooper off prior to eating at CFA.

He usually drops Cooper off first, grabs himself something to eat at CFA and then goes to work - His attorney states that's more his routine than the other way around. (CFA, day care, then work). Bringing Cooper to CFA was a specialty, not the norm. So he may have been on an autopilot leaving CFA parking lot rushing to get to work.

With hearing loss to the right ear having low audio of Cooper, driving distraction/heavy traffic needing to concentrate, window may have been down with outside noises drowning his left good ear, radio on volume high - most of all, probably can't wait to meet new hook ups on line. So he parks his car thinking only about his computer and getting on line. He never notices Cooper and the 30 second stall was to make sure window up, radio off, and the computer was all intact. Then goes into work never noticing he forgot Cooper until later in the day as he claims.

Or....the 30 second stall was RH notices Cooper, but sits and contemplates, and rationalizes that Cooper would be fine for a little while. He'll take him to day care at break but before lunch, then goes in to work. RH forgets about him again, because he's tangled with his sexting, movie planning, and making lunch plans with his friends. It's not until he drops the light bulbs off that he realizes he forgot about Cooper, but looks like he is sleeping so RH figures he'll let him rest and leave work early to drop him off at day care. That's why he texts LH his "when are you picking up my buddy" comment. He has to leave work early to beat LH to day care, but he's also going to be late to the movies and let's his friends know.

RH leaves work, gets in suv but because of his loss of smell (side effect from meds), he does not notice anything bad. After driving a distance, thinking Cooper's kind of quiet, he takes a good look behind. See's his color's off and thinks he's choking. Realizes he better get out of the car and check, but dreads what he may look like. Then the reality and horror and shock and all emotions explodes and he snaps.

What have I done - I killed my son. Some one else now is trying cpr. He's off to the side trying to contact LH - Our child is dead, he gets word to her? Maybe the 6min call is someone at day care room 5, trying to listen to all the commotion, but not saying anything? Phone to good ear so he can't hear police telling him to get off the phone, he's all frazzled, tells cop to eff-off. Cop takes phone away disconnecting the call. Now he's hand cuffed and in the police car. He can't understand what's happening, didn't talk to anybody on that call, yet, the one's on the other end knows something bad's happened. LH and day care worker thinks he's still at work parking lot. LH now thinking "he must have left Cooper in the car, it's the only explanation" and meet police at HD parking lot.

At HD parking lot police inform LH Cooper's dead, maybe tell her he's been taken away in ambulance. RH's arrested and at the jail. So she decides to go see RH. They talk, he can't understand what's happening, in his mind he's done nothing wrong, Cooper was ok, can't believe it. Thought maybe he was choking, dreaded how he would look. Thinks he'll loose his job. Says, our son is dead, what have I done, I killed our son. LH says "did you say too much" in reference to RH stating I killed our son?

This is an alternate theory explaining some of the main points.

Yes RH left Cooper in the car all day, but what if it was not intentionally to kill him. It's just that he forgot about him several times through out the day. Checking on him, thinking he's ok, just resting. Making plans to drop off a live Cooper each time, but that too did not go as plan.

my opinion, and all that jazz :moo:

BBM. Which, if it happened that way, is a slam dunk for a conviction on the current charges. Which is why they are brilliant, because you can't call the actions you described anything other than criminally negligent, and that gets him on cruelty to children 2nd degree and THAT gets him on felony murder. Stick a fork in him, he's done!
That is very close to my theory Ruby. It was like a light bulb moment when I heard the comment Leanna made at the daycare. She knew RH had left Cooper in the car before.

After leaving "Chick-fil-a", RH, for whatever reason, didn't want to take time to drop Cooper off at daycare. He leaves the child in the car, intending to take him to daycare later on that morning or during his lunch break. After that point, he gets caught up in his activities and forgets about Cooper. Everything, including his choice of a parking space points to this, IMO.

For obvious reasons,Ross didn't want to admit he left Cooper in the car intentionally that morning. Imagine the stigma associated with that admittance. So,he decides to go with the, forgot after "Chick-fil-a" story. He thought LE, family and friends would buy it.

Both the parents claim they searched about children dying in cars. He had to know he couldn't leave the child in a car, because that child would end up dead in a short period of time.
I agree with several theories on the how it might have happened with strong reasons that might be justified in the narcissist mind but, I can't seem to find any strong enough to justify why he would go to such drastic measures to be child-free other than one. This picture keeps popping into my head and for me says he resented his baby. The look on his face tells me the whole story. I've lived with this kind of person with my two children and that kind of resentment is real.
I don't have any problem believing he wanted to be child free. We already know he was "playing the field" communicating with numerous females. Child was likely cramping his style.
Not easy to arrange dates and all that with a little boy around.
I agree with several theories on the how it might have happened with strong reasons that might be justified in the narcissist mind but, I can't seem to find any strong enough to justify why he would go to such drastic measures to be child-free other than one. This picture keeps popping into my head and for me says he resented his baby. The look on his face tells me the whole story. I've lived with this kind of person and that resentment is real.

I completely agree. I think it was resentment. To feed his narcissism, he had to appear as the perfect, loving, doting dad. What's interesting to me, is how few people actually met Cooper. Didn't they think it was strange that he "talked" about him all the time, but only a handful of people ever really met him, and fewer actually spent any amount of time with him? I guess they might think it's strange now.
But, would he leave all the windows closed?

I had thought about that as well.

Perhaps a window wasn't rolled down because he was concerned that a passerby might hear Cooper. He thought the child would be ok with the windows rolled up for a short while.

I think it's possible RH had left Cooper in the car many times before.
BBM. Which, if it happened that way, is a slam dunk for a conviction on the current charges. Which is why they are brilliant, because you can't call the actions you described anything other than criminally negligent, and that gets him on cruelty to children 2nd degree and THAT gets him on felony murder. Stick a fork in him, he's done!

And what if a jury member votes to acquit b/c they do not think someone who unintentionally kills their child should get 30+ years in jail (and possibly LWOP or DP)?
I had thought about that as well.

Perhaps a window wasn't rolled down because he was concerned that a passerby might hear Cooper. He thought the child would be ok with the windows rolled up for a short while.

I think it's possible RH had left Cooper in the car many times before.

He couldn't possibly think child would be o'key because of his searches for deaths in hot cars.
BBM. Which, if it happened that way, is a slam dunk for a conviction on the current charges. Which is why they are brilliant, because you can't call the actions you described anything other than criminally negligent, and that gets him on cruelty to children 2nd degree and THAT gets him on felony murder. Stick a fork in him, he's done!
My thoughts exactly, thank you.
And what if a jury member votes to acquit b/c they do not think someone who unintentionally kills their child should get 30+ years in jail (and possibly LWOP or DP)?

How would this be different than most cases? There is always the risk that someone won't agree with the extent of the charges. That's why the prosecution and LE are working so hard to point toward beyond the typical unintentional death.

There is unintentional, and unintentional with malice. They will try to prove malice, IMO.

ETA: LOL, I have no idea why I put malice. I was intending to say unintentional, but also extreme cruel neglect. :facepalm:
I just kind of thought of another possible theory, though a lot must align for this to be true. What if JRH had something going on with someone tied to the daycare or if they or another parent knew he was a cheater/sexter and he was afraid something was going to be said to LH. So, JRH has been taking and picking up CH from daycare...and if he couldn't get to him before LH (like he had a meeting or something or he knew LH could get CH early), he'd just keep him in the car at work and text her that he picked him up already and was doing stuff before coming home. On the day CH died, JRH texted LH 'when are you getting my buddy' or something like that and maybe he planned to text her again, right before the time she was planning to get CH, and say that he already got him...but then he discovered CH was dead. This would also explain the searches about hot cars (and he thought he was safe to leave CH in the car). Maybe even LH found out about CH being left in the car one of the times and JRH played it as an accident and she then also searched about hot cars.

I'd be interested in knowing when the last time LH dropped off or picked up CH from daycare as well as how often CH missed daycare.
And what if a jury member votes to acquit b/c they do not think someone who unintentionally kills their child should get 30+ years in jail (and possibly LWOP or DP)?

Well, then Ross will be "free." He can look forward to assuming the same standing among the general public as Casey Anthony and other social pariahs. Hey, how's it working out for you, Casey? Give Ross a little heads up!

Every time he applies for a job, his "work habits" on the day his son died so horrifically, will be remembered by any prospective employer. Ross will know...they know.

Those same supporters who claim to believe in him...will never want their young children in his care or their teenage daughters alone with him. Ross will live with that perpetual hesitancy, that distrust.

His name will pop up in the media often...especially concerning hot car deaths or suspected child murderers
who beat the charges. This will never disappear completely. He'll never know when he might enter the supermarket and see himself and Cooper on the cover of the Natl. Inquirer.

His "penis pix" will never leave the Internet...nothing ever does...and they will exist in perpetuity to humiliate him over and over...and remind all ...of the circumstances in which his Baby died an excruciating death. Google will never stop bringing Coopers death and this case...up to the surface any day, any time.

That is just a "smidgen" of "what will happen"...if your scenario of Ross Harris being set free...should be fulfilled. It could happen. We shall see.

My opinion only, of course.
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