Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #4

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Ok, ignore me. Sorry!

I swear I read the name Elliot somewhere, but apparently not on the house.

You did read the name ElliotC! Someone at the time of Gina's abduction, reportedly mentioned a car with the license plate "ElliotC"...
Regarding AC walking around his cell nude. Could that be his retaliation for people checking on him so frequently? Nudity of a stranger makes most people uncomfortable, makes most people look away. So maybe they won't watch him so close or at least he can make them uncomfortable in looking.

Flossing with strings from the bed. Yuck, but same principal.
Has the police issued any statements about the brother's???
Has the police issued any statements about the brother's???

Well, they were cleared of any involvement whatsoever within days of their arrest. Pedro had an outstanding open container warrant and Onil just happened to be in the car with his brother when police pulled Ariel over. He was taken in to be questioned due to probable cause and simply being in the car with his brother. I have no doubt that they were not involved as I am sure whatever Amanda, Gina, and Michelle reported must have cleared them and only pointed to Ariel.

Their interview the other day was sad, I felt sorry for them. They are horrified by what their brother did, have no sympathy for him and are afraid for their lives due to death threats etc.
I'm wondering if this strange behavior by AC is all an act. I would like to know more about the circumstances of how berry got out. Did he leave her out, etc? Maybe a mental illness he had is just tumbling downhill? Or was it a mistake that berry got out and this is all an act

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Regarding AC walking around his cell nude. Could that be his retaliation for people checking on him so frequently? Nudity of a stranger makes most people uncomfortable, makes most people look away. So maybe they won't watch him so close or at least he can make them uncomfortable in looking.

Flossing with strings from the bed. Yuck, but same principal.

If he is trying to manipulate behavior of the prison guards, he is sadly mistaken. Highly doubt any of his behavior would be a surprise for his guards. He is now where he belongs, and they know how to handle him, I believe. :jail::jail::jail::jail:

The backyard of Ariel Castro’s house of horrors looked like a junkyard — with a couple of menacing touches.

A thick roll of barbed wire and a length of chain were spotted amidst the clutter piled behind the home on Seymour Ave. in Cleveland.

A plastic kiddie basketball hoop sat near a generator, a ladder stood open, and a couple of rusty bikes leaned on a fence in the cramped yard.

There was also a newer Barbie two-wheeler — something for a small girl to ride. A mirror affixed near the home’s back door afforded Castro a full view of anyone coming into the driveway

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Originally Posted by Tugela

I was thinking about the third daughter, the one who tried to kill her child. According to reports, she suffered from manic depression. I bet her father is like that as well, bi-polar, which could explain his behaviour. Why he appeared to be a perfectly normal guy most of the time, but was given over to bouts of extreme behaviour at other times.

This guy is not bipolar. He is the epitome of antisocial personality disorder. He is the very definition of a sociopath. Every thing he did lacked compassion and empathy, cold, calculating, taunting, evil. His entire life was about controlling others.

Did you read the article where one relative said he used to take his nephews and nieces out and do these really bizarre things like buy one hamburger, tear it into 4 pieces, and then watch them eat it. Same with the soda, he would mark the cup and make sure each of them sipped up to a specific line. I will try to find it. I read it the other day. His nephew said he was always freaked out by him.

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder with periods of extreme mania and then periods of extreme depression. It has nothing to do with lacking empathy or cruelty. He could have never pulled this off for ten years if he was bipolar, he would have lacked the control he needed over himself to constantly control those poor women.

This entire case sickens me, and from what I have been reading, the signs that Ariel was sociopathic were all over the place. His ability to wear a "mask" so that others would find him lovable and nice while beating his wife like an animal behind closed doors was a giant red flag. Oh and that mannequin. So creepy.

I bought this over from the last thread.
The part about the nephews and nieces... It really struck a chord with me. I had an uncle who my siblings and I were petrified of, he would walk into Nan's place while we were all having lunch and chatting and the mood would turn sombre, everyone would look down and just eat, if he were at the table people didn't speak... We were always scared of him, not scared that he'd do anything specific, but scared to be near him and scared to talk in front of him etc. years later I heard that Nan (his mum) would actually cross the road to avoid him if she saw him down the street (in the shopping area of town).
One night he went to where his ex wife, her partner and his kids were and shot and killed his ex and her partner and left his kids there and drove off. I was only about 16 at the time, but I had no idea he would be capable of that. But at 16, I don't know if you really think about these things happening either.
Looking back, now as an adult, I guess it doesn't surprise me. If Nan was scared of him, I wonder why? Did something happen? Could this have been prevented if the adults around him actually noticed the warning signs? There was obviously something very off about him.
I'd like to think that if I were in a similar situation now, 20 something years on, that I'd be able to pick someone who would be capable. But the reality is, we can't always be fully aware of the monsters that walk amongst us...
TBH, we also forget things! I'd not once thought of my uncle in years and definitely not in relation to any thread I've read on WS, until the above post. Do we compartmentalise and not put things together because we 'hide bad things away' in our memories? Could this be why family are so surprised? Do they now sit there putting it all together? I wonder... Regardless, I feel for them. I know I struggled to deal with the fact that my blood relation is a murderer.
I'm wondering if this strange behavior by AC is all an act. I would like to know more about the circumstances of how berry got out. Did he leave her out, etc? Maybe a mental illness he had is just tumbling downhill? Or was it a mistake that berry got out and this is all an act

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I think it's all an act. He's hoping to build a case for an insanity defense. Just my gut feeling.
I bought this over from the last thread.
The part about the nephews and nieces... It really struck a chord with me. I had an uncle who my siblings and I were petrified of, he would walk into Nan's place while we were all having lunch and chatting and the mood would turn sombre, everyone would look down and just eat, if he were at the table people didn't speak... We were always scared of him, not scared that he'd do anything specific, but scared to be near him and scared to talk in front of him etc. years later I heard that Nan (his mum) would actually cross the road to avoid him if she saw him down the street (in the shopping area of town).
One night he went to where his ex wife, her partner and his kids were and shot and killed his ex and her partner and left his kids there and drove off. I was only about 16 at the time, but I had no idea he would be capable of that. But at 16, I don't know if you really think about these things happening either.
Looking back, now as an adult, I guess it doesn't surprise me. If Nan was scared of him, I wonder why? Did something happen? Could this have been prevented if the adults around him actually noticed the warning signs? There was obviously something very off about him.
I'd like to think that if I were in a similar situation now, 20 something years on, that I'd be able to pick someone who would be capable. But the reality is, we can't always be fully aware of the monsters that walk amongst us...
TBH, we also forget things! I'd not once thought of my uncle in years and definitely not in relation to any thread I've read on WS, until the above post. Do we compartmentalise and not put things together because we 'hide bad things away' in our memories? Could this be why family are so surprised? Do they now sit there putting it all together? I wonder... Regardless, I feel for them. I know I struggled to deal with the fact that my blood relation is a murderer.

Thanks for sharing this! From your description, you and your family members were unnerved by your Uncle. We can be very primal in ways and can react to people that may lack empathy or seem "off" in a flight or fight manner/survival manner. Your Nan crossed the street to avoid him, the mood changed when he walked into a room. That is every one sensing some sort of danger or not feeling safe without being able to put their finger on it. And to answer your question, yes, other things can definitely trigger long buried memories. They are stored there and can resurface at odd times.

We may "feel" as if people that we know are capable of dark things, but It's another thing to have a feeling and have something actual to report. Alot of the time, our feeling is right.

It was stunning how Ariel Castro's son Anthony and other family members said right away and unequivocally that although shocked at the situation itself, they were not shocked that he did this, they believed him capable of it.

Yet, the neighbors all seemed shocked beyond belief. Him? Ariel? He was so nice. So caring. He gave all of the kids rides on his quad. Nicest guy ever.

He showed his family who he was because he couldn't hide it from them. They knew him his entire life and they were around him more in a more intimate way. But his neighbors, coworkers, friends, and bandmates where utterly shocked.

Sociopaths are so very dangerous because they are so adept at wearing their "mask" that they easily fool people. (think Dzhokar Tsarnaev) Even professionals have been fooled by people with antisocial personality disorder at times. That is how good they can be. They mimic "normal" because they are anything but. They are absolutely empty inside and are driven by only what pleases them. They lack fear. They are brazen, and people only serve as a means to an end. Nothing more.

Its so easy in hindsight to see what is missed, but sometimes when you are close to it you cannot see the forest for the trees.

In Ariel's case, if I were meeting him as a stranger I would be very concerned about all of the secrecy. The mannequin, all of the locks on the doors, the boards on the windows, the domestic violence history. I would be terribly unnerved and would not want him anywhere near me, no matter what kind of mask he wore.

It is not normal to have your house all boarded up while living in it. It is not normal to take 30 minutes to come to the door every time you have visitors. It is not normal to not let people past the kitchen and keep them out of all other rooms. It is not normal to blare music every single time you have a visitor. It is not normal to drive around with a mannequin, scare your nephew with it, and your wife with it. It is not normal to suddenly appear at the park with a six year old girl.Its not normal to come home with bags and bags of McDonalds when you live alone, unless maybe you are bulimic. It is not normal to beat your wife at all never mind when she is recovering from brain surgery. It is not normal to lock your wife in the house and take the key. To beat her over and over again. To pretend that you are leaving only to come right back to check on what she is doing. All of the behaviors he exhibited with his wife he later exhibited with those poor girls. The exact same things. Total control. It is not normal to tell a six year old to "lay down b**tch" while you illegally take your school bus on a personal errand.

The signs were all there that he was a very twisted and dark individual who could not, would not, live within societies norms. Most of his behavior was classically anti social. Still, I cannot imagine that anyone would have thought that he was holding three women captive right under their noses. We tend to "mind" our business or brush things off as off or odd.

It's not that we miss it, we usually refuse to see it for many reasons. It was all there with Ariel. The writing was on the wall that something was very wrong with him.
I don't think anything he's doing is an act. He's an animal and he acts like one.
Thanks for sharing this! From your description, you and your family members were unnerved by your Uncle. We can be very primal in ways and can react to people that may lack empathy or seem "off" in a flight or fight manner/survival manner. Your Nan crossed the street to avoid him, the mood changed when he walked into a room. That is every one sensing some sort of danger or not feeling safe without being able to put their finger on it. And to answer your question, yes, other things can definitely trigger long buried memories. They are stored there and can resurface at odd times.

We may "feel" as if people that we know are capable of dark things, but It's another thing to have a feeling and have something actual to report. Alot of the time, our feeling is right.

It was stunning how Ariel Castro's son Anthony and other family members said right away and unequivocally that although shocked at the situation itself, they were not shocked that he did this, they believed him capable of it.

Yet, the neighbors all seemed shocked beyond belief. Him? Ariel? He was so nice. So caring. He gave all of the kids rides on his quad. Nicest guy ever.

He showed his family who he was because he couldn't hide it from them. They knew him his entire life and they were around him more in a more intimate way. But his neighbors, coworkers, friends, and bandmates where utterly shocked.

Sociopaths are so very dangerous because they are so adept at wearing their "mask" that they easily fool people. (think Dzhokar Tsarnaev) Even professionals have been fooled by people with antisocial personality disorder at times. That is how good they can be. They mimic "normal" because they are anything but. They are absolutely empty inside and are driven by only what pleases them. They lack fear. They are brazen, and people only serve as a means to an end. Nothing more.

Its so easy in hindsight to see what is missed, but sometimes when you are close to it you cannot see the forest for the trees.

In Ariel's case, if I were meeting him as a stranger I would be very concerned about all of the secrecy. The mannequin, all of the locks on the doors, the boards on the windows, the domestic violence history. I would be terribly unnerved and would not want him anywhere near me, no matter what kind of mask he wore.

It is not normal to have your house all boarded up while living in it. It is not normal to take 30 minutes to come to the door every time you have visitors. It is not normal to not let people past the kitchen and keep them out of all other rooms. It is not normal to blare music every single time you have a visitor. It is not normal to drive around with a mannequin, scare your nephew with it, and your wife with it. It is not normal to suddenly appear at the park with a six year old girl.Its not normal to some home with bags and bags of McDonalds when you live alone. It is not normal to beat your wife at all never mind when she is recovering from brain surgery. It is not normal to lock your wife in the house and take the key. To beat her over and over again. To pretend that you are leaving only to come right back to check on what she is doing. It is not normal to tell a six year old to "lay down b**tch" while you illegally take your school bus on a personal errand.

The signs were all there that he was a very twisted and dark individual who could not, would not, live within societies norms. Most of his behavior was classically anti social. Still, I cannot imagine that anyone would have thought that he was holding three women captive right under their noses. We tend to "mind" our business or brush things off as off or odd.

It's not that we miss it, we usually refuse to see it for many reasons. It was all there with Ariel. The writing was on the wall that something was very wrong with him.

Thanks Spice, great post!!

I'm quite interested in my uncles case now. Him and his parents are long gone, his children are who knows where? It's such a fractured and disjointed family... I don't even remember my poor cousins names that witnessed the atrocity, well I do remember one, because unfortunately for him he has his fathers name, what an awful reminder...
I'm so fascinated by the minds of these people, I think it helps us to be aware of them in society if we try to understand them, if we know more about them. It reminds us of things we've seen and heard, things we know, but have long forgotten.
I kind of can't believe the father of the best friend of one of the missing girls essentially lived in a boarded up dungeon (looking at exterior photos), smack in the middle of the neighborhood, and no one ever connected the dots.
And he had people visiting. How could no one notice three women in the house?
Also, when did his oldest daughter move out?
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