Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #4

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Not really surprised by the not guilty plea.. if thats what AC wants to do, thats what they will do. its going to be interesting to see how they come up with any kind of defense.. i dont hold anything against the attorneys, its their job and someone has to do it, and do it properly for the justice system to work

and they can call him monster, animal or human.. doesnt change anything.. He still kidnapped them, he still beat them, he still raped them, and still held them against their will..
FBI just boarded up Castro's house yesterday to preserve evidence and stop tresspassers. If you look at news coverage from last week, his house was messy but not boarded up.

It was boarded up in the back. Completely. He also had tarps and the yard was littered with chains and barbed wire. He had something else on the windows in the front, not boards per se, but something reflective so you couldn't really see in.
FBI just boarded up Castro's house yesterday to preserve evidence and stop tresspassers. If you look at news coverage from last week, his house was messy but not boarded up.

Exactly. The photos of boarded up house press is showning up are misleading.
It is boarded by the FBI to preserve the evidence. It was not all boarded up before.
It was boarded up in the back. Completely. He also had tarps and the yard was littered with chains and barbed wire. He had something else on the windows in the front, not boards per se, but something reflective so you couldn't really see in.

Because FBI boarded it up.
It wasn't like that before.
Fair enough, thanks for the clarification. I didn't know they used plywood on crime scenes, I guess.

(Reuters) - Two of the women imprisoned in a Cleveland house in conditions described as similar to a prisoner of war camp suffered from severe malnutrition and will require long-term therapy for injuries such as hearing loss and joint and muscle damage, two sources with direct knowledge said.

This guy is definitely a sadistic psychopath. Reading the article was really sickening.
Heard about reuters article on Anderson Cooper today. Just like we guessed, appears Amanda was his favorite thus treated better than other two girls.
I thought one of the neighbors said that some of the windows were boarded up too, so you're not the only one. It was said at some point for sure.

All this info coming and going.... who k
Because FBI boarded it up.
It wasn't like that before.

They boarded up the front. Castro boarded the back up, not the FBI. I linked a CNN report of new photos/video just released of the back yard in today's media links.

I do remember reading in the beginning days before the FBI finished processing the crime scene and boarding it up, that Castro had coverings on the windows to prevent people from seeing out or in, with the exception of the attic. His windows were covered with something....just not boards.
They boarded up the front. Castro boarded the back up, not the FBI. I linked a CNN report of new photos/video just released of the back yard in today's media links.

I do remember reading in the beginning days before the FBI finished processing the crime scene and boarding it up, that Castro had coverings on the windows to prevent people from seeing out or in, with the exception of the attic. His windows were covered with something....just not boards.

But all those photos are after the fact, not before. So how do you know Castro boarded up in the back?
Ariel Castro will be judged and found guilty by what was found in his home. Ignore the posturing of lawyers, the attention seeking behavior in jail. Ignore him as much as the women were ignored all those years. We can pretend we don't even know he is in captivity. Refuse to read anything about him or discuss his current situation. Refuse to acknowledge his existence.
The son (Ariel/Anthony) makes no bones about it and clearly states that he was abused. Emily, well she's in prison for trying to slash her infant daughter's throat. The two other girls (Arlene and Angel) seem to be clueless. Not sure where they fit in age-wise but they were certainly old enough to understand that their mother had been beaten/abused??? Weird chit for them too, even if they were younger and thereby only subjected to the SECOND abusive step-father???


Arlene and Emily allegedly lied to convict their step father and accepted expensive gifts from their father during this time. There are also reports he regularly abducted them. Arlene lied or failed to mention that her father spoke to her and Gina the day Gina vanished including that her and her father were the LAST to see Gina. Look at her interview, she begs Gina for forgiveness. IMO she knows she did something wrong.
Angie - chose to live with him after witnessing her mother being smashed into a pulp.
Emily - slits her babies throat.

All 3 girls are strange if you ask me. The son Anthony seems the only one not in denial about his fathers character.
I'm thinking he was infatuated with Amanda Berry and that is why J entered this world without being miscarried. These poor girls for all they had to go through.
But all those photos are after the fact, not before. So how do you know Castro boarded up in the back?

Because it says so point blank in the reporting in the video. Also, the boards in the back are grey wide plank and resemble hardwood flooring. Almost decorative in nature. Why would the FBI board the back up with totally different materials in the back then they used in the front?

The video explains that Castro had boarded the windows. Not the FBI.
And he had people visiting. How could no one notice three women in the house?
Also, when did his oldest daughter move out?

1. I think it has been reported that he had loud music playing all the time, and curtains blocking the view of the rest of the house.

2. I'm pretty sure she moved out before this situation started.
Interesting comment made by a SB on TDJ (FB friends with AC) facebook page.......

EDIT: Now that I think about it, it is probably a random comment from a random person!

:facepalm:Unbelievable, but I predicted this would happen. Lawyers, don't make money by letting their clients plead guilty.

They will come up with some stupid outrageous defense, and they will make the victims testify about their ordeal. Ultimately he will be convicted, but they will make sure the victims go through hell to get the conviction.

(Reuters) - Two of the women imprisoned in a Cleveland house in conditions described as similar to a prisoner of war camp suffered from severe malnutrition and will require long-term therapy for injuries such as hearing loss and joint and muscle damage, two sources with direct knowledge said.

This guy is definitely a sadistic psychopath. Reading the article was really sickening.

I truly hope and pray that they can recover completely from all of the damage that was done to them.
Regarding AC walking around his cell nude. Could that be his retaliation for people checking on him so frequently? Nudity of a stranger makes most people uncomfortable, makes most people look away. So maybe they won't watch him so close or at least he can make them uncomfortable in looking.

Flossing with strings from the bed. Yuck, but same principal.

Hi everyone! new here but been reading a long time. so I hope no-one minds me jumping in and putting my thoughts out here.
but I just wanted to say 9 out of 10 times I do think its an act but regarding AC I really don't think it is. I truly believe this guy is nuts and might just be this cra. And with him being in such control over others for so long and then losing that power might be making him.lose it all together. its hard for an abuser when they lose that control. but if it is and act then he is doing it all wrong. jall/prison gards. have seen it all. p.s sorry for spelling airs am on a phone...ugh need my lap top back lol
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