Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #4

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The ex-daughter in law now talking (That's Anthony Castro's ex-wife.) Just more proof that he was awful.

What is the age difference between Anthony and his sisters?

Stephens said she had been told Castro's alleged abuse of Anthony Castro began when he was a child and that he even beat his wife, Grimilda Figueroa, after she had brain surgery.

"He still continued to beat her. He hit her in the head. Either he kicked her or hit her with a lead pipe," she said. "I don't even think I really fully could grasp just how horrible some of the stories were."

In addition to the beatings, Castro "played a lot of mind games" with the family members, Stephens said she was told.
Well apparently the two of them have permanent injuries from the ordeal. One with serious facial trauma and the other a neck injury. That doesn't sound good.
I'm guessing that for psychological reasons the best for them was to go home, & then deal with the medical issues as long as they were stable.
Dental, musculo-skeletal, gynecological issues would be probable issues in my opinion. Cardio vascular can't be good with such limited mobility.
Then there's the huge issue with their psychological well being. Not being hospitalized does not mean they aren't severely injured.
Well that is depressing. Since Amanda Berry looked pretty thin to me, but not malnourished. I was hoping that the reports of malnutrition were an exaggeration. That doesn't seem to be the case though.

I'd say that the prisoner of war analogy is an understatement. Sounds more like a Nazi concentration camp.

I agree-I was hoping the same. No current photo of the other two being available says alot.
Hi everyone! new here but been reading a long time. so I hope no-one minds me jumping in and putting my thoughts out here.
but I just wanted to say 9 out of 10 times I do think its an act but regarding AC I really don't think it is. I truly believe this guy is nuts and might just be this cra. And with him being in such control over others for so long and then losing that power might be making him.lose it all together. its hard for an abuser when they lose that control. but if it is and act then he is doing it all wrong. jall/prison gards. have seen it all. p.s sorry for spelling airs am on a phone...ugh need my lap top back lol

I've been thinking about the boarded up windows. Surely he couldn't have boarded up every window in this house. If he did, they would have suffocated in there in the Summer with no air conditioning. If there were windows that were not boarded, will the defense pose the question as to why the girls did not try to break the windows to escape or call out for help?

Also...gosh...who in their right mind would not find boarded up windows crazy in a lived-in house, and why wouldn't someone question it?

I just don't understand all the people that visited AC in his kitchen and nobody was curious about why they were prevented from seeing/going in the living room?

They may have thought he was a hoarder. My FIL is a hoarder and I wasn't allowed in his house for the first year I was married. I never suspected anything bad was going on, and it wasn't. Just tons of junk everywhere.
Amanda looked ok and reasonably healthy.

I'm guessing the other womens condition was not as bad as that report implied, otherwise they would have been kept in hospital longer. De Jesus went home pretty soon after she was found, and she was apparently moving under her own steam OK based on that TV footage we saw of her coming home. Knight was probably in the worst shape of the three.

Where did you see a picture of Amanda?
They may have thought he was a hoarder. My FIL is a hoarder and I wasn't allowed in his house for the first year I was married. I never suspected anything bad was going on, and it wasn't. Just tons of junk everywhere.

This thought crossed my mind as well. I know a few hoarders. He very well may have been a hoarder, by the looks of the back yard and his general personality type.
This thought crossed my mind as well. I know a few hoarders. He very well may have been a hoarder, by the looks of the back yard and his general personality type.

One of his daughters said something about that- I don't remember her exact language, just that when he wouldn't let her see her childhood room she thought it was clutter or junk or something. I think she said pack rat, actually.

A lot of people thought he was weird and had issues... they just didn't anticipate that he was holding people captive.

I mean you can you imagine police fielding calls of a dad who wouldn't let his daughter see her childhood room? Or a weird guy who eats too much McDonalds for one person? Or he's boarded up some windows, so I'm thinking he's hiding something.

A lot of people had some indication that he was a little off his rocker, but I think few had any type of information that would have been enough to get police to search his house, you know? What could they do even if they thought he was dangerous? Thinking someone is dangerous isn't enough probable cause for police either.
I've been thinking about the boarded up windows. Surely he couldn't have boarded up every window in this house. If he did, they would have suffocated in there in the Summer with no air conditioning. If there were windows that were not boarded, will the defense pose the question as to why the girls did not try to break the windows to escape or call out for help?

Also...gosh...who in their right mind would not find boarded up windows crazy in a lived-in house, and why wouldn't someone question it?

I just don't understand all the people that visited AC in his kitchen and nobody was curious about why they were prevented from seeing/going in the living room?

Here is the house from google maps. If you walk around with the little guy on the street you can see 3 sides of the house. (everything but the back yard) I only see one window that looks like it might have a board on it.

[ame=",+Cleveland,+OH&hl=en&ll=41.47268,-81.697855&spn=0.000317,0.000477&sll=41.472460,-81.697888&layer=c&cbp=13,186.71,,0,0.11&cbll=41.472691,-81.697855&hnear=2207+Seymour+Ave,+Cleveland,+Cuyahoga,+Ohio+44113&t=h&z=21&panoid=d4qVGxY_9IrYTdhvk3eEUg"]2207 Seymour Ave, Cleveland, OH - Google Maps[/ame]

Cleveland (CNN) -- The man accused of kidnapping three Cleveland women and holding them for close to a decade abused all of them but used captive Michelle Knight as his main "punching bag," a family friend of one of the victims told CNN.

The friend said suspect Ariel Castro hit Knight with a variety of objects, including hand weights, leading to vision loss, joint and muscle damage and other problems.


He used hand weights on his ex-wife also.
Amanda's mother was clearly devastated by Amanda's dissapearance. One of the worst parts of this all is that her mother didn't make it to see her daughter found.
I am completely shocked that he is going to plead "not guilty". What a horrible thing to put these girls through a trial after everything they have already suffered. I hope someone manages to talk some sense into him and his lawyer.

I am completely shocked that he is going to plead "not guilty". What a horrible thing to put these girls through a trial after everything they have already suffered. I hope someone manages to talk some sense into him and his lawyer.


I don't see how a defense attorney can objectively represent Castro. I would advise him to plead guilty and spare these women so they do not have to relive a decade of abuse. I don't like it when someone is tried in the media, however, in this case, it's obvious to me this sick man is guilty.

Cleveland (CNN) -- The man accused of kidnapping three Cleveland women and holding them for close to a decade abused all of them but used captive Michelle Knight as his main "punching bag," a family friend of one of the victims told CNN.

The friend said suspect Ariel Castro hit Knight with a variety of objects, including hand weights, leading to vision loss, joint and muscle damage and other problems.


He used hand weights on his ex-wife also.

He should have been in jail for what he did to his wife :/ this is just so sad :(
Well that is depressing. Since Amanda Berry looked pretty thin to me, but not malnourished. I was hoping that the reports of malnutrition were an exaggeration. That doesn't seem to be the case though.

I'd say that the prisoner of war analogy is an understatement. Sounds more like a Nazi concentration camp.

Just to clarify-I have noticed a few people bring this up, but malnutrition means malnourished, badly nourished not undernourished -as in malnourished with McDonalds and not fruit and veggies, doesn't mean they lacked calories and body fat...
Castro loves daughter, will plead 'not guilty'
7:54 PM, May 14, 2013

Gosh this sounds just like Jose Baez! Will those lawyers try to blame it on others??? I can't see where it would work in a case like this where the victims survived to testify against him. Plus from what we have heard from his family I don't think any of them is willing to lie for him.

I wonder who will pay the attorneys? The article makes me sick. I can't even imagine having to explain everything to the little girl. Any trial where he pleads not guilty will leave a longer trail that she will have to emotionally live with.

The portrayal of him in the media as a monster is accurate IMO. He kidnapped 3 "known" women; possibly another. They were beaten; chained; kept behind locked doors; starved; repeatedly sexually violated; tortured. I do not care to hear how often. He held them against their will as prisoners; monster is accurate.

I honestly hope that the trial will be closed to press. It is about the 3 women & little girl trying to heal from what they went through.

When asked how the three women ended up in Castro's home, Weintraub said: "That fact will be disclosed as the case progresses. I am aware of how he came into contact with them."

Let me say; this really disgusts me. I assume it means that it will be a different version then we've heard.

I don't see the statement links in this post; so for anyone that hasn't seen it-
Lawyers for Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus Ask for Privacy Video

Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Michelle Knight release statements
It is unlikely the three will be making statements on their own any time soon.

“There is a pending criminal investigation and prosecution,” the spokesman said. “Miss Berry, Miss DeJesus and Miss Knight are victim witnesses in that proceeding, and it is not in the best interest of anyone connected with that proceeding for Miss Berry, Miss Dejesus and Miss Knight to be making statements to the media while that proceeding is pending. Most importantly, Miss Berry, Miss DeJesus and Miss Knight have asked – in fact have pleaded – for privacy at this time so they can continue to heal and reconnect with their families and their lives.”

I got the impression that he wasn't really talking to his mother either, and that was why he didn't know.

Has he explained why he never asked about her?

I agree that he probably was not speaking to his mother & if he was; shame on him for not asking.

The only report that has been released re. Michelle Knight's "police investigation" is that they basically called her mother's home oh-about-once a year. They hardly ever got an answer but they did phone. Really - every so often they did do that.



IMO; they were convinced she left on her own & didn't bother doing what they should have done. While they did try to contact by phone; they did not do what they were supposed to do which is go to the house to verify. I mean how hard is it to check social security activity also?

I posted this in Michelle's thread.
Michelle Knight, held captive since 2002, removed by Cleveland police from FBI databa

Michelle Knight, held captive since 2002, removed by Cleveland police from FBI database 15 months (11/2003) after disappearance

They were unable to contact Michelle's mother via phone to verify her status & shows they called until 11/13/03 when LE left a message saying that the file will remain invalid unless new leads turn up & on 12/1/04 a detective unsuccessfully tried calling Michelle

I assume they didn't drive there or check with the grand mother?

It says that the written policy on missing adults, (when she went missing 8/02), states an officer must go and see that a missing person has been found, then notify FBI within 2 hours for removal from the NCIC


Pasqualini acknowledged Thursday that DeJesus' and Berry's inclusion in the NCIC database did not help law enforcement officials locate them sooner than Knight. But she said that the overall invalidation of Knight's case points to a larger systemic problem -- that missing juveniles are a higher priority than missing adults.

"If a missing person is in the NCIC system, it instantly legitimizes the case," Pasqualini said. "Had Michelle's mother called us for help, we would have had to say no."

Amanda's mother was clearly devastated by Amanda's dissapearance. One of the worst parts of this all is that her mother didn't make it to see her daughter found.

I believe Amanda's mother was there with her; giving her the strength to do this. I bet if she had a reading with Theresa Caputo that Theresa will give her some peace.
Okay, I am a longtime lurker. My coworkers and I have discussed the boarding of the windows/why no one found that odd at length.

I have two trains of thought on this, both of which are my own opinion, with no expert-ness behind it, so take it as you will.

Train of Thought 1-location. I know in my suburb, a boarded up window on a house would be extremely odd and if it wasn't repaired quickly, the nosy neighbor brigade would call and complain to the city, the city would contact the homeowner and tell them to repair or be at risk of a fine due to a code violation. But down in the actual city, boarded up windows are normal on a home. They aren't questioned. Neighbors down there don't speak up or out. It is a 'keep your head down' mentality.

Train of Thought 2-We, as decent, normal, moral human beings, tend to rationalize things. 'This couldn't have taken place in my neighborhood! We would have noticed! We would have reported! This couldn't have taken place for over a decade!' I think we do that because we want to believe that we, within our bubble, are safe. People do this after any tragedy or after anything we can't make sense of. After the movie theater shooting in Colorado, people (general people, not people on WS) were making comments about how they would never take their kids to a midnight showing of a movie. After a drowning here in my home state, people comment about never letting their kids even close to a puddle without a life jacket.

It is done to minimize fear, grief, guilt. "It won't happen to me." "This can't happen here".

Does that make sense??? Or am I rambling??
Okay, I am a longtime lurker. My coworkers and I have discussed the boarding of the windows/why no one found that odd at length.

I have two trains of thought on this, both of which are my own opinion, with no expert-ness behind it, so take it as you will.

Train of Thought 1-location. I know in my suburb, a boarded up window on a house would be extremely odd and if it wasn't repaired quickly, the nosy neighbor brigade would call and complain to the city, the city would contact the homeowner and tell them to repair or be at risk of a fine due to a code violation. But down in the actual city, boarded up windows are normal on a home. They aren't questioned. Neighbors down there don't speak up or out. It is a 'keep your head down' mentality.

Train of Thought 2-We, as decent, normal, moral human beings, tend to rationalize things. 'This couldn't have taken place in my neighborhood! We would have noticed! We would have reported! This couldn't have taken place for over a decade!' I think we do that because we want to believe that we, within our bubble, are safe. People do this after any tragedy or after anything we can't make sense of. After the movie theater shooting in Colorado, people (general people, not people on WS) were making comments about how they would never take their kids to a midnight showing of a movie. After a drowning here in my home state, people comment about never letting their kids even close to a puddle without a life jacket.

It is done to minimize fear, grief, guilt. "It won't happen to me." "This can't happen here".

Does that make sense??? Or am I rambling??

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