Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #4

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What happened to Charles Ramsey???

Hi Linda :seeya:

Ramsey is broke. He is looking to endorse a burger and get paid for TV appearances. He's active on both facebook & twitter and has his own website (though it's pretty bare, at present). I created a blog entry on my website with more info and links to recent interviews, articles, and Ramsey's social media sites:


"Anyone in my position would want some common courtesy from the media. Does it matter what my last name is? Just because my father is a convicted criminal, doesn't mean I, as next of kin, don't have a right to privacy. Put yourself in someone's shoes before you go waiting for them to walk into the coroner's office to claim their dead parent." - Anthony Castro
I see Michelle as a beautiful survivor. The other 2 girls have families and loved ones to return to, who rejoice in their return. Michelle does not have that, her family was not there for her and did not look for her . I can relate to Michelle a lot as I came from a very dysfunctional family.

So Michelle is simply carving her spot out in life, finding her voice and I have no doubts that she will go on to do wonderful things in life. She will take the very crappy hand in life that she has been dealt and turn into something wonderful. AC will not rob her of her joy in life, she won't let him win. She has an incredible inner strength and i admire her so much.
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro may have died from auto-erotic asphyxiation, not suicide, and two prison guards falsified logs documenting their observation of him in the hours before he died, the state said Thursday.

Castro's pants and underwear were pulled down to his ankles when he was found, leading the state to forward those facts to the state highway patrol to consider the possibility of auto-erotic asphyxiation, according to the report from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction."
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro may have died from auto-erotic asphyxiation, not suicide, and two prison guards falsified logs documenting their observation of him in the hours before he died, the state said Thursday.

Castro's pants and underwear were pulled down to his ankles when he was found, leading the state to forward those facts to the state highway patrol to consider the possibility of auto-erotic asphyxiation, according to the report from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction."

bbm well, well, I do wonder what they observed before he was found dead.
I am so delighted at this news !

'' A bill that would compensate three women held captive for nearly a decade in Ariel Castro's home in Cleveland came one step closer to becoming law on Wednesday.

It would provide each of the women with $25,000 annually for each year they suffered in Castro's home.

If the bill becomes law, Knight would get $275,000 for her 11 years of captivity, Berry $250,000 for her 10 years of imprisonment and DeJesus $225,000. The money would come from the Ohio Court of Claims' crime victims fund.

In addition, the law would require Cleveland State University to provide five years schooling plus room and board, all free of charge. They would also receive Medicaid funds for life at the discretion of the Governor.

Separately, a fund soliciting private donations that was set up after the captives were freed has reached $1.4 million from more than 10,000 donors.''

I am grinning from ear to ear. Free education too! Do it girls. Take everything you can get. Life will be hard enough without worrying about these details. Bless you ! :)
The heck? Did this come pretty much out of nowhere? Do those girls have their own threads? Christina Adkins sounds familiar.
The heck? Did this come pretty much out of nowhere? Do those girls have their own threads? Christina Adkins sounds familiar.

She was the 4th missing local girl that was originally thought to have been killed by Castro. She has her own post
Yikes! I wonder if they knew each other or were "partners in crime" so to speak at all. Seems unlikely, but... I wonder.

Seems rather possible, if not likely to me.

I mean in the world could AC have abducted and kept hidden three women for a decade and a baby for 6 years?

My gut feeling is that he had help all along and frankly, I thought it was his brothers at first, since they were arrested along with him initially. But they were let go, so not them.

I mean it seems the women would have said so had another man been involved unless he was involved only in keeping watch over the house?

Anyway, this story is so weird that anything is possible, IMO. :(
Michelle has a couple noteworthy appearances coming up:

(1) October 29th: Michelle will be speaking at a rally honoring female victims of violence on the four year anniversary of the day when investigators discovered the bodies of serial killer Anthony Sowell's victims at his home on Imperial Avenue in Cleveland. More details

(2) November 4th-6th: Michelle's three-part interview with Dr. Phil will air. More details HERE
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