Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #5

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Their story is on 20/20 on ID which is on now.
What a sad situation... these 3 ladies were horribly mistreated and had a decade of their life stolen by this monster! Since he took the cowardly way out, at least they never have to worry about seeing him, or hearing about his adventures in prison.... Let's hope they move on with their lives and can put this horrific chapter behind them.
- Amanda Berry will report on missing people and contribute feature stories to WJW Channel 8's newscasts. Her first report airs during Channel 8's evening newscast on Monday, Feb. 6.

When I think of the freeing of these wonderful women, I feel hope for others.

How they escaped was like a perfect storm of amazing timing and perseverance. It touches on our human instincts of hope and steadfastness.

Oh how I wish for more "perfect storms" like this! Hope and love can move mountains.
I'm surprised there's been next to no discussion of Amanda and Gina's book "Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland"! What did you guys think about it? I personally thought it was a better book than Michelle Knight's. I really enjoyed the diary-like format of the book (I'm a sucker for reading diaries and journals) and I also felt I could relate better to Amanda and Gina than to Michelle, as Amanda is a year younger than my sister and Gina is a year older than myself. I also thought it was a much better book than Jaycee Dugard's "A Stolen Life"! The material regarding Ariel Castro and the investigation into Amanda and Gina's disappearances as well as material about their families are the kind of material I feel Jaycee Dugard's book was sorely lacking. I wish Jaycee would have been willing to let journalists help her with her book and maybe interview her Mom and her little sister (and yes even Carl) about those 18 years, even though I understand Jaycee's reasons for writing "A Stolen Life" exclusively on her own.

As well: did anyone watch the ABC 20/20 special "Trapped" from January 3rd of this year which revisited Amanda and Gina five years after their first interview with Robin Roberts and the publication of their book, but also included Michelle Knight! I thought it was great that Robin Robert's interview Michelle Knight this time around and that her story was included, though I have to laugh a little since the opening they used for this special was the exact same one they used for Amanda and Gina's 20/20 special "Captive" back in April 2015. They only changed the narration and gave one of Amanda and Gina's lines from the preface of their book to Michelle!

I thought the ABC 20/20 special "Trapped" was well done! However, I wish there would have been more footage from their interview of one of Michelle's brothers (he's in it for like four to five seconds) as well I was surprised that it wasn't mention that Michelle breathed life into Baby Jocelyn due to her being blue even though Michelle was interviewed. The elimination of the Mustard incident which Michelle talked about on "Dr. Phil" and in her first book, "Finding Me", was also strange. I also appreciated that they showed that Castro confirmed to investigators that he had terminated Michelle's pregnancies in the house (even though he claims it was a mutual decision!) as there are some who believe Michelle is lying about things that happened in the house and that these alleged lies are why Amanda and Gina don't talk to her anymore.

Speaking of which, in 20/20's "Trapped" Michelle confirms that it was her who decided to split from Amanda and Gina (even though it was originally insinuated that Amanda and Gina abandoned her) as it brings back memories. This lines up with Michelle's decision to not do the book with Amanda and Gina as well as allegedly getting a different lawyer than them. Sadly this hasn't ended people online badmouthing Amanda and Gina (mostly Amanda) for "abandoning" Michelle. Go figure!
I was on YT watching part of the "Trapped" show mentioned above but couldn't find part 6. But it was interesting, thank you for mentioning it.
I stumbled on
-an interview with Michelle and later her husband and her new found family. (I didn't see it posted in this thread.)
Very interesting and it seems like she's doing ok.
MAY 6, 2021
‘I’ve been missing for 10 years’: 8 year anniversary of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight’s escape | WBTW
“Help me. I’m Amanda Berry. Dispatcher: Do you need police, fire or ambulance? Amanda Berry: I need police. Dispatcher: Okay. What’s going on there? Amanda Berry: I’ve been kidnapped, and I’ve been missing for ten years and I’m here; I’m free now.”

On May 6, 2013, a nightmare that three young women had lived for more than a decade began its end.

Amanda Berry made that 911 call after escaping from Ariel Castro’s house on Seymour Avenue with the help of a neighbor.

I was on YT watching part of the "Trapped" show mentioned above but couldn't find part 6. But it was interesting, thank you for mentioning it.
I stumbled on
-an interview with Michelle and later her husband and her new found family. (I didn't see it posted in this thread.)
Very interesting and it seems like she's doing ok.

Scoodyboo, if you are in the States you should be able to watch the entire episode of 20/20 titled "Trapped" from January 2020 on the shows official website. Unfortunately, 20/20 doesn't put up the entirety of their episodes on Youtube, only half, probably in order to get people to watch the episode on their site :(

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