Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #5

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I know it is rough for her, but I do think it is better for her son, FOR NOW. When he is 18 or so, and more mature then it will be fine to explore his relationship with his birth mom. But he had a very rocky early childhood, and was not adopted until after he had been in foster care, with his mom suddenly disappearing from his life. It must have been devastating. So I think his adoptive family needs to help him build some stability and normalcy in his life before he opens up this painful can of worms. A young boy woyld have a very hard time dealing with learning about the things his mother went through. It is going to be a rough journey for him.

At some point they will be reunited. Hopefully when he is a healthy, well adjusted college student with strong family ties to help him navigate those waters.
JMO but I think the divide between them probably has a lot to do with their ages, personality differences, and how they were treated by Castro. It seemed like he favored Amanda and treated Michelle the worst, so I'm sure that permeated through the house.

Finally just now watching some of the latest movies and interviews. Wow is all I can even muster up to say. It's horrifying all over again.
Finally finished the "hope" ABC video and I may be crying for a few hours, but what an amazing video. It's too bad the 3 of them didn't end up staying close afterwards, but I feel confident they're all doing what they personally need to do and I respect that immensely.
I know it is rough for her, but I do think it is better for her son, FOR NOW. When he is 18 or so, and more mature then it will be fine to explore his relationship with his birth mom. But he had a very rocky early childhood, and was not adopted until after he had been in foster care, with his mom suddenly disappearing from his life. It must have been devastating. So I think his adoptive family needs to help him build some stability and normalcy in his life before he opens up this painful can of worms. A young boy woyld have a very hard time dealing with learning about the things his mother went through. It is going to be a rough journey for him.

At some point they will be reunited. Hopefully when he is a healthy, well adjusted college student with strong family ties to help him navigate those waters.

Yes, Michelle has said that she hopes one day to meet her son again, when he is a mature adult with a strong family support system, just as you described.
I've started watching this movie.. I always thought AC was mentally ill but he is not portrayed that way at all in he movie.
I wonder if this was his first abductions. I didn't follow him or the trial closely but I followed the girls.

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I've started watching this movie.. I always thought AC was mentally ill but he is not portrayed that way at all in he movie.
I wonder if this was his first abductions. I didn't follow him or the trial closely but I followed the girls.

There was no trial. He pled guilty to all the charges and was sentenced to life in prison + 1,000 years in a hearing that took a couple hours. Then he hung himself a month after that, in his jail cell.

He certainly had at least 1 and possibly more personality disorders (NPD) but knew right from wrong, so as far as "mental illness" goes, it wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing. He wasn't insane or schizophrenic or psychotic. He was sane enough to stand trial and sane enough to accept a guilty plea, which is what he did.
I'm sorry. Did she just give herself an abortion in the movie? I'm out.

You sound really confused. Did you watch the movie? Did you read her book?

Castro caused Michelle Knight to miscarry every time he got her pregnant (5 times). In the TV movie they show him kicking her stomach and hitting her with a barbell/weight in her stomach to cause damage. Then in the next scene they show her bleeding and curled up in pain laying on her mattress, obviously going through a miscarriage.
There was no trial. He pled guilty to all the charges and was sentenced to life in prison + 1,000 years in a hearing that took a couple hours. Then he hung himself a month after that, in his jail cell.

He certainly had at least 1 and possibly more personality disorders (NPD) but knew right from wrong, so as far as "mental illness" goes, it wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing. He wasn't insane or schizophrenic or psychotic. He was sane enough to stand trial and sane enough to accept a guilty plea, which is what he did.

He drove buses for a while. So his disorder wasn't that bad.

He was just a serial rapist who calculated the best way to have 3 victims at the same time for years in a rundown house.
I'm sorry. Did she just give herself an abortion in the movie? I'm out.

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I have it tivo'd & haven't watched it yet but I wouldn't blame her if she did.
I don't blame her. Just in the movie.. it's.. Well it is what it is. I ended up watching the rest.

Maybe I am confused. I had to look away. If that says anything about what they endured. I can't even watch the portrayal.

I did not read the book.

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Michelle Knight did not (repeat, did not) abort any of her fetuses. She miscarried after being starved & beaten by Castro. She detailed it in her book and it was portrayed very clearly in the movie. He did it to her 5 times. The movie only showed one time, but it was enough to get the point across. Whether or not anyone would blame her, she did not (and would not have) aborted a child -- she was very upset that he caused her to miscarry. She has talked about this.

Yes, Castro did have Narcissistic Personality Disorder as well as possibly other disorders. He was evil. Being evil is not the same thing as being insane, which he wasn't. Serial killer Ted Bundy held jobs as well. One has nothing to do with the other. You can be a murdering psychopath AND hold down a job. You can be a kidnapping rapist AND hold down a job, as Castro proved.
Michelle Knight received a standing ovation as she was announced as the guest speaker at an Amber Alert Readiness Program at Cleveland State University.

Amanda Berry, left, and Gina DeJesus finally got the high school graduation day that Ariel Castro stole from them. On Wednesday, May 27, they were given honorary diplomas from John Marshall High School, the school Amanda attended when Castro kidnapped her, and Gina would have attended when she entered high school.

That's great, good for them!

Here's a video of the ceremony:

If you look at the Elizabeth Smart case and the Jay'cee dugard case,they too had times where they could have escaped. Smart was in library, too scared to tell policeman and Jay'cee was in backyard tent while parole officers were in house, but was too scared to say anything. These abducters knew how to get them to keep their silence.
You sound really confused. Did you watch the movie? Did you read her book?

Castro caused Michelle Knight to miscarry every time he got her pregnant (5 times). In the TV movie they show him kicking her stomach and hitting her with a barbell/weight in her stomach to cause damage. Then in the next scene they show her bleeding and curled up in pain laying on her mattress, obviously going through a miscarriage.
I think that might be part of the rift between Michelle and Amanda. For some reason, he let Amanda have her child, even doted on her, while he killed her babies.

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