Amanda Knox Discussion-Friendly Thread

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DNA Solves
sure coreced.. lol
she was in an evil european country.. what if she wasnt in europe ..

Are western countries immune against police malpractice? That is certainly not something supported by history.

what would happened to the poor rich girl

I love how she's now been upgraded to "rich". Like, middle-class in Seattle isn't exactly uncomfortable, but wealthy she ain't.

she wasnt accused of ANYTHING but they forced her to frame a male
this isnt a hollywood movie.. this is life

They forced her to sign off on the theory they had decided on. They didn't frame her, they were just overconfident and deluded. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

you say she was forced to frame an innocent male ( which the police know nothing of )

They had Amanda's depositions and the phone records. There is no way they didn't know who Patrick Lumumba was.

and maintain that for two weeks ! lol
no court beileved this joke..only her fans do

It's weird how some folks try to make this into some kind of team sport.

here is some facts to refresh ur mind
about this evil police fiction
1. Police provably kept open minds, and did not immediately suspect Knox though her odd behaviors were hard to miss, or treat her differently than others with possible useful facts.

This isn't true. Amanda was deposed multiple times and she was the one they dragged to the downstairs apartment search, despite her not being particularly close to them.

2. She was not the only one with possible useful facts told to stay in Perugia for several days; others were told they might be needed again; no others complained.

How do we know the others didn't complain? The only reason we know Amanda complained is that the police put her private conversations out there. Yet even while complaining, she stayed and helped the police for hours upon hours, days upon days, without a thought of getting a lawyer, and without a clue that she was a suspect.

3. There is no documented investigator prejudgement of guilt, even at her fourth and final quite short session on 5 Nov when the subject was provably once again listing more visitors to the house.

I wouldn't call being pulled into an interrogation room at 22, then not released until 6 "short".

4. She was never tag-teamed by a dozen police, and she signed every page of all four session reports which named the mere several officers who were there.

Well, if the police (more than one of which were later convicted of abusing their office) say so...

5. There was no 50 or more hours of sessions. No session lasted from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. All four of her sessions over 4 days combined may not have exceeded that length of time.

That's not true. The total time spent with the police over those days exceeded 50 hours.

6. The fourth and final session on 5-6 Nov was unplanned, and when she turned up late on 5 Nov and was told to go get some sleep, she insisted she wanted to remain.

That's not what Giobbi said. He was very clear that they were both meant to have been brought in for interrogation that night.

7. All four sessions were recorded and she signed. She was never threatened or called a liar; her conniption when shown a text message on 5-6 Nov happened spontaneously and very fast.

That's not true. The final session (at the very least) was not recorded, as is well known considering they had to make excuses for it.

8. On 5-6 Nov 2007 Sollecito also u-turned - and blamed Knox! No tag-team there. Knox never confessed; she made a false charge of murder against someone else, allowed to stand for several weeks.

Not true. She withdrew the accusation the following morning, and again the next day. It's not her fault that Mignini, deluded by his theory (linked to above), refused to do anything about it.

9. She did not simply claim she was with Sollecito that night; under no pressure she repeated several times in writing that she went out and all courts allowed that. Sollecito said she did too.
10. After she broke she was told several times she should not talk further without an attorney. No questions were asked of her after that but she pressed on.

That's not true. Mignini arrived after the first declaration was signed, and further questions led to the second declaration. Mignini's claim that she just sat there until she "spontaneously" declared some extra things that would be useless to her (but useful for the prosecution) doesn't pass the smell test.

11. She had a translator at all four sessions, though she herself chose to speak in Italian now and then. She made and handed over notes in Italian.

A translator who worked for the police and acted in that fashion.

12. At trial she confirmed she was provided with refreshments and helped to get some sleep. She was never refused bathroom breaks and confirmed she was not hit.

In that case it was terribly wrong of Mignini and the officers to charge Amanda with calunnia for her claims that she was mistreated. I suppose that means their loss was well deserved.

any true crime discussion starts with the victim ..not the other side around
do I believe that any of you care one bit about this poor girl ? no I dont

I care about facts and truth.

sorry then this is pointless.. its like going against stans
my last word that fine they can buy innocence and fame and victimhood buys everything

What money? The mortgage on their house? There's this odd factoid floating around that Knox was rich and it is just not true.

it doesnt buy peace.. and I firmly belive that meredith soul is hanging over them..thats why they act the way they do..
erratic is a simple way to describe it

If Meredith's soul is floating around out there, I suspect it has better things to do.
any true crime discussion starts with the victim ..not the other side around
do I believe that any of you care one bit about this poor girl ? no I dont
sorry then this is pointless.. its like going against stans
my last word that fine they can buy innocence and fame and victimhood buys everything
it doesnt buy peace.. and I firmly belive that meredith soul is hanging over them..thats why they act the way they do..
erratic is a simple way to describe it
Please watch it and let me know what you think about this documentary
Amanda's calunnia conviction - her only remaining conviction - has now been annulled and a new trial ordered, as decided by the Italian Supreme Court.

It will be interesting with a new trial, since two of the key players among the investigators (who participated in Amanda's interrogation) have since been convicted of abusing their power. Monica Napoleoni and Stefania Zugarini have since been joined by prosecutor Manuela Comodi, who was in charge of the case alongside Mignini.
this is the poor male she framed
lets listen to what the man says
i am having an open mind ..he is the victim right


He told the Observer: “This is not good for justice, I think it shows the power available for rich people – she’s American and rich. For a country like Italy this is not good. I think there were diplomatic problems with the US and it makes things difficult with the US so they let her free.

“Amanda is free because she is American, but Americans are human like everybody.”

Lumumba was arrested in November 2007 and spent two weeks behind bars after Knox told Italian police he had killed 21-year-old Kercher, from Coulsdon, Surrey. Kercher’s throat was slashed and she had been sexually assaulted while she was on an Erasmus year in the medieval hill town of Perugia.

But Lumumba, who said his life and business were ruined by the allegation, said: “Amanda lied to me. I am feeling very bad [about the acquittal].”

Amanda Knox is free because she's rich and American, says Patrick Lumumba

I see no evil police conspiracy here ? huh is this man part of this masterplan too ?
id like to see how you are going to counterpart this.. this man who is her victim.. and he is accusing her himself
where is the EVIL POLICE
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this is the poor male she framed
lets listen to what the man says
i am having an open mind ..he is the victim right

View attachment 453507

He told the Observer: “This is not good for justice, I think it shows the power available for rich people – she’s American and rich. For a country like Italy this is not good. I think there were diplomatic problems with the US and it makes things difficult with the US so they let her free.

“Amanda is free because she is American, but Americans are human like everybody.”

Lumumba was arrested in November 2007 and spent two weeks behind bars after Knox told Italian police he had killed 21-year-old Kercher, from Coulsdon, Surrey. Kercher’s throat was slashed and she had been sexually assaulted while she was on an Erasmus year in the medieval hill town of Perugia.

Amanda Knox is free because she's rich and American, says Patrick Lumumba

I see no evil police conspiracy here ? huh is this man part of this masterplan too ?

Was it the police or Amanda who immediately went out and arrested him on the words of one scared girl? Was it the police or Amanda who dragged him out in his underwear in front of his family? Was it the police or Amanda who paraded him through the city? Was it the police or Amanda who got a witness to state Patrick's bar had been closed during the murder when it had in fact been open? Was it the police or Amanda who held a press conference the next day, before any of the forensic evidence had been processed, claiming the case was closed? Was it the police or Amanda who said Amanda's "accusations" was what they "already knew to be true?" Was it the police or Amanda who ignored Amanda's two letters retracting her accusations? Was it the police or Amanda who, when Patrick was released, kept his bar closed for months as a crime scene while knowing it wasn't?

Despite what Mignini et al claims, the police has agency. They are not helpless victims of circumstance. Yet they want us to believe that in a room in the police station at midnight with a dozen police officers and a prosecutor, and a lone young foreign girl, barely speaking the language, it's the latter who holds the power.

The Central Park 5 didn't manipulate the police when they accused their friends. Neither did Amanda.
this is the poor male she framed
lets listen to what the man says
i am having an open mind ..he is the victim right

View attachment 453507

He told the Observer: “This is not good for justice, I think it shows the power available for rich people – she’s American and rich. For a country like Italy this is not good. I think there were diplomatic problems with the US and it makes things difficult with the US so they let her free.

“Amanda is free because she is American, but Americans are human like everybody.”

Lumumba was arrested in November 2007 and spent two weeks behind bars after Knox told Italian police he had killed 21-year-old Kercher, from Coulsdon, Surrey. Kercher’s throat was slashed and she had been sexually assaulted while she was on an Erasmus year in the medieval hill town of Perugia.

But Lumumba, who said his life and business were ruined by the allegation, said: “Amanda lied to me. I am feeling very bad [about the acquittal].”

Amanda Knox is free because she's rich and American, says Patrick Lumumba

I see no evil police conspiracy here ? huh is this man part of this masterplan too ?
id like to see how you are going to counterpart this.. this man who is her victim.. and he is accusing her himself
where is the EVIL POLICE
She spent almost four years in an Italian prison following her wrongful conviction for the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, a fellow exchange student with whom she shared an apartment in Perugia. In 2015, Knox was definitively acquitted by the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation. Seattle, Washington, U.S.
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this is the poor male she framed
lets listen to what the man says
i am having an open mind ..he is the victim right

View attachment 453507

He told the Observer: “This is not good for justice, I think it shows the power available for rich people – she’s American and rich. For a country like Italy this is not good. I think there were diplomatic problems with the US and it makes things difficult with the US so they let her free.

“Amanda is free because she is American, but Americans are human like everybody.”

Lumumba was arrested in November 2007 and spent two weeks behind bars after Knox told Italian police he had killed 21-year-old Kercher, from Coulsdon, Surrey. Kercher’s throat was slashed and she had been sexually assaulted while she was on an Erasmus year in the medieval hill town of Perugia.

But Lumumba, who said his life and business were ruined by the allegation, said: “Amanda lied to me. I am feeling very bad [about the acquittal].”

Amanda Knox is free because she's rich and American, says Patrick Lumumba

I see no evil police conspiracy here ? huh is this man part of this masterplan too ?
id like to see how you are going to counterpart this.. this man who is her victim.. and he is accusing her himself
where is the EVIL POLICE
FergusMcDuck has been patiently outlining a great many facts in this thread, and whenever he does so, you ignore them and move on to some other vague accusatory question without addressing them. It's so clear who is knowledgable about this case and who is treating it as some kind of vague "this is my belief and I'm sticking to it" scenario. There are no "fans" of Amanda Knox here; many of us came to our conclusions by following this complex case from a position of interested objectivity and subsequently recognizing the unassailably clear and wide open gaps that ultimately resulted in her and Sollecito's acquittal. There was no conspiracy of rich Americans. Like Knox, Meredith Kercher was also a middle class girl; they were peers. In terms of speaking for the victim, which I encourage and applaud, you could also do well examining the role of the UK tabloids in shaping the bizarre narrative and helping to poison public perceptions of the case. Under the guise of searching for justice for Meredith, they revelled in the salacious details they themselves fed to the court of public opinion.


Guede was originally sentenced to 30 years for her murder, but this was later reduced to 18 years and with good behaviour he was freed on parole in 2021 and got a job in a local library in Viterbo where he now lives.

In June he was discharged from his sentence, but it has now emerged he has been charged with assaulting his 23-year-old ex-girlfriend.

Pending his trial, a local prosecutor has authorised him to wear an electronic tag and not go within 500 metres of his partner. Prosecutors had requested the measure of house arrest.

Raffaele Sollecito, who was acquitted over the Brit's murder along with his then-girlfriend Amanda Knox, said 'it seems Guede has not changed' after he was charged with assaulting his girlfriend.
The order came after the former girlfriend filed a complaint last summer against Rudy Guede, a 36-year-old Ivorian convicted of the Kercher murder. It followed a December restraining order barring Guede from being within 500 meters (yards) of the woman and forcing him to wear an electronic bracelet.

Under the new ruling, Guede will also be banned from having any contact with his former girlfriend, including via social media. She was not identified in the reports. La Presse news agency did not clarify the date of the order.

Guede will also have to inform police any time he leaves his city of residence, Viterbo, in central Italy, the ANSA news agency said.
I don't believe Amanda Knox ...I'm not certain she murdered MK, but she told lie after lie. so many it's just not fixable. mOO
What lies? Excepting the two statements she signed under duress (and which were written for her by the police, and which the ECHR decided was made while her rights were violated) her story has been consistent and in every aspect that can be confirmed, truthful.
What lies? Excepting the two statements she signed under duress (and which were written for her by the police, and which the ECHR decided was made while her rights were violated) her story has been consistent and in every aspect that can be confirmed, truthful.

The new trial will focus on just one piece of evidence: her four-page handwritten statement that the court will examine to see if it contains elements to support slander against Mr Lumumba.

I don't believe Amanda Knox ...I'm not certain she murdered MK, but she told lie after lie. so many it's just not fixable. mOO

She is definitely a liar and if Patrick Lumumba had no alibi and ended up in prison because of her, she would have kept quiet and let him rot there.
She is definitely a liar and if Patrick Lumumba had no alibi and ended up in prison because of her, she would have kept quiet and let him rot there.
She retracted the accusation that very day, then again the next day. It's not her fault that the police and Mignini refused to listen to her. Don't forget that Lumumba being the killer was the police's theory - they believed it before they made Amanda sign the accusatory statements, as was clearly stated by police chief De Felice. They had a witness (falsely) state Lumumba's bar was closed earlier in the evening. They (falsely) claimed Lumumba had switched phones after the murder and lied about it. They (falsely) claimed Lumumba couldn't give a good explanation for why his bar's first receipt was stamped ca 22:30 if there were customers there earlier. And when a Swiss professor came to Perugia to give Lumumba an alibi, they got a "tip" that (falsely) said the professor was a criminal. Nothing of this came from Amanda - it was all the police's doing, and it's documented. When the depth of their error was evident, Amanda became a convenient scape goat.
She retracted the accusation that very day, then again the next day. It's not her fault that the police and Mignini refused to listen to her. Don't forget that Lumumba being the killer was the police's theory - they believed it before they made Amanda sign the accusatory statements, as was clearly stated by police chief De Felice. They had a witness (falsely) state Lumumba's bar was closed earlier in the evening. They (falsely) claimed Lumumba had switched phones after the murder and lied about it. They (falsely) claimed Lumumba couldn't give a good explanation for why his bar's first receipt was stamped ca 22:30 if there were customers there earlier. And when a Swiss professor came to Perugia to give Lumumba an alibi, they got a "tip" that (falsely) said the professor was a criminal. Nothing of this came from Amanda - it was all the police's doing, and it's documented. When the depth of their error was evident, Amanda became a convenient scape goat.
Do you have links you can share?
Do you have links you can share?

Certainly. First, here is De Felice's statements:

Police chief Arturo De Felice said: "Initially the American gave a version of events we knew was not correct. She buckled and made an admission of facts we knew were correct and from that we were able to bring them in. They all participated but had different roles."

The "facts we knew were correct" he refers to are the accusations against Lumumba, since that was the content of the signed statements. The only valid reading of that statement is that the police already believed Lumumba was involved when they brought Amanda into the interrogation room.

Here is the witness statement from Vulcano, who claimed Lumumba's bar was closed at 19:00 (it was open), found the day after Amanda, Raffaele and Lumumba's arrests.

In this hearing (p16-17) Mignini tells Lumumba he switched cell phones after the murder, which Lumumba denies. In the motivations for his arrest (p13-14), the judge puts down his denial as incriminating. This was based on a wrong reading of the phone records. Every phone has a unique IMEI, even if you switch out the SIM card. Lumumba's IMEI taken directly from his phone didn't match the IMEI from his phone records - but that was only the last digit, and as they could easily have found out, the last digit is a checksum, always given as 0 in phone logs. Literally looking at any of the other logs would have cleared this up.

In this hearing (p12) Lumumba tells the judge and Mignini that his first receipt of the evening was issued at 22:29 because he would only issue receipts when the customer was leaving, and would add up everything to one payment. The judge just simply dismisses (p12) this as not credible, with no good reason (it was, of course, true).

As for the professor, after his deposition on the 11th, his phone records are checked on the 12th, his phone is tapped(!) on the 13th and on the 18th, the police log a "tip" that the professor was in the drug dealing business with Lumumba.

All this was used as evidence against Lumumba, as evidenced by their presence in the judge's verdict. None of it came from Amanda. Other evidence used for that verdict were:

Raffaele's shoes. A report said the shoeprints in blood "could have been" made by Raffaele's shoes, but as the transcript from the hearing says, Mignini had commissioned another report that he expected would say the shoes were a match. As indeed the report did, despite the patterns in the images being clearly off. Raffaele's family had to find the right brand of shoes (as it turned out, one that Rudy Guede owned) themselves. After that, the "compatability" with Raffaele's shoes was never mentioned again.

Amanda and Raffaele's calls to the Carabinieri the next day being after the Postal Police arrived. Basically, the calls were logged at 12:51 and 12:54, while the PP claim (in their report) that they arrived at ca 12:35. However, CCTV showed the PP were wrong. I can demonstrate this if you'd like, but most of it can be found in the transcripts from the first trial, as the judge (even while convicting them) agreed with Amanda and Raffaele's timeline here.

Raffaele's blog. In the verdict (p14), an "incriminating" blog entry from Oct 13th 2007 (half a month before the murder) is mentioned. However, the blog entry was actually from 2006. Mignini had neglected (p2) to give the date in his statement, and the judge filled in the wrong one.

Again, none of this came from Amanda's statements.

And even the statements were misused. As you can see here and here, Mignini also had to change the contents of the text Amanda sent to Lumumba (she meant to say "see you later" in poor Italian, the police and the signed accusation say she meant "see you later tonight"). What Amanda actually wrote isn't immediately clear as the latter, but Mignini (falsely) wrote it as "ci vediamo dopo" across the board, which clearly reads like the latter.
What lies? Excepting the two statements she signed under duress (and which were written for her by the police, and which the ECHR decided was made while her rights were violated) her story has been consistent and in every aspect that can be confirmed, truthful.
Here we go again. JMO
Certainly. First, here is De Felice's statements:

The "facts we knew were correct" he refers to are the accusations against Lumumba, since that was the content of the signed statements. The only valid reading of that statement is that the police already believed Lumumba was involved when they brought Amanda into the interrogation room.

Here is the witness statement from Vulcano, who claimed Lumumba's bar was closed at 19:00 (it was open), found the day after Amanda, Raffaele and Lumumba's arrests.

In this hearing (p16-17) Mignini tells Lumumba he switched cell phones after the murder, which Lumumba denies. In the motivations for his arrest (p13-14), the judge puts down his denial as incriminating. This was based on a wrong reading of the phone records. Every phone has a unique IMEI, even if you switch out the SIM card. Lumumba's IMEI taken directly from his phone didn't match the IMEI from his phone records - but that was only the last digit, and as they could easily have found out, the last digit is a checksum, always given as 0 in phone logs. Literally looking at any of the other logs would have cleared this up.

In this hearing (p12) Lumumba tells the judge and Mignini that his first receipt of the evening was issued at 22:29 because he would only issue receipts when the customer was leaving, and would add up everything to one payment. The judge just simply dismisses (p12) this as not credible, with no good reason (it was, of course, true).

As for the professor, after his deposition on the 11th, his phone records are checked on the 12th, his phone is tapped(!) on the 13th and on the 18th, the police log a "tip" that the professor was in the drug dealing business with Lumumba.

All this was used as evidence against Lumumba, as evidenced by their presence in the judge's verdict. None of it came from Amanda. Other evidence used for that verdict were:

Raffaele's shoes. A report said the shoeprints in blood "could have been" made by Raffaele's shoes, but as the transcript from the hearing says, Mignini had commissioned another report that he expected would say the shoes were a match. As indeed the report did, despite the patterns in the images being clearly off. Raffaele's family had to find the right brand of shoes (as it turned out, one that Rudy Guede owned) themselves. After that, the "compatability" with Raffaele's shoes was never mentioned again.

Amanda and Raffaele's calls to the Carabinieri the next day being after the Postal Police arrived. Basically, the calls were logged at 12:51 and 12:54, while the PP claim (in their report) that they arrived at ca 12:35. However, CCTV showed the PP were wrong. I can demonstrate this if you'd like, but most of it can be found in the transcripts from the first trial, as the judge (even while convicting them) agreed with Amanda and Raffaele's timeline here.

Raffaele's blog. In the verdict (p14), an "incriminating" blog entry from Oct 13th 2007 (half a month before the murder) is mentioned. However, the blog entry was actually from 2006. Mignini had neglected (p2) to give the date in his statement, and the judge filled in the wrong one.

Again, none of this came from Amanda's statements.

And even the statements were misused. As you can see here and here, Mignini also had to change the contents of the text Amanda sent to Lumumba (she meant to say "see you later" in poor Italian, the police and the signed accusation say she meant "see you later tonight"). What Amanda actually wrote isn't immediately clear as the latter, but Mignini (falsely) wrote it as "ci vediamo dopo" across the board, which clearly reads like the latter.
Very detailed. It's almost as if you were there. JMO. Let's hope the truth comes out at this trial.
Certainly. First, here is De Felice's statements:

The "facts we knew were correct" he refers to are the accusations against Lumumba, since that was the content of the signed statements. The only valid reading of that statement is that the police already believed Lumumba was involved when they brought Amanda into the interrogation room.

Here is the witness statement from Vulcano, who claimed Lumumba's bar was closed at 19:00 (it was open), found the day after Amanda, Raffaele and Lumumba's arrests.

In this hearing (p16-17) Mignini tells Lumumba he switched cell phones after the murder, which Lumumba denies. In the motivations for his arrest (p13-14), the judge puts down his denial as incriminating. This was based on a wrong reading of the phone records. Every phone has a unique IMEI, even if you switch out the SIM card. Lumumba's IMEI taken directly from his phone didn't match the IMEI from his phone records - but that was only the last digit, and as they could easily have found out, the last digit is a checksum, always given as 0 in phone logs. Literally looking at any of the other logs would have cleared this up.

In this hearing (p12) Lumumba tells the judge and Mignini that his first receipt of the evening was issued at 22:29 because he would only issue receipts when the customer was leaving, and would add up everything to one payment. The judge just simply dismisses (p12) this as not credible, with no good reason (it was, of course, true).

As for the professor, after his deposition on the 11th, his phone records are checked on the 12th, his phone is tapped(!) on the 13th and on the 18th, the police log a "tip" that the professor was in the drug dealing business with Lumumba.

All this was used as evidence against Lumumba, as evidenced by their presence in the judge's verdict. None of it came from Amanda. Other evidence used for that verdict were:

Raffaele's shoes. A report said the shoeprints in blood "could have been" made by Raffaele's shoes, but as the transcript from the hearing says, Mignini had commissioned another report that he expected would say the shoes were a match. As indeed the report did, despite the patterns in the images being clearly off. Raffaele's family had to find the right brand of shoes (as it turned out, one that Rudy Guede owned) themselves. After that, the "compatability" with Raffaele's shoes was never mentioned again.

Amanda and Raffaele's calls to the Carabinieri the next day being after the Postal Police arrived. Basically, the calls were logged at 12:51 and 12:54, while the PP claim (in their report) that they arrived at ca 12:35. However, CCTV showed the PP were wrong. I can demonstrate this if you'd like, but most of it can be found in the transcripts from the first trial, as the judge (even while convicting them) agreed with Amanda and Raffaele's timeline here.

Raffaele's blog. In the verdict (p14), an "incriminating" blog entry from Oct 13th 2007 (half a month before the murder) is mentioned. However, the blog entry was actually from 2006. Mignini had neglected (p2) to give the date in his statement, and the judge filled in the wrong one.

Again, none of this came from Amanda's statements.

And even the statements were misused. As you can see here and here, Mignini also had to change the contents of the text Amanda sent to Lumumba (she meant to say "see you later" in poor Italian, the police and the signed accusation say she meant "see you later tonight"). What Amanda actually wrote isn't immediately clear as the latter, but Mignini (falsely) wrote it as "ci vediamo dopo" across the board, which clearly reads like the latter.
I cannot see, sorry. Can you read all the Italian documents you linked?

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