Amanda Knox New Motivation Report RE: Meredith Kercher Murder #1 *new trial ordered*

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My understanding was that the supreme court would not weigh the evidence at all and would strictly deal with whether or not proper procedure was done legally. This was the whole point of this ruling/appeal.

Yet, here they come with their decision which is mainly if not almost entirely based on the evidence? That does not make sense at all.

Another interesting point within their analysis of the evidence, they discuss that if Rudy had broken into the cottage, in fact, surely this would have alerted Meredith and she would have ran or escaped at that time, therefore this seems very unlikely.

It's almost laughable, but they don't even have a grasp for the evidence!
I very much take your point, and hope that it does occur. I wonder if the British Foreign Office will have some influence since the crime was against a British resident?

There are three countries involved, and it is much much bigger than they ever expected, or thought they could pull off.

The parents have yet to move to their own trial in Italy for disrespectful behaviour towards the courts. I think Italy may regard them with a large amount of scepticism.

Dumbed down media discourse is a powerful tool for just about anything worthy of spin to simply make money. It's syndicated news and untrustworthy as we can all see. All spin doctors are.

What I see is a white girl who claims a racial defence for being 'white', and three inter-racial victims. It's overtly racist, but not in the way she thinks.

I cannot believe the level of vitriol poured on to the victim of this crime. She has even been blamed for her causing her own death, and that must be truly nauseating to her devastated family.

If anyone is interested what this was like for the victims family, read John Kercher's book, not the media spun tales of woe from two very sick individuals. It is a dignified and true version of their pain and loss.

I wish the Kercher's could find some solace in the process, instead of disbelief at such an enormous and distracting media campaign of bought Public Relations. And I wish Patrick Lumumba could re-claim his life fortune and reputation.

Seriously, how many murderers can afford a media campaign and a Public Relations Firm? Why would you even need one if truth is on your side?
Because the evidence is quite overwhelming?

Meredith was very loved by both of her universities - one of whom posthumously awarded her her degree, such was their level of confidence in this very bright young woman. She had all the capacity to do absolute good in the world and was committed to social change and understanding, depth of experience and cultural difference. That's a huge loss to our humanity, she was aiming very high in a political arena.

But she suffered and was tortured in brutal ways, for no good reason by two immature drug addled pleasure seekers. Bent to a point of amnesia and fairy tales and false accusations. A remarkable achievement amongst very well staged crime scenes.
That was cool calm and collected, because they already knew they had left AK's lamp in there during the clean up, but had already locked Meredith's door behind them when the Postal Police turned up. So they could not retrieve it.
They were trying to get back in to the room imo.
That's why they looked so worried in the images we have seen, - not shocked. They had every reason to be frightened.

They only 'knew' each other for nine days, and were not a 'couple' at all.
It was a very superficial relationship, and not exclusive.

In the USA, it would have been a death penalty crime, like Jodi Arias. They are very very lucky. If they had just done their time in the first place, they could have saved themselves a fortune and be facing release by round next year and it would have been done. They drag it out, not the Italian Courts.
They have done themselves no favours at all. IMO.

:goodpost: These are excellent points ! And I totally agree !

I undersand how Harry Potter could manage the cleanup a crime scene. But nobody has yet explained exactly how Amanda and Raffaele did it.

All it took for people to believe in a cleanup was a few false stories in the press. The washing machine still running when the police arrived. The police finding receipts for bleach dated the morning after the murder. The clothing Amanda was seen wearing the night before was nowhere to be found.

None of these turned out to be true. The washing machine was not running. The clothes insider were still damp and belonged to Meredith, but they were not the ones she was wearing on the night of the murder. The bleach receipt was dated long before the murder and most of the bleach was still under the sink at Raffaele's place. The clothes Amanda was seen wearing the night before were on the bed in her room.
I see this as Italian Court continued effort to destroy Amanda and her family because they can't admit they were wrong. Is the Kercher family not interested in true justice of what really happened to their beloved daughter, Meredith? As brutal as her death was is it easier to settle on it being the roommate and roommate's boyfriend than possibly Rudy or Rudy and another man being involved?

There was absolutely no evidence or DNA that placed Amanda or Raffaele at the crime scene.
She had a party and got a ticket for like 'disorderly conduct' or something. Wow, huge deal for a college student to throw a party and have alcohol at...imagine that. I guess you want to refer us to the tabloid saying it was like "baghdad" and she was throwing rocks at cars and people and house and breaking things? LOL - excuse me for laughing at the absurdity of this. I think if it were such a big deal, there would have been a criminal record and jail time involved.

This is a proven lie, all of which is available, should you choose, to actually look into rather then just believe what you read in a crap tabloid.

She never had sex on a train with an anonymous person. This was tabloid sensationalism based on her myspace page where she MET a guy on a train and talked about it. He was not listed as one of her sexual partners by Amanda herself after revealing all her life partners when falsely told she had contracted HIV by the prison doctor. Amazing people still believe this crap and pretend to have such an outspoken opinion.

While marijuana is an illegal drug, I would hardly call it that big of a deal for a college student to experiment with, nor would I call it a hardcore drug which might make someone do something as crazy as freak out and kill another person, in fact, I would argue it might have the opposite to that effect.

She had a total of like 3 sexual partners while in Italy I believe. One of which was Raffaele, the other a guy who worked at a coffee shop which she never brought to the house as far as I know and was just a few times at his place. The last was a one night stand with a Merediths boyfriend best friend, which probably did happen in her room at their house the one time. Again, this is more media sensationalism you choose to believe over the facts.

Yes, this was irresponsible. Hardly evidence in this case that she murdered anyone though.

She was never sacked or fired. Business was slow. Whether or not she was performing well at this job does not matter regarding the evidence of murder. Again, common theme with your strikes against her and talking points (non-evidence regarding the crime).

She had an eccentric and brash personality. Great, is this a character flaw or evidence of murder?

More media sensationalism. There is no background of "disturbing behavior" including beastiality you can cite besides a tabloid.

Imagine that. A young teenage/college aged couple having a sexual-hormone based relationship.

She never suggested Patrik as the killer until it was implanted over and over and over in her head and until she gave them exactly what they wanted. Her to accuse him.

She had no power over this at this point, and the police had what they wanted. She retracted her accusations as less then acurrate immediately, then with stern conviction as absolutely false soon after (24 hours) against him rather quickly and again, was not listened to, nor was she going to be. They had succeeded in their goals at this point.

See above.

I don't see a SINGLE point in all your post that points to the actual evidence of her killing Meredith. Funny how you can talk so much about a person regarding a case and yet not cite a single convicting piece of evidence that points to a strong guilt.

Do you just think she is guilty based on the character assassination of her that was drawn up in the media, or do you think she is guilty based on any real evidence?

Thank you for your post, Ebbiguise. It's senseless how media is so over the top with reporting sex, since that is what sells. Sex, sex, sex and more sex. I don't buy into it. But, a lot of people do. Hell will freeze over first before I allow media to dictate what I believe or read. After Amanda's well written book was released that was about all they could write about was the sex. Not the really important information. If media had their way they would continue to dumb us down. LOL

Thank you for your post, Ebbiguise. It's senseless how media is so over the top with reporting sex, since that is what sells. Sex, sex, sex and more sex. I don't buy into it. But, a lot of people do. Hell will freeze over first before I allow media to dictate what I believe or read. After Amanda's well written book was released that was about all they could write about was the sex. Not the really important information. If media had their way they would continue to dumb us down. LOL

Amanda writes a book about sex, and it is the media's fault for mentioning it? How does that work?
I personally could not read a book full of lies and sex:(
It is not all sex of course, but the writer put it in for a purpose. Sex sells and this is simple marketing. Trial starts again at September 30.
Jeez... I must be blind because I don't see anything creepy at all about those pictures of AK hugging RS .... What am I missing here?
what is so risk taking? attending university in a foreign country? smoking marijuana?

irresponsible? receiving an award for good character and academic talent in middle school? a 3.9 GPA in high school? dean's list in university? saving money from 3 jobs to go to italy?

If we're judging a 25 year old woman on the basis of something that she did in middle school, doesn't that suggest that there is nothing in recent history worth mentioning?

In terms of knowing that Knox is a completely selfish and irresponsble woman, we need look no farther than her job performance in Germany shortly before she murdered her roommate.
It seems that once people decide to hate someone, they can't really back down. That would be admitting they were wrong and evil and nasty. Far better to just double down on the hate and repeat the same old lies.

In this case, some have gone far beyond. They stalk people in real life, try to get them fired from their jobs. Anyone who dares dispute the theories of the Italian investigators is at risk.

The Italian prosecutors can't admit they are wrong without loosing faith. They would rather let a monster like Rudy Guede walk out out of prison next year than back down from the fantastic theory the original prosecution was based on. The declaration of "case closed" before the guy was identified who left his bloody handprint next to the victim and his DNA insider her.

It was case closed because the window was broken from the inside. That meant that someone with a key was involved ... and that meant Knox. Evidence (excluding the fruit juice theory) implied that more than one person was in the cottage at the time of the murder. The palm print implicated Guede, the DNA implicates Sollecito and Knox had the key. Case closed.
It was case closed because the window was broken from the inside.

Never mind the actually evidence tells a far different story. The outer shutters were either already open or pulled open by Guede. We know that they were warped and could not be latched. The window was closed as were the inner shutters. A large rock was thrown at the window, breaking the glass and the flimsy latch on the inner shutter. A damaged area with embedded glass on the outside of that inner shutter shows exactly where the rock hit. A pattern of broken glass extends all the way across the room, consistent with a rock being thrown from the outside. The broken window made it possible to reach in, release the window latch, open the window and climb into the room. The outer shutters were then pulled closed to hide the damage from casual observers.
Never mind the actually evidence tells a far different story. The outer shutters were either already open or pulled open by Guede. We know that they were warped and could not be latched. The window was closed as were the inner shutters. A large rock was thrown at the window, breaking the glass and the flimsy latch on the inner shutter. A damaged area with embedded glass on the outside of that inner shutter shows exactly where the rock hit. A pattern of broken glass extends all the way across the room, consistent with a rock being thrown from the outside. The broken window made it possible to reach in, release the window latch, open the window and climb into the room. The outer shutters were then pulled closed to hide the damage from casual observers.

The totality of evidence taken into consideration regarding the broken window is that it was broken from the inside. Specifically, broken glass was on top of the ransacked items, there was no evidence that anyone had scaled the sheer 3.5 meter wall, and glass on the window ledge indicated that no one had crawled through the window.
It is public info. You can just look up the records of the Municipal Court of Seattle and find it. I don't see how this is important now anyway. The SC completely destroyed the acquittal. Not because one or two mistakes were made, but the appeal against the acquittal was won on every single point. The acquittal was completely illogical and illegal. Nothing is left of a reasonable defensive argument in favor of the accused. I would think that is much more important at this stage.

A Summary Of The Cassazione Ruling On Annulment Of The Knox-Sollecito Appeal
Care to back that up with some specifics?
My understanding was that the supreme court would not weigh the evidence at all and would strictly deal with whether or not proper procedure was done legally. This was the whole point of this ruling/appeal.

Yet, here they come with their decision which is mainly if not almost entirely based on the evidence? That does not make sense at all.

Another interesting point within their analysis of the evidence, they discuss that if Rudy had broken into the cottage, in fact, surely this would have alerted Meredith and she would have ran or escaped at that time, therefore this seems very unlikely.

It's almost laughable, but they don't even have a grasp for the evidence!
They don't even seem to consider the possibility that Guede could have waited for a while after throwing the stone, to see if it had alerted anyone.

Another crucial point that would interest me: has the broken window pane actually been examined by experts to determine whether it was broken from from the outside or from the inside?

I know that it was the prosecution's theory that the window had been broken from the inside; but have they, in the first trial, actually called experts to the witness stand who testified that this could be determined after they had done a thorough examination of the window pane?
From the site "The Murder of Meredith Kercher"

When the news that the DNA test of the knife had come back and that Meredith's DNA had been found on the knife Raffaele did not deny it or proclaim that it was impossible. Raffaele didn't dispute the results but rather was quick to explain them.
The fact that Meredith’s DNA is on my kitchen knife is because once, when we were all cooking together, I accidentally pricked her hand.​
Twice Sollecito repeated the story of how Meredith had come over for dinner and that while he was preparing fish for the three of them he was playing around and pricked Meredith with that very knife. His story goes on to claim that Meredith did not find it funny and was displeased so he apologized and she forgave him.
The problem with Raffaele's story is that it would turn out to be a complete fabrication. Not only had it never happened but Meredith had never even been to Raffaele's apartment. Raffaele just made it up. It was a lie to explain away damning evidence of the couple's involvement in the murder.
Do there exist other sources where it is confirmed that Sollecito really told this fabricated story about the knife?
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