Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#10

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Most of what I have read on that site does not differ from other translations. I don't know why words were added to this recorded prison conversation, but in the end it did not really alter the meaning of the conversation at all.

Yes I think I will email the site owner and see why that isn't accurate.
Ive never seen the translations deemed not trustworthy. That particular testimony was only put into an easy to follow format. That's it.

SMK can you point me to that please? I can't find it.

Meredith Kercher Family Attorney Makes False Accusations Against Amanda Knox
BBM> Quote is from Fisher's Ground Report article posted above:

Today, in the courtroom in Perugia, at 2:40 p.m., without warning, without dignity, without any apparent concern for Meredith or her grieving family, without decency, an attorney began to display eight foot square, gruesome, lurid and obscene naked full-frontal photographs of Meredith Kercher’s blood-smeared body, lying on the floor next to her bed where she had been murdered and sexually assaulted. She lay in the very position that Rudy Guede left her after putting a pillow under her hips to assist in the sexual assault. The photos were, to say the least, explicit, and press cameras immediately began clicking, as the courtroom spectators stood and moved toward the huge screen where the large photos were being displayed. Meredith was shown from the tips of her toes all the way to her eyes, fixed in a glassy, gruesome stare above a gaping throat slash. The audience gasped.

More grisly photos followed; close-ups of the deep slash to Meredith’s throat, showing the severed muscles and larynx. But still the photos continued; photos which showed graphically the sputum foam which was the result of her labored breathing as the blood from her neck drained into her lungs. The photos showed her empty eyes and her blood-caked hair.

“The graphic, obscene, desecrating photographs shown today had no evidentiary value. No legitimate purpose was served by the photographs. Nothing about the murder scene was in dispute in this session. Nothing about Meredith’s death, her condition at the time of death, or her body was in play. In short, there was no reason in the entire legal world to show detailed photographs of the violated body of his clients’ child and sister. No reason except money. The display was gratuitous, designed to horrify and shock a jury. And it horrified. And it shocked. But maybe only the conscience of decent people. Several people left the courtroom, and many were left traumatized.”

Just wanted to say, that yes, what Maresca did seems unconscionable ; civil attorneys are notorious for these over-the-top moves, and for going after enormous monetary awards for their clients, of which they often take a third.

However, that said, it should be duly noted that :

1. Maresca did say he wanted to get across the idea that such injury could not have been inflicted by a single attacker.

2. Jurors in the Trayvon Martin case were also shown ghastly and graphic photos of the victim;

3. As was the court and public in the Jodia Arias case: The victim, Travis Alexander, was shown naked, dead, with slashes and caked blood on him.

4. In the William Clyde Gibson murder trial a graphic video of the murder victim was shown in court on the third day of the trial.

5. In the Drew Peterson trial, graphic photos of murder victim Kathleen Saivo were shown.

What Maresca did was not unprecedented and not without some motive other than monetary award.
BBM> Quote is from Fisher's Ground Report article posted above:

Just wanted to say, that yes, what Maresca did seems unconscionable ; civil attorneys are notorious for these over-the-top moves, and for going after enormous monetary awards for their clients, of which they often take a third.

However, that said, it should be duly noted that :

1. Maresca did say he wanted to get across the idea that such injury could not have been inflicted by a single attacker.

2. Jurors in the Trayvon Martin case were also shown ghastly and graphic photos of the victim;

3. As was the court and public in the Jodia Arias case: The victim, Travis Alexander, was shown naked, dead, with slashes and caked blood on him.

4. In the William Clyde Gibson murder trial a graphic video of the murder victim was shown in court on the third day of the trial.

5. In the Drew Peterson trial, graphic photos of murder victim Kathleen Saivo were shown.

What Maresca did was not unprecedented and not without some motive other than monetary award.

Those photos were shown by PROSECUTORS not lawyers representing the victims family especially when there was protocol to clear the media when graphic crime scene photos were shown. Do you think Meredith's mother approved of her naked dead body photos being shown by her own attorney while the media clicked away? I don't.
Those photos were shown by PROSECUTORS not lawyers representing the victims family especially when there was protocol to clear the media when graphic crime scene photos were shown.
The lawyer requested the courtroom to be cleared of the public several times, but this needs to be done by the judge. It is judge Hellmann who didn't do his job here.
The lawyer requested the courtroom to be cleared of the public several times, but this needs to be done by the judge. It is judge Hellmann who didn't do his job here.

Nope, it was Maresca who just flashed the photos. Were you there? The media sure was interested to know if he had permission to do that.
Those photos were shown by PROSECUTORS not lawyers representing the victims family especially when there was protocol to clear the media when graphic crime scene photos were shown. Do you think Meredith's mother approved of her naked dead body photos being shown by her own attorney while the media clicked away? I don't.
BBM- I would assume not. However, they did not break with Maresca and continue to use him, so presumably they were not so offended as to find another attorney. I don't like viewing graphic crime scene photos, myself.
Nope, it was Maresca who just flashed the photos. Were you there? The media sure was interested to know if he had permission to do that.
Was he rebuked in any way, in court ? (not a rhetorical question; really wondering if he was.)
BBM- I would assume not. However, they did not break with Maresca and continue to use him, so presumably they were not so offended as to find another attorney. I don't like viewing graphic crime scene photos, myself.

It just opens a can of worms why they've stuck with the <modsnip>. The man who had no questions for Guede and objected to even the defence questioning him.
Nope, it was Maresca who just flashed the photos. Were you there? The media sure was interested to know if he had permission to do that.
No, he asked several times to clear the courtroom. It is the job of the judge to make sure the courtroom is cleared but Hellmann did not make sure everyone was out. It is not the job of the lawyer to keep looking around the courtroom if everyone is outside. It is the job of the judge. The judge Hellmann is at fault here. It is just another myth made up by the conspiracy sites to attack the lawyer.
No, he asked several times to clear the courtroom. It is the job of the judge to make sure the courtroom is cleared but Hellmann did not make sure everyone was out. It is not the job of the lawyer to keep looking around the courtroom if everyone is outside. It is the job of the judge. The judge Hellmann is at fault here. It is just another myth made up by the conspiracy sites to attack the lawyer.

Can you please cite this in the transcripts? Thanks.
It's ridiculous that it is being bashed because of where it is hosted. The actual trial is in Italian of course it isn't the actual transcript. It is translated. Please if we are going to accuse it of being inaccurate, take the time to compare two translations and point out the major flaws.

It was made simple to read in format but the testimony is the testimony.

If machine translations are used here and are by no means accurate then this one should be. It's way better than how a machine "interprets" the text.

I don't know anything about the site where it's hosted. All I know about it is that it was formatted to look like an actual trial transcript, including the font, the line numbering and the capitalization of the parties, yet it isn't. I don't care who chooses to rely on it. But it isn't a transcript at all. A transcript is taken by an authorized court reporter fluent in the language of the testimony being given and present when the testimony is given. It's also certified as a true, accurate and verbatim transcription of the testimony. Imo, the transcript I saw is unreliable in general, and definitely not something I personally would rely on to parse nuances in the testimony. Especially since I have no idea who Thoughtful is and because he or she has stated that some license was taken.

No, he asked several times to clear the courtroom. It is the job of the judge to make sure the courtroom is cleared but Hellmann did not make sure everyone was out. It is not the job of the lawyer to keep looking around the courtroom if everyone is outside. It is the job of the judge. The judge Hellmann is at fault here. It is just another myth made up by the conspiracy sites to attack the lawyer.

I'm going to have to ask for evidence of this.

Here is an article, from the BBC Sept. 282011, which says the opposite.
On another subject: I happened to see the Lifetime movie about Knox last night, and in his closing summation, the actor playing Mignini stated that Raffaele and Amanda were "conducting a cleanup that was interrupted only by the unexpected arrival of the Postal Police.".

3 questions:

1. Did Mignini actually assert this in his closing ( 2009)?

2. If Knox and Sollectio were conducting a cleanup which was "only interrupted by the unexpected arrival of the postal police", wouldn't they worry that Filomena, who had already been called, would also interrupt the cleanup, or catch them in the act?

3. How far away from the cottage was Filomena known to be when she was first called by Knox?
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