Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#4

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In the document, Abukar Mohamed Barrow, known as “Momi”, accused Guede of drinking too much, taking drugs and trying to steal the handbags of young women during nights out on the town.

“Rudy was often drunk. I know he took cocaine. Often he was off his head with the drugs that he was taking. And when he was like that he would be a nuisance to girls, he’d block their path and try to hassle them. When we were in crowded places he stole their bags,” Barrow testified, according to excerpts of his evidence printed in the Italian press.

Maria Del Prato Discusses Rudy Guede Breaking Into Her Nursery. - YouTube

Maria Del Prato "We all had the feeling he was a dangerous person"

I found this old article with the following information:

When police arrived at the school, they searched Guede's backpack and found a large knife with a 16-inch blade that had been taken from the school kitchen.

Perugia resident Christian Tramontano, who will not be testifying in person, made a statement to Perugia police Jan. 1, 2008, two months after Kercher's murder, saying that he had recognized Guede from newspaper photographs as the person who had broken into his house and threatened him with a knife four months earlier.

She said that Knox smoked marijuana occasionally, perhaps twice a month, and that she said she got along with her Perugia roommates.
Is it documented anywhere that most withdrew their signatures?

Where did the information about more experts signing come from originally? I would like to see proof that signatures were withdrawn if in fact there were more.
Where did the information about more experts signing come from originally? I would like to see proof that signatures were withdrawn if in fact there were more.

I think it was Redheadgirl upthread that first mentioned the 9 experts. Sherlock posted the letter with two signatures. Perhaps someone knows more about the reasons that seven signatures vanished ... or was Redheadgirl simply mistaken about there being nine signatures on the original document?
I found this old article with the following information:

"She said that Knox smoked marijuana occasionally, perhaps twice a month, and that she said she got along with her Perugia roommates."

Knox was only in Perugia for about six weeks when Meredith was murdered. Smoking pot twice a month would mean twice since she arrived in Perugia, and we know that isn't true.
I believe you introduced the letter discussion with 9 signatures. I mentioned that it was maybe 2. It is two. Perhaps you know what happened to the other seven. Were their signatures removed? Did they choose to have their signatures removed (my understanding)?

yes, i know there are two sigs on the uploaded file. aren't those the two who co-authored the letter? i've never speculated why the other sigs aren't on the copy uploaded... never had reason to.

Are you saying that there was an eye witness that can testify that the door was wide open when the cottage was supposed to be sealed as a crime scene? What about the break in? Was that before or after the clasp was collected?

i believe the comment referred to police activity... and as i posted, before.
yes, i know there are two sigs on the uploaded file. aren't those the two who co-authored the letter? i've never speculated why the other sigs aren't on the copy uploaded... never had reason to.

i believe the comment referred to police activity... and as i posted, before.

So ... police were in the crime scene betwen the time of the murder and the collection of the clasp?

And ... regarding the signatures, there were never more than two signatures on the document?
Where did the information about more experts signing come from originally? I would like to see proof that signatures were withdrawn if in fact there were more.

Apparently there were nine signatures.
Now there are two.
Meredith's friend Helen Powell Page 165


LAWYER - Amanda knew her before November 2?

HEADS - no.

LAWYER - known, however, as were the relationships between Meredith and

Amanda? Have you ever heard Meredith complain about something?

HEADS - no.
Meredith's friend Helen Powell Page 165


LAWYER - Amanda knew her before November 2?

HEADS - no.

LAWYER - known, however, as were the relationships between Meredith and

Amanda? Have you ever heard Meredith complain about something?

HEADS - no.

Did Helen Powell comment on Knox's behavior at the police station immediately after the murder was discovered?
That's certainly what came up early on. Patrick told media that Knox had been flirting too much and working too little, so her job had been changed from server to handing out fliers at the door. Meredith had been offered a job behind the bar because of her skill in mixing mojitos, but she hadn't accepted. As far as I know, she also wasn't allowed to work in Italy. Both Knox and Meredith should have been on student visas. I doubt a language student would be granted a work visa, and I doubt an Erasmus student would need to work.

That, along with the impression that Knox was not accepted by Meredith or her friends, and wasn't included in the legal profession social circles (Laura, Filomina), Meredith had a boyfriend downstairs, Knox had a hook up downstairs ... excluded, a loner ... it leaves one with the impression that Knox may have been jealous of Meredith. Meredith was more lady like than Knox. Knox thought it was okay to hang her "joke" vibrator in translucent packaging in the bathroom. Meredith was horrified and didn't get the joke.

I very much agree with your assessment about Knox's insecurities around women and how that played out, or backfired on her more often than not. Bursting into song at a restaurant falls into the category of insecurity that you describe above.

Lol, otto, of course MK could legally work in Italy. That's the whole point in the European union :floorlaugh:
Palo Brocchi testimony who's law office was broken into is very interesting. Guede went through their files and even used the photocopier. He helped himself to the fridge just like he admitted doing at the cottage. The stolen laptop was never returned even though Milan police took it off Guede at the nursery.

LM :

Can you tell us how it happened this theft, as they entered the thieves and what has been removed ?

PB :

So, in effect the theft was discovered by my colleague , lawyer Palazzoli . As I am the owner of the premises, advised me on a Sunday afternoon because the theft occurred ... was consumed in the night between 13 and 14 October 2007, in the night between Saturday and Sunday . The theft was discovered by my colleague lawyer Palazzoli on Sunday afternoon because he went into the studio to find a professional dossier and , entering , he discovered the break-in. The person or persons who entered into the study, from what we've been able to reconstruct together with the crew of the squad who spoke on the spot, entered through a window in the area of the secretariat that has been breaking the glass , of a glass of this window with the aid of a piece of porphyry , a stone large enough that we then found always on the spot. The window was broken , then this person or these people opened the handle. The glasses were clearly scattered everywhere , because it was a glass rather impressive in size . Then , above these glasses we found our clothes . Practically the windows were sprinkled on the floors and on the glasses were our jackets , and those of my colleague Palazzoli that were hanging on hangers on their front hallway while the window.


LM :

Your property is alarmed ?

PB :

The building was equipped with an alarm system but that night was not activated , because , I also ricostruii the story , had just been installed. That evening I went out to half past eight and I remember perfectly well that attivai the alarm system . The strange thing that I can point out about it is that I noticed that the alarm system the next day, when we entered , was not damaged because the cell light was always running, even if it is turned off, and the person or persons who had not have damaged the alarm, but they just turned off the phone dialer , and thereby demonstrating minimal competence, however, a certain expertise in the field of alarms, electronics because disable a phone dialer without damaging the alarm I would not be able , even essendone owner, so I would not have this skill.


LM :

However, the break-in occurred in this high window three or four meters.

PB :

Approximately .

LM :

Have you found near the stairs ?

PB :


LM :

Have you found other means ?

PB :

No. We have also made an inspection , I remember , with the crew of the steering wheel. Let's say , the underlying property study has a door , so to speak , armored -type grates, and a particularly gifted person could also climb. You may not know, this is a guess.

LM :

Though of course it was not easy to climb.

PB :

Absolutely not.

LM :

He has spoken before of this rock , this porphyry.

PB :


LM :

Where he was found , either externally or internally ?

PB :

Externally , right on the balcony, because obviously the person or people who made such access , with the help of this porphyry very heavy, because there was to drill a double-glazed , so it was a thin glass , but it was those double-glazing that are used for thermal insulation more than anything else , certainly not for safety reasons , obviously asking a mass crash of a certain size to be able to somehow able to do so , otherwise a small fragment of stone would not have been evidently sufficient.

LM :

What was removed inside the studio ?

PB :

So , at first we avvedemmo that the study appeared in a state of general confusion : the whole store was ransacked , all the paperwork and files have been reduced to a heap , the study practices , the practices of answering . However, since the initial inventory that we carried out there at the moment , it appeared missing a newly purchased computer , owned Palazzoli lawyer , a laptop computer notebook on the type of brand that you absolutely do not remember, the USB keys to the ones used for the insertion and data storage , a portable printer that Canon was my property and then a few days later, just when physically contacted me behind the wheel of a crew of Milan , the agent chosen Thick Rita , I realized that I had also stolen a mobile phone, which however, it was in part not working, because it is through the phone then went up to my complaint investigation dell'interforze entered into the system , the SDI of the police force . Then there was also a phone, however, that I had disposed of and of which protected them even more memory, which was placed in the drawer of my desk .


LM :

We then spoke of the rummages chin , as well as , as said before, with broken glass on the garments. E 'was also used copier?

PB :

This are not able to say it. Was quietly usable because there are no security codes of the copier , but that are not capable of ...

LM :

They turned on the heater ?

PB :

Yes, the heater when we went in, it was on a regular basis, so much so that there was a searing temperatures inside the studio because it has been on, I think, more than twenty-four hours in a row at a time , however , in October , which was not not even particularly cold. However , I noticed that this person or these people who are introduced in the study have also used the drinks that were present in a piece of furniture , leaving ... also open all cabinet emergency room, meticulously researching all that was in it , but more of disinfectants, air gauges , these things here , but they did just a selection of the material inside the cabinet ready rescue.
This was featured on CNN Crimes of the Century. It was all about poor widdle victim Amanda. Until the very end of the show they finally said it was about Meredith Kercher NOT Amanda. I didn't like the way they were talking about the Kercher Family needs to pay attention to the facts of the case instead of the Prosecutor. I was wondering the same thing about the people interviewed for this report.... If they had bothered to read the facts of the case.
Where did the information about more experts signing come from originally? I would like to see proof that signatures were withdrawn if in fact there were more.
1. redheadlegal was the one who originally said that 9 other forensic experts signed the document with Dr. Hampakian.
2. Then Otto said that most of them withdrew.
3. Then the letter was shown, with only Hampakian's signature and 1 other expert.
So yes,
a. where was it said that there were 9?
b. where is it shown that the others withdrew?
People that are convicted of brutally murdering female University students are usually trashed.

I guess this is where we differ. I find trashing people to be a waste of time, and a reflection on the "trasher" rather than the "trashee." If I don't like someone, I avoid them.
Thanks. That would be the letter. Initially, there were more signatures, but as soon a the letter was circulated, seven of nine people withdrew their signatures.

Reality is that two scientists signed that letter expressing their concerns about how the DNA evidence in the case had been handled. Seven more later expressed their agreement with the contents of that letter.

At this point, it's moot. Because during the appeal the court appointed experts came to essentially the same conclusions.

I hadn't heard the pro guilt spin on this that the other seven "withdrew" their signature. That is indeed a clever, but completely dishonest.
Reality is that two scientists signed that letter expressing their concerns about how the DNA evidence in the case had been handled. Seven more later expressed their agreement with the contents of that letter.

At this point, it's moot. Because during the appeal the court appointed experts came to essentially the same conclusions.

I hadn't heard the pro guilt spin on this that the other seven "withdrew" their signature. That is indeed a clever, but completely dishonest.
I understand about the 'spin' element, and would agree. I was simply trying to keep the facts straight.
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