Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#4

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Nope. It doesn't exist.

The question was- are there cell phone records?

The times were off... not the question was trickery or there were no records.

Are you leaving out that there was more than one call home?
The question was- are there cell phone records?

The times were off... not the question was trickery or there were no records.

Are you leaving out that there was more than one call home?

I'm using the transcript. What are you using?

Comodi: You said that you called your mother on the morning of Nov 2.

Amanda: Yes.

Comodi: When did you call her for the first time?

Amanda: The first time was right away after they had sent us out of the house. I was like this. I sat on the ground, and I called my mother.

Comodi: So this was when either the police or the carabinieri had already intervened.

Amanda: It was after they had broken down the door and sent us outside. I don’t know what kind of police it was, but it was the ones who arrived first. Later, many other people arrived.

Comodi: But from the records, we see that you called your mother – not only from the billing records but also from the cell phone pings – that you first called your mother at twelve. At midday. What time is it at midday? What time is it in Seattle, if in Perugia it is midday?

Comodi: But at twelve o’clock, nothing had happened yet.

There certainly was records:

The day of 2.11.07
− 12:07:12 (duration of 16 seconds) Amanda calls the English phone number 00447841131571 belonging to Meredith Kercher. The mobile phone connects to the cell at [346] Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector 9 (the signal from this cell is picked up at Sollecito’s house)
− 12.08.44 (lasted 68 seconds) Amanda calls Romanelli Filomena on number 347-1073006; the mobile phone connects to the Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector 3 cell (which covers Sollecito’s house)
− 12:11:02 (3 seconds) the Vodafone number 348-4673711 belonging to Meredith (this is the one [i.e. SIM card] registered to Romanelli Filomena) is called and its answering service is activated (cell used: Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector3)
− 12:11:54 (4 seconds): another call is made towards Meredith’s English mobile phone number (the cell used is the one in Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector 3, thus compatible with Sollecito’s house)
− 12:12:35 (lasting 36 seconds) Romanelli Filomena calls Amanda Knox (No. 348-4673590); Amanda receives the call connecting to the cell on Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector 3 (still at Raffaele’s house)
− 12:20:44 (lasting 65 seconds) Romanelli F. calls Amanda, who receives the call connecting to the cell in Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector 9 (good for Corso Garibaldi 30)
− 12:34:56 (48 seconds): Filomena calls Amanda who receives it from the cottage on Via della Pergola 7 (the cell used is that on Piazza Lupattelli sector 7. As mentioned, Raffaele also used the same cell when he called the service centre at 12:35 hours to recharge [the credit of] his mobile phone)
− 12:47:23 (duration of 88 seconds): Amanda calls the American (USA) number 00120069326457, using the cell on Piazza Lupatetlli sector 7; the phone call takes place prior to the one which, at 12.51.40, Raffaele Sollecito will make to ‚112‛, connecting to the cell on Via dell’Aquila 5-Torre dell’Acquedotto sector 1, which gives coverage to Via della Pergola 7)
− 13:24:18 (duration of 162 seconds): Amanda calls the same American number which corresponds to the home of her mother, Mrs Edda Mellas, using the same cell. It is obvious that the young woman is inside the cottage, where by this point, several minutes earlier, the Postal Police had shown up, [347] represented by Inspector Battistelli and Assistant Marzi, who were engaged in the task of tracking down Filomena Romanelli, who was the owner of the Vodafone phonecard contained in the mobile phone found earlier in the garden of the villa on Via Sperandio
− 13:27:32 (duration of 26 seconds): Amanda calls the American number 0012069319350 , still using the cell at Piazza Lupattelli sector 7.
− 13:29:00 (duration of 296 seconds) Amanda receives [a call] from No. 075/54247561 (Piazza Lupattelli sector 7 cell)
− 13:58:33 (1 second): this is an attempted call to her mother’s number
− 13:50:06 (350 seconds): Amanda calls the American number 0012069319350 by using the Piazza Lupattelli sector 7 cell
− 14:46:14 (102 seconds) Amanda receives a call from the German number 494154794034, most likely belonging to her aunt Doroty
Also, with regards to the questioning and the times, the honest answer would have been very simple, something like:

Well, I remember calling my mom before they found the body. I'm not sure if it was 12 or exactly what time it was. But I remember it was before the knocked the door down and before they found the body. I was calling her to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (reason). Then I called her again after the body was found and they sent us outside.

So really, the whole issue of "misleading times" is a moot point, IMO.
Also, with regards to the questioning and the times, the honest answer would have been very simple, something like:

Well, I remember calling my mom before they found the body. I'm not sure if it was 12 or exactly what time it was. But I remember it was before the knocked the door down and before they found the body. I was calling her to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (reason). Then I called her again after the body was found and they sent us outside.

So really, the whole issue of "misleading times" is a moot point, IMO.

Midday = 12:47

How's that :loveyou:

The point being she didn't remember the first call no matter what time it was that she called. It just happened to be 'before anything had happened' as BOTH the mom and LE realized. AK did not or was blocking it out IMO.
Nope. Comodi shamelessly lied and mislead the court that it did.

Comodi: But from the records, we see that you called your mother – not only from the billing records but also from the cell phone pings – that you first called your mother at twelve. At midday.
So she was lying in open court about there being records? Yet Amanda's mother had also wondered about the call? Color me confused. :(
Also, with regards to the questioning and the times, the honest answer would have been very simple, something like:

Well, I remember calling my mom before they found the body. I'm not sure if it was 12 or exactly what time it was. But I remember it was before the knocked the door down and before they found the body. I was calling her to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (reason). Then I called her again after the body was found and they sent us outside.

So really, the whole issue of "misleading times" is a moot point, IMO.

A prosecutor lying and misleading the court is not a moot point.

It's clear from the transcript she's outright lying they had proof of a 12pm call that didn't exist.
So she was lying in open court about their being records? Yet Amanda's mother had also wondered about the call? Color me confused. :(

No, SMK, she wasn't lying about there being records. There are records, no one can take that away. Thank God. One thing concrete that no one can dispute, unless someone assigns different meanings to numbers and words.
So she was lying in open court about their being records? Yet Amanda's mother had also wondered about the call? Color me confused. :(

No need to be confused. Her mother gets a pass on timing and sequence of calls and memory about them but a prosecutor doesn't get a pass telling outright lies about phone records that don't exist.
There was no earlier call before 12.47pm and she clearly remembers making the first call to her.

Comodi: But from the records, we see that you called your mother – not only from the billing records but also from the cell phone pings – that you first called your mother at twelve. At midday. What time is it at midday? What time is it in Seattle, if in Perugia it is midday?

Comodi: But at twelve o’clock, nothing had happened yet.

Amanda: Hm. Okay. I don’t remember that phone call. (because it doesn't exist)

Comodi: You did it.

Amanda: Okay, that’s fine. But I don’t remember it. I don’t remember that phone call.
(because it doesn't exist)

So you think the 12:47 call was the call where she told her mother about Meredith being discovered because that's the FIRST call Amanda remembers making to her mother?
So you think the 12:47 call was the call where she told her mother about Meredith being discovered because that's the FIRST call Amanda remembers making to her mother?

Yes, because it's the first call to her mother in her phone records for Nov 2.
A prosecutor lying and misleading the court is not a moot point.

It's clear from the transcript she's outright lying they had proof of a 12pm.

The important part of it is "before anything happened." Amanda should have remembered the first call, being at 12:47, it was only shortly before her next call (the one she actually remembers), which she clearly remembers AND can give details for.

I gave an example of an earlier post, where is she wasn't lying, she would have answered it honestly in terms of the relative moments, such as the moment the body was found. Here's another example:

I called my mom many times that day. The first time was when the policia first arrived, I was a bit shaken and decided to call my mom. I don't remember exactly what time it was, I just remember it was in the beginning when everything was first starting with the policia arriving and all of that. I don't remember the exact time. I went into the room away from the police to call her because there was no much noise outside. I told her XXXXXXXXXX. She said XXXXXXXX. Then I called her again after they broke the door down and sent us outside because I had to tell her what was they found. I remember I was sitting like this, outside. After that, I called her often to give her updates because she was very worried and panicked.

The point is, Amanda was on the stand and allowed to give her answer any way she wanted to give it. If the prosecutor gave her a precise pin-point time that she couldn't remember the TIME, all she had to do was explain it in terms RELATIVE TO THE BIG MOMENTS OF THE DAY, like when the postal police arrived, when Filomena arrived, when they broke the door, when they found the body, etc. etc..

How does it go from "I don't remember the exact time, but I remember it was before this, or after that...." to "I don't remember that call at all."

There is a huge difference.

Yes, because it's the first call to her mother in her phone records for Nov 2.

Meredith had not been discovered at 12:47. Raffaele had not even called 112 yet. The first call amanda remembers to her mother is at 13:26 which is after Meredith had been discovered.

Although she did in fact call her mother in the NOON hour that day. I'm sorry you think the prosecutor is misleading her but that's simply not true. Comodi knew there is a call to Edda long before the door was broken down.
Are you feeling frustrated? Then step away from the keyboard. If things don't cool off in here, we will close this thread for awhile so everyone can get a grip.
Midday = 12:47

How's that :loveyou:

The point being she didn't remember the first call no matter what time it was that she called. It just happened to be 'before anything had happened' as BOTH the mom and LE realized. AK did not or was blocking it out IMO.

That call was after Amanda had called Filomena and told her about the broken window and that Meredith was missing. And after Amanda had attempted to call Meredith's phones. Filomena was so concerned she was already heading back to the cottage. It's dishonest to say that was before anything had happened.
'Beyond all doubt' is far from accurate. 'A lot' probably doesn't apply to the well-read posters here. How does midday become a lie when discussing a 12:47pm call? Isn't that the middle of the day?

Why when it is discussed in 20 post that the POINT was she didn't remember the first call (no matter the exact time) even after both her mother and LE told her she had called? The main point is the call itself before anything happened... not the exact time.

No excuses... only logic and reasoning IMO.
That call was after Amanda had called Filomena and told her about the broken window and that Meredith was missing. And after Amanda had attempted to call Meredith's phones. Filomena was so concerned she was already heading back to the cottage. It's dishonest to say that was before anything had happened.

I can agree with you on this point but it doesn't change the fact that amanda testified that the first call she made to her mother was AFTER Meredith was discovered. That was not true.

I will also say that prosecutors attempt to trip people up all the time on the stand.
That call was after Amanda had called Filomena and told her about the broken window and that Meredith was missing. And after Amanda had attempted to call Meredith's phones. Filomena was so concerned she was already heading back to the cottage. It's dishonest to say that was before anything had happened.

What? That is exactly what her mom, LE and everybody have/were asking.

She doesn't remember the call. Her mom and RECORDS do. No matter the exact timing. It was before Meredith had been found... nothing had happened in that she was ok with taking a shower and bopping around on a bathmat naked. AK calls to Meredith were convieniently short, and made while far away from Meredith's door. Why?
That call was after Amanda had called Filomena and told her about the broken window and that Meredith was missing. And after Amanda had attempted to call Meredith's phones. Filomena was so concerned she was already heading back to the cottage. It's dishonest to say that was before anything had happened.
Yes, I don't think dishonesty is ever called for. If there is a case, prosecutors and police shouldn't have to lie. So it should have been worded that a call was placed to Mom (didnt Edda say 'leave and phone police' ?) when things were noticed to be quite amiss, but before it was known that a murder had occurred.

So there WAS an earlier call, but it was not placed before "discovering" things were quite amiss at the cottage.

So the prosecutor might have said, "There was an earlier call to your mother, prior to the police knocking down the door and discovering the victim. Why was this?"

and Knox might have answered, "To tell her things seemed awry at the cottage." ------ THEN the prosecutor might have skillfully said, "and you knew, didn't you, that things were far more awry than merely a simply break-in, right?" JMO:moo:
Speaking of Comodi.....she's in the news today about the cartoon they blew 182k on.

Meredith, 182 thousand Euros for a video of the accusation: "process" the prosecutor Comodi

Mauela Comodi, Meredith judge in the trial, is blamed for irregularities on custody of the reconstruction of the murder of the movie aired in the classroom.

The curse befalls Amanda also one of the two Pm - Manuela Comodi - that led the charge as part of the murder of Meredith Kercher where they are still suspects Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. The Comodi will be processed by the CSM for the movie reconstruction - projected in the classroom - the crime of via della Pergola. The charge was that he had liquidated the remuneration for the office to the company Nventa Id, (a large sum ", amounting to EUR 182 740), without making explicit in the decree of payment motivations and criteria used.'s Accua is to loss of revenue to the state.

According to the indictment formalized the CSM, the magistrate would have caused, "as a result of the significant amount of liquidated irregularly-incrimination-emphasizes the act of an undue advantage to Nventa Id, correlated with undue damage to the Treasury on 30 June 2011 anticipated the large sum. " In the disciplinary process of 6 December Convenient will have a defender of exception: the former pm Clean Hands Piercamillo Davigo, for years now adviser to the Supreme Court.

Yes, I'll admit this translation is a mess but you get the gist.
Dang it Comodi... you didn't even need the expensive video to convict the two killers.

It was expensive and things are tough everywhere... but it did contribute (I guess) to them being convicted.
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