Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#5

DNA Solves
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Disputed since there was testimony that the CCTV clock was 10 minutes fast. We just discussed that testimony so I don't think there is any point to do that again. The person on CCTV was most likely Knox although we can't make any definite identification. The clothes and timing don't fit with Meredith.

If the timing on that video was 10 minutes fast, the person crossing the street to the cottage can't be Amanda. At 8:40 pm, a witness was talking to Amanda at Raffaele's apartment.

What I find interesting about that video is that the camera timestamp is clipped from the version released to the press.
If it was 10 minutes fast then how can it be Amanda at 8.43pm when she was at Raffaele's place watching Amelie and seen by Joanna Popovic just three minutes earlier? It lines up perfectly with Meredith getting home after she parted with Sophie.
That witness said she was there around 8:40pm. Not exactly 8:40pm. It is just a 5 minute walk to the cottage so it fits. Besides Knox claimed in her 1:45am statement that she left right after replying to Patrick to meet him immediately which could also fit with an arrival time of 8:41pm.
A deal is a deal. If he made a deal w prosecutors, he would have given the testimony and then got whatever sentence the deal was. I have never heard of prosecutors using deals to get info then reneging on them.i don't think anyone is that corrupt, besides I am not even sure such info would be admissible had the prosecution reneged on a deal.

RS could say he did simply nothing, he could say AK wanted to play sex games, he took MK shirt off, then he got scared and went into the other room. He would have no culpability in the crime and could have blamed it all on AK and RG. Since he did not commit a crime (or maybe only an attempted crime) he would have gotten little to no jail time. Then they would have had a more solid case against AK. Both sides would have benefitted, indeed Mignini would have been thrilled if he got RS to turn. I think he Said on the Katie show that such a deal was offered, one for no culpability.

The problem is, the details Amanda would have given might have been backed up by forensic evidence, or could be that people just believed her. I'm sure there are things which, if told how the crime played out, investigators could go back and find pieces of evidence and clues that they missed. Missing pieces of the puzzle, if you will. And then RS actually has MORE evidence against him, which would be backed up by a witness account. Double whammy.
The scientific community does not accept low copy DNA as valid. The evidence was examined in the same lab along with other evidence of MK. It could easily become contaminated with other evidence in the lab. Moreover, there is a greater chance of false positives - more testing should have been done on that sample to confirm the result. Why doesn't the prosecution do another test? I suspect if the random female DNA turns out to be a technician, the prosecution's case is all but over.

WIth LC DNA they have to blow up the sample and whatever technique they use increases the chances that the result could go wrong. The prosecution did not use the most valid testing to do LC testing, they used an inferior method. Also it is not reproducible bc I think whatever technique they used destroyed the sample. That gave no opportunity for the defense or anyone else to confirm the result.

If that knife was the murder weapon you would not have to rely on the testing on one itself bitsy piece of that knife. MK's DNA would have been all over that knife. The fact that it was not increases the possibility that that test on that very small sample was just a false positive or was contamined,

Indeed, they should have found dna all over that knife, not just low copy but regular dna too. that is just common sense. If you are stabbed 46 times w an object your DNA is going to be all over that object.

And that is not the only problem with that knife. Why is not it blood DNA? There is no blood on that knife. How could you stab someone and not leave any traces of blood? MK's blood DNA would be all over that knife.

And if that is not enough, it also does not match the wounds. If the DNA was blood or if it matched the wounds maybe it would be more convincing but it does not. Or if other parts of the knife also tested positive.

Relying on LC DNA raises an extremely dangerous precedent. It would mean that the state can rely on DNA testing, say it is positive, then give the defense no opportunity to confirm the state's results because it was destroyed. That raises serious civil liberties issues, that is why low copy DNA is not considered admissible bc it just has too many problems with it.

Like I said, if there was low copy DNA all over that knife - and it was blood - there would be a more convincing case. The prosecution asked for more testing hoping they would find more and if they did that would be convincing. But they did not and I think they know that no higher court is going to uphold a verdict based on unreliable DNA evidence because of the horrible precedent it sets. Remember this case is not just about AK. If the SC and the European court of justice allow unreliable low copy DNA here they have to let it in in all cases. That would set Italy apart as one of the few(only?) country that allows unreliable scientific techniques to buttress convictions. It would sorta be like admitting lie detectors as evidence even though the scientific community believes them unreliable in all cases. No court is going to want to set that precedent, at least with the LC technique used by the prosecution here - and the absence or evidence that it was blood or that the murder weapon was a clear match.

All of that (about low-density) still doesn't explain how it could have been Meredith's DNA. So they had to blow up the sample and it increased the chances of going wrong ---- going wrong straight into the exact match to Meredith's DNA? That must have been some random event!!!!!!!!! Of the 6 billion people in the world, it decided to form itself into Meredith's DNA....WOW!!! I would think "going wrong" would be there is no match or it's not readable.

Also, Rudy's DNA was also tested in the same lab and the results turned out fine and accurate.

And the lab has probably processed the evidence of many criminal cases and gotten it right.
That witness said she was there around 8:40pm. Not exactly 8:40pm. It is just a 5 minute walk to the cottage so it fits. Besides Knox claimed in her 1:45am statement that she left right after replying to Patrick to meet him immediately which could also fit with an arrival time of 8:41pm.

Except Raffaele was on the phone to his dad till 8.46pm.

Ameile ended 9.10pm and Naruto finished 9.40pm

So did Amanda sprint back to the cottage after speaking to Popovic without Raffaele? How does Raffaele fit into the murder with Guede, the complete stranger who admited being there on his date with Meredith when she got home after parting ways with Sophie?

This has probably been posted or discussed before. It is the interview with Professor David Balding which IMO gives further insight regarding DNA in general and the findings on the bra clasp.

In this case, I am very wary of reading various Professor's take on the evidence. Very. From either side. I have seen how anyone can take something and twist it around completely and make it fit what they want, from both sides.
All of that (about low-density) still doesn't explain how it could have been Meredith's DNA. So they had to blow up the sample and it increased the chances of going wrong ---- going wrong straight into the exact match to Meredith's DNA? That must have been some random event!!!!!!!!! Of the 6 billion people in the world, it decided to form itself into Meredith's DNA....WOW!!! I would think "going wrong" would be there is no match or it's not readable.

Also, Rudy's DNA was also tested in the same lab and the results turned out fine and accurate.

And the lab has probably processed the evidence of many criminal cases and gotten it right.
Thanks. That is why I never understand the 'unreliable' claim. As if it was just an accident that Meredith's DNA came rolling out of the machine. The completeness of the DNA profile will be a reason to accept the test result IMO. No matter how many times the sample was tested.
Except Raffaele was on the phone to his dad till 8.46pm.

Ameile ended 9.10pm and Naruto finished 9.40pm

So did Amanda sprint back to the cottage after speaking to Popovic without Raffaele? How does Raffaele fit into the murder with Guede, the complete stranger who admited being there on his date with Meredith when she got home after parting ways with Sophie?
The CCTV images show that Knox arrived first. I don't think it takes any sprinting. The whole way from Sollecito's apartment is downhill but maybe you can calculate her walking speed from those few images :)

Sollecito never even claims himself that he watched any Naruto and not a single court has counted this evidence so I am doubtful about that. The defense claims human interaction at 9:26pm which still gives him plenty of time to catch up with Knox anyway.
Disputed since there was testimony that the CCTV clock was 10 minutes fast. We just discussed that testimony so I don't think there is any point to do that again. The person on CCTV was most likely Knox although we can't make any definite identification. The clothes and timing don't fit with Meredith.

Perhaps it was Amanda and RG meeting up so she could get the drugs from him?
The CCTV images show that Knox arrived first. I don't think it takes any sprinting. The whole way from Sollecito's apartment is downhill but maybe you can calculate her walking speed from those few images :)

Sollecito never even claims himself that he watched any Naruto and not a single court has counted this evidence so I am doubtful about that. The defense claims human interaction at 9:26pm which still gives him plenty of time to catch up with Knox anyway.

But that does leave the question of why wasn't he captured on the camera, whenever he did go?
One of the murder weapons is basically proved... with dna of the victim and one of the suspects found on it.
The argument that contamination must be proven is meretricious. There are many known cases of contamination in which the exact mechanism has not yet been found and may never be. These include the Jaidyn Leskie case, the Farah Jama case, and the Lukis Anderson case. I can only think of one counterexample.

A knife used in a murder would have to have blood. Yet there is no blood on Sollecito’s ordinary kitchen knife. How a knife can be cleaned of blood completely but not DNA in two places or starch is a virtual impossibility, as Johnson and Hampikian clearly stated in 2009. Bleach is very effective at destroying DNA, and detergent would lyse human cells and cause them to spill out their contents.
I was reading a summary of Amanda's appeal and noted that many of the test results showed the DNA of another unidentified female. I was looking for the English translation of the pdf in google but couldn't locate it. Does anyone have a link to it? Thanks...
It might be Laura's or Filomena's DNA, but no reference samples were obtained. One of the samples from Filomena's room (either 176 or 177) had a partial profile from a third contributor.
Perhaps it was Amanda and RG meeting up so she could get the drugs from him?

Let's try to keep the information on this thread as fact based as we can... If there are court documents or msm links that proof drugs were purchased that night from Rudy then link it please. Also, if there were blood tests done on Amanda or Rafaelle showing hard drugs in their system or hair, otherwise it is pure speculation. When I first became a member here and was following the Annie Le case I witnessed speculation grow and grow into later being posted as a fact and in the end it turned out to be false.
"il vetro della finestra, dalla quale si era affacciato, non era rotto"
Ok, so it is neither a 'facing' or a 'leaning out'. More like a 'looking out from the window' which could then mean that he went into the room before he went into the murder room otherwise there would have been bloody shoe prints. He repeated this claim during his appeal.

Why is it assumed that Guede looked out Filomina's bedroom window? Guede doesn't specify which window he looked out of. If it was Filomina's window and if the shutters were open, could he have looked out of the window from the hallway? Couldn't he also have looked out Knox's window, or the window in the laundry area? In any case, he says nothing about leaning out Filomina's window.

"Guede said he heard footsteps leaving the house and looked out of the window, where he saw a silhouette that he later identified as Knox's."
The argument that contamination must be proven is meretricious. There are many known cases of contamination in which the exact result has not yet been found and may never be. These include the Jaidyn Leskie case, the Farah Jama case, and the Lukis Anderson case. I can only think of one counterexample.

A knife used in a murder would have to have blood. Yet there is no blood on Sollecito’s ordinary kitchen knife. How a knife can be cleaned of blood completely but not DNA in two places or starch is a virtual impossibility, as Johnson and Hampikian clearly stated in 2009. Bleach is very effective at destroying DNA, and detergent would lyse human cells and cause them to spill out their contents.

I don't think it is necessary to demonstrate how contamination occurred, but rather to present at least one viable scenario where it could have occurred. This is where Conti and Vechiotti failed. In each scenario they imagined, it was demonstrated that contamination could not have occurred. The conclusion is that Conti and Vechiotti admitted that there was no realistic scenario where contamination could have occurred.
Guede looked out the window. Where was he when he did that and which window did he look out?

I don't know much about this person Joanna, however if I was a juror, I would question her her credibility, seeing as she is a friend of Raffaelo's. You don't think Raffaelo's father was working behind-the-scenes trying to get his son free?

Assume Raffaele is evil, therefore anyone associated with Raffaele is a liar, therefore Raffaele is guilty of murder, proving that Raffaele is evil.

Circular logic like this seems to be a key part of so many conspiracy theories.
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