Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#8

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There is very good reason for the authorities to close their ranks in this particular case.

It's not the blunder of prematurely announcing 'case closed' when the real killer was on the loose.

Amanda Knox described her mistreatment in writing the day after the interrogation.
Few light hits to the head may be nothing for the Perugian investigators. I even believe they paid attention to be especially gentle, by their standards, after all just few weeks before Amanda's arrest Aldo Bianzino had been massacred while in flying squad's custody and died in Cappane, Perugia. There was still some stink about it.

But they were accustomed to impunity (just look at the recent scandal involving Monica Napoleoni and others of her squad using the police database to find and then destroy the car of their "enemy").

Now when they were exposed in writing it suddenly became not about solving the case, but saving the jobs.

In place of the question "guilty or innocent" New dichotomy emerged: either she's a guilty liar or she's telling the truth and the cops are guilty of serious misconduct.
There was a rush to come up with any evidence, any witnesses and it all happened after the arrest, not before and it wasn't about solving the crime anymore.
This is all JMO. I do believe she was a tomboy, as she herself states and I had seen her say in a couple of interviews or something, I can't remember whre exactly. I think she got along well with guys, but also wanted to be included in "girls things" as well, and to have good friends who were girls. Especially as she was getting older, there's just something special about close friendships with other girls. I think she was a tomboy, but also had a girly-girl kind of side, if that makes any sense.

I don't know, but I have a feeling her 3 European roomates sort of saw her as that "crazy American girl," and they were just not used to her "type" (tomboyish, etc.). I don't know exactly what the upbringing of the other girls were, but I know in Europe, the "class" factor plays a much bigger role than in the U.S., especially more than in middle-class U.S., I don't know about upper/high class U.S., I'm sure they're just as concerned with status as Europeans are. But for the most part, I don't believe middle-class in U.S. concern themselves too much over those things.

I believe there was maybe some class-factor that maybe lead to some division between Amanda and the rest of her roomates. That maybe they treated her fine enough, but maybe they just felt she was a little different, and she could sense that. I don't know. As I said, this is JMO.
Yes, it had occurred to me as well, that there might have been some pining for girl friendships on the part of Knox, and some feeling that she had been judged in some sort of "class" way as well, for her lack of sophistication.

Of course those who view her as wholly innocent will say this is neither here nor there; and I would agree that it most cases this would be correct. In order to escalate to involvement in a crime such as this (presupposing for the moment her guilt and involvement) some deep transference would have had to be sparked: In other words, she would be reacting to things from her past, and not just to the situation in Perugia.
And don't forget that according to Amanda, Filomena's door was closed (that's why she didn't see the broken window). So it would make logical sense that, after seeing a dump in her (Filomena's) bathroom, seeing her door closed, she would logically go and check to see if maybe Filomena came back during the night and maybe that would explain the dump. Maybe it was Filomena, maybe it was some guy friend of hers. Or, maybe Meredith had some guy with her in her closed room that took a dump in that bathroom.

Remember, Amanda thought Meredith was in her room sleeping. Why would she automatically see some poo in the toilet and think it was from a burglar, when she hadn't even seen the broken window yet! And none of the other signs in the bathroom gave her any pause.

It wasn't the unflushed toilet alone. It started with the door being open and no one being home. Strange, but not overly concerning as the door latch was broken. She calls out and nobody was home. Maybe someone forgot to lock the door. Then the blood in the bathroom. Another curious finding, but it wasn't a bloodbath so, just strange. Then comes the unflushed toilet. She sees it and thinks Laura and Filomena wouldn't leave the toilet unflushed. What if someone came in while she was in the shower?? Then she feels a "lurch of panic". It was the totality of all these findings that caused her to be concerned. The poo was just the final straw.
Then you don't understand what weighing the evidence and witness credibility means or how trials work.
I do just fine and the last time I checked trials were decided in a court by judges and not by people on the internet.
I do just fine and the last time I checked trials were decided in a court by judges and not by people on the internet.

Don't people have the right to disagree with judges and the court?

Do you agree with Massei that Guede knocked on the door while Amanda & Raffaele were having sex, they let the virtual stranger in and went back to having more sex and he gets all horny so he makes a move on Meredith and they decided to assist him in raping and killing her?


Sure I would love to see a quote from his book about the inconsistancies. I'm sure he was just as honest as AK was in hers. After all it's nice that he was willing to write a book but wasn't willing to take the stand in his defense. Its really too bad we won't have trial transcripts to compare to.
I think he just took his shoe off and rinsed his pant leg while wearing them. Bloody water dripped down to his foot. He then stepped onto the bathmat leaving the many diluted traces and the footprint there.

So why when he stepped out of the shower did he step so far back to almost off the mat?
Given his behaviour in the investigation it is hard to believe that those things didn't happen. If he was running around like a loose cannon with everything else, why do you think he was objective and sober when it came to his treatment of witnesses he considered advantageous to his theory? IMO he would have been just as out of control with them as the rest of the case, which makes whatever they say suspect, particularly the witnesses that appeared out of nowhere.

What behaviors during the investigation are we talking about and who's the source for witnessing it? Running around like a loose cannon?

Have you ever seen an interview with G Mignini, he actually seems very calm.

He did an interview with CNN you can read the entire transcript and then watch the version they showed their viewers. It's quite eye opening.
Sure I would love to see a quote from his book about the inconsistancies. I'm sure he was just as honest as AK was in hers. After all it's nice that he was willing to write a book but wasn't willing to take the stand in his defense. Its really too bad we won't have trial transcripts to compare to.

You should direct your complaints to the prosecution who throughout the trials never requested him to be heard.
This quite bizarre evasiveness caught the eye of present judge Nencini, who remarked about it loudly in the courtroom. I wonder which way will it sway the ruling.
Don't people have the right to disagree with judges and the court?

Do you agree with Massei that Guede knocked on the door while Amanda & Raffaele were having sex, they let the virtual stranger in and went back to having more sex and he gets all horny so he makes a move on Meredith and they decided to assist him in raping and killing her?

Everybody can think whatever they want but that doesn't mean that a few people on the internet determine how evidence should be weighed or how trials in Italy work. Italian law says that a judge should fit the evidence into a possible scenario and should discuss a possible motive. The misunderstanding is that people think the judge should describe the one and only scenario and motive fitting the evidence. It can happen that different judges and prosecutors see another scenario that still fits all the evidence. In the end what matters is that the totality of the evidence makes it clear that Guede, Sollecito and Knox are all 3 equally responsible for the murder of Meredith Kercher, and who exactly made the first move or opened the door for who are all relatively minor details compared to that. JMO.
So why when he stepped out of the shower did he step so far back to almost off the mat?

There were many marks on the bathmat, if you care to take a look at it. I think he put down his foot more then once on it.
There were many marks on the bathmat, if you care to take a look at it. I think he put down his foot more then once on it.

Yes I am aware of the how much blood was on the bathmat AK used to wipe her feet and scoot to her room on.

I find it odd if he put his foot down so many times before the main print, why it was still able to leave a complete print minus of course the heal that touched nothing.
I think the totality of evidence cannot be put together into any scenario involving three attackers.
That's why Italian prosecutors' and court's scenarios are so ridiculous and bizarre.
That's why we haven't seen a successful attempt here, either.
You should direct your complaints to the prosecution who throughout the trials never requested him to be heard.
This quite bizarre evasiveness caught the eye of present judge Nencini, who remarked about it loudly in the courtroom. I wonder which way will it sway the ruling.

Oh his defense isn't able to call him?
Yes I am aware of the how much blood was on the bathmat AK used to wipe her feet and scoot to her room on.

I find it odd if he put his foot down so many times before the main print, why it was still able to leave a complete print minus of course the heal that touched nothing.

I think it's not easy to reconstruct every detail when we don't even know what was the position of the bathmat at that moment.

IMO it's possible that the bathmat was in other position or that Guede used the bidet to clean his pant leg.

ETA: Of course you're wrong about the print being complete. I'm referring you to the photos Otto posted in previous thread.
Oh his defense isn't able to call him?

Why would they? He already has the right to speak and he did just that if you are following the current trial. He said what he has to say.

It's the prosecution that is afraid to ask him questions for some reason.
Why would they? He already has the right to speak and he did just that if you are following the current trial. He said what he has to say.

It's the prosecution that is afraid to ask him questions for some reason.

Ok... Making spontaneous statements doesn't count as speaking in your own defense when you can't be questioned by the prosecutor on what you say.
I think it was RS who was scared to BE questioned.
Ok... Making spontaneous statements doesn't count as speaking in your own defense when you can't be questioned by the prosecutor on what you say.
I think it was RS who was scared to BE questioned.

LOL, that's your opinion and I respect it.

That the prosecution never requested to question him is a hard fact.
I think it's not easy to reconstruct every detail when we don't even know what was the position of the bathmat at that moment.

IMO it's possible that the bathmat was in other position or that Guede used the bidet to clean his pant leg.

ETA: Of course you're wrong about the print being complete. I'm referring you to the photos Otto posted in previous thread.

So now he didn't wash up in the shower?

Yes I said its incomplete because his heal is missing altogether, no spot on the floor where his heal touched. I find that odd.
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