Amscott, the car & the garbage dumpster revisited

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Do you think some evidence, etc. was put in the Amscot dumpster?

  • Yes

    Votes: 348 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 134 27.8%

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I think Casey had already gotten rid of anything incriminating when she parked the car. I think she parked it because Cindy had already found out where she was staying and were threatening to call the police and report the car stolen as well as the theft of money. George told the towyard guy that they had found their daughter, but the grand daughter was still missing. Casey did not want to get caught by LE driving that vehicle. I just can't figure out if she knew it was smelling that much.

I have swung toward thinking she moved the body on the 26th then parked the car, and didn't realize how much worse the smell would get. She doesn't think ahead.
I think Casey had already gotten rid of anything incriminating when she parked the car. I think she parked it because Cindy had already found out where she was staying and were threatening to call the police and report the car stolen as well as the theft of money. George told the towyard guy that they had found their daughter, but the grand daughter was still missing. Casey did not want to get caught by LE driving that vehicle. I just can't figure out if she knew it was smelling that much.

Yes, she may have already gotten rid of her. But, did CA know at this point where KC was staying? I thought it was after the car was towed (2-3 weeks later). Granted, I confuse easily :crazy:
Some on this thread and elsewhere have wondered about the lapse of time when Amscot is sure the Pontiac was on their lot, 7 a.m. and the time when Tony came by for Casey, who supposedly was standing near the car with groceries. That was close to noon. If she really was pushed by some male rescuers from the off-ramp to the Amscot dumpster, did she go with them? Or was that another deep dyed bouncer--maybe the actual scene was nothing like that.
Some on this thread and elsewhere have wondered about the lapse of time when Amscot is sure the Pontiac was on their lot, 7 a.m. and the time when Tony came by for Casey, who supposedly was standing near the car with groceries. That was close to noon. If she really was pushed by some male rescuers from the off-ramp to the Amscot dumpster, did she go with them? Or was that another deep dyed bouncer--maybe the actual scene was nothing like that.

I am looking for the details of what Tony said about the bags of groceries. What store were they from and what was inside?
Has anyone pointed out on this thread
That there is a gas station right next to the Amscot on Goldenrod?
Since I believe she left the car there to be stolen because of the odor coming from it, I don't think she was at all interested in getting gas for it. She must have told Tony something else happened to it other than running out of gas though or he might wonder why she didn't just get gas for it at the station. I do know she's supposed to have said that her dad was going to pick it up, and she was even going to get a new car, which of course, isn't true because she never called her dad.
I am looking for the details of what Tony said about the bags of groceries. What store were they from and what was inside?

rlms, today the transcript of the Tony Lazaro interrogation made clear that she had not gone to a market after all. Not from Tony's assessment, anyway. He said the sacks told him she had brought the Tyson chicken and the frozen pops from home, along w. some personal items. But this raises as many questions as it answers. Casey left him in the morning and he rescued her at 11 a.m. But Amscot swears the Pontiac was on their lot from 7 a.m. on. Obviously, she didn't pull in, being pushed from the highway at 7 and sit with dripping, melting food for four hours. What was she doing in that period of time and who was her chauffeur? Even if the Pontiac was there overnight 26-27, someone took her to and fro the next day before Tony picked her up at Amscot.
I wonder who drives the green small pickup that the neighbor claims to have seen at the house? I don't remember what date he claims to have seen it.
The pickup is a mystery. That would be interesting to know!
KC claims that George, of all people, not even herself, hit a squirrel while borrowing her car...hmmm...why go into that detail? Why does George even need to be brought into it? IMO, it's yet another truth sneaking in through a lie...George was an accomplice. IMO.

The green pick up? hmm ihaven't heard about that yet. If this holds truth, then that would be VERY interesting and is probably the key to who was escorting her around town.
Now that Casey has predated the smell of the car to June 27th, Baez cant say at trial that someone must have put a dead body in the car after it got to the towing company. In Caseys trying to suggest the car smelled before it was found from a dead squirrel, to divert attention from herself, she really screwed up the possibility that her attorney could argue that someone else put a body there since the smell was there before the car was towed
I've read Casey's version was the car ran out of gas just outside the Amscot and two guys pushed it into the parking lot. Well, from looking at the location of the dumpster & where her car would've been, it seems very unlikely they'd pick that spot to push it into especially with the maneuvering that would take. As for it being next to a dumpster, I think the smell was already in the car when she left it there and she put it by the dumpster to mask the odor coming from the car. I don't think she picked that particular dumpster to put Caylee in.

I agree... had she put Caylee there and she was found the obvious thing to do was look at the car next to the dumpster. I doubt she ran out of gas. No one backs a car in a space while being pushed.
I am looking for the details of what Tony said about the bags of groceries. What store were they from and what was inside?

Tony said the Tyson chicken and the frozen pops were not in market sacks but had come from the house & that she had a few personal items with her too. But the car was on the Amscot lot from 7 a.m. and perhaps before that. Tony didn't pick Casey up until 11 a.m. She could not have waited all that time with frozen food. He said she left him that morning. Fine. But how did she get to Hopespring and then to Amscot? I also wonder where she parked convenient to Sutton so that Tony would not smell the dead body stench from her car during the days before she abandoned it. There are obviously actions we know nothing about, eh?
Tony said the Tyson chicken and the frozen pops were not in market sacks but had come from the house & that she had a few personal items with her too. But the car was on the Amscot lot from 7 a.m. and perhaps before that. Tony didn't pick Casey up until 11 a.m. She could not have waited all that time with frozen food. He said she left him that morning. Fine. But how did she get to Hopespring and then to Amscot? I also wonder where she parked convenient to Sutton so that Tony would not smell the dead body stench from her car during the days before she abandoned it. There are obviously actions we know nothing about, eh?

I am totally confused as to why Casey would have gone there to Amscot that day at all if she had already dumped the car off the previous day?
Why have someone drive her to Hopespring, pick up frozen food, drive her to Amscot, drop her off, then call Tony to pick her up?
The whole thing makes no sense!
I am totally confused as to why Casey would have gone there to Amscot that day at all if she had already dumped the car off the previous day?
Why have someone drive her to Hopespring, pick up frozen food, drive her to Amscot, drop her off, then call Tony to pick her up?
The whole thing makes no sense!

I am totally confused as to why Casey would have gone there to Amscot that day at all if she had already dumped the car off the previous day?
Why have someone drive her to Hopespring, pick up frozen food, drive her to Amscot, drop her off, then call Tony to pick her up?
The whole thing makes no sense!

I think the person that dropped KC off at her car, was someone KC did not want driving her to Tonys. Another guy, perhaps.

So she told person #1 to drop her off at her car. Then she tells TonY her car is out of gas and she has all these bags.

Who knows, lol, I'm confused too.
Hi I am new... from first hearing of the location of her parked car, I begged Tim Miller w Texas Equusearch to search the landfill where this dumpster's trash is hauled to (again when they said they could no longer search wet areas). But it was not til a few weeks later I think I heard someone (LP, a reporter, or someone from LE) assuring that this in fact had been done and was not that difficult as they use grid maps possibly even GPS to track where that particular load is dumped etc. Anyone else recall for sure whether that was for sure searched?
Tony said the Tyson chicken and the frozen pops were not in market sacks but had come from the house & that she had a few personal items with her too. But the car was on the Amscot lot from 7 a.m. and perhaps before that. Tony didn't pick Casey up until 11 a.m. She could not have waited all that time with frozen food. He said she left him that morning. Fine. But how did she get to Hopespring and then to Amscot? I also wonder where she parked convenient to Sutton so that Tony would not smell the dead body stench from her car during the days before she abandoned it. There are obviously actions we know nothing about, eh?

This is very important information if true.

If Casey left the Car at amscot before 7am & called Tony at 11am then she must have had another ride because were did the frozen food come from & What did she do for those 4 hours?

Could somebody have been following her in another Car when she disposed of Caylee's body? (GA MAYBE)

They dispose of the body & then dump the car at amscot

Then they hop in the 2nd car & drive to Casey's house

She takes a shower to (wash off the decomp odor)

Grabs some frozen food out of her own freezer at home & then that somebody drops her back off at her car at amscot.

She then calls Tony for a ride & tells him...."My father is going to take care of the car"

Just speculation but I think it's important to find exactly where that Frozen Food came from
I posted this elsewhere but it seems more relevant here...

If she had dumped Caylee in the Amscott dumpster, I think that she would have made it her number one priority to get gas and move the car! She wouldn't have called Tony to pick her up from there.

She may have thrown some other evidence in there (just to clear it out) but definitely not Caylee. And...given what she left in the car (evidence), I doubt that she dumped anything at the Amscott.

i posted this elsewhere but it seems more relevant here...

If she had dumped caylee in the amscott dumpster, i think that she would have made it her number one priority to get gas and move the car! She wouldn't have called tony to pick her up from there.

She may have thrown some other evidence in there (just to clear it out) but definitely not caylee. And...given what she left in the car (evidence), i doubt that she dumped anything at the amscott.


that i could see happening! Makes sense!

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