Amscott, the car & the garbage dumpster revisited

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Do you think some evidence, etc. was put in the Amscot dumpster?

  • Yes

    Votes: 348 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 134 27.8%

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In one of her statements, Casey says that 2 guys helped push her car into that parking lot. IF they exist, WHERE are these 2 guys?! :furious:

I've thought about that, too. They wouldn't come forward if they were illegals, but immigrant workers are often the ones who will stop to help a stranded motorists. I still don't believe that story, though.
Right. It seems they would've pushed it just far enough to get it out of the way. Cars tend to veer to the right when pushed from behind. It would've been easier to park it head on with the building than steering it left toward the Dumpster. I guess it's possible, but doesn't add up to me.

LOL, you don't think SHE was actually pushing the car, do you? My opinion, she played her little damsel in distress card, had two guys pushing her in, while she sat in the driver seat and steered.

I didn't get around like Casey in my younger years, but I was shameless about batting my eyelashes and having men do my bidding. I ran out of gas once or twice myself, and I NEVER pushed my own car. :p

June 23rd green truck seen in Anthony driveway (Jesse drives a small truck)
June 24th Jesse resigns and maybe hears Caylee.
June 25th Casey starts telling Amy about smell in her car
June 26th calls to Amy or Jess, very quiet for Casey
June 27th car out of gas, text what r chances of running out of gas 2 fridays in a row and solidifies story of found squirrels w/Amy, calls Jess several times, tells Jess Caylee at beach w/nanny. has TonE pick her up, posts on facebook to Ricardo, Lee implies that Casey shopped at JC Penny this day too.
June 28th tells Jess about running out of gas and wants a gas can.

Tell me that doesn't look funny.....
LOL, you don't think SHE was actually pushing the car, do you? My opinion, she played her little damsel in distress card, had two guys pushing her in, while she sat in the driver seat and steered.

I didn't get around like Casey in my younger years, but I was shameless about batting my eyelashes and having men do my bidding. I ran out of gas once or twice myself, and I NEVER pushed my own car. :p

I did quite a bit of eyelash batting myself at her age. Still do. So, it's quite plausible to me that a couple of guys would've pushed the car for her and parked it wherever she wanted. Before 7am I'd bet that parking lot was empty. Seems logical they would've parked it in the most convenient spot, which was not next to the Dumpster.
Oh, I almost forgot...June 30th Casey shows up at 9:45 at Amys and tells her to let her in. Then asks about gas can and Amy goes with her to Target and buys Casey a gas can. Her car was towed at 9 something the morning of the 30th. When did Casey leave these couple notes on the car? Casey didn't check on her car the 30th? Or did she?
June 23rd green truck seen in Anthony driveway (Jesse drives a small truck)
June 24th Jesse resigns and maybe hears Caylee.
June 25th Casey starts telling Amy about smell in her car
June 26th calls to Amy or Jess, very quiet for Casey
June 27th car out of gas, text what r chances of running out of gas 2 fridays in a row and solidifies story of found squirrels w/Amy, calls Jess several times, tells Jess Caylee at beach w/nanny. has TonE pick her up, posts on facebook to Ricardo, Lee implies that Casey shopped at JC Penny this day too.
June 28th tells Jess about running out of gas and wants a gas can.

Tell me that doesn't look funny.....

TonE drives a jeep, IIRC. Maybe TonE pulled up into the driveway, and neighbor just saw very back of it, and mistook it for a pickup. She says she ran out of gas 2 fridays in a row, that would be the 20th and the 27th. Does anyone know where she ran out the 20th? Anyway, if my car ran out of gas, I would need a gascan to get more gas to put in it. So IMO, if the 23rd is when she and TonE, or whoever, are at the house so she can get the gascans, her car must have still been out of gas. She then runs out again on the 27th, so maybe the manager didn't actually see the car at 7am.
Here's what the manager says. She noticed the car 7am Fri. when she got to work. She says nothing about noticing it when she got off work. She notices it again 7am Sat when she got to work. She calls main office for instructions. If she worked Sun., she would have seen it 7am again, then on Monday also, when she called to have it towed. She wasn't actually questioned about this until at least July 16th, so maybe she first noticed the car that Friday a little later, like when she took out some trash, went to lunch, etc, but just lumped it all together at 7am every day it was there.
It could also be she ran out on the 26th, to make Amscott lady story accurate, but then why say 2 Fridays in a row to Amy, on that actual Friday. (She does seem hazy on her dates, but this was the same day.?)
I think the squirrel tale to Amy was to reinforce Amy to think squirrel in case Amy was the one to help her get gas in the car, to explain away the smell.
I did quite a bit of eyelash batting myself at her age. Still do. So, it's quite plausible to me that a couple of guys would've pushed the car for her and parked it wherever she wanted. Before 7am I'd bet that parking lot was empty. Seems logical they would've parked it in the most convenient spot, which was not next to the Dumpster.

Ha ha, I still do, too, but it's not QUITE as effective as it was in my younger days...(but it still seems to be the late teen age group who responds to it, go figure, lol)

Guess we will disagree on this one, by the dumpster is exactly where I would have steered my car in.:blowkiss:
When we found out about the purse that was left in the car, I thought she wanted it stolen. BUT, if the car was out of gas, would she think thieves would go get gas and put in it before stealing it? Now, finding out about her search for gas cans, maybe she didn't want it stolen.

Secondly, I am wondering about her money/credit card situation at that specific point in time. If she got food out of the frig at her parents' home, ran out of gas AND had to rely on someone to loan/buy her gas cans, did she have access to any money/credit cards at all (other than JC Penney, who doesn't sell gas) from 6/26-30?
Also, she supposedly ran out two Fridays in a row. If she was getting a little money on Friday nights for being the shot queen, maybe she was running out of money by midweek.
How about this: Casey disposed of the body June 16, possibly dumping it to the alligators, as LP has suggested. The smell starts within a few hours. She backed the car into the garage 3x that week to try to clean out the smell. It obviously didn't work... that's why she made up the "animal on the grill" story. She finally left the car at AMSCOT, knowing she couldn't wash out the overwhelming stench. She took the bag of pizza out of the dumpster and tossed it into the trunk.
How about this: Casey disposed of the body June 16, possibly dumping it to the alligators, as LP has suggested. The smell starts within a few hours. She backed the car into the garage 3x that week to try to clean out the smell. It obviously didn't work... that's why she made up the "animal on the grill" story. She finally left the car at AMSCOT, knowing she couldn't wash out the overwhelming stench. She took the bag of pizza out of the dumpster and tossed it into the trunk.
That's all quite possible. The question is the timing. Amscot manager sees car at 7am on the 27th. Tony picks her up there at 11-12. Four hour gap. I wish we had Tony's phone records because a more likely scenario, in my very humble opinion, is that she and Tony (or someone else)dumped the car there very early in the morning when they wouldn't be noticed.
Ha ha, I still do, too, but it's not QUITE as effective as it was in my younger days...(but it still seems to be the late teen age group who responds to it, go figure, lol)

Guess we will disagree on this one, by the dumpster is exactly where I would have steered my car in.:blowkiss:

I would totally steer my car into one of those spots next to the dumpster too....probably the one she ended up in because of the turn from the road. I wouldn't want it parked right in front of the store because I would be all embarrassed about the whole thing.
How about this: Casey disposed of the body June 16, possibly dumping it to the alligators, as LP has suggested. The smell starts within a few hours. She backed the car into the garage 3x that week to try to clean out the smell. It obviously didn't work... that's why she made up the "animal on the grill" story. She finally left the car at AMSCOT, knowing she couldn't wash out the overwhelming stench. She took the bag of pizza out of the dumpster and tossed it into the trunk.

Very Plausible.

Still not sure why she got up so early to get froozen food and icey pops. Would have been more likely that she would have arranged to run out of gas in the evening, than to get up really early just to drop the car off. Maybe the smell was just getting too bad at Tony's complex and she was worried he would smell it from the heat. Or maybe she knew her parents wouldn't be home in the morning so she could snag some stuff.
I really think that the ice pops and chicken were incidental. AL stated that she also picked up a change of clothes. Maybe she also thought she might be able to steal some cash or something else (maybe even gas - again)...I wouldn't read too much into the food. I think she picked it up opportunistically when she went back home for something else.
Very Plausible.

Still not sure why she got up so early to get froozen food and icey pops. Would have been more likely that she would have arranged to run out of gas in the evening, than to get up really early just to drop the car off. Maybe the smell was just getting too bad at Tony's complex and she was worried he would smell it from the heat. Or maybe she knew her parents wouldn't be home in the morning so she could snag some stuff.

I wan't to know where the Icy pops & frozen food came from?

Maybe they came from The Anthony's fridge!

Maybe she dumped Caylees body in the early morning of the 27th & while doing so she was covered in mud & decomp odor.

The car either runs out of gas or she leaves it at amscot on purpose sometime before 7am

She can't call tony for a ride until she cleans up

She then either - Walks, takes a taxi or gets a ride from an accomplice to the Anthonys home.

She showers & changes her clothes

On her way out she fills a bag with "CAYLEES" icypops & other frozen food from her mothers fridge & then goes back to the car at amscot

It is now 11:00 am & she calls Tony

"I'm out of gas" - "Come & get me"
If there was a body in your trunk and your car "smelled", you wouldn't let other people near your car.

It doesn't make sense to leave a purse (if there was ID or anything in it) and keep frozen pops either.
I wan't to know where the Icy pops & frozen food came from?

Maybe they came from The Anthony's fridge!

Maybe she dumped Caylees body in the early morning of the 27th & while doing so she was covered in mud & decomp odor.

The car either runs out of gas or she leaves it at amscot on purpose sometime before 7am

She can't call tony for a ride until she cleans up

She then either - Walks, takes a taxi or gets a ride from an accomplice to the Anthonys home.

She showers & changes her clothes

On her way out she fills a bag with "CAYLEES" icypops & other frozen food from her mothers fridge & then goes back to the car at amscot

It is now 11:00 am & she calls Tony

"I'm out of gas" - "Come & get me"

I've always wondered why Tony didn't notice Casey's smell if she had moved the body.

I think your explanation is probably what happened. The frozen pops and frozen food are huge clues.

She had to take a shower, get clean clothes and snagged some snacks for Tony too. I bet she also tried to find cash and credit cards.
I still say the car is Casey's big mistake. I can't wait to find out if anyone at all rode in the thing after the 15th, where it was parked around Tony's apartment, and just where Casey was June 15th through the 20th. Maybe LP is right and Casey simply did just run out of gas and was trying to figure a way to get back to the vehicle alone where no one would be helping her pour gas into her tank.
That's prob'ly the best theory/idea I've read so far. I can buy that have me thinking now. Thanks

Only problem I have is what was the Anthony's work schedule? Sounds like Cindy was up and about by 8:00am everyday. George, gads I question his schedule--no stable work history and the best we know he leaves for work around noonish-1:00pm. Maybe tomorrow this question will be answered-- with the release of their police interviews!

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