Amscott, the car & the garbage dumpster revisited

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Do you think some evidence, etc. was put in the Amscot dumpster?

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June 23rd green truck seen in Anthony driveway (Jesse drives a small truck)
June 24th Jesse resigns and maybe hears Caylee.
June 25th Casey starts telling Amy about smell in her car
June 26th calls to Amy or Jess, very quiet for Casey
June 27th car out of gas, text what r chances of running out of gas 2 fridays in a row and solidifies story of found squirrels w/Amy, calls Jess several times, tells Jess Caylee at beach w/nanny. has TonE pick her up, posts on facebook to Ricardo, Lee implies that Casey shopped at JC Penny this day too.
June 28th tells Jess about running out of gas and wants a gas can.

Tell me that doesn't look funny.....

I like the way you think!
June 23rd green truck seen in Anthony driveway (Jesse drives a small truck)
June 24th Jesse resigns and maybe hears Caylee.
June 25th Casey starts telling Amy about smell in her car
June 26th calls to Amy or Jess, very quiet for Casey
June 27th car out of gas, text what r chances of running out of gas 2 fridays in a row and solidifies story of found squirrels w/Amy, calls Jess several times, tells Jess Caylee at beach w/nanny. has TonE pick her up, posts on facebook to Ricardo, Lee implies that Casey shopped at JC Penny this day too.
June 28th tells Jess about running out of gas and wants a gas can.

Tell me that doesn't look funny.....

Jesse's truck is silver not dark green
I am totally confused as to why Casey would have gone there to Amscot that day at all if she had already dumped the car off the previous day?
Why have someone drive her to Hopespring, pick up frozen food, drive her to Amscot, drop her off, then call Tony to pick her up?
The whole thing makes no sense!

possibly she needed to go to Hopespring to retrieve some of her stuff, she didnt want to run the risk of getting busted at the house with her car,the smell,no kid,etc. so she calls someone else to take her to hopespring and uses the "HELP-I ran out of gas excuse" gets a ride to hopespring and asks to be brought back to car at amscott, calls Tone and uses the ran out of gas excuse again to get a ride from him.
In all the interviews and calls that have come through so far, there are none for the guys that pushed the car. I think these guys are the invisible men. I don't believe they exist. These two guys would be very important to find if they were real. They could provide plenty of information about the time, the smell of the car and Casey's demeanor. I just don't believe they are real.

I think someone else was there. A friend that Casey called. She called JG to try and have him come pick her up. She called Tony and he finally did, with what sounds like some reluctance. Why couldn't she have called another on that day? I hope the phone records show this.

Here's something else to add to that.

The tow yard guy didn't have a key, so Casey didn't leave the key in the car. She pulled into the parking lot and just abandoned the vehicle claiming it ran out of gas.

From what I recall, when George got to the tow yard, he didn't put a key in the ignition and start it to see that it was out of gas, he just went directly to his vehicle and got gas cans and began putting gas into the car.

Who knew it would be out of gas? How did he know to bring those gas cans to the tow yard? Lucky guess? Maybe... But from that, now there seems no proof that the car was out of gas?

It looks to me like the entire family plants seeds for one another and they each run with whatever sounds good.

this makes for a good point. I believe you are correct--but I would say it is very likely George was told by cindy,amy,or casey or someone that casey's excuse for leaving the car was that it was out of gas. Also, casey had mentioned earlier on that her gas gauge was not working. George being as anal as he is, planned ahead, assuming,or anticipating the car was on empty. But, you are 100% correct that we do not know if it actually was empty
June 30th Casey shows up at 9:45 at Amys and tells her to let her in. Then asks about gas can and Amy goes with her to Target and buys Casey a gas can. Her car was towed at 9 something the morning of the 30th. When did Casey leave these couple notes on the car? Casey didn't check on her car the 30th? Or did she?

Interesting, because later in the day of the 30th she has access to Tony's Jeep (his flight left that morning around 10 IIRC). Her car had already been towed but did she or didn't she know it yet? But she was supposed to be driving them to the airport that day and knew she could use Tony's Jeep, so why was she at Amy's at 9:45 for a gas can!? And how was she taking Tony for a 10am flight but at Amy's to get a gas can at 9:45?

Did she swing by the Amscot in Tony's Jeep on the way back from the airport (taking him early, to go through security etc) and see the car still there? But then why would she need Amy in getting a gas can? Didn't have cash to pay for one? Who/how did she pay to put money in said gas can?
I've always wondered why Tony didn't notice Casey's smell if she had moved the body.

I think your explanation is probably what happened. The frozen pops and frozen food are huge clues.

She had to take a shower, get clean clothes and snagged some snacks for Tony too. I bet she also tried to find cash and credit cards.

I remember when I was young & I first moved away from home. I was "dirt poor" & struggling to pay my rent - always broke.

I would bring my dirty laundry to my parents house to wash & when I left I would always grab a bag & load up on food from the freezer.

I think thats exactly what Casey did

The big question is why didn't GA see or hear her on the 27th?

Or did he?
I'm thinking back to Casey borrowing the shovel from the neighbor on the 18th

At first I thought she must have used the shovel to dig up Caylee from the back yard & put her body in the trunk

If George's story, about going into the trunk to retrieve the gas cans on the 24th, were true then he would have noticed the decomp odor that day

If you believe George then Caylee could not have been in that trunk before the 24th

But now we have a different version from Lee

He states that George did not go into the trunk to retrieve the gas cans on the 24th

He says that Casey threw them at him angrily

So maybe Caylee was removed from the yard on the 18th & kept in the trunk until the 27th

Also, why did George lie about going into the trunk on the 24th?

Was this just a cover story for Casey?

"Hey I was in the trunk of that car on the 24th & there was no odor"?
I'm thinking back to Casey borrowing the shovel from the neighbor on the 18th

At first I thought she must have used the shovel to dig up Caylee from the back yard & put her body in the trunk

If George's story, about going into the trunk to retrieve the gas cans on the 24th, were true then he would have noticed the decomp odor that day

If you believe George then Caylee could not have been in that trunk before the 24th

But now we have a different version from Lee

He states that George did not go into the trunk to retrieve the gas cans on the 24th

He says that Casey threw them at him angrily

So maybe Caylee was removed from the yard on the 18th & kept in the trunk until the 27th

Also, why did George lie about going into the trunk on the 24th?

Was this just a cover story for Casey?

"Hey I was in the trunk of that car on the 24th & there was no odor"?

I don't think GA took the cans out of the trunk. He would have smelled the stench like you said.

It will be interesting to find out what "evidence" is on the shovel. My guess is we will not hear the results until the trial.

OR takes a dip in the Anthony pool so she doesn't stink up the bathroom... thus the hit by the dogs near the pool.

OMG Your Right

I didn't even think of the pool
I've had a crazy idea about the frozen food and the possibility that Casey had a cooler at some point that she could have transferred a body into instead of frozen foods. I can't make it all fit together though. Trying to figure out what happened with the car, the smell, and gas cans is very confusing. There must be lots more to it since no one can figure it all out. LP's theory is the most simple, but I think it's too simple.
I've had a crazy idea about the frozen food and the possibility that Casey had a cooler at some point that she could have transferred a body into instead of frozen foods. I can't make it all fit together though. Trying to figure out what happened with the car, the smell, and gas cans is very confusing. There must be lots more to it since no one can figure it all out. LP's theory is the most simple, but I think it's too simple.

Damn, now if I ever have to move a dead body and hide evidence... I'm totally using a cooler.

But I have to say, the idea of KC using a cooler for both moving Caylee and also keeping her Tyson chicken and freezy pops cool is pretty crazy!
I have thought this over for a while and looked at the evidence that we do know of. I think if you look at what the smell of decomposing human remains is. Is a certain combination of bacteria that is only found in humans feeding on non living tissue. The gases given off from this certain combination of bacteria is unique to humans and cadaver dogs can be trained to detect it. Most of these bacteria are located in the intestines living in water actually helping to digest food. Some of this water containing bacteria is released during the initial stages of death but also can be released during diarrhea. Maybe this beautiful little girl had a bout of diarrhea and left some of it in the back yard maybe while swimming in the pool. Would cadaver dogs hit on it? Also could there have been a diarrhea soaked diaper in the back of the car in the bag of trash with pizza and who knows what was in there. Could the flies have carried these bacteria to the hair causing the brown ring? As for Chloroform since it was never officially released by OCSD may have been read from a report from the body farm then leaked to the media. Being that they were the ones using the chloroform before they sent the air sample
I also think she could have used the shovel to tear off the lock to get the gas cans on the 18th
But one thing i cant understand is why GA and LA seem to think the smell is funny ...
I will mention this again, but her ein this thread for the first time - gas cans do not have to mean GAS. any liquid can be held in a gas can. Why not carry chloroform in it? A gas can is something no one goes near usually, they won't suspect it, insepct it, think anything odd of it...a normal old gas can, yet filled with a deadly weapon.
Talking with husband last night, he said it seems she took the gas cans full of gas, so she could drive a distance, to get rid of the body, and wouldn't have to stop anywhere to fill up, be seen on cameras, or have a money trail.

Also, if she used one of the new 'space bags', that are air tight, (ewwwwwww I know), and buried her in that, the odor, liquids, etc. would never be detected, especially if buried deep enough.

I think that makes sense.
I also think she could have used the shovel to tear off the lock to get the gas cans on the 18th

According to TonE's interview he took her to the A's to get the gas cans, he said nothing about her going to the neighbors house & he waited in the car, so he would have seen her.

From KC's texts she sayss "ran out of gas 2 fridays in a row".....that would be the 20th (picked up gas cans) & the 27th (left car at Amscot).

I'd like to know WHO put the gas in the car on the 20th ?? If it was TonE, did he smell anything???......
Slightly OT but in interview w tow mgr, he indicates GA reveals in their conversation that he'd known where car was towed from--Amscot--beforehand. So just curious how GA got this info prior to arriving at towyard, any ideas?
Slightly OT but in interview w tow mgr, he indicates GA reveals in their conversation that he'd known where car was towed from--Amscot--beforehand. So just curious how GA got this info prior to arriving at towyard, any ideas?

GA might have called upon opening the letter & got the info.....G & C had already talked to the office gal (& wanted a discount).......I don't think GA had much conversation /the Mgr until they were walking back to get the car.

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