Amy Bradley, 23, Disappeared from cruise ship en route to Curaçao, 24 March 1998 #4

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i think she was thrown overboard. eyewitness sightings are so unreliable. i remember when Caylee was missing (actually murdered as we know), there were many so called sightings. i don't believe any of them. There is the slight possibility that she was very drunk and fell over board but i definitely do not believe she is alive anywhere.
i think she was thrown overboard. eyewitness sightings are so unreliable. i remember when Caylee was missing (actually murdered as we know), there were many so called sightings. i don't believe any of them. There is the slight possibility that she was very drunk and fell over board but i definitely do not believe she is alive anywhere.

Madeline McCann too, though we don’t know what happened. I believe she accidentally died while her parents were at dinner. Remember when the authorities (Interpol maybe?) went after leads in a different country because a Moroccan woman was seen with a blonde child. Turns out she was a Moroccan child.
Thanks for typing that all out.

Is the episode available for free now? (Unlocked)

I can’t say, its on the ID channel on cable. It’s Disappeared Season 9 Episode 3 “Troubled Waters”. Maybe check on their website.
About the gap in time between 4-7 am, since Amy came back to the cabin shortly after Brad, it would make sense that people saw her walking alone (back to the cabin) around 4. Would that not account for that sighting?

Do we know WHY since Amy and Brad were together all night that they did not arrive back at the cabin together?

Her father saw her on the balcony at 5:30 so it narrows down the gap further
If the FBI doesn’t tell everything, and we now know that many of the women assaulted on cruise ships were assaulted by other passengers, maybe the FBI is back focusing on the ship because they think it is possible Amy was assaulted by someone on the ship who isn’t the regular name thrown around here?

For instance, (and I’m going to get a little crazy here)...we know the videographer was up all night, took video of Amy dancing, in his own words eavesdropped on Iva questioning the girls and then became friendly with her family. I’m only pointing out that maybe another passenger like this crazy and absurd example encountered Amy.

It doesn’t have to be crew who caused her harm, if that is what happened to her.

Just throwing that out.
About the gap in time between 4-7 am, since Amy came back to the cabin shortly after Brad, it would make sense that people saw her walking alone (back to the cabin) around 4. Would that not account for that sighting?

Do we know WHY since Amy and Brad were together all night that they did not arrive back at the cabin together?

I've always believed that the eyewitnesses who said they saw her on the ship were telling the truth, at least how they perceived it, but that they were mistaken about the time—especially with the confusion, if they too had been partying, and also with the passage of days, since the two college-age girls spoke with the Bradleys a few days after. And if they were mistaken about the time, then it accounts for seeing her with Douglas... because she had been with Douglas, only earlier, around 1am or so.

As for why Amy and Brad returned separately, I haven't seen anything, but it is a little odd that, according to at least one account, only 15 minutes separate them. It could be insignificant, though.
I've always believed that the eyewitnesses who said they saw her on the ship were telling the truth, at least how they perceived it, but that they were mistaken about the time—especially with the confusion, if they too had been partying, and also with the passage of days, since the two college-age girls spoke with the Bradleys a few days after. And if they were mistaken about the time, then it accounts for seeing her with Douglas... because she had been with Douglas, only earlier, around 1am or so.

As for why Amy and Brad returned separately, I haven't seen anything, but it is a little odd that, according to at least one account, only 15 minutes separate them. It could be insignificant, though.

Right, 15 minutes, so why didn’t he wait for her or why didn’t she leave with him?

It might be nothing but it might be something
Also, if I’m going down this offshoot of a rabbit hole, we know Iva, Ron and Brad were polygraphed. To me, it would make sense to polygraph everyone they were with, which would include Ron’s boss and his group.

I’m not suggesting Ron’s boss did anything, what I’m asking is... was the entire group they were with polygraphed and if not, why? Wouldn’t that make sense?
If the FBI doesn’t tell everything, and we now know that many of the women assaulted on cruise ships were assaulted by other passengers, maybe the FBI is back focusing on the ship because they think it is possible Amy was assaulted by someone on the ship who isn’t the regular name thrown around here?

For instance, (and I’m going to get a little crazy here)...we know the videographer was up all night, took video of Amy dancing, in his own words eavesdropped on Iva questioning the girls and then became friendly with her family. I’m only pointing out that maybe another passenger like this crazy and absurd example encountered Amy.

It doesn’t have to be crew who caused her harm, if that is what happened to her.

Just throwing that out.

Example: George Smith

Example: “There is growing concern that the cruise ship industry has a problem with sexual assaults occurring on its ships involving assaults by crew members and other passengers.”

When the sexual assault is perpetrated by another passenger, most courts hold that the standard of ordinary care under the circumstances applies to determine whether the cruise ship is responsible for the attack. See, e.g., Doe v. Royal Caribbean Cruises, 860 F. Supp. 2d 1337 (S.D. Fla. 2011). This usually means that the victim must show that the cruise line knew or should have known that the attack was going to take place or otherwise had notice that it needed to take action to prevent the assault. For example, in the case cited above, the victim was intoxicated and was seen by cruise ship employees repeatedly trying to rebuff advances by the assailant. The issue in these cases is whether the criminal conduct of third-parties was reasonably foreseeable by the cruise line and whether, in the exercise of ordinary care, action should have been taken by the cruise line to prevent the assault. These cases are highly fact-driven and it’s important that a detailed and careful investigation is carried about an experienced cruise ship lawyer to determine the facts that support the foreseeable nature of the attack.”

Better example:

“Sexual Assault or Rape by Cruise Ship Passengers

Could you be raped or sexually assaulted by a fellow passenger on a cruise ship? Is it possible for one of your children to be molested or sexually assaulted by another cruise ship passenger? Unfortunately, the answer to these questions is yes.

On cruise ships, passengers often fail to use the same precautions that they would at home and in their everyday life. It is understandable but avoidable. Consider the care and cautiousness that most parents exercise in their own neighborhoods to keep their children safe.”
Right, 15 minutes, so why didn’t he wait for her or why didn’t she leave with him?

It might be nothing but it might be something

He said they ended up doing their own thing at the disco

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Just watched the newest ID Disappeared episode about Amy.

This is a brief synopsis, not quoted verbatim
FBI agent Erin Sheridan states they did have people come forward who saw Amy on the deck walking around and entering the elevator, all accounts that they “truly believe are genuine.”
Although the exact times are not known... between 4:00 and 7:00 a.m. they have a gap of time, they just don’t know what happened.
( Brad last saw Amy at about 4 a.m. when he went to bed and she was still on the balcony. Mr. Bradley woke up after that around 5 -5:30 and saw her. Seems the gap should be a little shorter?) jmo

According to FBI special agent Bradley Bryant who spent weeks conducting interviews with friends and acquaintances of Amy, the possibility of her committing suicide was highly unlikely.

Re: sighting in Curacao beach by David Carmichael five months after Amy went missing, the FBI states it was the most credible sighting they've had since Amy went missing .
There were unfortunately complications to vetting the sighting by Carmichael due to the fact that Curacao is not under American jurisdiction, so presents a huge challenge to the FBI. Unfortunately their investigation revealed negative results and they were not able to corroborate it.

The sighting by the naval officer at the brothel in Curaçao could not be confirmed due to the brothel being burned down and the passage of time.

Re the photos on the adult website that appear to be Amy , 2005, the photos were sent to a man who now works for the FBI, who does facial comparisons , and he told the Bradley’s that in his opinion he thought it was Amy. The FBI did follow that lead , the difficult part is that back then information such as that, pictures such as that, you can not tell when they are altered. Agents on the ground in Curacao had no luck finding the woman in the photographs, and they could not determine its authenticity so the lead went no where.

FBI agents continue to follow all credible leads. They haven’t given up on their goal of solving this case and bringing some answers to the Bradley family.

Agent Bryant: There are still several possibilities out there as to what happened to Amy.

Agent Erin Sheridan: Until we find the answer, until we have someone who comes forward , until we have someone on that ship that saw or heard something, we’re going to keep investigating, and we’re not gonna stop.

Brad Bradley: “I’ve learned that not knowing is the only thing that allows us any hope. I was blessed to have Amy for as long as I did”.

Iva Bradley: “We believe Amy’s out there”.
My comments:

It’s truly heartbreaking seeing Iva still in so much grief, this poor lady has endured this horror for 20 years. :cry:

I’m not sure what to really think if the last possible credible sighting of Amy was in 2005, and even that wasn’t corroborated. That’s 13 years ago. Unless they are keeping such information quiet for security reasons.

Interesting that all sightings mentioned in this episode were in Curacao. Nothing about the Barbados restroom or San Francisco sightings. Interesting too that all the sightings are in Curacao where Amy was first reported missing and that’s where the ship was docked.

And, I also believe Jashrema is right, the FBI is not going to reveal anything important or significant to the public in an ongoing investigation. As in, everything in this episode is pretty much everything we’ve heard before, the FBI revealed nothing new.

thank you for taking the time to do this! I think this is what needs to be focused on...the FBI is STILL actively investigating, and they say they are credible sightings and the FBI forensic guy said he felt the pic was Amy. That's huge in my opinion. If you have a trained forensic fed, and he says the pic is Amy, then I will believe him over people saying, "No, doesn't look like her."
I see it as a look of disgust on her face while pretending to smile at the same time.
There is no way, IMO, that the female in the "Jas" pictures is anywhere near 50 yrs old. 35 would be the absolute high end for me.

That "sag" or jowl look can also come from a significant weight loss and stress. Stress ages a person..a lot! She absolutely looks at least 20 pounds thinner to me, and if the weight loss was rapid, skin tends to sag.
That "sag" or jowl look can also come from a significant weight loss and stress. Stress ages a person..a lot! She absolutely looks at least 20 pounds thinner to me, and if the weight loss was rapid, skin tends to sag.

Amy weighed 115 pounds. Jas absolutely does not look 95 pounds.
thank you for taking the time to do this! I think this is what needs to be focused on...the FBI is STILL actively investigating, and they say they are credible sightings and the FBI forensic guy said he felt the pic was Amy. That's huge in my opinion. If you have a trained forensic fed, and he says the pic is Amy, then I will believe him over people saying, "No, doesn't look like her."

Yes and just a few weeks ago Amy’s mother posted about the FBI targeting certain locations in their search for Amy. IMO, the FBI has info they are choosing not to share.
Yes and just a few weeks ago Amy’s mother posted about the FBI targeting certain locations in their search for Amy. IMO, the FBI has info they are choosing not to share.

Link, please. Thanks.

I extensively googled and searched the web and this does not exist that I can find.
MOO the FBI progression picture shows a nice, healthy middle age suburban woman. Maybe FBI feels like Amy chose to leave on her own and is living a life of free will by her own choice, but they want to find her to be sure.

Just throwing this out there as it is one theory.
MOO the FBI progression picture shows a nice, healthy middle age suburban woman. Maybe FBI feels like Amy chose to leave on her own and is living a life of free will by her own choice, but they want to find her to be sure.

Just throwing this out there as it is one theory.

The FBI does not look for people that they even have an inkling of belief that they left on their own. NOT HAPPENING.
Also, I'm not going to argue about what "Jas" weighs.

I think the focus needs to stay on the FBI making a plea for info a month ago and treating this as an ongoing and open investigation.
Amy's mother has said and the FBI has said that their expert feels that pic of Jas IS Amy. That's good enough for me that she was taken against her will from that ship and was alive after she was off the ship. The FBI is clearly stating that with their support of "credible" witnesses
The FBI does not look for people that they even have an inkling of belief that they left on their own. NOT HAPPENING.
Also, I'm not going to argue about what "Jas" weighs.

I think the focus needs to stay on the FBI making a plea for info a month ago and treating this as an ongoing and open investigation.
Amy's mother has said and the FBI has said that their expert feels that pic of Jas IS Amy. That's good enough for me that she was taken against her will from that ship and was alive after she was off the ship. The FBI is clearly stating that with their support of "credible" witnesses

The FBI does indeed stay on cases until the end.

The plea for clues was well over 365 days ago. They are back asking for passengers and crew to report anything they might remember on the ship.

The cold case FBI agent took an interest in her case.

TBH, the age progression isn’t that skilled IMO MOO. I hope FBI never has to do one for me :gaah:

“amy’s mother said the FBI said” ...yeah, MOO. Sorry, that does not pull weight for me unless the FBI said it themselves and I have never found a link on that.

So if anyone runs across a link where an FBI agent said the photo could be Amy, I would love to read that first hand information. Thanks.
The FBI does indeed stay on cases until the end.

The plea for clues was well over 365 days ago. They are back asking for passengers and crew to report anything they might remember.

The cold case FBI agent took an interest in her case.

TBH, the age progression isn’t that skilled IMO MOO. I hope FBI never has to do one for me :gaah:

Yes, it seemed they were going all the way back to the beginning
I feel positive about that as it shows no tunnel vision
It doesn't feel like they are fixated on any theory but willing to look at all scenarios

Tunnel vision can be deadly to solving a crime
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