"An American Murder Mystery" - Discovery ID 3 night series - 04.09 .- 11. 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yeah..whose idea of beauty do they go by?...She's disgusting looking.
Oh yeah, the jurors. There's nothing I can post about the juors without losing my posting privileges.
I think I'm suffering from PTSD from this case.

What gets to me is they probably got way more evidence presented to them than someone like me who didn't follow it to know she's guilty.

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Cindy just said "the protestors were as bad as my daughter lying to the police". She's never admitted that before.
But I had to LOL when Diane Diamond said JB was the lawyer to go to if you were in really big trouble. UMMM he was wet behind the ears

Back in the day KC told 'mistruths', but never lied. I still hate all of them as much now as I did then.
I'm really surprised that there are not anymore comments on this thread tonight.

I guess people are really done w/ this & her dysfunctional family.

Also, I really love how this "mother" never knew who Caylee's father was.

Couldn't bring myself to watch
I would rather get my info from the wonderful people on this forum. Thank You to all that are brave enough to watch and post. Bless you all.
I, like many, spent much time on this forum. Dissecting evidence as it was released
And living in Metro Orlando during that time we couldn't get away from the events that began to unfold July 15, 2008.
I remember the very first news report when she came out of the Sheriffs Office in handcuffs, and her first appearance before a judge and before Baez became her lawyer...
Honestly, for some of us I think it is just too darn hard to relive this knowing she got away with murder. If I wasn't a mod, I wouldn't even be on this thread and wouldn't have watched. In fact, a couple of my mod friends & Tricia have offered to moderate this thread for me. I'll probably take them up on the offer tomorrow and Tuesday.

We haven't even heard the words "duct tape" yet..... I know I won't be able to handle that part. I guess it will always be too raw for me... :cry:

Beach, :yourock:.
We were blessed to have you and the other Mods on the Caylee Forum.
Cindy is as big of a liar as Casey.

She loves to rewrite history.

What did she lie about. Oh God...

1) At Caylee's memorial, CIndy claimed that Casey "came to her and told her she was pregnant and they laughed and cried and hugged each other." Utter BS, Casey kept her pregnancy a secret and claimed she was having "female issues." Cindy, the nurse believed her. It wasn't until Casey attended Rick Pleasea's wedding very pregnant and Rick basically had to tell Cindy that if Casey had a tumor then it was a baby sized one and she didn't have long to live that the situation was dealt with.

2) She claimed she didn't storm into Tony's apartment screaming at Casey and cursing her out. When he invited her inside, Tony claimed that upon entering, Cindy turned to them and snarled "I hope you're rich because Casey will take you for everything you've got."

Cindy claimed she didn't yell at Casey in the car because she doesn't "yell and scream at her child." Amy Huizenga said that CIndy was pretty much yelling at Casey the entire time and it was very uncomfortable. CIndy confronted her about her facebook pictures of the anything but clothes party and yelled "you were working, huh?" Cindy screamed at Casey that her car "smelled like (feces)" and repeatedly ordered Casey to take her to Caylee, who asked her for one more day and then tried to claim that Caylee was at the nanny's and was sleeping.

3) Cindy was also very candid with Amy in the car on the way there. She shared her concerns about the smell in the car with Amy, she mentioned that Casey was stealing money and didn't really have a job, she cleared up Amy's questions regarding her and George divorcing and gave Amy a heads up to check her bank account, which was -1000 dollars.

Cindy later decided it made sense to throw Amy under the bus by claiming to the police that Casey was talking in code and Amy might be Zanny.

The instances above are only a couple of many examples of what a liar Cindy is.

The difference between her and Casey appears to be that Cindy lies because she cares and desperately wants to believe what she's saying. Casey lies because she doesn't care and she wants to get the person she's lying to off her back.

I really don't care for Cindy. I think she's pathetic, but she's also just plain vile. She raised Casey in a toxic environment and covered for her. I'm not saying that Casey is one hundred percent her fault, but Casey's blatantly outrageous behavior is an obvious symptom of being raised in a house where she faced zero consequences for her actions

I think cutting Casey completely out of their lives would be very beneficial for both of their mental health. That aside, I think cutting Cindy out of his life would be very beneficial for George's mental health.

I simply cannot watch any of the shows about Casey Anthony. I was watching ID last week, and saw one of the trailers for the show in which CA says 'surprise, surprise' when George, and Cindy told her Caylee's remains had been found. Just those two words chilled me to the bone and brought everything back and justice being denied to Caylee. Since hearing those two words I cant get them out of my head. She might as well have been describing the weather. Not one emotional response shown by this psychopath. Imo, CA is stone cold inside. It was like she was saying 'oh well, what did you expect' as if Caylee meant nothing to her at all. Nothing.

It is in my best interest to avoid all things "CA" for it is far too upsetting for me. I try hard not to even think about her because it causes my blood pressure to rise. It is such a painful reminder just who Caylee had as a mother, and because of her, Caylee was robbed of a precious long life she so deserved to have.

Those beautiful big brown eyes of Caylee's will forever haunt me. Seeing the one who is responsible for Caylee not being here anymore is just more than I can handle.

I don't think there is anything worse than for justice to be denied to an innocent murdered child.

I simply cannot watch any of the shows about Casey Anthony. I was watching ID last week, and saw one of the trailers for the show in which CA says 'surprise, surprise' when George, and Cindy told her Caylee's remains had been found. Just those two words chilled me to the bone and brought everything back and justice being denied to Caylee. Since hearing those two words I cant get them out of my head. She might as well have been describing the weather. Not one emotional response shown by this psychopath. Imo, CA is stone cold inside. It was like she was saying 'oh well, what did you expect' as if Caylee meant nothing to her at all. Nothing.

It is in my best interest to avoid all things "CA" for it is far too upsetting for me. I try hard not to even think about her because it causes my blood pressure to rise. It is such a painful reminder just who Caylee had as a mother, and because of her, Caylee was robbed of a precious long life she so deserved to have.

Those beautiful big brown eyes of Caylee's will forever haunt me. Seeing the one who is responsible for Caylee not being here anymore is just more than I can handle.

I don't think there is anything worse than for justice to be denied to an innocent murdered child.


That is incorrect, the video must have been edited
In one of the jailhouse videos FCA did say "surprise, surprise" sarcastically but it was when her parents were retelling of reports claiming Caylee was dead and not missing while FCA was still claiming Caylee had been kidnapped by the Nanny
I remember so many of you fron the Caylee thread. Towards the end we were jubilant, mimosa breakfasts, tequila shots out the ying yang, we were sure Casey was going to get her due. And then the verdict came in and many of us have not been the same since nor will we. It really shook me on our justice system.

I have seen the news clips of her new puppy, her new vehicle, her supposed photography company blah blah. It makes me sick to see that a child killer can still reap something.
I am really surprised that no one has attempted to get at her. It is known where she lives which I can bet it has security like fort knox but she also goes out and about etc.
Does she also have a bodyguard following her around?? She is so hated.
Imo, even the title of the show is misleading. 'An American Murder Mystery.' There is no mystery whatsoever about the murder of precious Caylee and who did it. IMO

That title would be as misleading as making it an American Murder Mystery about who murdered Ron and Nicole Simpson.

Being found NG never means the jury found her to be innocent.
That is incorrect, the video must have been edited
In one of the jailhouse videos FCA did say "surprise, surprise" sarcastically but it was when her parents were retelling of reports claiming Caylee was dead and not missing while FCA was still claiming Caylee had been kidnapped by the Nanny

Thank you. I may be mistaken. Just seeing Casey has a way of making me nauseated wanting to tune out everything she has ever uttered.

I quickly turned the channel, and since then when it has come on my husband or I turn the channel immediately. We both are repulsed to see anything about her...even a flash of her image.

I still stand by my opinion of CA and she is a raging psychopath with no capabilities to have remorse or true emotions for anyone other than herself. Just her image for a second or two flashed on the screen is enough for me to be enraged all over again thinking about what she did to her precious daughter. If I never see her ever again it would bring me a sense of peace. I wish they would just stop putting out all shows about her, period, and let Caylee rest in peace, instead of being a pawn that puts Caylee's murderer back in the spotlight where she craves to be. All it does is painfully reminds us that justice was denied to Caylee, and that will always be a black mark on our justice system.

I started watching this Sunday night and found it to be pretty lame. Maybe I will check it out tonight
BBM - But it's NOT a possibility, because Cindy and George were waiting for Caylee and actively seeking her for the 31 days. Plus George testified that he saw Casey and Caylee leaving together that afternoon, the day she went on the Blockbuster date.

I fully admit the drowning is highly unlikely but just for conversation sake, when I think the drowning could have occurred would have been when George was gone for work already. In the 4-5pm hour if I remember correctly. Also there's zero question in my mind that George was no where near the drowning that probably didn't occur. George would have been performing CPR until paramedics took over even if there was no hope. No question about that for me.
one of the photos here has a recent photo of Cindy. The one with her sitting next to George.


About that article the picture was in. Cindy is quoted as saying "Caylee reminded her a lot of Casey. It was like having Casey again."

I didn't know she said that because I refuse to watch the special.

My immediate reaction was UGH. Maybe Caylee wasn't completely a human being for Cindy either.
Omg. I forgot about the abuse allegations of GA. I don't remember how that turned out.

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They went nowhere. They just floated around the courtroom backed up by zero proof and the jury ate them up and put George on trial.

The police actually asked Baez if he wanted them to investigate Casey's allegations of sexual abuse. He told them to stay away from her, probably because he also knew they were a load of crap.
This is the only case that had hubby sitting on the edge of his seat. When they read the verdict, he slammed down what he had in his hands,(don't remember what it was), and stormed out of the house. He was furious, and he's hard to make mad.

I had a similar reaction. After listening to endless crap from Casey and her defense team, I was expecting some sort of payoff/justice. It went absolutely nowhere. Now I can't stand to look at any of them.
I thought it was very telling that Cindy introduces herself in front of an above ground pool holding Caylee's photo. She must believe she accidentally drowned still.....though the steps are pulled up.

If Cindy really thought the pool killed Caylee, I don't understand why they would still have it in their backyard.

But CIndy is twisted...I still remember her selling or donating a bunch of Caylee's toys and then refusing to clean the mirror in Caylee's room because she claimed it still had her fingerprints on it.
One of the comments mentions Caylee's dad. Did we ever find out who her dad was?

Nope. I doubt Casey herself knows.

However, if you want to venture into that quagmire, Casey has claimed that Caylee's father is:

1) Jesse. Eliminated by a DNA test.
2) A guy named Eric who died in a car accident.
3) George. Eliminated by a DNA test. She's also said that he couldn't be the father because he stopped long before Caylee was conceived.
4) Then she claimed Caylee was the result of her being rufied and gang-raped at a party.
If Cindy really thought the pool killed Caylee, I don't understand why they would still have it in their backyard.

But CIndy is twisted...I still remember her selling or donating a bunch of Caylee's toys and then refusing to clean the mirror in Caylee's room because she claimed it still had her fingerprints on it.

Wait they still live in that house??

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