An Open Letter to George, Cindy and Lee

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Jul 23, 2008
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To the Anthony family:
I know that you have been living a true nightmare for the past months. I can't possibly know what you are going through yet I wanted to write to you, from my heart.

You are not unintelligent people. I know that you know that Casey has everything to do with Caylee being missing. I don't know if you have the courage yet to admit that she is no longer with us, but this will come.

Casey has made so many bad choices and decisions you must realize that they are not your fault. Sure as parents and family we always look at things we have done and wonder if we could have changed the choices of our children and siblings, but they are HER choices, not yours.

The community of this country wants to help you find Caylee so you can give her a proper that you can grieve and get on with your lives.

Do you really want to protect Casey, once again, by helping her get away with this? It seems as if you have been doing this all her life and look where it has led.

If she killed Caylee, accidentally or purposefully, she must pay a debt to society for it. I think you know that. I pray that you also want that.

Do you want her to get away with this horrible crime and go on to have more children, never learning her lesson from this? Will you ever feel safe with her taking care of another grandchild of yours? Would you ever forgive yourself if it happeend again?

The time is now to stop this charade of pretending you think Caylee is alive.

It is time to start helping Law Enforcement find little Caylee. Everyone can tell from the videos and pictures how much she loved you, Cindy and George.

She trusts you to be her voice...and you are betraying her by your actions now.

Please think long and hard about what you are doing. Help the police. Help the community. And in the end, you will be helping Caylee.

The public is not against you. We would embrace you if you came out against Casey and stood with Caylee. We would help you rebuild your lives and look at your with understanding and love.

It's hard to admit, but look at the hell she has put you through. She told all of her friends how awful you were, how she hated you. She does not deserve the loyalty you are showing her.

I guarantee you that if the tables were turned, Casey would not be turning her life upside down for you.

When this is all said and done, she will turn against you again when she is done getting what she needs from you.

Revoke her bond. No visits, No phone calls, No nothing.

Let her sit until she tells you where Caylee is.

Caylee loved you more than anything in the world. It is not too late to turn this around.

It is never too late to do the right thing.

Caylee needs a HERO right now. You always were her Hero.

Please don't let her down.
Perfectly said - and I would rally around the GP's - if things were different - but first they have to realize they are protecting the wrong child.
Arwen and McNugget...thanks so much. I just want them to see that we would be with them...that they must do the right thing.

Feel free to add to it....its an open letter...and thanks for your kind words. This case has really frustrated me. You are good fellow sleuthers!
Perfectly said - and I would rally around the GP's - if things were different - but first they have to realize they are protecting the wrong child.

Yes, they are. Thanks for reading it Always. I am so touched by this case..and so touched by the closeness we feel as WSers. Its special.
Amen Tracy. Great Letter and I hope it is taken to heart. If the Anthony's are so interested in God, and in going to church and having their minister over, then do the right thing. God knows all. Let Casey pay for her mistakes. You have covered for her all her life and now your grand baby that you loved so much is dead. Let the truth come out!
very beautiful letter :blowkiss:
That made my eyes swell with tears.

This part hit home and gave me the shivers: Do you want her to get away with this horrible crime and go on to have more children, never learning her lesson from this? Will you ever feel safe with her taking care of another grandchild of yours? Would you ever forgive yourself if it happeend again?
Really nice letter. Do you plan to mail/e-mail it to them? They really really need to see this and, I hope, digest it and act on it.
How do you know that any one from the Anthony family will read this letter here?
How do you know that any one from the Anthony family will read this letter here?

The rumors are that they read Websleuths daily. Its a chance I took. And I love all you fellow sleuthers....I really do.:blowkiss:
What can be added to that? Beautifuly said! Just look back at the first posts on this forum when this case broke, it's obvious we all have sympathy for George and Cindy. There comes a point when you can't help someone who is not helping themselves; I think that's where the public have gotten to with George and Cindy, because they are not drawing that same line with Casey.
Great letter!
I agree with everything you said. At the start of all of this I was very supportive of the grandparents. I am finding it harder each day to support them now. The longer they protect Casey and do NOTHING for Caylee the more I have to turn against them.

To the Anthony's,

PLEASE do the right thing by Caylee and STOP enabling Casey and her lies! Help find the granddaughter/niece you all loved with all your hearts and souls! DO IT FOR CAYLEE!!
Beautiful. Enough of all this anger, let us see some present day love for Caylee.
Great letter!!! I have written many in my head during all the sleepless nights since Caylee has been gone. Being a Nana myself I can't imagine the pain they are going through. Maybe you could mail a copy to them. I sure hope they read it!
Well done!!!
They are either the grandparents of missing Caylee or a dead Caylee. Either way believing in, supporting and sheilding Casey isn't going to change that. Every action or inaction Casey has taken since the argument and subsequent leaving with Caylee has been to hurt and spite George and Cindy. Ironically the only 2 people in the world she NEEDS to believe her and stand by her, actually are. She is now controlling the situation, this needs to stop.
if they do read here, I want them to know that it may be really hard to do the right thing by letting their daughter face the consequences of her actions. I know she is their child, but if they do the right thing, this will all pass and they may never be whole again, but they could live with the peace of knowing they made things right. I know they must be afraid of the death penalty and maybe they feel they failed Casey and are now vowing not to abandon her, but if you get her to come clean and work something out with the DA, I bet they will take that off the table. You are not helping her by making excuses, if she is charged and she drags this out and continues to lie, she may indeed face the unthinkable.
Tracy1, you are so right. I have sat here day after day thinking of sending Cindy and George a letter or email. My heart goes out to them because this cant be a easy choice for them. I to want them to know it is NOT there fault. We raise are children in hopes that one day they will become wonderful people in this world. All we can do is give them love and guidance and hope they learn from it. When they become adults it is no longer in our hands its in theirs.My heart goes out to them. And when they are ready to move forward I will be their for them every step of the way. Caylee loved her Grandparents very much and I know they will do what is right by Caylee. I hope Cindy and George know how much everyone has fell in love with this sweet angel and how she is in our thoughts everyday and night.
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