Analysis of Casey's Clothes and Body Language

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Yes, I agree with you. She DID look horrible. She is a nice looking young woman. Why would they not capitalize on this?

I would think by now that someone would be advising her as to her appearance as this is a huge media event. They screwed up with her when she was on house arrest. You would think they would have had a better plan by now. She should look like a decent, respectful 22 yr. old. Her own mother, I would think could advise her on this. How hard can this be? Don't look like a *advertiser censored*...don't look like a librarian...find a happy medium!!!

Well, although Cindy hasn't dressed horribly, she did make a habit of wearing skirts or shorts and tank tops in the public eye. The worst for me was that she wore a tank for the bond hearing. I just felt it was a bit too casual. So I don't think Cindy is such a fashionista either. :blowkiss:
Don't know if you all have looked at the 45 pictures on this link from Casey's hearing Friday. I hadn't look at them until now. Some of them really 'tell a story' in MO. The ones that are close up and candid are creepy. There's a close up of her hands, and that one really creeps me out!
Look at #'s 32, 33, 34, I think it is , to me they're very telling. My goodness, she looks so diabolical! She almost seems to looks as if she "gets it"! and she's beginning to understand her reality and knows where she'll be spending the rest of her miserable days!
I just thought these picture were very interesting. After looking at them closely, I understand better why Jose is was so set on trying to keep her out of the courtroom and the public's eye. You can dress her up, pull her hair up, but she still looks like a monster!

She's especially diabolical in # 35. I really liked her chain link belt, then they took her into a room and removed it. Awwww. It was such a nice touch.
Well, although Cindy hasn't dressed horribly, she did make a habit of wearing skirts or shorts and tank tops in the public eye. The worst for me was that she wore a tank for the bond hearing. I just felt it was a bit too casual. So I don't think Cindy is such a fashionista either. :blowkiss:

I dont think that is unusual for the weather there. Tank tops and the like were forbidden in court in the state I used to live in (MI) but the weather was much different, I think in FL the fact she was allowed in the court with tank tops says a lot. It wasn't too casual.

On topic: I do think someone should give that girl better clothes for court, making her looking frumpy is not gonna cut it at trial anyways.
I dont think that is unusual for the weather there. Tank tops and the like were forbidden in court in the state I used to live in (MI) but the weather was much different, I think in FL the fact she was allowed in the court with tank tops says a lot. It wasn't too casual.

Cindy is a woman of a certain age and I don't blame her for a SECOND for wearing tank tops whenever possible. Anyone who has ever had hot flashes, particularly in hot weather, would COMPLETELY understand her wearing a tank top in ALL circumstances. COMPLETELY. If you've never had a true hot flash, you CANNOT comprehend that kind of hot. The heat abruptly comes out of NOWHERE, and you can feel it flame up suddenly like when you turn on a gas burner -- you can almost HEAR the whoosh of it! It's not sun hot. It's not furnace hot. It's not any kind of external hot. It can be like having a fever of 105 ... at high noon ... in Death Valley ... in your closed-up car ... with the heater on full blast ... while wrapped in an electric blanket set on high. And you CANNOT get away from it because it's coming from INSIDE you. It's a whole different KIND of hot. You can put ice directly on your skin and it won't even feel the coldness until the hot flash starts to abate. The next thing you know, steam starts rising off you in wave after wave, your feet get slippery in your shoes, your glasses fog up, you have to keep wiping yours hands and face on whatever is handy, you're gasping for air and feel like you are locked in your own private portable sauna that no one else can see.

Trust me, even shorts and tank tops are too hot when you have hot flashes and you don't CARE what anyone else thinks about how you look or whether or not they are appropriate -- you just want to take off as much as you can possibly legally get away with short of actually getting naked. If you hate someone, don't wish them death -- wish them insanely frequent and intense hot flashes. :furious:
Cindy is a woman of a certain age and I don't blame her for a SECOND for wearing tank tops whenever possible. Anyone who has ever had hot flashes, particularly in hot weather, would COMPLETELY understand her wearing a tank top in ALL circumstances. COMPLETELY. If you've never had a true hot flash, you CANNOT comprehend that kind of hot. The heat abruptly comes out of NOWHERE, and you can feel it flame up suddenly like when you turn on a gas burner -- you can almost HEAR the whoosh of it! It's not sun hot. It's not furnace hot. It's not any kind of external hot. It can be like having a fever of 105 ... at high noon ... in Death Valley ... in your closed-up car ... with the heater on full blast ... while wrapped in an electric blanket set on high. And you CANNOT get away from it because it's coming from INSIDEyou. It's a whole different KIND of hot. You can put ice directly on your skin and it won't even feel the coldness until the hot flash starts to abate. The next thing you know, steam starts rising off you in wave after wave, your feet get slippery in your shoes, your glasses fog up, you have to keep wiping yours hands and face on whatever is handy, you're gasping for air and feel like you are locked in your own private portable sauna that no one else can see.

Trust me, even shorts and tank tops are too hot when you have hot flashes and you don't CARE what anyone else thinks about how you look or whether or not they are appropriate -- you just want to take off as much as you can possibly legally get away with short of actually getting naked. If you hate someone, don't wish them death -- wish them insanely frequent and intense hot flashes. :furious:

Sedonia Sunset, although this is OT and I apologize to those posters in this thread for stating this...

That is the best description of a Hot Flash that I have ever read. Lordy Mercy, I never knew growing older would be like this...don't get me started on my knees aching now :)
Cindy is a woman of a certain age and I don't blame her for a SECOND for wearing tank tops whenever possible. Anyone who has ever had hot flashes, particularly in hot weather, would COMPLETELY understand her wearing a tank top in ALL circumstances. COMPLETELY. If you've never had a true hot flash, you CANNOT comprehend that kind of hot. The heat abruptly comes out of NOWHERE, and you can feel it flame up suddenly like when you turn on a gas burner -- you can almost HEAR the whoosh of it! It's not sun hot. It's not furnace hot. It's not any kind of external hot. It can be like having a fever of 105 ... at high noon ... in Death Valley ... in your closed-up car ... with the heater on full blast ... while wrapped in an electric blanket set on high. And you CANNOT get away from it because it's coming from INSIDEyou. It's a whole different KIND of hot. You can put ice directly on your skin and it won't even feel the coldness until the hot flash starts to abate. The next thing you know, steam starts rising off you in wave after wave, your feet get slippery in your shoes, your glasses fog up, you have to keep wiping yours hands and face on whatever is handy, you're gasping for air and feel like you are locked in your own private portable sauna that no one else can see.

Trust me, even shorts and tank tops are too hot when you have hot flashes and you don't CARE what anyone else thinks about how you look or whether or not they are appropriate -- you just want to take off as much as you can possibly legally get away with short of actually getting naked. If you hate someone, don't wish them death -- wish them insanely frequent and intense hot flashes. :furious:

WOW :furious: you've got me running for my hormones
I am really puzzled why JB has to beg for every bit of discovery. The court seems to think it all can wait, 60 days to give the certain pieces of evidence? Even stuff that is in their possession they claim it is tough to get from one office to another. I am not a lawyer but I have watched a lot of trials and never heard a judge be so passive about discovery.
I am really puzzled why JB has to beg for every bit of discovery. The court seems to think it all can wait, 60 days to give the certain pieces of evidence? Even stuff that is in their possession they claim it is tough to get from one office to another. I am not a lawyer but I have watched a lot of trials and never heard a judge be so passive about discovery.

The SA must be swimming in paperwork. This case must have broken a record for the amount of documentation it produced. We have been experiencing it and we don't have all there is.
I am really puzzled why JB has to beg for every bit of discovery. The court seems to think it all can wait, 60 days to give the certain pieces of evidence? Even stuff that is in their possession they claim it is tough to get from one office to another. I am not a lawyer but I have watched a lot of trials and never heard a judge be so passive about discovery.

I've only read a few of the posts but I'm going to add my 2 cents.. How is Casey suppose to look? She is young and attractive, IMO, to me, it doesn't matter what she wears, she is still young and attractive.. Her looks isn't what makes her a killer but it's what was inside her heart and mind. I remember the Scott Peterson trial. Scott was a decent looking man and when he was in court, he dressed in a suit. He also smiled and had "an air" about him and everyone made comments about that. I personally think they put on that air to give off the impression that they are fun people that wouldn't hurt a fly. HOWEVER, look where Scott is now.. On death row. The Jury had to sit and look at the autopsy photos, they had to listen to all the evidence, they were probably looking at Scott, in his suit, thinking, how could you do this to your wife and baby? Well, same thing with Casey. She can dress in her "Sunday" best but when all the evidence is there, crime scene photos, autopsy photos, they will look beyond that dress and see a killer.. They will see all her lies and wonder why would she do that to her darling little girl?... :behindbar

Oh and ETA: the bun, had to go.. lol didn't like the bun.
I want to know what it means when KC wipes her eyes and then looks at her fingers? I know for the typical person, they would be checking to see if mascara came off - but KC checks her fingers everytime, EVERYTIME, she wipes her eyes. It drives me nuts..... its like she is looking to see if there are tears, or blood, or some other thing on her hands. To check to see if she really has some fluid coming out of her eyes.

Pet peeve - but I have never seen anyone do this before. What do our body language experts think of this?


I want to know what it means when KC wipes her eyes and then looks at her fingers? I know for the typical person, they would be checking to see if mascara came off - but KC checks her fingers everytime, EVERYTIME, she wipes her eyes. It drives me nuts..... its like she is looking to see if there are tears, or blood, or some other thing on her hands. To check to see if she really has some fluid coming out of her eyes.

Pet peeve - but I have never seen anyone do this before. What do our body language experts think of this?



Hi Salem. We all discussed this long before and some of us thought that she was looking to see if her mascara had bled into her tears. Being so vain, she probably didn't want Raccoon Eyes.:bateyes:
I think there needs to be another or other "body language experts" on this case, because I disagree with the one who was in court the last time. She said Casey looks thoughtful...give me a break. Ms. Constantine mostly functions in the corporate world. I just have to wonder who she is being paid by and if she is on the defense team. She didn't even mention KC giggling and carrying on. I think the websleuths on this thread have an honest opinion. Just IMO. And I have a right to express my opinion.
Hi Salem. We all discussed this long before and some of us thought that she was looking to see if her mascara had bled into her tears. Being so vain, she probably didn't want Raccoon Eyes.

maybe its like puxtatawny phil. if casey sees a tear, we'll have 6 more weeks of winter.
I want to know what it means when KC wipes her eyes and then looks at her fingers? I know for the typical person, they would be checking to see if mascara came off - but KC checks her fingers everytime, EVERYTIME, she wipes her eyes. It drives me nuts..... its like she is looking to see if there are tears, or blood, or some other thing on her hands. To check to see if she really has some fluid coming out of her eyes.

Pet peeve - but I have never seen anyone do this before. What do our body language experts think of this?



I'll take a stab at this one.

When a person constantly looks at something coming off of their body, they are obsessed with finding answers there. I would say that constantly inspecting her own tears is a search for feelings that have been eluding her for some time.

Another example of this is when KC recounts to her parents, while she is just about to get out of jail, her very-bad-day when she got left out of the chili and cornbread celebration, and stayed under the covers. It's as if she is amazed at her own depth of emotion. Whereas most of us know, that a really bad day is the one you can't talk about, or even hope to describe. And its effect can linger for years.

KC is a person whose conscience is latent or slow in developing. She doesn't even appear to have a conscience. That fact is a curiousity, even to herself.

I want to know what it means when KC wipes her eyes and then looks at her fingers? I know for the typical person, they would be checking to see if mascara came off - but KC checks her fingers everytime, EVERYTIME, she wipes her eyes. It drives me nuts..... its like she is looking to see if there are tears, or blood, or some other thing on her hands. To check to see if she really has some fluid coming out of her eyes.

Pet peeve - but I have never seen anyone do this before. What do our body language experts think of this?



The only thing that came to me was Mark Hasking. He killed his wife with a gun while she was sleeping. He was always looking at his fingers (video in store) and when interviewed. Could they see the blood or something in their mind that is not there????:eek:
KC is a person whose conscience is latent or slow in developing. She doesn't even appear to have a conscience. That fact is a curiousity, even to herself.


Tinsel, I can tell that you are an intellectual, and I mean that, most sincerely. I love that last sentence you posted, as it is quite profound. And I do mean that with the utmost respect.

But, don't you think these sentences appear to have some contradictory features? If KC does not have a conscience, then how could she look upon the appearance of tears on her fingers as a curiosity?
:furious: I look at those pictures, and I just think "what is so F N funny. She can't control the giggle, it is so funny. She is smiling at the attorneys and laughing at someone we can't see, where does she think she is, the ice cream social? No remorse, no missing her child, no horror at her childs murder, no horror at being accused of being her childs murderer! Come on CA, GA, and Lee. She doesn't give a rat's *advertiser censored* about you, any more than her daughter. Why are you still protecting her? She took Caylee's life, obliterated life as you knew it, and she is happy? Where is the anger at Casey? Where is the outrage? IMO
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