"And she will be just like she was"

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And she will be just like she was. The bad Nanny Zanny went to jail forever. Mommy, mommy, Daddy, Brother and Baby lived happily ever after on Hopespring Drive in Orlawnd-o. The End.
Well, the comment made sense because she knew Caylee was dead and what condition her body was in when she decided to finally throw her in the woods. ICA's problem is that she can't stop talking. She is constantly babbling on and on and creating new whoppers by the second, and in the process inadvertently coughing up little gems that reveal truth. Her mouth has been her undoing.:cow:


Sleuth5, that's precisely why I got so frushtrated when the detectives were questioning her at Universal. They did 90 per cent of the talking and all she did was mumble "uh huh". Many times, when she started to speak, they cut her off with their own theories. If they had let her "babble on and on" they might have learned more that would have revealed the truth. In her case, she would have slipped up somewhere - IF she had been allowed to ramble on. The FBI guys were so different in their interviews with George and Cindy. They sat back and let them talk and talk and talk. Look at all the things George revealed...............
I agree with letting/making them babble. Casey's interviews by Yuri - he's cutting her off or giving her easy-out's for answers. Well, I know Interviews SKills is a brand new, never-before-heard-of science... some of those made Monty Python sound almost perfect, though.

Sleuth5, that's precisely why I got so frushtrated when the detectives were questioning her at Universal. They did 90 per cent of the talking and all she did was mumble "uh huh". Many times, when she started to speak, they cut her off with their own theories. If they had let her "babble on and on" they might have learned more that would have revealed the truth. In her case, she would have slipped up somewhere - IF she had been allowed to ramble on. The FBI guys were so different in their interviews with George and Cindy. They sat back and let them talk and talk and talk. Look at all the things George revealed...............
I so agree!! That has always bugged me too. How many times after she admitted to bringing them to Universal for no helpful reason does he have to say, "And you brought us here for what reason, we're here because_____?" Over and over! I was like, OMG, move on!! Yuri...Take over! Ask better questions, let her ramble! It was really a missed opportunity to let her bury herself even more. It was the only time they got to freely question her and they missed out!
That statement made by KC has always been in my mind and goes along with a theory I've had of how Caylee died. My theory has KC in a rage the night of the fifteenth after the fight with her mom. I've imagined KC taking it out on Caylee to the point of injuring her very seriously while they were alone in KC's room. Maybe she shook her violently, caused a profound head injury or something that caused Caylee to not be "the same as she was". Perhaps in a coma state or maybe paralyzed; an injury with which KC knew that Caylee would never be the same. The duct tape could have been put there to hasten Caylee's death or end her suffering. The heart sticker to say I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like this.

I have other theories but that statement always makes me think of this one.

I have always thought that some of the injuries that KC attributed to Zanny in the made-up car accident were actually injuries that KC inflicted on Caylee. Here is a clip from the transcript of Cindy talking to LE:

Cindy: Yeah, she said that Raquel had a broken arm and she said they finally got a hold of Raquel's Mom. Raquel's mom lives, was coming from Jacksonville so she could come down and be with her.

LE: Broken arm and what kind of injuries did Zanny have?

Cindy: She said Zanny had a concussion.

LE: Concussion?

Cindy: Aha, and she thought and she had put a call to Zanny's sister and her sister couldn't bring, come up that night so Casey stayed with her. I was more upset with Casey because I told her because I said where's Caylee, I said where's Caylee and she said well Juliette went back to the hotel because they were just real close she said they'd barely gotten onto the interstate, I believe she said they had just gotten on 75. So they went back to the hotel and get back into the hotel and that she was with the girls. Juliette was watching Annabelle and Caylee.

LE: She stayed over from the accident on the 23rd? And she stayed over in Tampa again on the 24th [06/24/08 Tuesday].

Cindy: Right.

LE: She stayed at the hospital with...

Cindy: Casey

LE: ??

Cindy: And she had told me, I talked to her in the morning and she said there was potential that Zanny was going to be released and Raquel....

LE: Zanny was an over nighter?

Cindy: Yeah, actually it lasted a little longer.... I'll explain.

LE: Okay

Cindy: That Raquel's mom was going to take her back to her apartment back in Orlando, Zanny and Raquel's apartment and get Raquel's ... and she actually told me she was going to be seen at Juliet where I use to work at.

LE: At Jewett Orthepedic Clinic for a concussion?

Cindy: No, no, no, Raquel had a broken shoulder and ?? had a broken arm. Well, her shoulder, anyway later on that day they were going to release Zanny but she said they had found, Zanny started vomitting and blacking out, she was suppose to go home that day but they didn't, they kept her over night because she was starting to vomit and have black outs. So they were working her up a little bit more. She said they also found a laceration behind her ear, she was real specific, laceration behind her ear and they had to give her some stitches and then ah....

LE: She had a cut behind the ear that in triage they missed?

Cindy: I guess

LE: ??

Cindy: Well it sounded like a concussion since she was vomiting and blacking out.

LE: aha.

Cindy: So they kept her overnight. She also started complaining of some difficulty breathing and she said she had a fractured rib and it was pushing on her lung but it didn't punchure the lung.

LE: So Casey was staying in Tampa while Zanny was in the hospital?
Exactly! KC wanted Caylee back "just as she was" for her own sake, to get her out of her self-made nightmare, not out of any sense of love or compassion for "the little snotnose." Had KC had an ounce of maternal instinct for her darling child she would not have been able to tear off that first strip of duct tape.

This is one of the truest posts made about Caylee and her "mother." Just thinking about tearing off the first strip of duct tape sends shivers all over me. Brings you face to face with what a horrible crime this was, not like anyone on here needs to be reminded, it just refreshes the horror.
I have wondered too if the pics were in the woods near where Caylee's remains were found. I know that there were pavers reported to be at that site. Look at the feet in the photo. There are brick type pavers. What throws it off though are the two planters on either side of the path. Would they have been in the woods? If it were proven to be in that woods (which I'm in doubt of at the moment), the question would be, WHO took that photo? It would make sense if there had once been a house there. The pavers and the planters being left behind. But from what I have read about the site it appears to have been a wooded area that had a bike trail. Nothing about a house once being there. ***Shrugs***

The Love sign appears to be an actual sign. I noticed that some of the leaves are in front of the sign, and the rest behind. When I first saw that picture, I thought she had written the word across the picture. I really wonder where that place is. Perhaps couples go there for picture-taking.
I so agree!! That has always bugged me too. How many times after she admitted to bringing them to Universal for no helpful reason does he have to say, "And you brought us here for what reason, we're here because_____?" Over and over! I was like, OMG, move on!! Yuri...Take over! Ask better questions, let her ramble! It was really a missed opportunity to let her bury herself even more. It was the only time they got to freely question her and they missed out!

He had to ask her over and over because she wasn't responding. She did finally admit that , it wasn't helping. One has to use different tactics with different situations and different personalities. When she was left to babble on she just told more lies. She wasn't trying to give them any truths. So why let her continue to babble. Babble just lead to more lies. What questions to you think you would have asked her and what information do you think that she would have given you if you asked?
He had to ask her over and over because she wasn't responding. She did finally admit that , it wasn't helping. One has to use different tactics with different situations and different personalities. When she was left to babble on she just told more lies. She wasn't trying to give them any truths. So why let her continue to babble. Babble just lead to more lies. What questions to you think you would have asked her and what information do you think that she would have given you if you asked?
I understand, it's just that he kept up with that question long after she had already fessed up that there was no good reason she brought them there. It was time to move on. Valuable time wasted, imo. It's like he got stuck there like a broken record. Asked and answered.
And she will be just like she was. The bad Nanny Zanny went to jail forever. Mommy, mommy, Daddy, Brother and Baby lived happily ever after on Hopespring Drive in Orlawnd-o. The End.

exactly! this is what she was trying to sell them & this is what they wanted to believe
I understand, it's just that he kept up with that question long after she had already fessed up that there was no good reason she brought them there. It was time to move on. Valuable time wasted, imo. It's like he got stuck there like a broken record. Asked and answered.

Nah, she hadn't answered that's why he kept asking, until she did answer.
Remember the pic ICA had of the woods and I think there was something written on it? I wonder when she uploaded it....anyone have a link to it?

When she was talking to Lee in the jail video and telling him that she felt she was close and for him to look at places familiar to them and etc, I believe she was wanting Lee to find Caylee and move her body so she wouldn't get in trouble.

My thoughts exactly. She was trying to give him clues.

I have always thought that some of the injuries that KC attributed to Zanny in the made-up car accident were actually injuries that KC inflicted on Caylee. Here is a clip from the transcript of Cindy talking to LE:

Cindy: Yeah, she said that Raquel had a broken arm and she said they finally got a hold of Raquel's Mom. Raquel's mom lives, was coming from Jacksonville so she could come down and be with her.

LE: Broken arm and what kind of injuries did Zanny have?

Cindy: She said Zanny had a concussion.

LE: Concussion?

Cindy: Aha, and she thought and she had put a call to Zanny's sister and her sister couldn't bring, come up that night so Casey stayed with her. I was more upset with Casey because I told her because I said where's Caylee, I said where's Caylee and she said well Juliette went back to the hotel because they were just real close she said they'd barely gotten onto the interstate, I believe she said they had just gotten on 75. So they went back to the hotel and get back into the hotel and that she was with the girls. Juliette was watching Annabelle and Caylee.

LE: She stayed over from the accident on the 23rd? And she stayed over in Tampa again on the 24th [06/24/08 Tuesday].

Cindy: Right.

LE: She stayed at the hospital with...

Cindy: Casey

LE: ??

Cindy: And she had told me, I talked to her in the morning and she said there was potential that Zanny was going to be released and Raquel....

LE: Zanny was an over nighter?

Cindy: Yeah, actually it lasted a little longer.... I'll explain.

LE: Okay

Cindy: That Raquel's mom was going to take her back to her apartment back in Orlando, Zanny and Raquel's apartment and get Raquel's ... and she actually told me she was going to be seen at Juliet where I use to work at.

LE: At Jewett Orthopedic Clinic for a concussion?

Cindy: No, no, no, Raquel had a broken shoulder and ?? had a broken arm. Well, her shoulder, anyway later on that day they were going to release Zanny but she said they had found, Zanny started vomiting and blacking out, she was suppose to go home that day but they didn't, they kept her over night because she was starting to vomit and have black outs. So they were working her up a little bit more. She said they also found a laceration behind her ear, she was real specific, laceration behind her ear and they had to give her some stitches and then ah....

LE: She had a cut behind the ear that in triage they missed?

Cindy: I guess

LE: ??

Cindy: Well it sounded like a concussion since she was vomiting and blacking out.

LE: aha.

Cindy: So they kept her overnight. She also started complaining of some difficulty breathing and she said she had a fractured rib and it was pushing on her lung but it didn't puncture the lung.

LE: So Casey was staying in Tampa while Zanny was in the hospital?

Ummmm anybody else agree that CINDY's ability as an intelligent problem-solving member of the medical profession SHOULD be questioned after just this dialogue? I just highlighted the RED FLAGS that should have given her a........pause/clue! I mean REALLY, that was one very poor clinical facility that "missed" so many significant and TYPICAL vehicle accident injuries/complications!
I think it was in one of the jail conversations with her parents, I remember Casey saying Caylee will be found and she will be just like she was. (TIA for anyone able to provide the correct link.) That phrase stuck in my mind & later made sense in the context of the last time she had contact with little Caylee, tossing the stinking package of remains into the woods.

Sorry to add a new thread to the bajillion others, but this has been on my mind & I haven't seen an appropriate place to mention it. Did anyone else pick up on that comment & what do you make of it? Also " I think she's not far away" or something like that. We know that one iota of fact can become the jumping off place for Casey's... um... fertile imagination.

And speaking of a bajillion threads.... a very sad, but perhaps a nice tribute to the fact that Caylee matterred to everyone except the egg donor..... who will make the one millionth post? The current count is almost 958 thousand & moving fast.

Oh, ok...now I understand the "be like she was" comment because I had always wondered how ICA thought it possible for little Caylee to "be as she was". :(

It is amazing how she stole our hearts. I think at least 90% of this board would have welcomed Caylee into their homes and lives. And for sure we would have taken better care of her. The fact that she was adorned with many possessions does not equate love and time together, an experience I had to deal with in life so 1/4 this post is.......
IMO. :)
Or...in a truly maniacal twist:

She will be just as she was = ashes to ashes, dust to dust

This is sort of my thinking. I believe KC was giving hints in the search for Caylee without actually coming out and saying it (too incriminating). I also believe at one or more family members knew Caylee had been placed in trash bags. Ths is why KC says to check places that are familiar to them and to "ask mom." Her mother probably knew that the dump was where they buried pets as children. KC also knew how she left Cayle...in a laundry bag and trash bags. She "will be just as she was" may mean, she will be just as she was when tossed the dump...in trash bags and a laundry bag.
Another comment that "bothered" me was one I have not seen recently, except
it was on the ABC special last night, and it comes in a jail interview with Lee.
And he is asking where to look for her.
She says, I think she is here locally, search the places we know, and go to with friends and family ! Not an exact quote but pretty close.

Not to be confused with the comment to the police about, " I know she is close"
the above statement just gave me the chills last night when I heard it.

Wasn't she talking with Lee on the jail tapes when she said something like familiar family places or something like that?
Patsy would refer to JonBenet as "that child"....it would drive me crazy hearing that!

I totally understand where you are coming from with this statement.

However, that being said, let me also say that in the South, the use of a phrase such as "that child" or "that man" or 'that woman" is not to lessen the statement that follows or precededs it, but rather to accentuate the importance of the 'child' or 'man' or 'woman' being spoken of in the statement.

Such as, if someone asked me if I loved my Significant Other, and I replied "I love that man with all my heart and soul", I am signifying that I love THIS man, above AND and ALL other men.

Same thing in if someone asked me if I love my beloved Crickster the Grandchild, I might reply "I love that boy with all my power of being".

I know some people don't get it, but here in the South, it's not a BAD thing to use the phrase "that child" when speaking of your love for him.

Hope that makes sense. I am NOT defending ICA in any shape form or fashion, I'm just saying . . .

Be good to one another.

Wasn't she talking with Lee on the jail tapes when she said something like familiar family places or something like that?


"When Lee questioned where to search for her missing daughter, she told him locally and said their mom, Cindy, would know.
"Check places locally Lee, in all honestly, places that are familiar to us, to our family," Casey said."


"When Lee questioned where to search for her missing daughter, she told him locally and said their mom, Cindy, would know.
"Check places locally Lee, in all honestly, places that are familiar to us, to our family," Casey said."


I always thought that was code to LA for "where we used to go cop a smoke". Seems like that kinda place (those woods).

"When Lee questioned where to search for her missing daughter, she told him locally and said their mom, Cindy, would know.
"Check places locally Lee, in all honestly, places that are familiar to us, to our family," Casey said."


IIRC, didn't Cindy talk about how they'd take walks with Caylee in the stroller? It seems likely this would be a place they might pass by quite often if they really did take walks. If so, it would fit Casey's description, above.

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