Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell's Disappearance from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015 #2

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Zach stated that when he picked his girls up that afternoon. Do we know what time ZH picked his girls up? So did Jen contact ZH or one of the daughter that they were filing a report and they went back over to JH/WH home? ZH and he 2 girls search from 9-11, then he goes back and searches later behind Jens house. So where were his daughters (at his home or did they decide to stay at their Mothers home instead of going home with ZH). Why did ZH wait til first Sunday to tell officers that he had searched and where. Did he tell anyone else he had searched back there? Prior to telling the officers on Sunday.

Ok so wonder what happen between 530/6 and 915 to contact LEO?
Zach 3/26 I just had a thought. WHAT IF, Wes actually did find the jacket - but it wasn't Anjelica's Longwood jacket. When I spoke to the kid's mom, she said the only jacket was his girlfriends jacket. Maybe Wes went a bit too crazy - broke into the house assuming this kid did something, found this jacket and ASSUMED it was Anjelica's and then told police?? That leaves the clothes and debit card and gas station. The clothes and debit card could be somebody else - somebody that is taunting people no doubt, but somebody besides Wes. The gas station is still a little bit off, especially from what I know of Wes, but it's murky so room for doubt. So if the sighting is accurate at 1p and 2p, then there is a chance it is somebody else. There is even a tiny tiny chance that Anjelica herself is in on it. She is not a devious kid at all, but I know from experience she can turn on a dime. Somebody might be helping to conceal her because she has had enough and is just trying to figure out what to do next?

ZH response to another member who brought this ^^ quote over on April 7,
Zach Ya, that was wishful thinking. I'm an idiot. It's tough to swallow the idea that Wes did something. Easier to deny, but bottom line Anjelica is missing and all the evidence says bad..

BBM, what evidence? This was few days prior to AJ remains being located.
ZH response to another member who brought this ^^ quote over on April 7,

BBM, what evidence? This was few days prior to AJ remains being located.

Maybe leaving in the middle of her laundry, broken credit card, WH breaking into a kids home, no social media when normally pretty active, cell phone being turned off, none of her friends
had seen her, missed baseball that she loved, missed school, zero contact with anyone in any way, clothing scattered by the road found, missing for over a month. Gosh with kids today even just the lack of social media and cell phone would have most parents alarmed. So very sad.
Maybe leaving in the middle of her laundry, broken credit card, WH breaking into a kids home, no social media when normally pretty active, cell phone being turned off, none of her friends
had seen her, missed baseball that she loved, missed school, zero contact with anyone in any way, clothing scattered by the road found, missing for over a month. Gosh with kids today even just the lack of social media and cell phone would have most parents alarmed. So very sad.
Maybe it was just the wording "evidence", that thru me off. Phone battery was most likely dead. Since the next day was trash day, wondering if someone could have gotten AJ stuff out of trash. I don't guess we would know if any other trash like items were found along the road ways. (thinking out loud)
Wouldn't a parent or spouse just call police anyway? And ask if there is a waiting period? Not just "assume" there is? That is what I never understand.

I would suspect so, unless of course you were stalling for time, for some reason.
ZH response to another member who brought this ^^ quote over on April 7,

BBM, what evidence? This was few days prior to AJ remains being located.

I won't presume to speak for Zach, but I will assume he was referring to all the crap that went on from the time she went missing. The mysterious texts, the story about the gas station lunch meeting, Wes breaking into someone's house, the oddly convenient cut up bank card with her full name clearly visible, the clothing items found in Chesapeake, etc. so forth and so on.
The whole time of last sighting shouldn't be this difficult. I've seen everywhere from last seen at 7:00 am Monday, to 2 pm Monday, to 4:30 or 5:30 am on Tues. Why is it hard to at least have the family agree when she was last seen?

I think the difficulty stems from a few different things. No one has ever said that they saw AJ at 4:30 or 5:30 am on March 3rd. She, or someone else, sent texts from her phone at that time.

7:30 am sighting was a physcial sighting by JH and AJ's sisters. (this is what they reported)
Noon (ish) physical sighting was by WH at a gas station (this is what he reported)
1:00 pm physical sighting by a neighbor (this is what he allegedly reported)
2:00 pm physical sighting by a different neighbor (this is what he allegedly reported)

Just my personal opinion here, but we have never heard anything about the 1pm and 2pm sighting from anyone other than Wes, so I don't consider it reliable. We only heard about the noon gas station meeting from Wes...I think that was a lie. So, the only physical sighting of AJ that I personally put any stock in is the 7-7:30 am sighting by her sisters.

I would suspect so, unless of course you were stalling for time, for some reason.

There could have a been any number of reasons to "stall for time" before you report a person missing. Reasons related to you having something to do with the person being missing, or reasons related to the fact that you know LE is coming into your house, and you want to make VERY sure your house is "clean"...because, you know...
How much contact did AJ have with her bio dad? Why would someone call him if she had limited contact? Why would they think she might have headed down to Florida?

Were they stalling for time before they made the missing persons report? Or, was there some sort of large blow-up that lead them believe that she was so angry that she would contact her bio dad? If a blow-up happened, what was it about that would cause her to mend fences/make contact with dip dad?
How much contact did AJ have with her bio dad? Why would someone call him if she had limited contact? Why would they think she might have headed down to Florida?

Were they stalling for time before they made the missing persons report? Or, was there some sort of large blow-up that lead them believe that she was so angry that she would contact her bio dad? If a blow-up happened, what was it about that would cause her to mend fences/make contact with dip dad?
I think they were grasping at straws and thought it was a possibility. Perhaps she had been asking questions about him or wanted to try to resume a relationship prior to her going missing. It's not all that uncommon for a young adult to do. I speak from experience on this issue.
There could have a been any number of reasons to "stall for time" before you report a person missing. Reasons related to you having something to do with the person being missing, or reasons related to the fact that you know LE is coming into your house, and you want to make VERY sure your house is "clean"...because, you know...

Well let's see now...

You last see your kid at 7am before work.
That afternoon your other kid gets a text from her stating "with friends".
She doesn't come home that night.
More texts come in the following morning, and you're not convinced it's her. (It's now been nearly 24 hours since you last saw her).
None of the friends you know, have stated they've seen her, either the previous evening or that next day, despite the text to sister.
ALL of this is supposedly out of character for her, because she just doesn't do stuff like this.

Yep, if that were me, I'd wait until 9:15 that second night before I called 911. NOT.

If that were me, I'd insist "which friends?" and expect to hear exactly when she planned on being home. If I got a text from her phone the next morning I'd insist on knowing where she was. If she didn't tell me, and I had some legit reason to believe it might not even be her, I'd be on the phone to 911 that moment. And what's more, I'd TELL her (or whoever was using her phone to text me) I'm calling the police if she doesn't tell me where she is and who she's with.

But again, that's just me. Because, you know, parenting 101 and all that.
How much contact did AJ have with her bio dad? Why would someone call him if she had limited contact? Why would they think she might have headed down to Florida?

Were they stalling for time before they made the missing persons report? Or, was there some sort of large blow-up that lead them believe that she was so angry that she would contact her bio dad? If a blow-up happened, what was it about that would cause her to mend fences/make contact with dip dad?

I think about this a lot.
What would make JH call bio dad, who lives in another state and NOT ZH, who lives in the same area?
Was there a blow out and AJ said "Well, I'm just going to go see my bio dad" or something along those lines? Or did she threaten to leave and they figured she may go to FL?
There is something to this, IMO.
How much contact did AJ have with her bio dad? Why would someone call him if she had limited contact? Why would they think she might have headed down to Florida?

Were they stalling for time before they made the missing persons report? Or, was there some sort of large blow-up that lead them believe that she was so angry that she would contact her bio dad? If a blow-up happened, what was it about that would cause her to mend fences/make contact with dip dad?

Re: contact with bio dad - not much, from what we've been told.
Re: why call him if the contact was limited? Good question, only JH can answer that & she's not too fond of the media these days.
Re: were they stalling for time? I believe they were, I'm just not sure why.
Did they think she really was safe and with friends somewhere? Maybe. Probably not.
Did one or both of them have something to hide and convinced the other one to wait before calling LE? Maybe. More than likely.
Was there something in the house that might incriminate one or both of them? Maybe. Good possibility.

I don't know who dip dad is, but that did make me laugh. :)

All speculation, moo & various and assorted disclaimers so no one assumes any of this as fact. Except the part where dip dad made me laugh. That part is a fact.
I think about this a lot.
What would make JH call bio dad, who lives in another state and NOT ZH, who lives in the same area?
Was there a blow out and AJ said "Well, I'm just going to go see my bio dad" or something along those lines? Or did she threaten to leave and they figured she may go to FL?
There is something to this, IMO.

BBM I agree!
I think about this a lot.
What would make JH call bio dad, who lives in another state and NOT ZH, who lives in the same area?
Was there a blow out and AJ said "Well, I'm just going to go see my bio dad" or something along those lines? Or did she threaten to leave and they figured she may go to FL?
There is something to this, IMO.

Maybe Wes told JH to call bio-dad and see if she was there? Maybe Wes knew good and well she WASN'T there at all, but wanted JH to think she might be?

So many possibilities when you throw a lying, violent, word-salad chef into the mix.
BBM: Maybe her cell phone was confiscated along with her debit card?

I definitely think this is the case here!
I think there was a fight about money. Her Card was cut up and her phone taken away.
This is all JMO
ZH response to another member who brought this ^^ quote over on April 7,

BBM, what evidence? This was few days prior to AJ remains being located.

I am far behind but just based on the lack of pleading with the public I think the police knew early on that foul play had been involved. JMO.
Here's the comment WH made about AJ being a homebody. Much thanks to Phoebe for finding it.

Hadsell says AJ likes to spend time with her four younger siblings, who are now left wondering what happened to their big sister.

"It's tough. They don't understand. We don't understand. But they know her," Hadsell explained. "She comes home from school, she spends time with the family, she doesn't go out and do stuff. She goes out with her boyfriend of course, but she goes out with her sisters."

Bolded by me. Why go out if the party seems to be at your own house?
This says a lot also!
Why call the bio dad and not Zach?

Did AJ say im going to go live with my real father!
Is there a reason JH would know AJ would NOT go to or Call Zach?

Great points. I also wonder if there had been some disagreement about Spring Break. Since bio dad lived in FL maybe she wanted to go there. Maybe after being away at school, meeting new people, and with her mother's most recent marriage on the rocks, she decided she wanted to re-connect with her bio dad. I cannot help but wonder if that happened, perhaps it wasn't well received in the home.

I can think of two reasons why Zach wouldn't be contacted. I hope this first one doesn't come across as unkind because I don't mean to be. But (1) maybe JH knew there was no way whatsoever that AJ would have contacted Zach due to the way things were between them, or (2) she didn't want Zach sniffing around (since he is local he could have been there in minutes as opposed to bio-dad who was hundreds of miles away).
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