Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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Smile22 your point is very valid, about the numerology aspect, and has been discussed before. We are doing these comparisons based on the information we have. We don't know if that information is accurate, or if a system is applicable, but we are trying to see if there is a trend/pattern in the existing systems, based on the current information.

We are hoping to develop a possible lead, or eliminate that train of thought until more/different information comes forward.

Your idea about a website is interesting. Perhaps in conjunction with Anna's mom's book release they could set something up? There would have to be a reason for people to go to the website... the book release could prompt that reason and develop hits.

Of course a "Missing - Anna Christian Waters" could also have the "Do you know this man" figured prominently.
yes and im thinking of so many things about this possible website that i am going into over drive id do like a plain black background with his picture in it and any other pictures of him id list his last known name and location id also put in a picture of anna as well and possible her father and the picture of the keys that they have to a deposit box that is unknown just so many things would be a great way to attract people to want to know more about anna and this crazy man
"Anna and the Crazy Man"... it has a comical ring to it... even though the subject matter isn't comical.... must be my sense of humor!

Anna's mom, while searching another case I had a search idea (a lets pretend scenerio). What if Anna was abducted by a woman, or a couple, to raise as their own child.

If they were from the area - otherwise how would she/they know where Anna was - I do realise they could have been complete strangers driving by, or someone visiting someone in the area, but lets pretend she/they lived there.

I did a search for missing women, on the Doe Network, around the time Anna disappeared and could not find any listings for women, who went missing in, or around California, in that time period. The Doe Network's listings are not complete though, especially for that time period.

When Anna was abducted, was there some gossip, or new reports, about a woman, or a couple who disappeared? Even if foul play was suspected? Maybe pulled up stakes and ran out on their bills? Maybe had a huge family arguement and were never heard from again?
I am too tired to go back through the thread and look. But has the probate records for George Waters and George Brody ever been pulled? Just to see if there is any info on bequests and etc? Is it possible to do that?
Annasmom said:
Becba. Thank you for your work. Note that the name Eifee only has one "F", which might make a difference in your computations. It seems to me that he (Brody) had suggested another name entirely, but when I objected, he and Anna's father wanted then to add "Eifee" to her registered name, making her Anna Christian Eifee Waters.
Annasmom, if I may ask, what made you finally relent and allow a name change to take place?
I was running a search on George Brody. I just came across an intriguing site.
Evidently there was a poster on this blog in 2002 who was posting under the name George Brody. Most of the links for the site are out dated. The entry is out of context for the subject matter, and since the links are outdated, I can't find what it was in reference to. What is so intriguing about it is this sentence:
Today’s entry in the category of incoherent ramblings of the day: George Brody
That just seems to fit what we know.
The blog entry:
The Comments on the entry.
i know i saw that to and i was like what. i did a google immage search on brody and came up with some people who looked asian and then a few other poeple who were far to young to even be brody or connected with him so that turned up nothing. i think brody is not his real name and yes the probate stuff should be looked into you can also go into the town hall and look up a persons name and get info for them i think they should check into brody
mysteriew said:
I was running a search on George Brody. I just came across an intriguing site.
Evidently there was a poster on this blog in 2002 who was posting under the name George Brody. Most of the links for the site are out dated. The entry is out of context for the subject matter, and since the links are outdated, I can't find what it was in reference to.
There evidently is a "George Brody" out there who is a well-known obnoxious poster to various technolocical websites. I saw in on response that "brody" is in fact a young female, so it would not have any connection to "our" Brody.
Here is the angle that I have been examining for the last week:

The name "George Waters" turned up as someone who was questioned by police concerning the murder of Darlene Ferrin by the Zodiac killer. Upon review of the police files, it is clear that this was not the same George Waters as the one involved in this case (Vallejo vs. San Francisco, bartender vs. doctor, short and stocky vs. tall and thin).

However, one interesting aspect did come out of looking into this: George Brody lived in the building right next door to Ferrin in San Francisco for a while. Ferrin and her then-roommate Roz Herkommer (a member of the Church of Satan) were in to various occult practices, including specifically numerology. Ferrin and Herkommer were known to throw occult "parties" for their friends and neighbors, so it is conceivable that Brody and these two women crossed paths.

Understand that this was San Francisco in the mid-to-late sixties where nut jobs lived on every block of the city. This could be (and probably is) a mere coincidence, but I do want to follow up on it just for my own satisfaction. To put this in perspective: In the early 1980's, I lived directly across the street from baseball-legend Joe Dimaggio. This, however, did not make me a New York Yankee.
Anna's step-father was reviewing the forum and emailed me the following information:

"Two things regards the posts that I read:
regards post#149 & 301 "I'm glad the tot is dead". This was not a random statement, but rather a provoked reaction in response to a letter that I mailed to GW precisely for that purpose."

This definitely puts the comment in a more sinister light. Either Waters was speaking out of knowledge of what happened to Anna, or he had no knowledge of what happened and was speculating on her fate.
PonderingThings said:
KT Can's last post had me laughing about the last paragraph... then got me thinking. Did George ever change his name too, as far as you know?
I think he went as "Walters" at the hotel. Both men used a number of names. George Brody also sometimes called himself George Bee. I think the last name might also have been spelled Brodie.
PonderingThings said:
"Anna and the Crazy Man"... it has a comical ring to it... even though the subject matter isn't comical.... must be my sense of humor!

Anna's mom, while searching another case I had a search idea (a lets pretend scenerio). What if Anna was abducted by a woman, or a couple, to raise as their own child.

If they were from the area - otherwise how would she/they know where Anna was - I do realise they could have been complete strangers driving by, or someone visiting someone in the area, but lets pretend she/they lived there.

I did a search for missing women, on the Doe Network, around the time Anna disappeared and could not find any listings for women, who went missing in, or around California, in that time period. The Doe Network's listings are not complete though, especially for that time period.

When Anna was abducted, was there some gossip, or new reports, about a woman, or a couple who disappeared? Even if foul play was suspected? Maybe pulled up stakes and ran out on their bills? Maybe had a huge family arguement and were never heard from again?

There were and are many transients in this area. I don't know of any reports such as the ones you suggest. One working hypothesis is that Brody told someone about Anna and that they then took her. Her father had joint custody, though he had never used it for a visit. Both of them had an elaborate (and paranoid, to my mind) idea that she should be removed from our family, and this was expressed a number of times.
mysteriew said:
I am too tired to go back through the thread and look. But has the probate records for George Waters and George Brody ever been pulled? Just to see if there is any info on bequests and etc? Is it possible to do that?
As far as I know, an investigation into Brody's possessions claimed only keys to two safety deposit boxes which have never been found. And supposedly George Waters left only his car and some papers, which were taken by his brother.
itsreenw said:
Annasmom, if I may ask, what made you finally relent and allow a name change to take place?
The two of them simply wore me down. I figured Anna would always be Anna Christian Waters to me, no matter what nonsensical name they added.
I have been thinking about the fact that the witness to the older man and the younger man saw them coming towards him and he then saw Anna soon after. Perhaps they dropped someone off in the woods, who even may have walked along the stream. The person kidnaps Anna and than backtracks to be picked up. This would cause some confusion with the dogs having a persons scent with Anna and a seperate trail scent of the person alone. It may be why the dogs doubled back along the stream. And would account for the noise the neighbor heard in the woods.

Just a thought.
Becba said:
I have been thinking about the fact that the witness to the older man and the younger man saw them coming towards him and he then saw Anna soon after. Perhaps they dropped someone off in the woods, who even may have walked along the stream. The person kidnaps Anna and than backtracks to be picked up. This would cause some confusion with the dogs having a persons scent with Anna and a seperate trail scent of the person alone. It may be why the dogs doubled back along the stream. And would account for the noise the neighbor heard in the woods.

Just a thought.
Good thinking, Becba. Your hypothesis fits all of what we know. Anna's stepfather believes that the two Georges would not be capable of doing the deed themselves - that they would have needed someone else to actually perform the kidnapping.
Becba said:
I have been thinking about the fact that the witness to the older man and the younger man saw them coming towards him and he then saw Anna soon after. Perhaps they dropped someone off in the woods, who even may have walked along the stream. The person kidnaps Anna and than backtracks to be picked up. This would cause some confusion with the dogs having a persons scent with Anna and a seperate trail scent of the person alone. It may be why the dogs doubled back along the stream. And would account for the noise the neighbor heard in the woods.

Just a thought.
Having trained tracking dogs, I can say that the dog would know instinctively that there was someone with the child. The scents do not "mingle", but rather appear to the dog as separate and distinct entities. Each person has his/her own individual id scent to a dog. Given the child's scent as his target, the dog would continue to track the child, regardless of other people's scents.

Also, a good tracking dog can arrive upon a person's track and know immediately in which direction the person was traveling. It is amazing to see, but quite true.

Tracking dogs are trained to stay with the scent the entire distance of a track. When encountering a place where the target has back tracked, they might indicate this knowledge, but should stay with the track until the turn took place, before going back over the "return" track. The reason for this is that dropped clues, weapons, etc would be missed otherwise.

I emphasize that this is the standard procedure when the dog is attatched to a handler by a long lead and is truly "tracking". If dogs are pursuing a criminal OFF LEAD, then they might very well skip the back track and jump to the freshest portion of the track. But that is not true "tracking".

Time is of essance when employing tracking dogs - the sooner the better, although under proper conditions, scent may remain trackable for several days. Weather conditions are important in preserving or erasing scent. Weather, terrain, dust, wind and distance also play a part in regard to success. Of course dog/handler experience and endurance is vitally important as well.
Annasmom, forgive me if these questions have been asked and answered but I am trying to get a better understanding of the bond between your husband and Brody,(I realize they weren't intimate) and if there is a way to research any other members of the group of believers.

What types of persuasion were used? Did he have literature or books that he showed you/your husband to prove his theory? If so do you recall the names of the books or what the covers looked like?

Did Brody use any quotes or phrases that were odd or seemed to be in *advertiser censored*

Did they attend any meetings, religious groups, etc..?

Did Brody ever bring anyone else to your house?

In the beginning did your husband ever express concern about Brody's interest in Anna?

Did your husband display any signs of paranoia before he met Brody or did his illness come after Brody came around?

Do you recall the name of the lady Brody thought Anna was the reincarnation of?

Sorry if you've already answered these.
Dr. Doogie said:
Anna's family lived in a rural part of coastal San Mateo County near Half Moon Bay, CA. On the day of her disappearance, Anna arrived home via her schoolbus at about 1PM on January 16, 1973. She changed her clothes and went out into the yard to play. Both her mother and step-father were home and inside the house at the time.

At 2:20, her mother noticed that she did not hear Anna playing anymore. A quick search of the immediate propertywas done, but Anna was not there. The San Mateo County Sheriffs were called at 3PM and arrived at 3:15PM. Immediately upon arrival, the sheriffs deputy sounded his siren in an attempt to attract Anna's attention in case she had wandered off.

The mother felt that the most immediate danger to Anna was a creek that ran through thier property that was at flood stage on that day. All inital efforts were directed toward searching the creek and its banks. All subsequent searches of the creek have not turned up any evidence that Anna fell into the creek - this includes scuba searches and several foot-by-foot searches of the entire length of the creek from the point of Anna's disappearance to the mouth of the creek where it discharges into the Pacific Ocean. Anna's body would have washed up on the banks or been trapped in underbrush or the several dams that existed between the property and the ocean.

It was not until the searching of the creek was completed that the focus fell on a possible abduction. Unfortunately, that was several days after her disappearance.
Richard thank you for your interesting post... I learnt a little more about tracking dogs today!

I also really like Becba's theory. I can envision this happening. What if Anna was with someone who was taking her, and that person backtracked, with Anna for some reason?

Anna's Mom was the creek navigatable by boat or canoe? It sounds like it was running fast, deep, and had obstructions in it. Could an experienced person with a canoe, or small inflatable boat have made it down the creek?

I'm thinking of one of the transients. Since you live(d) in an area where there are many, and its rural, perhaps someone was "hiding out" in the woods? The original track was to their "camp site" and the backtrack was to where they had some kind of boat?

The backtrack area... was it where someone could have set up a camp site that would have been unseen by you and your neighbors?

Not knowing the terrain its hard for me to determine how wild an idea this is!
itsreenw said:
Annasmom, forgive me if these questions have been asked and answered but I am trying to get a better understanding of the bond between your husband and Brody,(I realize they weren't intimate) and if there is a way to research any other members of the group of believers.

What types of persuasion were used? Did he have literature or books that he showed you/your husband to prove his theory? If so do you recall the names of the books or what the covers looked like?

Did Brody use any quotes or phrases that were odd or seemed to be in *advertiser censored*

Did they attend any meetings, religious groups, etc..?

Did Brody ever bring anyone else to your house?

In the beginning did your husband ever express concern about Brody's interest in Anna?

Did your husband display any signs of paranoia before he met Brody or did his illness come after Brody came around?

Do you recall the name of the lady Brody thought Anna was the reincarnation of?

Sorry if you've already answered these.
Dr. Waters had been in therapy for some time before Brody entered the picture. I think it is futile to try to make sense of nonsensical thinking, which is what much of the GB-GW exchanges seemed to me. There were no books or any printed matter ever presented. If they went to meetings, I didn't know about it. GB's interest in Anna was only peripheral and was part of his effort to dominate GW's life. I do know the name of the woman and would be glad to post it privately, if it is of any use in the investigation. Almost every quote or phrase GB used was odd. As far as I know, there was no group of believers, though GW unsuccessfully tried to recruit some.
This relationship was, I think, a shared delusion, with much need for domination and guidance on one side and a need to dominate and control on the other.
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