Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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what im thinking is that when the persons tried to take anna the first time and the boys were with her and they said no do u think if put under hypnosis they might recall the make and model of the car even a licences plate number or some kinda of knowlage of what the suspects look like i know its like been a long time since that first incident but the mind works in funny ways when put under
mysteriew said:
GB was intereested enough in Anna's birth, to insist on a name for her that he felt was more appropriate. Possibly one which he felt came with some connection to him. Yet for the remainder of the time that she lived with her Mom, he lost interest in her. That isn't logical. Unless he was waiting on something (for her to grow enough to leave her mother? for him to find a couple willing to buy her?). And possibly he only appeared to lose interest so that when she eventually was taken, less suspicion would fall on him and GW.
As far as the couple living within a half day of Anna's residence, that might be true if the George's were not involved. But if the George's were involved and Anna was targeted, well prospective parents desparate enough to buy a kid, and willing to kidnap her to get her- they would come a long way to get her, if they were aware of her. To this day, people have been known to travel to other states or even to other countries to pick up an adoptive child.
IMO, if they were going to be involved in the kidnapping of the child- I would think the farther away they came from, the better for them.
I guess that is why the religion aspect of this makes so much sense to me. If we are correct in the religion- it was based in Canada. GB may have had contacts within it. (or he may not, it could have simply been the fact that learned of the religion and it appealed to him, and he "studied" it, and practiced it totally on his own). But if he did actually attend services for it, he may have developed some contact with those in Canada. Thus he may found someone with an interest in getting a child however they could. Or they could have been convinced that they were "rescuing" this poor child, that her father was so concerned about. (Anna's mom, this isn't a slight, only trying to think how they may have presented it to a prospective couple).

I would be interested to know if either of the George's ever called Anna's Mom out of the blue, odd type calls. Maybe to try to convince them to get into an "investment" or talk about the religion or just some excuse to call. In those circumstances, to change the subject Mom might start talking about Anna, just to change the subject or out of outrage that they called and didn't ask about her. The calls may have been to get info on the child, the not asking first, may have been to further the appearance of disinterest.
I would also suspect that there may have been an occasional drive by her school or other place she might have been, just to see her.
I would also like to know if either or both the George's attended church services, and if they ever travelled. Maybe to Canada.
This makes all kinds of sense to me, the scenario, the motivation and the planning. As far as I know, neither of the Georges ever attended church. I never received any telephont calls from either of them. I can't be sure about the travel, since George Waters did have a passport which he renewed shortly before he died, and he had quite a few air travel insurance policies among his papers, all with GB as the beneficiary.
Anna's stepfather, Joe Ford, has been trying to get registered here for a few days, but is having problems doing so. He is continuing his effort to join the discussion and will hopefully be able to post directly soon, but has aked me to pass along his thanks for everybody's efforts and would like his email address posted here for anyone who would like to contact him directly (until he can get registered).

A quick reminder of a couple of points for clarification:

Joe has put a herculean effort into the search for Anna over the years including the surveillance of George Waters and Brody - he probably knows more about the relationship between the two of them in their later years than anyone and may be able to answer some questions that no one else can.

And remember, Joe and Annasmom are no longer married. I would ask that everyone be delicate and respectful of their privacy concerning those family matters.
I first came across anna's plight when reseraching possible matches for Sharon Marshall on the doe network. I know this sounds very corny but her picture seemed so demensional to me when I saw it that it left a lasting impression on me. I have follwed this thread from the beginning and reading it has been one of the most hearbreaking , yet heartwarming experiences I have ever had. The horror I feel about a missing child , her long suffering family and two very mentall ill men is ofset by the compasion, empathy and dedication I am reading by the posters here. Annasmom you are amazing in your strentgh, dedication and perserverence. Dr. Doogie, it goes without saying how wonderful your efforts are. In spite of the horrors of humanity this case may illustrate , this thread brings to light the goodness of mankind by showcasing the compasionate, caring efforts of strangers . The information brought forward in this thread is enough to led me to believe there is a real possiblity Anna is alive. The remote location of her home, the sitution with her father and the now remembered recollection of her brother all points to a possible targeted abduction. I think finding out more about who George Brody was is essential. The 17 thousand dollars in the safe deposit box is concerning to me. It is my hope that we can keep working on this thread so one day we can bring Anna home.

I look forward to Anna's stepfather joining the discussion!

Dr. Doogie, if Mr. Ford is having problems registering, perhaps a PM to a moderator might help? They are terrific and solve problems really quickly.

I know AOL and Hotmail accounts are a problem... If this is the only email account Mr. Ford has it may be causing the problem.
PonderingThings said:
I look forward to Anna's stepfather joining the discussion!

Dr. Doogie, if Mr. Ford is having problems registering, perhaps a PM to a moderator might help? They are terrific and solve problems really quickly.

I know AOL and Hotmail accounts are a problem... If this is the only email account Mr. Ford has it may be causing the problem.

We're aware of the situation and will have it straightened out in no time!!
Jeana (DP) said:
We're aware of the situation and will have it straightened out in no time!!
Thanks, Jeana. Perhaps we can raise your exalted title to "Super-Duper Moderator".
Looks like its almost time for Anna to have her own forum! :)
Thank you, Jeana, for opening the gate. And thank you all for your warm welcome.
I was amazed to discover a few months ago that there was a website with a forum discussing the disappearance of Anna. Since that time I have been following your posts here with keen attention.

Let me firstly thank Doogie for his tireless efforts in rekindling the interest in Anna's disappearance and the subsequent search for her return. Doogie, you have truly shouldered a burden that I had come to believe was no longer of interest to anyone except family.

Aside from the astute observations and intriguing conjectures you all have offered here I am most impressed and thankful for your heartwarming concern for Anna, her mother and her family. You have, with your concern, become part of that family.

The circumstance of Anna's fate, be it by the hand of God or mortal, is the single most inexplicable event that has happened to me in my lifetime. And the most devastating. It is a heart wrenching mystery. I have begun to notice a lightening of spirit lately,however, that is the result of sharing this tragedy with you if by spreading it around among us makes it easier to bear individually. For this, and the renewed hope of seeing Anna's face again in this lifetime, I am deeply grateful.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I do not claim to have many answers but I will do my best to shed some light on those areas of the search that I am familiar with.
Joe, thank you so much for posting. Your family's dedication to finding Anna is inspirational. I know the 33rd anniversary of her disappearance passed recently, and I feel a lot of hope reading Doogie's posts that this case will be solved some day soon.

Will you share any theories you have about what could have happened to Anna? Do you give credence to Anna's brother's report of the couple in the car? I think the key lies in Brody's background... Did you ever met him? What was your impression?
Welcome to Websleuths, Mr. Ford. Not a day goes by that I don't read this forum, and in many ways I think some of us feel like we already knew you a bit from the various posts Dr. Doogie has done on things you've said and done. My real life has gotten quite hectic in the past few weeks so I haven't had much time to do any research and thus have had little to offer in the way of enlightenment... but I'm still keenly interested in Anna's disappearance and all of the efforts being made to find some kind of resolution. Thoughts of Anna creep into my mind so many times a day. Just today I was thinking about the family who lost 7 children in a car crash and wondered what could possibly be worse. And then I thought of Anna and how difficult it must be to lose a child but never have the slightest clue what happened to them for 33 long years. That, to me, has to be the most devastating thing that could happen to a parent. There are some amazing posters here on WS that have turned up some very interesting avenues to look into, and I pray that one day there will be some kind of resolution to Anna's disappearance. And when my own life calms down a bit, I will get back to researching, too. In the meantime, make yourself at home here, Mr. Ford. You're among friends.
SadieJane said:
Joe, thank you so much for posting. Your family's dedication to finding Anna is inspirational. I know the 33rd anniversary of her disappearance passed recently, and I feel a lot of hope reading Doogie's posts that this case will be solved some day soon.

Will you share any theories you have about what could have happened to Anna? Do you give credence to Anna's brother's report of the couple in the car? I think the key lies in Brody's background... Did you ever met him? What was your impression?
As regards meeting Mr. Brody: I knew of him from Annasmom but had never met him until after Anna's disappearance. More on this at a later posting.

In regards to Anna's brother's report of a car stopping and attempting to get Anna inside: Remarkably, this is the first that I have heard of this. I, also, am awaiting details from her brother. I agree that this could be the key to unraveling this mystery. The revelation of this event owes itself to the open dialogue engendered here.

As for theories, like all of you I have had to keep an open mind and consider all posssibilities, however painful or grotesque. Three scenarios lend themselves to this case: a. family abduction, b. non-family abduction, c. other. Amazingly, with all the investigation into each of these catagories and countless hours of speculation I must agree with Annasmom- they (the theories) are all as likely as they are unlikely. Not a shred nor a scrap nor a sign points in a specific direction.

With your help maybe we can change that here.
in an earler post i mentioned the brother and the car and the people in it .that in its self is a whole new light on the case if he saw the car and the poeple in it who wanted them to get in the car what if they were using that rouse to get just anna. say the boys agreed to get in maybe they thought these people were harmless, and decided to go anna follows them and then these two people go and say wait we dont want you anymore just the girl. now since they didnt get into the car and were smart we dont know what they wanted but if the boys had a good look at the car and the people in it as well as a possible licences plate then we have something to go on maybe we could compare it to other car abductions and see if anything fits. or maybe with the information on the car someone might have said ohh ive seen that car around or something and didnt think anything of it.
Dr. Doogie said:
Anna's step-father was reviewing the forum and emailed me the following information:

"Two things regards the posts that I read:
regards post#149 & 301 "I'm glad the tot is dead". This was not a random statement, but rather a provoked reaction in response to a letter that I mailed to GW precisely for that purpose."

This definitely puts the comment in a more sinister light. Either Waters was speaking out of knowledge of what happened to Anna, or he had no knowledge of what happened and was speculating on her fate.
So I understand the facts correctly, the comment was overheard by JF through a listening device while monitoring GW/GB's actions at the hotel they were staying at, and the comment was made by GW to GB regarding something JF had written in a letter to GW? Is that right?
irsreenw asks in her email of 1/27/06:

1. q- Has anyone searched to see if a duplicate/corrected birth cert. was
applied for after the one that had "Eifee" added to it?
a- Good question, but I do not know the answer.

2. q- Did GW and GB have a regular barber, favorite restaurant, daily routine?
a- Unfortunately, because of my work schedule during the week, my
surveillance of the pair was limited to nights and weekends. Both GB and
GW were always neat and well groomed. They always ate out and
prefered one or another of the local Dennys.

3. q- Who, if anybody was suspected or interviewed by police?
a- Another good question that I can not answer. The Sheriffs Dept. is
understandably closemouthed about open investigations.

4. q- Who notified the next of kin of GWs death and how did they know
who to contact?
a- I am not sure. Perhaps Annasmom knows the answer.

5. q- Was there a suicide note?
a- Not to my knowledge. But once again this might be better
addressed by Annasmom.
itsreew: Without admitting to anything illegal you may consider that correct.
Joe Ford said:
itsreew: Without admitting to anything illegal you may consider that correct.
I am sure you were within all boundaries of the law. I had a "listening device" when I was young & wanted to hear what my brothers were talking about in the next room. It was a cup placed against the wall. That's legal right?? I was assuming that's what type of device you had, too;) or a VERY strong hearing aid.

Did you hear/see anything you felt was relevant while you were at the hotel?

And...I refer this to you AND Annasmom: Do you know the name of the
officer(s) that investigated the case? I assume they are retired (and hopefully still alive) but I wonder if they'd be willing to discuss the case with the family since it is open but not really active.
Joe Ford said:
irsreenw asks in her email of 1/27/06:

1. q- Has anyone searched to see if a duplicate/corrected birth cert. was
applied for after the one that had "Eifee" added to it?
a- Good question, but I do not know the answer.

2. q- Did GW and GB have a regular barber, favorite restaurant, daily routine?
a- Unfortunately, because of my work schedule during the week, my
surveillance of the pair was limited to nights and weekends. Both GB and
GW were always neat and well groomed. They always ate out and
prefered one or another of the local Dennys.

3. q- Who, if anybody was suspected or interviewed by police?
a- Another good question that I can not answer. The Sheriffs Dept. is
understandably closemouthed about open investigations.

4. q- Who notified the next of kin of GWs death and how did they know
who to contact?
a- I am not sure. Perhaps Annasmom knows the answer.

5. q- Was there a suicide note?
a- Not to my knowledge. But once again this might be better
addressed by Annasmom.
Annasmom, I started a file on my PC for info about Anna's case and I would like to have all my facts straight so if you feel up to it, will you enlighten us with any knowledge you have regarding the questions above?

Is there a copy of the police report available? Would you be willing to post it here?
itsreenw said:
I refer this to you AND Annasmom: Do you know the name of the
officer(s) that investigated the case? I assume they are retired (and hopefully still alive) but I wonder if they'd be willing to discuss the case with the family since it is open but not really active.
According to Annasmom's manuscript, the original lead Detective on the case was named Maguire. He later went on to be elected Sheriff of San Mateo County. He died suddenly while running for re-election.

I have spoken to the detective who currently has been assigned the case, but it is not actively being investigated. In fact, my contacts with them have proven futile and frustrating. Unfortunately, the case is falling into the gap: open, so it cannot be fully disclosed, but cold enough to not draw any actual attention. I am afraid that this will need to be solved outside the usual LE realm, absent such compelling evidence and pressure to force them into action.
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