Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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HeartofTexas said:
I somehow overlooked the possible significance of the Washington state license plate on the car. I wonder if these people (in the car) were residents of Washington. If so, that would certainly go along with my thoughts that whoever abducted Anna lived north of California, whether it was Oregon, Washington or Canada.

It seems like it might be worth our time to further direct our efforts towards checking out any possible leads in Washington state.
I grew up in OH and our license plates were green on white as well.
mjak said:
The relationship of the two George's seems like a very sad tale of two extremly mentally ill men living a live in there own bizzare world. There is however one fact that makes
this explanation for their lifestyle questionable to me. How was GW, a man alledgedly a parnaoid schizophrenic able to function in 3 jobs. Not just any job but as a physician? I ask this because could this discrepency be indicitive of another explanation for thier
bizzare lifestyle? Could this explanation leed to a motive for anna's dissaperance. I know I am just speculating here. However looking at loose ends and thinking outside of the box could be helpful I hope. I find it curiois that Mr. Fords letter was found in a safe deposit box ripped in half and apparently not read.

mjak, my thoughts exactly. I wondered how a physician, responsible for the health of his patients, needed instructions regarding dry cleaning, etc...Joe Ford stated that GW functioned with only a couple hrs of sleep at night. I understand dr's are accustomed to odd shifts and long hours but 3 jobs, no sleep and someone manipulating his every move seems like it would have affected his work performance or drawn attention to his odd behavior.

I didn't realize the letter was in a safe deposit box. I thought it was amongst the belongings left in the hotel room. Hmmm, they saved it for something. As secretive as they were, it seems like they would have destroyed it immediately. I wonder why GB didn't change GW's name to match his numerology profile or whatever it was called.
Kelly said:
I have offered here on several occasions to assist the family with awareness for Anna. I would still be very happy to help, but have not yet heard from them. I respect their choice not to utilize these options, and will respectfully, but regretfully, leave them to pursue other avenues to locate Anna. I wish for them to have an answer to the very long and painful road to seek Anna.

With Hope, Always,
Kelly, what would you like me to send you? Just about all the material I have, apart from my 300-page manuscript, is on the forum. And thank you for your good wishes. I don't know if the person who wrote you has any idea how hard it is for me to go through all this again.
Joe Ford said:
It was all of interest. But I could find nothing out of the "ordinary". The papers had to be returned to the family. I expect that they were destroyed.
I have most of the papers and have been through them recently. The safety deposit box keys are missing, however, and may have been returned to Dr. W's brother, along with the passport.
Kelly said:
I have offered here on several occasions to assist the family with awareness for Anna. I would still be very happy to help, but have not yet heard from them. I respect their choice not to utilize these options, and will respectfully, but regretfully, leave them to pursue other avenues to locate Anna. I wish for them to have an answer to the very long and painful road to seek Anna.

With Hope, Always,
kelly, I have responded via pm to your post.
Thanks, Joe. I responded.

Anna's mom, we are not an investigative agency, therefore, you need not hash over lengthy case details with me or provide those in any depth.

I simply need you to send me an email, and then I will email back an example of a permission statement needed, which can also be done via email. I will let you know which avenues I want to pursue, all of which would be done with your approval.

kelly.jolkowski at is the email.

I know how hard it is to rehash all of the old information. I understand.

Kelly, my e-mail to you was returned. Do I need to go through the web page, or did I get the address wrong?
Just use the contacts page and click on my name. I didn't type it out as I am getting too many spams from email harvesters. Sorry!
Annasmom, try clicking on this... it will hopefully work (I'm not all that computer savvy!).

(Note: I just deleted Kelly's email after reading that she was getting too many spam emails.)
Boy, I take a weekend off from the hunt and two full pages of posts and developments occur - great job, WSers.

Welcome, Annasbro - your revelations are crucial and may be the missing link to point us in the right direction. I may have over-hyped the anticipation of your post somewhat in the sense that I thought from our initial communication that the woman in the car had refered to Anna by name (which would have meant a whole host of new implications). I now know that she did not, so my excitement was incorrect. However, anything that you can reveal about your encounter will be extremely valuable - great job!

During my research in to every girl born in San Francisco on September 25, 1967, I came across another strange coincidence (in a case filled with them). One of the girls that I was tracing turned out to be one of Anna's best friends in kindergarten (even Annasmom, who was an aide in the class was not aware that this girl and Anna shared the same birthday and place). Keep in mind that the births occured in a different town forty miles away.

More to the point, the girl has notified me that Anna's kindergarten teacher is attempting to join our forum (again, registration problems) and should be joining our discussion shortly. The girl also is attempting to contact Anna's school bus driver and will put her in touch with me for any questions that we have. It obviously is such a long time since the disappearance, but if she can recall anything out of the ordinary (being followed, a strange car, etc.), it would be very helpful.
Joe Ford said:
There were safe deposit keys found in Water's possession at the time of his death. I had them photographed and sent to all the downtown banks with a cover letter requesting identification. There were no replies. I do not know where the keys are now. I have no knowledge of any money found in any safety deposit box. This may have been discovered at a later time.
The money in the safe deposit was discovered in the last three months at the California Abandoned Property website maintained by the state. It was from the Oakland, CA Main Branch of Bank of America. BofA is not able to come up with any paperwork or information on the account due to the amount of time since it was opened. Annasmom thinks that the keys may be (or have been) in the possesion of the San Francisco Coroners Office, since they are specifically mentioned in the final report that they produced concerning George Waters' death. Unfortunately, the keys would probably not provide us with any information at this point.
Welcome back, Dr. Doogie. Your info that Anna's kindergarten teacher and possibly her bus driver may join the forum is good news. My next line of questioning, based on my own scenario that Anna was abducted by someone who wanted to raise her as their own child, points back to the school as a possible source of information. If Anna's home was indeed a remote location, so to speak, it seems like there would have been very few people, other than the school, who would know what time she got home from school each day or where she lived. I would be interested in knowing if anyone remembers someone unusual at the school, or someone who showed an unusual interest in Anna.

I'm assuming it was not school personnel that kidnapped Anna but instead a sibling of school personnel who probably lived in another state, i.e., a teacher's sister, etc.
HoT, the time she got home could be easily deduced if a person knew approximately where she lived. It is easy to tell when when school lets out, because that is when you see all of the buses. From that, it would be fairly easy to determine the approximate time she would arrive home from school.
Agreed, Mysteriew. I was basing it more on where someone could have observed Anna prior to making the decision to abduct her. If she lived in a somewhat remote location, it seems like it would have been difficult to notice or observe her there. School is a place where a number of adults would have seen Anna on a daily basis. Church is another possibility.
HeartofTexas said:
Welcome back, Dr. Doogie. Your info that Anna's kindergarten teacher and possibly her bus driver may join the forum is good news. My next line of questioning, based on my own scenario that Anna was abducted by someone who wanted to raise her as their own child, points back to the school as a possible source of information. If Anna's home was indeed a remote location, so to speak, it seems like there would have been very few people, other than the school, who would know what time she got home from school each day or where she lived. I would be interested in knowing if anyone remembers someone unusual at the school, or someone who showed an unusual interest in Anna.

I'm assuming it was not school personnel that kidnapped Anna but instead a sibling of school personnel who probably lived in another state, i.e., a teacher's sister, etc.
heartoftexas...astute observation. One I penned myself, as well, as recently as yesterday. If assuming a planned abduction, a random drive-by would have been pretty useless and haphazzard except to initialy locate the property. Observation of the ranch could only have been accomplished from two areas. One, conspicous, about a half mile east of the ranch was a small clearing where ranchers pulled off-road to feed horses or cattle. The other observation point could be found by continuing on the same road as it meandered up the foothill on a hoseshoe return north then west to return to the coast highway. A panoramic view of the valley and ranch can be seen from high up on this road. It takes approximately twelve minutes, by vehicle, to get from this hillside observation point to the entrance to the ranch. It seems to me that any planned abduction of Anna would have had to involve the school bus and perhaps surveillance of the school itself for a few days. It would seem prudent to question the teachers and residents near the school regards their observations of people or vehicles that seemed out of place or suspicious. To my knowledge, this was never done.
Joe, it's good to know someone else is thinking along the same lines. I, too, wrote down my thoughts about school personnel yesterday and was more than a little pleased to see the posts today re two school personnel possibly joining the forum.
Dr. Doogie...I am curious as to the actions taken regards some of the fine questions and suggestions offered by these members. "Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there", Will Rogers. I am aware of the wonderful job that you, personaly,are doing but it seems like an overwhelming task for just one person. Is there a next step of coordinating all of this and implimenting appropriate action? Collecting signatures for example to lobby the various Law Enforcement Agencies to request assistance from groups like ALERT and NECROSEARCH INTERNATIONAL?
Has anyone in Anna's family considered contacting this agency? I know very little about it but it certainly appears to be a legitimate agency. Their services are all volunteer so I assume there are no charges. You have to submit an application to be accepted so there is no guarantee they will accept Anna's case, but it might be worth a try.

Here's the url for the website:
HeartofTexas said:
Has anyone in Anna's family considered contacting this agency? I know very little about it but it certainly appears to be a legitimate agency. Their services are all volunteer so I assume there are no charges. You have to submit an application to be accepted so there is no guarantee they will accept Anna's case, but it might be worth a try.

Here's the url for the website: excellent site. And it does look legitimate.
someone mentioned the pictures of the keys what if you posted them online asking locksmiths to identify the keys a good locksmith could probably tell you where they were manufactured or where they were sent out to
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