Anne Heche in critical condition following fiery car crash, 5 August 2022

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The Los Angeles woman who lost an 'entire lifetime of possessions' after actress Anne Heche drove a car into her home, sparking a fire that nearly claimed both women's lives, was identified.

A massive fire sparked when Heche ran her Mini Cooper into the home at speeds nearing 90 miles per hour, according to police. The resulting blaze took 59 firefighters more than an hour to extinguish.

Lynne lives with her beautiful pups Bree and Rueban, and tortoise Marley in the Mar Vista home that was destroyed this week by a car driving into the home at a high rate of speed, catching the house on fire.

'Even more distressing is that Lynne lost her entire lifetime of possessions, mementos, all equipment for her business including her laptop and iPad, all of her clothing and basic necessities, and all household items.

'With firefighters' help, she was able to pull a few damaged sentimental belongings from the wreckage. Everything else is gone,' the page reads.
LaborDayRN, do you think they had time to give her a few rescue breaths before they covered her up and headed to the ambulance? I understand the rush, but I was worried she might have been unable to breathe from being in the burning house for so long. What's the proper procedure in a situation like this?

Rescue breaths are given when someone stops breathing. Considering AH was talking and resisting, she was breathing so no reason to give her rescue breaths. Giving oxygen is common and it's likely what they did.
Upthread was a transcription of an interview with AH and Larry King where she reported driving all over the place and following instructions from "God." She said she and "God" were talking and he was telling her where to drive and she ended up in a desert. Considering this, her family history of schizophrenia, and her own frequent admissions of mental health problems, it sounds like her wild driving may have been a consequence of "instructions" from "God." If she was on medication for mental illness and had been drinking recently -- which we know to be the case from the drunken podcast filmed several days prior to the crash -- often alcohol and antipsychotics/antidepressants don't mix well together. For example, alcohol can increase side effects of the mood stabilizer lamotrigine, so some people stop taking it when they want to drink, and that only causes a downward spiral, exacerbating mental health issues & triggering more drinking, etc.

I think we need to be careful in our speculation here. One of the things that happens with mental illness is that once you have one episode, all your "unusual" activities are chalked up to mental illness, many times unfairly so. Just because she had a mental health break (and we don't know the diagnosis) in the past and was experiencing psychotic symptoms from whatever cause, doesn't necessarily mean this accident was the result of a similar scenario. There are a number of other reasons this could have happened.

The Los Angeles woman who lost an 'entire lifetime of possessions' after actress Anne Heche drove a car into her home, sparking a fire that nearly claimed both women's lives, was identified.

A massive fire sparked when Heche ran her Mini Cooper into the home at speeds nearing 90 miles per hour, according to police. The resulting blaze took 59 firefighters more than an hour to extinguish.

Lynne lives with her beautiful pups Bree and Rueban, and tortoise Marley in the Mar Vista home that was destroyed this week by a car driving into the home at a high rate of speed, catching the house on fire.

'Even more distressing is that Lynne lost her entire lifetime of possessions, mementos, all equipment for her business including her laptop and iPad, all of her clothing and basic necessities, and all household items.

'With firefighters' help, she was able to pull a few damaged sentimental belongings from the wreckage. Everything else is gone,' the page reads.

I was just going to post this. I am glad they are raising money for this woman. I won't even say what I want to say about Ms. Heche--- none of it is flattering.
Anne Heche "drank vodka" with "wine chasers" during a "Better Together" podcast recording with co-host Heather Duffy, which was posted hours before the fiery collision Heche reportedly caused on Friday when she crashed her Mini Cooper into a home in Mar Vista, California. The Apple podcast was published on Friday and then removed from the platform. It's unclear when the episode was taped.

Heche joked that listeners would have to keep their "fingers crossed" that the pair would even be able to make it through the recording together.

"We each have a bottle in front of us because our friends sent us a bottle [of] Re:Find!" she said before admitting she once "did a terrible commercial" for the brand.

Duffy added that a doctor told the duo "that we should be drinking vodka instead of wine."

"And we listened! And we are drinking it — with wine chasers," Heche said, while seemingly slurring the name of the podcast, which has since been deleted from the platform.

She also admitted in the podcast: "Today’s been a very unique day. "I don’t know what happened, sometimes days just suck, and I don’t know if you ever have them, but some days Mama says are … some days are those no good very bad days. And I don’t know why some days just end up like this, and things don’t really rock me like that."

Anne Heche "drank vodka" with "wine chasers" during a "Better Together" podcast recording with co-host Heather Duffy, which was posted hours before the fiery collision Heche reportedly caused on Friday when she crashed her Mini Cooper into a home in Mar Vista, California. The Apple podcast was published on Friday and then removed from the platform. It's unclear when the episode was taped.

Heche joked that listeners would have to keep their "fingers crossed" that the pair would even be able to make it through the recording together.

"We each have a bottle in front of us because our friends sent us a bottle [of] Re:Find!" she said before admitting she once "did a terrible commercial" for the brand.

Duffy added that a doctor told the duo "that we should be drinking vodka instead of wine."

"And we listened! And we are drinking it — with wine chasers," Heche said, while seemingly slurring the name of the podcast, which has since been deleted from the platform.

She also admitted in the podcast: "Today’s been a very unique day. "I don’t know what happened, sometimes days just suck, and I don’t know if you ever have them, but some days Mama says are … some days are those no good very bad days. And I don’t know why some days just end up like this, and things don’t really rock me like that."

Well her day got a whole lot worse and she surely ruined that lady's day whose she crashed
into- It is truly disgusting.
That means we all are. I don't know one person who has not at one time or another driven recklessly, at least by LE standards. (speeding, eating, cell phone, headlight out, trying to find a station on the radio, dropped something in the floor, and, yes, substances fit in there too.)
Catching up. In my opinion, none of your examples would have LE issuing a reckless driving charge. There is no comparison between driving 100 mph in a residential area and eating a french fry. JMO

I cannot justify her behavior by comparing it to someone changing a radio station and saying it's "reckless by LE standards", because it really isn't a moving violation at all.

The article just say's the podcast was "posted" the day of the crash, not that it was recorded then.
"Anne Heche "drank vodka" with "wine chasers" during a "Better Together" podcast recording with co-host Heather Duffy, which was posted hours before the fiery collision Heche reportedly caused on Friday when she crashed her Mini Cooper into a home in Mar Vista, California. The Apple podcast was published on Friday and then removed from the platform. It's unclear when the episode was taped.

Technically, they should have kept it, as a teaching lesson. A woman who is still youthful-looking and attractive, is blabbing about vodka with wine chasers, and several days later she, severely burned, is pulled out of a smashed car. Probably Anne’s family did not want to keep the podcast for legal reasons, but I hope someone made a copy. (And, I was born in the country of “creative uninhibited drinking,” where they once organized a newspaper contest for the best hangover recipe! I know: No wine chasers after vodka. Beer chasers are called “ruffs” and are even worse. Always eat, better food rich in fat when you drink. And except for a small glass of red wine with Mediterranean diet (but you can find other sources of resveratrol) most alcohol is toxin that might cause irreversible memory loss).

At first I did not understand it was not Anne Heche but Lynne Michele, the woman whose house was destroyed, on photos and IG. How strange, they look similar. Even the tone of the voice. She is an organizer; boy would I need her services, lol! And poor woman was also collecting things for re-gifting, they were probably in her house. Well, she may need to organize paid YouTube classes, or such, I bet lots of us could help just by watching them.
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Catching up. In my opinion, none of your examples would have LE issuing a reckless driving charge. There is no comparison between driving 100 mph in a residential area and eating a french fry. JMO

I cannot justify her behavior by comparing it to someone changing a radio station and saying it's "reckless by LE standards", because it really isn't a moving violation at all.


Little things can cause an accident and it wasn't long ago that a young man dropped a lit cigarette in his lap and by the time he retrived it, he'd crossed the centre line and struck another vehicle head on and killed the other driver.

We can't be sure of the actual speed she was travelling without the benefit of an accident recreation specialist as well as a mechanical review of the car. It's my understanding that spedometers and computer readings will give a fairly accurate account of the actual speed she was travelling.

I would also suggest that the things mentioned are all illegal in some countries. My province classifies those actions mentioned as distracted driving and if caught, we receive a ticket as well as demerit points on our licenses.
Catching up. In my opinion, none of your examples would have LE issuing a reckless driving charge. There is no comparison between driving 100 mph in a residential area and eating a french fry. JMO

I cannot justify her behavior by comparing it to someone changing a radio station and saying it's "reckless by LE standards", because it really isn't a moving violation at all.


In MA, they had a good system. After one too many speeding tickets, they’d send you for retraining courses, and sure enough, I got mine as well. I was scared to attend, thinking the class would be full of truck drivers uttering profanities. First shock, I ran into some acquaintances in the class. The biggest group consisted of young professionals who had full jobs and no time. The second biggest: taxicab drivers. The magnum eye opener was the exercise they made us do at the end: write what the class taught us not to do, what habits we should drop. And after we did it, switch the paper with our neighbor. (Mine was a taxicab driver). Whew! While my list was mostly, no speeding on Masspike, his list was full! This understanding - that there are tons of bad drivers on the road, that air traffic might be off, that there may be no sign, and you can control for only one factor, yourself, was immensely powerful.
I'm hoping for an actual medical update on AH other than a friend of the family. I'm certain she's very injured, but it would be interesting to know if she's conscious, still on a ventilator, etc. Aside from burns, she might have impact injuries. JMO

Tragic family history of Anne Heche: Her father raped her as a kid and then died of AIDS triggering her brother to commit suicide by driving into tree - before her sister died of cancer... and her mother says she's going to hell for being a lesbian

I don't know if she was trying to commit suicide but I do wonder if she got the idea to kill herself in a MVA because of her brother.

JMO. I think what was initially Anne Heche’s doing later became her undoing. Hers is a case of a mood disorder, and both her talent and her self-destruction are the result of it. (MOO). Hard to tell what she planned, I think she was killing herself slowly, for years, only this time, someone else got hurt and hence we are discussing it.
We can't be sure of the actual speed she was travelling without the benefit of an accident recreation specialist as well as a mechanical review of the car. It's my understanding that spedometers and computer readings will give a fairly accurate account of the actual speed she was travelling.

It's not clear if accurate info. from the car's speedometer will be able to be retrieved - given that the car is so damaged.

Look at the Ring Camera footage (link below) that depicts her car right before the crash into the house. She was driving extremely fast! So, whatever the computer shows, this footage should be evidence enough that she was driving too fast & recklessly given that this was a residential area; in areas like this, all drivers should know that we need to slow down instead of speeding up.

Also, note that she didn't just crash into the house - her car went all the way through the house & almost to the other side. That wouldn't have happened if she were driving at a normal rate of speed.
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Look at the Ring Camera footage (link below) that depicts her car right before the crash into the house. She was driving extremely fast! This was definitely too fast for a residential area.

Also, note that she didn't just crash into the house - her car went all the way through the house & almost to the other side. That wouldn't happen if she were driving at a normal rate of speed.

And did she apply the brake? Hoping the car has information.
I'm hoping for an actual medical update on AH other than a friend of the family. I'm certain she's very injured, but it would be interesting to know if she's conscious, still on a ventilator, etc. Aside from burns, she might have impact injuries. JMO
Due to HIPAA there won’t be an official medical update unless she gives consent. If she is unable to provide consent a designated person may give (or deny) consent to release medical information.
The thing I wonder, is would you and others be so understanding and hopeful she "gets help" if it was your house that was destroyed, your and your pets' lives that were put in danger? I'm sorry but it just irks me that we as a society don't hold celebs to the same standards that we hold non-celebs too. Lots of us endured horrific abusive childhoods, struggles with mental health but if we did what AH did, as a non-celeb "nobody" people would be understandably outraged.
Have they determined the cause of the crashes?

I just don't put much value in things. I never have. Having had a house fire before, courtesy of my ex, and being displaced for months with 3 dogs, I'd like to think I would be as grateful now just for me and my dogs to be alive and well as I was then, regardless if it was a celebrity or not who hit my house. In fact, I think I'd be more sympathetic if it were a regular Joe or Jane lunchbox, as they likely wouldn't have had the resources or time to seek help to the degree that a celebrity does.

I agree with the poster who said it's time for LE to do their investigating. If alcohol or drugs caused the crashes, she should be held equally accountable as anyone else. But an investigation does need to be done first. Fortunately, no one was run over or killed, so the sentence probably won't be too hefty - if that's what caused the crashes. MOO
Look at the Ring Camera footage (link below) that depicts her car right before the crash into the house. She was driving extremely fast! This was definitely too fast for a residential area.

Also, note that she didn't just crash into the house - her car went all the way through the house & almost to the other side. That wouldn't happen if she were driving at a normal rate of speed.

I was responding to the comment that she was driving a specific speed. Things seem bad enough already without citing information that has not been released pending a full investigation.
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