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DNA Solves
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Hmmmm....maybe the "person with the medicine cabinet" - who shall remain nameless...LOL....actually GAVE it to Casey, to help her "cope", as well. Yet, again, enabling if THAT would be a shock.

and maybe they even have a cute l'ill *gift bag* straight from the drug rep. wonderful l'ill bubble packs of free stuff, pens and such.

Just a theory, nothing more.
Oh my, that hat was torn deliberately, unless it got caught on to something and Casey had to pull it out of where ever it was caught. It did look like it had dirt or dust on it. Maybe the vacuum chewed it up? I also noticed in the video that was posted of the woman going through the Anthony's trash that there was a blue envelope and you can tell that they cut out sender's name. I also noticed that it looked like a lot of letters were in that bag and after this lady went through the trash she claimed she would blog about what all was in the bag, I have never found her blog, or any articles of what all was found in the bag after the incident. She is MIA like Annie.
I don't recall which thread, but one of the members here posts with her somewhere else. She isn't MIA as the member said she posted with her day before yesterday. She still has the hat and things. I believe she did say the hat was torn and not cut.
I can imagine her giving it to Caylee. Not saying she did but I would not be surprised.

Many parents have been known to slip the baby extra benadryl. I have heard stories of old timers putting a bit of bourbon in their baby's bottle to help them sleep. I used to work at a drug store many years ago and mothers would come to the pharmacy to buy paregoric for colic. After a while the pharmacist stopped selling it because he became suspicious that some of the parents were using it to make the baby sleep.

(Bold by me)

This seems to have been common practice "back home" in my mother-in-law's day (and she wondered why her son was a full-fledged alcoholic by the time he was 18). (Thank Gawd I breastfed). I caught her a time or two rubbing bourbon on my son's gums when he was teething. And I had a couple of friends my age who thought nothing of putting a wee nip in the bottle or doing the bourbon-on-gums "remedy" either.

Thank goodness my daughter-in-law is savvy and health-conscious!
Couple things...First on topic, in Virginia the lawyers are not allowed to send personal correspondence between their client and their friends and family. When I was volunteering with the IP, once I was put on their list for legal visits, any personal correspondence was sent through the mail and just to help keep from jeopardizing my status, we actually made up a fake name so they wouldn't know it was from me and everything personal I hand wrote and typed everything legal. I can't imagine that he is supposed to be doing that. It can be done, because everything that he says to her and does with her in the visit it not to be listened in on or watched in a manner that could break her privilege with him. BUT...I don't know if they do this in jail as they do it in prisons, but I don't see why not: from time to time in prison they "toss" the prisoners cell. In other words, the guards come in and they take the prisoner out of the cell and then they proceed to go through everything in their cell looking for contraband. They are allowed to read anything in there and can read whatever Baez leaves with her that is in her cell at the time that they toss it. She should take steps to avoid these things being found if her lawyer is not smart enough to advise her of this.

As far as the O/T conversations on the pics goes...I cannot stand this woman. I have a 19 month old daughter that looks like Caylee's younger pics so much so that my mom told me once that if we lived in Florida I wouldn't be able to bring my daughter out of the house. I also have a son who is three weeks younger than Caylee. She makes me sick. I don't want to see her get the death penalty because I feel that life without parole in gen pop will quickly see her die in the only manner I can think of that would come close to the way I fear our poor Caylee died. With all that being said, I have many many pictures that my daughter/sons is/are in the background of and they don't look happy. That is practically the same look that my daughter always has on her face when she is in the car seat and the car stops. It is easy to nit pick about these things when something like this happens and to over-analyze every little thing. Anyone who has small children, like myself, knows every pic doesn't have me doting over them, as much as I love them. I understand why it happens but besides being off topic and although your life should be committed to your children, it doesn't mean that you cease to exist as an individual entity. I have a hard time believing that if it were the other way around we wouldn't all be complaining about her staging pics of herself to look like a good mother while putting her child in mortal danger by not having her in the car seat in the car. Not trying to start a fight...just saying as a mother of three under five years old...
hey now.... :nono:
there is nothing heartbreaking about that picture except that it has the image of a dear sweet departed child in it.

there is NOTHING WRONG with a mother taking a picture of herself!
as a young mother once struggling to find her own identity, i STRONGLY disagree with this statement.

she is NOT PUSHING caylee out of the way... i don't see a hand on her face or anything of the sort!!

who is to say that a mother may only take photos of her child... that every single picture should be of her baby... and if OMG the mother MUST photograph herself, the baby is required to be in mommy's lap.

i am no KC supporter, but jeez!! :furious:
i know we all want to crucify her for her every movement and rightly so, but..... sheesh. :rolleyes:

i am sorry if this comes off as mean, its not supposed to, it just got under my skin.
:clap::clap: well said! :clap::clap:
I believe Annie D. IS the same Annie in Casey and Jesse text. Obviously selling or dispensing prescribed drugs is illegal. I believe LE put pressure of Annie because of the drugs~maybe they found her in possession during interview~ and she is recieving immunity for telling ALL that she knows. JMO
My Speculation - KC found out that Annie is going to be one of the main people to testify against her and KC is mad.
As far as "a letter" well, I add it to the list of wild goose chases and Mis-truths that were initiated by KC.
Also I think KC needs to be seen again in court so the person charged with murder is the focus instead of the people that have not been charged.
I have a really hard time understanding that Casey- no matter how disturbed she is- did not confide to somebody that Caylee was dead. For a long time I've believed that one of her friends either knew or was involved at least in the disposal.

Annie seems like a good candidate.

I believe Annie D. IS the same Annie in Casey and Jesse text. Obviously selling or dispensing prescribed drugs is illegal. I believe LE put pressure of Annie because of the drugs~maybe they found her in possession during interview~ and she is recieving immunity for telling ALL that she knows. JMO
As far as the O/T conversations on the pics goes...I cannot stand this woman. I have a 19 month old daughter that looks like Caylee's younger pics so much so that my mom told me once that if we lived in Florida I wouldn't be able to bring my daughter out of the house. I also have a son who is three weeks younger than Caylee. She makes me sick. I don't want to see her get the death penalty because I feel that life without parole in gen pop will quickly see her die in the only manner I can think of that would come close to the way I fear our poor Caylee died. With all that being said, I have many many pictures that my daughter/sons is/are in the background of and they don't look happy. That is practically the same look that my daughter always has on her face when she is in the car seat and the car stops. It is easy to nit pick about these things when something like this happens and to over-analyze every little thing. Anyone who has small children, like myself, knows every pic doesn't have me doting over them, as much as I love them. I understand why it happens but besides being off topic and although your life should be committed to your children, it doesn't mean that you cease to exist as an individual entity. I have a hard time believing that if it were the other way around we wouldn't all be complaining about her staging pics of herself to look like a good mother while putting her child in mortal danger by not having her in the car seat in the car. Not trying to start a fight...just saying as a mother of three under five years old...

What she said.

We're looking at this through the filter of this tragedy. If we didn't know the back story, we'd simply see two young women, living in sun country.

I can see Annie providing alot of information on what Casey was really like...not the fantasy version you get from her family. I could also see there being a link to Xanax and possibly even the knowledge that the nanny wasn't stated by previous posters. But what I am struggling with is why LE has withheld her interview. They have released alot of info that has been pretty damaging so why hold back on Annie? What does she know that they don't want released?

IF Annie was, in fact, dealing in pills, etc. I will bet you that she has an immunity deal on the table and she is walking a straight line in the meantime. That could be the reason that nothing pertaining to her has been released.
What she said.

We're looking at this through the filter of this tragedy. If we didn't know the back story, we'd simply see two young women, living in sun country.

Blaise they say...hindsight's 20/20. And frankly, if I'd seen the look on Caylee's face in that pic, the grandmomma in me would have been asking, "are you hot, do you need to go potty, do you need a fresh big-girl diddie, are you hungry?"

The babe does not look comfy and happy. In fact she looks quite uncomfortable. Might be a mere moment, but in hindsight....
IF Annie was, in fact, dealing in pills, etc. I will bet you that she has an immunity deal on the table and she is walking a straight line in the meantime. That could be the reason that nothing pertaining to her has been released.

I totally AGREE
IF Annie was, in fact, dealing in pills, etc. I will bet you that she has an immunity deal on the table and she is walking a straight line in the meantime. That could be the reason that nothing pertaining to her has been released.

That's an interesting theory. I'd like to know whether FL law allows them to withhold such evidence, especially without filing some sort of motion to do so.
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