
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not sure if this has been thought of, but I don't think that the hat was Annie's. I think that it was Casey's hat and Annie was just wearing it in the car that day. I don't think that the hat has anything to do with Annie in the case, but that it may have something to do with Casey, and maybe the hat had decomp smell still on it from being in the car.

ITA I think the hat was Casey's...did you notice that it was cut or ripped? I wonder if there was evidence on the hat (such as blood) that was cut out and then the hat was thrown away....
ITA I think the hat was Casey's...did you notice that it was cut or ripped? I wonder if there was evidence on the hat (such as blood) that was cut out and then the hat was thrown away....
The hat HAS SOMETHING as we haven't heard "boo" about it since and the "blogger" who was very vocal before she picked up the garbage seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth ever since.

At what point is the state required to correct the spelling of Annie's last name on their witness list? It's my understanding that the "L" should be replaced with an "N." It just seems to me that there is at least an appearance that the state is trying to hide the ball where she is concerned. I'd like to know why.

Yup something hinky there. The annie on the witness list is NOT the real annie, so there would be no statement from her.
I don't know...there are quite a few mistakes on the list, so I kind of assumed it was carelessness by a clerical employee. I mean, how did they not notice Dante was on there twice--once with the correct last name and once with the wrong last name?

So, if your boss calls from her cell phone and says, "hey, the witness list is due today, make sure Annie Dowling is on there"--because she's driving and doesn't have the name written down in front of here--and you don't have any document with her name in front of you either--you would probably just type it in the document, hit print, and file it. :crazy:

Does anyone know what NOI means on the witness list? It follows Annie's and Dante's name...instead of current address TIA

The above link tells me that KC didn't see a lot of Annie. I also remember Dante stating that they had a "falling out", but I am still in search of that link. It has constantly intrigued me that LE never released her interview and you KNOW they have interviewed her.

I think Annie is going to be The SuperDuperWitness in the trial.
I think she is going to testify that she gave Casey Xanax, and that she knew Casey gave it to Caylee.
I think she is going to testify that she was at the parties that there are supposedly pictures of with Caylee asleep during the partying.

Yes, I think Miss Annie is going to be an extremely important witness.

IIRC, more than one of Casey's friends said in their police interviews that Casey and Annie had had some sort of falling out. And I know I remember more than one of them saying that they would consider Annie to be Casey's closest friend, until they had their spat about whatever it was.

I think we have not seen Annie's interviews for the same reason we have not seen all of Tony's interviews - I think it might bleed over into another investigation that has nothing to do with this case.

But, time will tell. . . .
I think Annie is going to be The SuperDuperWitness in the trial.
I think she is going to testify that she gave Casey Xanax, and that she knew Casey gave it to Caylee.
I think she is going to testify that she was at the parties that there are supposedly pictures of with Caylee asleep during the partying.

Yes, I think Miss Annie is going to be an extremely important witness.

IIRC, more than one of Casey's friends said in their police interviews that Casey and Annie had had some sort of falling out. And I know I remember more than one of them saying that they would consider Annie to be Casey's closest friend, until they had their spat about whatever it was.

I think we have not seen Annie's interviews for the same reason we have not seen all of Tony's interviews - I think it might bleed over into another investigation that has nothing to do with this case.

But, time will tell. . . .

I Agree. As far as I know, there's only one (made public) statement from KC regarding the drug Xanax. The text where she is being seductive with JG and suggests she get some Xanax from her friend Annie for them to use recreationally.
I posted this and it was deleted as there are other posts about Annie, and was asked to post there

So Here it is :)

I cant remember word for word what I wrote but basically this is to do with Annie, Casey and Zenaida

This is a very interesting theory and it proves that there is another Zenaida OR Its Casey's Alias!
What did she have to pick My DAY of birth for (not year)


Another WS poster sent this to me via PM a week or more ago, and Ive been sitting on it pondering what it all means...

It could mean nothing but frankly I do not think so - I think there is defintiely *something* in this but I am not sure what it is.....
I posted this and it was deleted as there are other posts about Annie, and was asked to post there

So Here it is :)

I cant remember word for word what I wrote but basically this is to do with Annie, Casey and Zenaida

This is a very interesting theory and it proves that there is another Zenaida OR Its Casey's Alias!
What did she have to pick My DAY of birth for (not year)


Another WS poster sent this to me via PM a week or more ago, and Ive been sitting on it pondering what it all means...

It could mean nothing but frankly I do not think so - I think there is defintiely *something* in this but I am not sure what it is.....

This sounds intriguing. Instead of reading all, I printed it out to ponder over later. 34 pages! Thank G I buy cheap paper at Walmart.
B-day 1/11? From my (photographic) memory, I was thinking 1/09. Happy Be-lated either way!
OK, there seems to be a lot of confusion about the interaction between the Sunshine Law and the disclosure rules and what can/cannot be withheld from the defense/the public.

Florida Rule Crim. Procedure 3.220 (disclosure to defense):

Handbook for Law Enforcement re: Sunshine Law (public records disclosure):$file/2008LEGuide.pdf

It seems to me that, pursuant to Rule 3.220, the state would have to turn over to the defense lots of the documents we are assuming are being withheld--for example, any written statement or summary of an oral statement from Annie, who is on the state's witness list. In addition, based on the Handbook for LE compliance with the Sunshine Law, p. 37, it seems to me that once a document is identified as having to be turned over to the defense, it also has to be turned over to the public (with rare exceptions that I don't think apply here).

Is anyone aware of any orders from this judge limiting release of information to the public or to the defense? If not, I don't see how the state could be withholding any "bombshell" documents for use at trial.

I found this:

Watch for a Motion to Dismiss All Charges for Prosecutorial Misconduct

Continuing release of material by LE and the state attorney may result in a court dismissing all charges pending.

Consider this case:

Rule 8-8.4 of the Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct addresses lawyer misconduct.

In pertinent part, the Rule demands that:
A lawyer shall not:
(a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
(d) engage in conduct in connection with the practice of law that is prejudicial to the administration of justice . ..

Furthermore, Rule 4-3.6(a) prohibits a lawyer form making extrajudicial statement that a reasonable person would expect to be disseminated by
means of public communication if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that it will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding..."

This is from a motion to dismiss charges against a defendant based upon such conduct alleged against a Fla State Attorney.

The Sunshine Act exempts from publication:
"..Section 119.071(2)(c)1 specifically exempt from 119.07(1)
disclosure "active criminal intelligence information and active criminal investigative information,"

So the media has no right to the material being released.

Defendant claims, "The preservation of the integrity of our criminal justice system requires that this Honorable Court dismiss, with prejudice, the two Informations pending against [defendant.]"

Sunshine Statute

Sunshine law Florida

c)1. Active criminal intelligence information and active criminal investigative information are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

119.0714 Court files; court records; official records.--
(h) Criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information that is confidential and exempt as provided in s. 119.071(2)(h).

3. This exemption applies to such confidential and exempt criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information held by a law enforcement agency before, on, or after the effective date of the exemption.

[The court dismissed most charges and defendant entered a plea for time served on the rest]


And this:

All of LE and the State Attorney know the law and cases so I am bewildered why they are releasing all this prejudicial information prior to a trial in November! Why take a chance on getting penalized?

Imagine you are the DA and a judge says to you,
"What was your purpose in releasing all that investigative material to the media since it is all exempted from the Sunshine Act?

Sunshine Statute

Did you intend to portray the defendant in a bad light prior to jury selection?

Did you deliberately violate the Canons of Ethics,
"Rule 4-3.6(a)
prohibits a lawyer from making an extrajudicial statement that a reasonable person would expect to be disseminated by means of public communication if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that it will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding...?' "

[Releasing material is the same as making a statement for the purpose of this Rule.]

Anyone have any idea why they released all this material?


And this:

[Question] If the judge rules that everything that has been released to the public is inadmissible against her at trial, could the judge still dismiss due to the release of prejudicial information?"

[Answer] Yes it is possible if a finding is made of deliberate prosecutorial misconduct. If no such finding is made, then no dismissal of charges.

[Question] "Some are saying that they are holding back evidence to present at trial and it doesn't include what LE has made public. Even so, releasing all these interviews, etc. is influencing public opinion against Casey. Will they be able to go forward with a case against her, or can the judge rule that all of the charges against her can be dismissed because of the flood of negative info?"

[Answer] The judge has the authority to dismiss all charges with prejudice if punishment of LE and the SA is called for b/c of the flood of prejudicial information, not leaked, but directly from their offices to media.

Even granting a change of venue is hardly an adequate remedy in this case.
I have never seen anything like this in my years as a homicide prosecutor and I would never have permitted it in a case of mine.

LE and SA will have a hard time justifying it and defense counsel is preparing a strong case.

The release of video interviews has a chilling effect upon future witnesses in cases if they know that what they tell police in a private room may be published and shown on TV for all to see.

Defense counsel has previously filed motions for a gag order which have been denied and an appellate court could find that to be error and dismiss all charges even if convictions are secured in the trial court.

None of this may happen but why take a chance?

The US Supreme Court may get these cases some day and they are traditionally very tough on anyone attempting to deprive a defendant of a fair trial.


And this:

The material released in this case to the media is not authorized by the Sunshine Act in Florida. It is all exempt as provided in the following excerpt of the Sunshine Act.

"(c)1. Active criminal intelligence information and active criminal investigative information are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution."
Here is more in the relevant section.

119.071 General exemptions from inspection or copying of public records.--

Section 119.071(2)


(a) All criminal intelligence and criminal investigative information received by a criminal justice agency prior to January 25, 1979, is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

(b) Whenever criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information held by a non-Florida criminal justice agency is available to a Florida criminal justice agency only on a confidential or similarly restricted basis, the Florida criminal justice agency may obtain and use such information in accordance with the conditions imposed by the providing agency.

(c)1. Active criminal intelligence information and active criminal investigative information are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. [emphasis supplied]

2.a. A request made by a law enforcement agency to inspect or copy a public record that is in the custody of another agency and the custodian's response to the request, and any information that would identify whether a law enforcement agency has requested or received that public record are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, during the period in which the information constitutes active criminal intelligence information or active criminal investigative information.

b. The law enforcement agency that made the request to inspect or copy a public record shall give notice to the custodial agency when the criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information is no longer active so that the request made by the law enforcement agency, the custodian's response to the request, and information that would identify whether the law enforcement agency had requested or received that public record are available to the public.

c. This exemption is remedial in nature, and it is the intent of the Legislature that the exemption be applied to requests for information received before, on, or after the effective date of this paragraph.

(d) Any information revealing surveillance techniques or procedures or personnel is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Any comprehensive inventory of state and local law enforcement resources compiled pursuant to part I, chapter 23, and any comprehensive policies or plans compiled by a criminal justice agency pertaining to the mobilization, deployment, or tactical operations involved in responding to emergencies, as defined in s. 252.34(3), are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and unavailable for inspection, except by personnel authorized by a state or local law enforcement agency, the office of the Governor, the Department of Legal Affairs, the Department of Law Enforcement, or the Department of Community Affairs as having an official need for access to the inventory or comprehensive policies or plans.

(e) Any information revealing the substance of a confession of a person arrested is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, until such time as the criminal case is finally determined by adjudication, dismissal, or other final disposition.

(f) Any information revealing the identity of a confidential informant or a confidential source is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution..."


It is not required by discovery rules and is not to be filed in a clerk's office since it is exempt. Criminal discovery rules merely require submission of material to the defendant and her counsel.

[good showing of criminal rules w/o a pdf file]


Releasing anything about the character of the defendant, good or bad, violated Canons of Ethics. Thousands of cases have proven that a jury pool is tainted by such revelations. In England, once a defendant is charged, all pre-trial publicity is banned by law for that reason.

Material not intended to be introduced at trial is the worst kind of taint! It will not be subject to court review for relevance and other aspects of admissibility.

How much of the scandals exposed continuously over five months, day after day could you put out of your mind and be a fair juror? This case especially arouses rage and passion as you see in posts and comments all over the World and understandably so.

Questioning thousands of prospective jurors over 100 murder prosecutions, I have seen the devastating effect of pre-trial publicity upon the effort to obtain a fair and impartial jury of your peers. One serious problem seldom mentioned is that it provides an excuse for getting out of jury duty. "Oh, I have absolutely made up my mind and he is guilty. Sorry, but I cannot serve impartially."

Leaks are one thing; but for LE and the prosecutor to openly flood the jury pool with all we have seen is unprecedented and I believe will cause an appellate court to reverse any conviction. There may be drastic penalties in addition.

Do you know of any case=ever=any place=any time= where LE and the DA has done this? In my 30 years in criminal courts and researching the law, I do not.

Change of venue? To where?

After you read the whole thread, let me know if you have any questions.

End of legal discussion.

Now, FWIW, I know nothing about law, but I know I don't like the way this sounds. This was posted by a poster who is/has:

Homicide prosecutor, over 100 murder cases prosecuted.
Taught Trial Tactics at two Pittsburgh law schools
Taught PA Crimes Code at city and county Police Academies.
Created Assistant District Attorney Training Division at Allegheny County DA Office.
Trainer for FBI, ATF, PA State Police and others
i recall there being a thread about the hat and several threads about Annie, Annie D.

Advance search should find it. It was a hat w/ a shamrock on it, i believe.

personally, i feel annie will be a star witness for the prosecution -- and a cooperative witness.

I agree. I think her testimony has not been released to the public, because it is valuable to the prosecution.
I posted this and it was deleted as there are other posts about Annie, and was asked to post there

So Here it is :)

I cant remember word for word what I wrote but basically this is to do with Annie, Casey and Zenaida

This is a very interesting theory and it proves that there is another Zenaida OR Its Casey's Alias!
What did she have to pick My DAY of birth for (not year)


Another WS poster sent this to me via PM a week or more ago, and Ive been sitting on it pondering what it all means...

It could mean nothing but frankly I do not think so - I think there is defintiely *something* in this but I am not sure what it is.....

See the work done by WSers on the July 15th ping map thread in the Anthony Case Sticky threads section. It's very compelling.
This sounds intriguing. Instead of reading all, I printed it out to ponder over later. 34 pages! Thank G I buy cheap paper at Walmart.
B-day 1/11? From my (photographic) memory, I was thinking 1/09. Happy Be-lated either way!

Excellente ;) lol yes thank you Jan 11th

Just checking cause we do it reverse to you - you guys say 01/11 and to us that would be the 1st of Nov - we do it 11/01 - 11th jan lol

Zsleuth do you have a link and page number ?
I've seen much more "shoddy" work than I ever expected to so, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the misspelling is by some clueless clerk who then just typed the name twice with different spelling. I have to say, generally - I really haven't been the least bit impressed with LE's documentation so far.

You may well be right, but the prosecutors in this case shouldn't rely on clueless clerks to release something as important as the witness list without supervision. An attorney who knows the case should be carefully reviewing everything that is released to the defense and the public.
I found this:

Watch for a Motion to Dismiss All Charges for Prosecutorial Misconduct

Continuing release of material by LE and the state attorney may result in a court dismissing all charges pending.


Snipped for space

I have a question. I don't see how this would cause the info to be thrown out. I don't think that LE released the info to the media specifically. They had to turn over the info in discovery. The state has to hand that over and they not only have to hand it over to the defense, but because it is public record, it would have to be released to any other tax-paying Joe Shmoe of the county, right? In fact, it would seem that if anyone did anything wrong it would be the media themselves. Baez has not tried to stop these items from being released, in fact it was his insistence to have them that allowed us to see them when we did. IIRC the state are the only ones who have tried to have anything from being released to the media (the Pics and X-rays). I just don't see how anything has been done wrong. No one could have predicted on July 15th that this case would turn out like this and certainly no one would have expected all the excitement over the documents.

I am so nosy, I love reading court documents. They are always fascinating, but no one in the real world knows that. There is no way, since it has never happened before, could anyone have known that it was going to turn out like this, but it seems to me that they are just doing what they have always done. I guess this is all to say that I am confused as to how the state has done anything wrong here. Anyone else?
I posted this and it was deleted as there are other posts about Annie, and was asked to post there

So Here it is :)

I cant remember word for word what I wrote but basically this is to do with Annie, Casey and Zenaida

This is a very interesting theory and it proves that there is another Zenaida OR Its Casey's Alias!
What did she have to pick My DAY of birth for (not year)


Another WS poster sent this to me via PM a week or more ago, and Ive been sitting on it pondering what it all means...

It could mean nothing but frankly I do not think so - I think there is defintiely *something* in this but I am not sure what it is.....

This theory occupied quite a bit of my time...omg if it were true! But it doesn't seem to be. I did some checking on the Orange County MyClerk site yesterday. While both AD and ZG were stopped on the same day, it was by different officers and they were issued non-sequential citations. IMHO this makes it very unlikely. I thought it still likely that Annie was with someone since she only got a seatbelt violation and usually you don't get pulled over just for that. The citation immediately preceding hers numerically was to a Lauren D. This young woman is about the same age as Annie/KC and was issued a ticket for speeding...IMHO this is who Annie was with...I checked her out to be sure this wasn't in fact some crazy KC alias but she appears to be a real person...The citation numbers before and after ZG's were both to males, one a minor, and neither in any way related to the case as far as I can tell, so I do think it is really just a big coincidence...wouldn't have suprised me if it had checked out though with all the crazy turns this case has taken!
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