Another Baby For Katie?

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Okay I gave you all the benifit of the doubt that I might be crazy and went back and looked at those same pictures again. I'm not crazy, this girl is overweight! Look at the pictures with her wearing jeans, where she is on one side of Tom and Sarah Jessica Parker is standing on the other side. Look at those picures! This girl has wide hips and fat thighs! And look at the cellulite on the belly in the belly shot! I'm SOOO not crazy. By Hollywood standards, and mine, Katie is chubby!!!! It makes me wonder what does chubby mean to everybody here that thinks Katie is skinny?!:eek:

She's 5'9 and wears a size 6. I'd hardly call that fat, even by "California" standards. Maybe you're just too thin????
She looks so unhealthy to me, her hands look like the hands of someone 3 times her age. Her skin looks unhealthy and she looks hungry. Geez, poor thing. I remember before Tom, she looked so vibrant, not only pretty but healthy.

The poor thing has looked terrible ever since she hooked up with Tom, I think he does that to people.
Okay I gave you all the benifit of the doubt that I might be crazy and went back and looked at those same pictures again. I'm not crazy, this girl is overweight! Look at the pictures with her wearing jeans, where she is on one side of Tom and Sarah Jessica Parker is standing on the other side. Look at those picures! This girl has wide hips and fat thighs! And look at the cellulite on the belly in the belly shot! I'm SOOO not crazy. By Hollywood standards, and mine, Katie is chubby!!!! It makes me wonder what does chubby mean to everybody here that thinks Katie is skinny?!:eek:

She is skinny by my standards trixie. I went back and looked at the pictures with SJP and she still lookes thin. The clothes she is wearing are a little bulky but she is thin.:eek:
Okay I gave you all the benifit of the doubt that I might be crazy and went back and looked at those same pictures again. I'm not crazy, this girl is overweight! Look at the pictures with her wearing jeans, where she is on one side of Tom and Sarah Jessica Parker is standing on the other side. Look at those picures! This girl has wide hips and fat thighs! And look at the cellulite on the belly in the belly shot! I'm SOOO not crazy. By Hollywood standards, and mine, Katie is chubby!!!! It makes me wonder what does chubby mean to everybody here that thinks Katie is skinny?!
If we want to talk about "overweight," how about Tom and Nicole's first two kids? These two are chubby.
I would be willing to look at some different pictures to see what you all see but for me I just have to stand by my opinion.
Jeana (DP) size 6 isn't small in Hollywood. I know. that's crazy, but they aim for size 0 and double 0. It has gotten ridiculous. I think Katie looks like a normal person with a toddler. But her body is no longer movie star pretty. I think she's lost that part but she's young and if she's crazy she can starve herself back into that size ZERO everybody else around her wears.
I would be willing to look at some different pictures to see what you all see but for me I just have to stand by my opinion.
Jeana (DP) size 6 isn't small in Hollywood. I know. that's crazy, but they aim for size 0 and double 0. It has gotten ridiculous. I think Katie looks like a normal person with a toddler. But her body is no longer movie star pretty. I think she's lost that part but she's young and if she's crazy she can starve herself back into that size ZERO everybody else around her wears.

Most of the actresses in Hollywood are not 5'9. They are 5'2, so a size 0 to a size 2 stupid, but its done. My sister is 5'8 and wears a size 4. She looks like she's been in a prisoner of war camp for the last 10 years.

Katie is married to a billionaire and no one wants to see her act. Hopefully, she'll hang on her to health and keep the extra two pounds.
Hmmph.. It's no wonder so many kids/teens have eating disorders.
In the second pic the lines of her top are following the contours of something. Could be, could be.
The name of this thread should be "another baby for Scientology?".

That hair style is gaining in popularity in my area and looks just as awful on everyone sporting it.

I cannot get anything to come up at that link says the gallery is not available?
Okay I gave you all the benifit of the doubt that I might be crazy and went back and looked at those same pictures again. I'm not crazy, this girl is overweight! Look at the pictures with her wearing jeans, where she is on one side of Tom and Sarah Jessica Parker is standing on the other side. Look at those picures! This girl has wide hips and fat thighs! And look at the cellulite on the belly in the belly shot! I'm SOOO not crazy. By Hollywood standards, and mine, Katie is chubby!!!! It makes me wonder what does chubby mean to everybody here that thinks Katie is skinny?!:eek:
Anybody comapred to Sarah Jessica looks fat, that girl could disappear if you turned her sideways!
She looks horrible!
She was never beautiful but she always looked bubbly and happy. Now she looks beat.

Poor girl.
Only by twisted standards is she overweight or fat. If you prefer the anorexic prisoner of war look okay by me, just saying....

If Katie was a fashion model, I'd agree with Trixie. I'm a fashion snob and think that models need to show off clothes perfectly and in order to do that, one must be stick thin. However, in Hollyweird, actresses come in all shapes and sizes and I think that a 5'9 actress who wears a size 6 could certainly find a job - IF she could act. I don't think I've ever seen Katie in anything, so I can't speak to that.
If Katie was a fashion model, I'd agree with Trixie. I'm a fashion snob and think that models need to show off clothes perfectly and in order to do that, one must be stick thin. However, in Hollyweird, actresses come in all shapes and sizes and I think that a 5'9 actress who wears a size 6 could certainly find a job - IF she could act. I don't think I've ever seen Katie in anything, so I can't speak to that.
Trixie didn't say she was too fat to be on the runway, she said she was overweight with fat thighs and then some.
I don't think she's pregnant. She's big all over, not just her belly. She's gotten fat. Her legs and thighs are pretty huge in those jeans.

I think Suri is beautiful but WHY does that kid always have stringy long hair hanging down into her eyes?! It bugs the heck out of me. Somebody needs to let Katie in on a thing called a "bang trim".

If you think she is big then I must be HUGE lol. I think she just looks normal!
Suri is beautiful though and Tom is just a weirdo yet I used to love him:crazy:
Only by twisted standards is she overweight or fat. If you prefer the anorexic prisoner of war look okay by me, just saying....

Are you saying my standards are twisted because in my opinion she is overweight?

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