Another Baby For Katie?

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Please don't take this the wrong way.

I'm 5'2" and weigh about 108 and I still think I'm fat. BUT I have suffered from anorexia and bulimia since I was 14. Most people don't realize that eating disorders are like alcoholics in that even though you get treatment it is a daily struggle. I have not had a bulimic episode since I had to have porcelin crowns and bridges put in my mouth to the tune of about 15k. Thank goodness for insurance. That's enough to keep me from upchucking. I still worry about what I eat.

I get tired of people telling me I need to eat. For instance when I'm cold people say, "Put some meat on your bones." To me that's rude.
Dang, are you really 6'0'' barefoot? I am in 3 inch heels. I LOVE being tall, don't you? Comes in handy here in Texas too. LOL.

Maybe 1/4 of an inch shorter, but basically yes. I love heels too and believe me, when I'm 6'4 in my shoes I do tend to get noticed.
Please don't take this the wrong way.

I'm 5'2" and weigh about 108 and I still think I'm fat. BUT I have suffered from anorexia and bulimia since I was 14. Most people don't realize that eating disorders are like alcoholics in that even though you get treatment it is a daily struggle. I have not had a bulimic episode since I had to have porcelin crowns and bridges put in my mouth to the tune of about 15k. Thank goodness for insurance. That's enough to keep me from upchucking. I still worry about what I eat.

I get tired of people telling me I need to eat. For instance when I'm cold people say, "Put some meat on your bones." To me that's rude.

I think that 108 for a 5'2 inch person sounds about right. I don't think its nice that people tease you and tell you to eat. There's discrimination against thin people, but not nearly to the extent that those who are overweight have to deal. Its just not necessary to comment on anyone else's size in a negative way.
Please don't take this the wrong way.

I'm 5'2" and weigh about 108 and I still think I'm fat. BUT I have suffered from anorexia and bulimia since I was 14. Most people don't realize that eating disorders are like alcoholics in that even though you get treatment it is a daily struggle. I have not had a bulimic episode since I had to have porcelin crowns and bridges put in my mouth to the tune of about 15k. Thank goodness for insurance. That's enough to keep me from upchucking. I still worry about what I eat.

I get tired of people telling me I need to eat. For instance when I'm cold people say, "Put some meat on your bones." To me that's rude.

*hugs* I understand it is the same. It is a life long struggle.

I wish you peace in your heart :)
People are rude to skinny people too....
I am 5'1 (barely) and weigh a healthy (per my Dr) 95-98 lbs and yes, people constantly tell me to eat more and put some fat on. I don't gain weight easily - no matter what I eat - my top weight ever was about 105 and when I had a horrid stomach surgery (and I do mean horrid) I got down to about 83 lbs for a short time. I just don't gain weight - without WORKING at it and frankly I feel pretty fat at 105. I am cold natured - high metabolism, genetic, no fat. I am always cold - and in Texas it seems there is only one AC setting for public places - "Meat Locker". Even when it's 105 out I never leave the house without a jacket or sweater.

I have never suffered from ANY eating disorder, have a great "body image" and I am constantly being asked if I "eat". Yes, people I barely know ask - "do you have that eating thing" :eek: ? I am constantly told by overweight people (who just volunteer this advice in restaurants and at parties) that if I just ATE like they did I would gain - and then they nearly fall over when I can out-eat them.

I love to eat and I enjoy good food - My Dr says I have the metabolism of a hummingbird - no matter what my activity level I burn a lot of calories. I don't eat a lot of junk though, I actually crave a lot of foods that are good for you - but I also love Fried Chicken and Rib Eyes and Prime Rib. I am not a huge dessert eater - but I do love chocolate milk and plain angel food cake and I eat cashews by the handful as a snack. I have a reverse comfort eating thing - where most people eat more and gain when they are stressed or sad, I lose my appetite totally and eating is a struggle. It sucks - and even more so when I get sick - not much in reserve. Being too thin is NOT fun OR healthy then.

And "Hollywood Sizes" are NOT real - I wear a size 4 - sometimes a 2 in "real life" - in Hollywood I must be like a "-00". I see reports of stars I have seen in person that are 5'4 and while not "fat" and they have toned flat stomachs they are curvy and "solid" and weigh 130-140 lbs and they say they wear a size 2 - yeah where, on their foot? Some size 2's won't fit around my tiny waist/hips and these gals say that's the size the are? Umm, yeah - "in Hollywood Clothes" - but when us real people see it we think we must be really really fat cause WE can't wear that size 2 - it's all a big Hollywood Production - pure fantasy!

Katie Holmes isn't "fat" she is (in those pics) a little pudgy and bloated and she does have a pear-shaped body where she gains below her ribcage and on her hips and butt and upper thighs. To me, in those pics where they say she looks preggers, Katie looks tired, and bloated and her color isn't good - look at the big bags under her eyes. She looks GREAT with her pro makeup and hair and a dress tailored to he body and proper "undergarments" - but like the rest of us, there are times when the "real Katie" gets seen in public and if she has NOT been keeping up with her trainer and her fitness, and doesn't get her rest and has no make-up on, it shows. She's fine - nothing wrong with her or her body - but it's just as "real" a Katie as the one in the PR shots - she's human like the rest of us.

My Opinion
I think that 108 for a 5'2 inch person sounds about right. I don't think its nice that people tease you and tell you to eat. There's discrimination against thin people, but not nearly to the extent that those who are overweight have to deal. Its just not necessary to comment on anyone else's size in a negative way.

I think there's more discrimination against those who are overweight, but more overt "hostility" towards thin people/women.

When I was obese, I never had anyone say to me "Boy, you sure must pack away a lot of food to be so fat! I bet you never exercise! Maybe if you'd lose some of that flab you'd be able to stay cool in the summer!" (people probably thought those things, just never had the nerve to say them to ME). Now that I'm thin (within a healthy weight range for my height), I hear comments all the time: "Boy, you must never eat to stay so skinny! I bet you exercise all the time! Maybe if you'd put some meat on your bones you'd stay warmer in the winter!". Oy!

It would be so great if everyone could follow your quote I's just not necesary to comment on size in a negative way, period!'s probably not necessary to comment on size...period!
Man, I think she looks cute. But, then again, I don't wear any makeup either!

Once again, I'm agreeing w/ you SCM. I'd hate to let you guys tear into me. :blowkiss: I think like someone else said, she's wearing a thong.
All I could see were possibly some stretch marks on her abdomen. I agree that pregnancy is NO excuse for keeping extra weight. Been there twice, was at 120 in three months both times. I worked hard to lose any baby weight.

I'm 5' 9'' and look emaciated when I get to 130 and below. I've weighed as little as 120 and loved it but people told me I was the thinnest person they had ever seen. I thought it was a compliment for quite some time. At 130, I'm a size 0 to 2, except the length is sometimes too short.
Below that, even size 0's have to be taken in. That's really skinny, IMO.


Maria, there is an awesome brand of jeans 'Lawman' that make thin & tall look so good and they last forever. I have 7 pairs of size 0 that I wore for 10 years that never wore out.

Now I am a 3-4 and no longer have to wear long johns under my pants to make them fit.

I think that 108 for a 5'2 inch person sounds about right. I don't think its nice that people tease you and tell you to eat. There's discrimination against thin people, but not nearly to the extent that those who are overweight have to deal. Its just not necessary to comment on anyone else's size in a negative way.

What Jeana said — although i have been guilty of it in the past. :(

I LOVED your post! :clap: Wow, can I relate to you! I've always been tiny -- born, full-term at 3 pounds, 14-1/ ounces -- so started out tiny and have always been smaller than most ever since.

I am barely 5'0 and have always weighed in at 95-98 pounds, dripping wet. Also, I think I may have been somewhat anorexic during my teens (way before that term was being bandied about), because at the age of 16, I was maybe 81-83 pounds. I wasn't eating, though -- going through a bit of a rough time in school/life, then.

Today, at the age of 50, and after just one child, I don't weigh what I used to and I would like to take off about 15-20 pounds. I can remember telling my OB/GYN that I wanted to get back to my original pre-baby/pregnancy weight, and she told me she thought that I would look way too thin at 105 pounds, which isn't even the weight I was at right before I became pregnant (98 pounds).

Well, you know what? I never looked too thin at 98 pounds. That weight was perfect for ME. I was a Size 2 at that time and I looked and felt great. And I DID eat -- in fact, I ate what I wanted and didn't gain weight. And the great thing was, I didn't have to exercise like a fiend, to keep my great shape. But that's just because of genetics. My Mother had three babies and after each one, could wear her size 5 jeans right after giving birth. It's just genetics -- my sister was the same way. Me -- I didn't get THAT lucky and had to work to get that baby weight off.

I can also remember so-called 'friends' chastizing me with various rude coments, such as, "Boy, you have the stomach the size of a quarter" (because I could only eat a little bit before becoming full).

But it was just my metabolism back then. I was young, tiny, very petite and had a mother who was the same way.

In a way, though, even after I've said all that, I wish I could keep the weight off as easily as I could when I was younger. But most of that's my own fault -- I don't exercise as much as more and you know what...most of us do have to change our eating/exercise routines as we get older, because our metabolism (in most cases) simply slows down with age.

Katie Holmes does have a typical pear shaped body. In the pics I've seen of her in the past, she certainly looks as though she worked very hard to get her body back into 'fighting' shape after having Suri.

I just watched her movie, "Mad Money," (which I loved) -- she had that long, beautiful curly hair then. She was SO very pretty in that movie and I even commented that I feel she actually did look so much healthier and more vibrant looking when her hair was longer.

I'm not into bashing either Tom or Katie, but I do see that Katie does look very gaunt and almost haggard in these pics above. But it could be that she was simply caught on a bad day -- and we all have those days, no? I no longer look as good w/o makeup as I used to, and neither does Katie. She HAS been working on her Broadway play and it very well be that she's just plain tired!
People are rude to skinny people too....
I am 5'1 (barely) and weigh a healthy (per my Dr) 95-98 lbs and yes, people constantly tell me to eat more and put some fat on. I don't gain weight easily - no matter what I eat - my top weight ever was about 105 and when I had a horrid stomach surgery (and I do mean horrid) I got down to about 83 lbs for a short time. I just don't gain weight - without WORKING at it and frankly I feel pretty fat at 105. I am cold natured - high metabolism, genetic, no fat. I am always cold - and in Texas it seems there is only one AC setting for public places - "Meat Locker". Even when it's 105 out I never leave the house without a jacket or sweater.

I have never suffered from ANY eating disorder, have a great "body image" and I am constantly being asked if I "eat". Yes, people I barely know ask - "do you have that eating thing" :eek: ? I am constantly told by overweight people (who just volunteer this advice in restaurants and at parties) that if I just ATE like they did I would gain - and then they nearly fall over when I can out-eat them.

I love to eat and I enjoy good food - My Dr says I have the metabolism of a hummingbird - no matter what my activity level I burn a lot of calories. I don't eat a lot of junk though, I actually crave a lot of foods that are good for you - but I also love Fried Chicken and Rib Eyes and Prime Rib. I am not a huge dessert eater - but I do love chocolate milk and plain angel food cake and I eat cashews by the handful as a snack. I have a reverse comfort eating thing - where most people eat more and gain when they are stressed or sad, I lose my appetite totally and eating is a struggle. It sucks - and even more so when I get sick - not much in reserve. Being too thin is NOT fun OR healthy then.

And "Hollywood Sizes" are NOT real - I wear a size 4 - sometimes a 2 in "real life" - in Hollywood I must be like a "-00". I see reports of stars I have seen in person that are 5'4 and while not "fat" and they have toned flat stomachs they are curvy and "solid" and weigh 130-140 lbs and they say they wear a size 2 - yeah where, on their foot? Some size 2's won't fit around my tiny waist/hips and these gals say that's the size the are? Umm, yeah - "in Hollywood Clothes" - but when us real people see it we think we must be really really fat cause WE can't wear that size 2 - it's all a big Hollywood Production - pure fantasy!

Katie Holmes isn't "fat" she is (in those pics) a little pudgy and bloated and she does have a pear-shaped body where she gains below her ribcage and on her hips and butt and upper thighs. To me, in those pics where they say she looks preggers, Katie looks tired, and bloated and her color isn't good - look at the big bags under her eyes. She looks GREAT with her pro makeup and hair and a dress tailored to he body and proper "undergarments" - but like the rest of us, there are times when the "real Katie" gets seen in public and if she has NOT been keeping up with her trainer and her fitness, and doesn't get her rest and has no make-up on, it shows. She's fine - nothing wrong with her or her body - but it's just as "real" a Katie as the one in the PR shots - she's human like the rest of us.

My Opinion

I'm also cold natured. I have a heater in my office (against fire code but my bosses allow it) and keep my door shut cuz the cold air drifts in from the hallway. They call my office the sauna. LOL I live in Houston and I'm always cold in indoor public places even in the winter.

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