Another Odd Thing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
but......britt..explain david westerfield...the elizabeth smart abductor..polly class' killer...
Toth, the obvious answer as to why the Ramseys would stage a coverup is that one of them killed JonBenet.

If the duct tape John took from JonBenet's mouth came from a new roll, the remainder could have been removed in Patsy's purse (none of the Ramseys was searched before leaving the house on the 26th) or maybe Pam Paugh removed it hidden in something. Paugh may not have even known it was. If the tape was "used" tape as Henry Lee hinted it was on LKL the other night, it may have been peeled off the back of a picture or something and then put on JonBenet's mouth.

I don't think the Ramseys "got" DNA from anywhere. The "foreign" DNA from the panties, if it actually came from another person, was probably "noise" from the factory that manufactured them. The DNA under JonBenet's fingernails doesn't match the DNA in her panties, and is degraded, so it's probably "noise" from somwhere else, or else it's stutter caused from the DNA amplification process.
Originally posted by Toth
Burke slept soundly through the night and heard nothing.
Like he "slept soundly" through the 911 call? Okay, I'll buy that. He slept as soundly during the night as he did during the 911 call. :p

Patsy did not write the note and most experts are 'close' to the point of formally excluding her but not at that point.
In other words, her own experts couldn't even exclude her. It's pretty pathetic when your own hired experts can't manage to remove you from suspicion.

Originally posted by sissi
but......britt..explain david westerfield...the elizabeth smart abductor..polly class' killer...
No "ransom" note.

No body in the house.

Not comparable.

Oh yeah, and not staged.
Originally posted by Toth
aside from such obvious questions as to why on earth should they stage any sort of coverup, why would they have bought a brand new roll of duct tape, put some of it on a picture and then removed it from the picture and thrown the duct tape away in the middle of the night? Did they throw the duct tape away on the same automobile trip to the local 7-11 that they took to get some dna?

Patsy routinely created many large-scale projects for JonBenet's and Burke's schools (she was in the middle of creating one for Burke's science fair project, due in January of 1997). As part of those projects in the Thanksgiving/Christmas timeframe, Patsy could have had many reasons to find black tape suitable in construction. Nobody has come forward to say High Peaks or Martin Park, or the children's atrium at St. John's Episcopal, for that matter, where Patsy helped decorate, were examined for the presence of black tape on signs or props or set pieces. The thought occurs that neither has the car JonBenet rode on during the Boulder Christmas parade been examined. Tape may have been used to attach signs or other decorations to that car. There is no particular reason to scorn the notion that the piece of tape on JonBenet's mouth was the last piece possible to take off the cardboard roll without causing cardboard to tear off.
Originally posted by Blazeboy3
:cool: Author of new book???...!!!... he did (Davis-"An Evening with JonBenet") mention that one book failed to repeat a phrase printed in 1st copy:

p. 190: 26. "Schiller, p.583."It is interesting that Schiller removes this paragraph from the paperback version of his book.
...p.584 "Schiller"

OK, AGAIN, WHAT'S THIS/IT MEAN (HELLO:?):Davis-"An Evening with JonBenet" latest book///...

p. 190: 26.: "Schiller, p.583."It is interesting that Schiller removes this paragraph from the paperback version of his book."

p132:26 "Lest we remain vexed by that question, Lawrence Schiller toward the end of a book scrupulous in its effort to avoid conclusions about anything, even the most mundance matters, assures us that we can be sure of one thing: "NEITHER PATSY NOR JOHN EVER ASKED THE OTHER IF HE OR SHE WAS THE MURDERER...!!!"

HELLO...major clue(don't ya think?)?
But there were only 32 days for the tape to be manufactured, sold, used once on some unknown item, then removed from that item and then re-used on JonBenet?
It would seem that it happened nevertheless. It has always been a theory which explained why the rest of the roll wasn't found.
Originally posted by Blazeboy3
OK, AGAIN, WHAT'S THIS/IT MEAN (HELLO:?):Davis-"An Evening with JonBenet" latest book///...

p. 190: 26.: "Schiller, p.583."It is interesting that Schiller removes this paragraph from the paperback version of his book."

p132:26 "Lest we remain vexed by that question, Lawrence Schiller toward the end of a book scrupulous in its effort to avoid conclusions about anything, even the most mundance matters, assures us that we can be sure of one thing: "NEITHER PATSY NOR JOHN EVER ASKED THE OTHER IF HE OR SHE WAS THE MURDERER...!!!"

HELLO...major clue ABOVE ... (don't ya think?)?

ANYONE READ HERE???; or is this just one of those things WE IGNORE!!!???


Neither Patsy nor John ever asked the other if they were actually a Martian either.
Originally posted by Toth
aside from such obvious questions as to why on earth should they stage any sort of coverup
Why? To keep Burke from being tormented the rest of his life as the boy who killed his sister.
You only have to look at yourself to realize the staging worked perfectly, didn't it!
I was reading something about gaffer's tape,it is preferred over others because it leaves no residue behind. I question,who would own black duct tape, logically it would seem, photographers would choose it for light blocking action, I didn't know it was the choice for set directors, to me an interesting side note .
Originally posted by Britt

In other words, her own experts couldn't even exclude her. It's pretty pathetic when your own hired experts can't manage to remove you from suspicion.

Even if her experts excluded her, you guys would say then that they were just paid they are really in a no win situation, huh?
Originally posted by Shylock
Why? To keep Burke from being tormented the rest of his life as the boy who killed his sister.
You only have to look at yourself to realize the staging worked perfectly, didn't it!

But Burke really isn't out of the limelight now though, is he? Obviously their staging didn't work, or their wouldn't even be a forum on this case! (Or so many for that matter) If it had really worked, they would have just mourned and moved back to Atl quietly, without any other publicity....
I do believe they staged to keep themselves from having to have their "dirty laundry" exposed and thus their society position and their desire to maintain it.
Well, they did a real crappy job of that, didn't they? All of they "dirty laundry" you speak of is all hearsay and has not been proven yet. (Yes, maybe there is evidence of sexual molestation, that doesn't prove it was the parents)
They had limited time and circumstance. They did the best they could, under the circumstances, and so far, this bright couple have been a notch above the rest. JMO, though.
That's funny how you say that like they were trying out for cheerleading or something......
Could be. Both need, in a huge way for whatever reasons, to win and look good to somebody for something. I'd say it's more like liars trying to preserve their image and social standing, but whatever works, I guess. :)
But don't you think if they had time to write a 3 page ransom note disguising handwriting, they would have time to tie up all loose ends? Also, their were 2 of them, that seems like it would make it a little easier on both??
Originally posted by ajt400
Even if her experts excluded her, you guys would say then that they were just paid they are really in a no win situation, huh?

BUT Patsy's own PAID experts couldn't exclude her!

That is the point!!!!!!

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