Another Pageant Story

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Sep 8, 2004
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More Toddlers & Tiaras Controversy



Former child beauty queen Eden Wood, six, same age as JonBenet, gyrates as she performs on the catwalk at children's footwear brand Cicciabella's New York Fashion Week show

Oh my word!!!!! This is not acceptable no matter what excuse the mother gives.
The clothes the pageant girls today make JonBenet's look pretty tame. It's only getting worse. Eventually, one of these girls is going to be sexually assaulted...or worse.
The clothes the pageant girls today make JonBenet's look pretty tame. It's only getting worse. Eventually, one of these girls is going to be sexually assaulted...or worse.

That ship already sailed in 1996, but I hope it never happens again.
here's where I think the problme lies:

New York Fashion Week was plunged into controversy today after a six-year-old was allowed to gyrate in skimpy clothing on the catwalk.

there are laws against spanking our kids but we don't have any laws against exposing them like that?it's the system again not only the sick mothers.

and please don't get me wrong now ( I would recommend torture for pedos) BUT I was just thinking....soon defence lawyers will argue that "hey,look at that pic,can you really blame my client for being attracted to that girl?".Everything is getting worse......

you take away a kid from it's mother because she beat him/her up once or maybe because she doesn't have enough money to feed him properly....but not for this?how does it make sense.
here's where I think the problme lies:

New York Fashion Week was plunged into controversy today after a six-year-old was allowed to gyrate in skimpy clothing on the catwalk.

there are laws against spanking our kids but we don't have any laws against exposing them like that?it's the system again not only the sick mothers.

and please don't get me wrong now ( I would recommend torture for pedos) BUT I was just thinking....soon defence lawyers will argue that "hey,look at that pic,can you really blame my client for being attracted to that girl?".Everything is getting worse......

you take away a kid from it's mother because she beat him/her up once or maybe because she doesn't have enough money to feed him properly....but not for this?how does it make sense.

Well said!! This is so disturbing to me, I will never understand it!
To me, dressing our children that way and allowing them to perform in such manners scares me to death. In a sick way it almost seems to CONDONE the pedo's feelings. I agree that soon they will use this for a defense, and in this day and age, they will win. I am terribly afraid for our children. JMO
I wholly disapprove and feel saddened by this, why can't our children be children?
This in itself is tantamount to child abuse IMO
How about a mother using the word "sexy" to describe the what kind of witch costume her daughter will be wearing for Halloween?

That's the exact word Patsy used in reference to JonBenet, according to former housekeeper Linda Wilcox.

PETER BOYLES: We look at so many photos and videos of this child wearing adult, woman sexy costumes, you know something about some Halloween costumes.

LINDA WILCOX: This particular Halloween costume, it was the Halloween, it would have been 1994 probably. Yeah, the Halloween of '94. And she had this, it was actually kind of cute, it was this little witches costume but it wasn't your standard, you know, black dress, pointy hat, it had orange criss-cross striping and it had a little cape. You know most little kids would say, you know, she said I'm gonna be a witch for halloween but I'm not going to be a bad witch. I'm going to be a good, sexy witch. And this is from the voice of a 4-year-old.

PETER BOYLES: She said, a good, sexy witch at 4?

LINDA WILCOX: It was a witch costume. Most kids would have just said, you know, I'm not a bad witch, I'm a good witch. But her mom is there and then Patsy walked in the room and said, "Yeah, she's gonna be a sexy witch."

Personally, I find this to be offensive, and I really have to wonder why a mother would think "sexy" in any aspect at all when describing a witch costume (or any costume) for such a small child. She was FOUR years old. Had just turned four only two months earlier in August.

Why would you even teach your 4 yr old the word "sexy" by using it in reference to her when talking about a Halloween costume? That particular descriptor is bad enough when used in relation to costumes very young girls are wearing when participating in pageants, but it's even worse when it's in relation to something as simple as what to wear for trick-or-treating. IMO.
The latest issue of "People" magazine addresses this issue..haven't read the article yet, but it looks interesting...and disturbing!
But back to the pageants. Patsy took JonBenet for lessons with dance teacher Kit André on the suggestion of a friend whose daughter was in pageants. André says in PMPT (pages 74-76) that she met Patsy and JonBenet in the spring of 1996, and that Patsy had brought in an audiotape of "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart." From the text:

"There was no time for JonBenet to learn the basics of ballet or tap, but Patsy said they needed a song and dance by summer. "And whatever it takes, I'll pay for it, " Patsy said. Private lessons were $100 each, Kit told her. That was no problem, Patsy replied."

*snipped for space and relevance*

"Kit scheduled three lessons a week. Patsy was determined that JonBenet would be ready for the summer pageants. During the third lesson, Patsy knocked on the studio door. "It will be better if I'm here," she insisted. "I've done this before."

Kit could see that she was miserable in the reception room and was eager to show her exactly how the routine should staged."


"One day during the second week of lessons, Patsy got up and danced with JonBenet, shoowing Kit what she wanted. Side by side, mother and daughter. Suddenly Kit could see that Patsy wanted to be up there herself, wanted JonBenet to perform the way she wanted to do. Kit now knew they'd have to teach the song Patsy's way."


"Then one day Nedra, JonBenet's grandmother, showed up. She frequently came to Boulder to visit her family. Kit thought she was adorable - a small woman with a big personality. Nedra sat in a director's chair and couldn't stop talking about when Patsy was a little girl in the pageants and then when she was Miss West Virginia and competed in the Miss America pageant."


"Kit soon discovered that JonBenet had a wonderful personality. She understood how to gesture and use her shoulders as she danced. Kit was struck by how smart and talented she was. But she also understood that JonBenet was performing because her mother wanted her to, not because she wanted to. JonBenet wasn't one of those kids who had seen someone dance and decided, That's what I want to do.

(Quote from Kit André) JonBenet died that winter. I never saw her in a pageant. Never saw her in the cowboy costume. Never saw her do the routine I taught her until I saw the pageant video on tv."


"I've looked at that pageant video several times. They made JonBenet look like a clown. Someone else taught her those pseudo-adult movements, the provocative walk, the poses, all of it.

The pageants were Patsy's gig. JonBenet was her alter ego. Patsy had the money, she had the costumes, and she had the kid. She could relive her own pageant thing. You got the picture right there. Patsy didn't have a sense of proportion about how this should fit into her child's life. What I saw on the pageant don't do that to a six-year-old." (End quote.)


So if dance teacher Kit André didn't teach JonBenet to slink around on stage like she was 26 instead of 6, who did?

IMO - Patsy did. It seems pretty obvious that it had to have been Patsy. Patsy said in DOI that Kit André was JonBenet's dance teacher, who taught her the Cowboy Sweetheart number. Since Patsy does not list any other teachers who worked with JonBenet, who are we back to when asking who taught JonBenet behavior unfitting and inappropriate for a child her age? That's right...Patsy.

Patsy, who came from pageants. Patsy, who decided JonBenet should be in pageants whether JonBenet wanted to or not. Patsy, who insisted JonBenet train and practice and rehearse to be ready by summer. Patsy, who could not just sit back and let the person she hired to teach her daughter to dance run the lessons. Patsy, who had to control how the dance was taught and performed.

Patsy, who used the word "sexy" to describe the Halloween costume she dressed JonBenet in when JonBenet was only four years old.

Patsy, whose friends PW and BF were planning to sit her down and have a talk about "the mega JonBenet thing" after the holidays.

Patsy, who apparently thought it a good idea to prop JonBenet up on a parade float, outdoors, in Colorado, in winter, and at night.

Patsy, who, according to Kit André, didn't have a sense of proportion about how pageants should fit into a six year old's life.

And I haven't even gotten to how many activities Patsy had JonBenet enrolled in. In DOI, Patsy says that JonBenet was in classes for gymnastics, dancing, singing, piano, violin, and French. All of that, on top of lessons, practice, rehearsals, school and whatever else the Rs had going on at the time, and they were a busy family, active in the social scene.

When did JonBenet have time to just be a little kid with all of that going on? Why even put a child that young through all of that? To win some tacky awards, gaudy crowns, cheap sashes, and a string of meaningless titles?

I've said it before and I'll say it again...Patsy was working JonBenet as hard as an adult to maintain that level of activity and responsibility. IMO.

And who was bleaching JonBenet's hair?
But back to the pageants. Patsy took JonBenet for lessons with dance teacher Kit André on the suggestion of a friend whose daughter was in pageants. André says in PMPT (pages 74-76) that she met Patsy and JonBenet in the spring of 1996, and that Patsy had brought in an audiotape of "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart." From the text:

"There was no time for JonBenet to learn the basics of ballet or tap, but Patsy said they needed a song and dance by summer. "And whatever it takes, I'll pay for it, " Patsy said. Private lessons were $100 each, Kit told her. That was no problem, Patsy replied."

*snipped for space and relevance*

"Kit scheduled three lessons a week. Patsy was determined that JonBenet would be ready for the summer pageants. During the third lesson, Patsy knocked on the studio door. "It will be better if I'm here," she insisted. "I've done this before."

Kit could see that she was miserable in the reception room and was eager to show her exactly how the routine should staged."


"One day during the second week of lessons, Patsy got up and danced with JonBenet, shoowing Kit what she wanted. Side by side, mother and daughter. Suddenly Kit could see that Patsy wanted to be up there herself, wanted JonBenet to perform the way she wanted to do. Kit now knew they'd have to teach the song Patsy's way."


"Then one day Nedra, JonBenet's grandmother, showed up. She frequently came to Boulder to visit her family. Kit thought she was adorable - a small woman with a big personality. Nedra sat in a director's chair and couldn't stop talking about when Patsy was a little girl in the pageants and then when she was Miss West Virginia and competed in the Miss America pageant."


"Kit soon discovered that JonBenet had a wonderful personality. She understood how to gesture and use her shoulders as she danced. Kit was struck by how smart and talented she was. But she also understood that JonBenet was performing because her mother wanted her to, not because she wanted to. JonBenet wasn't one of those kids who had seen someone dance and decided, That's what I want to do.

(Quote from Kit André) JonBenet died that winter. I never saw her in a pageant. Never saw her in the cowboy costume. Never saw her do the routine I taught her until I saw the pageant video on tv."


"I've looked at that pageant video several times. They made JonBenet look like a clown. Someone else taught her those pseudo-adult movements, the provocative walk, the poses, all of it.

The pageants were Patsy's gig. JonBenet was her alter ego. Patsy had the money, she had the costumes, and she had the kid. She could relive her own pageant thing. You got the picture right there. Patsy didn't have a sense of proportion about how this should fit into her child's life. What I saw on the pageant don't do that to a six-year-old." (End quote.)


So if dance teacher Kit André didn't teach JonBenet to slink around on stage like she was 26 instead of 6, who did?

IMO - Patsy did. It seems pretty obvious that it had to have been Patsy. Patsy said in DOI that Kit André was JonBenet's dance teacher, who taught her the Cowboy Sweetheart number. Since Patsy does not list any other teachers who worked with JonBenet, who are we back to when asking who taught JonBenet behavior unfitting and inappropriate for a child her age? That's right...Patsy.

Patsy, who came from pageants. Patsy, who decided JonBenet should be in pageants whether JonBenet wanted to or not. Patsy, who insisted JonBenet train and practice and rehearse to be ready by summer. Patsy, who could not just sit back and let the person she hired to teach her daughter to dance run the lessons. Patsy, who had to control how the dance was taught and performed.

Patsy, who used the word "sexy" to describe the Halloween costume she dressed JonBenet in when JonBenet was only four years old.

Patsy, whose friends PW and BF were planning to sit her down and have a talk about "the mega JonBenet thing" after the holidays.

Patsy, who apparently thought it a good idea to prop JonBenet up on a parade float, outdoors, in Colorado, in winter, and at night.

Patsy, who, according to Kit André, didn't have a sense of proportion about how pageants should fit into a six year old's life.

And I haven't even gotten to how many activities Patsy had JonBenet enrolled in. In DOI, Patsy says that JonBenet was in classes for gymnastics, dancing, singing, piano, violin, and French. All of that, on top of lessons, practice, rehearsals, school and whatever else the Rs had going on at the time, and they were a busy family, active in the social scene.

When did JonBenet have time to just be a little kid with all of that going on? Why even put a child that young through all of that? To win some tacky awards, gaudy crowns, cheap sashes, and a string of meaningless titles?

I've said it before and I'll say it again...Patsy was working JonBenet as hard as an adult to maintain that level of activity and responsibility. IMO.

And who was bleaching JonBenet's hair?

Good post, nice on detail.

Why even put a child that young through all of that?
When you add in the recurring abuse, its no wonder JonBenet had toileting issues and fecal stained underwear.

Patsy's pageant project for JonBenet was a Paugh family thing. They all participated, including Don Paugh, travelling to pageants, helping with costumes, makeup, and of course songs from DP's collection. This is the Shirley Temple link and the origin of those vhs tapes given to JonBenet, its a child model from another age, one that parallels Patsy as a pageant girl.

Patsy with all her airs and graces, her showy house, opening it up for the natives to view etc. Yet despite her desire to fit in, she seemed oblivious to how her pageant activities may have been viewed by her friends and social contacts. They most definitely would consider it trashy not something an elite mother should put her daughter through, never mind the reputational loss by association. I'm guessing thats what the talk might have been about? Funny how they never made their concerns public, postmortem, was there more to it than just a pageant thing?
Patsy, whose friends PW and BF were planning to sit her down and have a talk about "the mega JonBenet thing" after the holidays.

Patsy was teaching JonBenet movements and poses only suitable for an adult woman. This was the sexy thing, it was part of her agenda, all that stuff about gymnastics, dancing, singing, piano, violin, and French, thats a veneer to mask what matters most, making JonBenet sexy, otherwise the pageant project would have been slimmed down to allow for JonBenet's education.

Patsy was comfortable with using the word sexy in connection with JonBenet in public, can you imagine what may have been said in private? I think this was the real Patsy, what you saw in public was just her idea of how rich, successful women comport themselves. Patsy probably thought sexy mattered more in life than any *advertiser censored* laude degree. Looks and clothing were all important. So you have Nedra, Patsy, and her sisters all sharing the same objective, turning out another 'Patsy', whilst enjoying all the pageant routines, deciding on dresses, what makeup to use, what hairstyle to apply, what JonBenet might sing etc. All whilst explicitly sexualising JonBenet!

I reckon Patsy thought this was 'normal'. I doubt JonBenet's abuse came as any surprise when told at her interview, how could she JonBenet was sexy?

It was either Patsy or one of the Paugh's who would have bleached JonBenet's hair. It patently fits in with the pageant profile.

Basically Patsy was out of control regarding JonBenet's life. Sexy by the age of six, abused by the age of six, and dead at the age of six! Can you imagine what those friends who wanted to have a talk were saying privately, postmortem, especially once the abuse and size-12's information went public?

It might just all be a Patsy thing: JonBenet's abuse, and her death. Patsy may have had a personality disorder, which drove her to inflict sexy upon JonBenet?

Let's imagine for just a moment a change in the scenario to this: A mother allowed her kinda weird older male neighbor to babysit her six year old little girl. The man seemed kind and eager to just help out the young mother so she relented and allowed him to babysit the little girl while she ran errands. She returned earlier than she had planned and walked in on the little girl dressed up in a Dallas Cowgirl outfit, skimpy and suggestive, gyrating and grinding in front of the older male neighbor. Now what do you think would happen?
The parents who allow their child to be treated and trained to be a sex object are teaching them that if the "pagent show business" doesn't work out, the child can always resort to pole dancing when they are older..........:maddening:
The parents who allow their child to be treated and trained to be a sex object are teaching them that if the "pagent show business" doesn't work out, the child can always resort to pole dancing when they are older..........:maddening:

It's horrible to think that some of these little girls on "Toddlers & Tiaras" are going to end up there.
When little girls are taught that their value lies in merely being decorative, they grow up believing that it all they really are.
And some of these little girls won't grow up to fulfill the "promise" of their young beauty, either. There is a saying "Heredity is your destiny". Look at some of these moms. That's what lies in store for some of these girls. How do you think they will feel about themselves? Will they feel they disappointed their mothers because they grew up to be exactly what they were destined to be?
They are already being taught that they need fake hair, false teeth, heavy make-up, expensive costumes and sexy moves to be "good enough" or beautiful. When you look at some of these kids photos (Eden Wood comes to mind) they have been so photoshopped that their photos look more like illustrations. NO kid has eyes like the ones in the photos, and the little girl in reality looks very different from the publicity photos. It isn't just the make-up, either.
I had read that one of the hairdressers Patsy brought JB to refused to dye the hair of such a young child. I have to hand it to that hairdresser, whoever they were. Good for them.
This also taught JB that her hair wasn't pretty enough without being blonde, and she also needed hairpieces. Her eyes are blue in her pageant photos, and JB had green eyes. So I guess her natural green eyes weren't good enough either.
I often wonder what she thinks now, looking back from Heaven. Is she glad she got 'outta there? Once through the veil, did she think "Whew! Glad I don't have to deal with THAT anymore!".
The clothes the pageant girls today make JonBenet's look pretty tame. It's only getting worse. Eventually, one of these girls is going to be sexually assaulted...or worse.

I was wondering when someone would bring this up. It's not just this one. There's the girl done up with fake *advertiser censored* and butt padding to look like a little Dolly Parton and the one made to look like Julia Roberts' character in "Pretty Woman" before her high-society makeover.

When I saw these, I thought exactly the same thing: even PATSY didn't take it this far. And if anyone out there thinks that pedophiles don't watch these shows, I got a bridge for sale!

There are many people who don't see a connection between these pageants and JonBenet's death. I do.
Eden's mom has spent over $100k trying to launch Eden's career. -_-
I wonder how much Eden has made back?

Eden has:
5 songs including "Cutie Patootie"
A showgirl doll of herself
A photo-biographical book: "Cradle to Crown"

I think Eden's mom is so delusional that she doesn't realize her daughter isn't that famous. Yes, she's on a reality show but she's not the star, and no one outside of T&T viewers knows who she is. So the fact that Eden has a book and doll (only available on her website) like she's Hannah Montana tells me that her mom is living in a fantasy world. Um, most celebrities get books and dolls after they've become huge stars, not before...

This is her website:
Eden's mom has spent over $100k trying to launch Eden's career. -_-
I wonder how much Eden has made back?

Eden has:
5 songs including "Cutie Patootie"
A showgirl doll of herself
A photo-biographical book: "Cradle to Crown"

I think Eden's mom is so delusional that she doesn't realize her daughter isn't that famous. Yes, she's on a reality show but she's not the star, and no one outside of T&T viewers knows who she is. So the fact that Eden has a book and doll (only available on her website) like she's Hannah Montana tells me that her mom is living in a fantasy world. Um, most celebrities get books and dolls after they've become huge stars, not before...

This is her website:

That is really disgusting.

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