Another Pageant Story

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Eden's mom has spent over $100k trying to launch Eden's career. -_-
I wonder how much Eden has made back?

Eden has:
5 songs including "Cutie Patootie"
A showgirl doll of herself
A photo-biographical book: "Cradle to Crown"

I think Eden's mom is so delusional that she doesn't realize her daughter isn't that famous. Yes, she's on a reality show but she's not the star, and no one outside of T&T viewers knows who she is. So the fact that Eden has a book and doll (only available on her website) like she's Hannah Montana tells me that her mom is living in a fantasy world. Um, most celebrities get books and dolls after they've become huge stars, not before...

This is her website:

And she's not even cute.
And she's not even cute.

I have to agree. For someone who is a child beauty queen, wears lots of makeup, has plenty of enhancements, and whose mom is trying to make a career off of her looks, she really isn't anything special looking. :/

I have to agree. For someone who is a child beauty queen, wears lots of makeup, has plenty of enhancements, and whose mom is trying to make a career off of her looks, she really isn't anything special looking. :/


I agree, and I'm not just being mean. Her (photoshopped and enhanced) publicity photos don't look anything like her. Same thing with many of the other girls. You look at the photo and then see them on TV or in a candid shot and you have to think "who is that"? There is an article about the Glitz Pageants in People Magazine this week. You'll see what I mean.
These are usually very ordinary looking girls of mediocre talents with delusional moms who in many cases are plain and obese. "Heredity is your destiny". They'll get there one day.
And I feel bad for the girls when they do. They have been taught they are
"all that and a can of beans". There are no world class talents and beauties there.
Facial beauty is more about having the correct bone structure and proportional features than it is about how much makeup you wear. Just look at Eden; she's wearing all the makeup available at the MAC counter, yet none of us think she's anything special looks-wise.
Facial beauty is more about having the correct bone structure and proportional features than it is about how much makeup you wear. Just look at Eden; she's wearing all the makeup available at the MAC counter, yet none of us think she's anything special looks-wise.

I read an article recently about cosmetics and their actual effectiveness. The thing that struck me was how the makeup was originally marketed at women in their late twenties and older. With the claim that the makeup would provide the wearer with the allure of an 18-year old. e.g. the use of blusher to mimic estrogen padding in the cheeks and lip gloss, lip liner, lip color etc to make the lips appear larger and brighter, and eyeliner, mascara, brow pencils to make the eyes look larger and clearer.

As a male I think makeup on younger women and particularly girls Eden's age simply hides or masks their natural beauty. The picture of Eden in full makeup is how I visualise Patsy to look at some social event.

No wonder Loreal had to come up with that catchline:"Because your worth it"!

I've been obsessed with the horror that is child beauty pageants since I was a kid myself and saw one in the 70's. And they were much tamer then. There are some excellent documentaries about this sick phenomena, including Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Queen and Painted Babies. Toddlers and Tiaras and Little Miss Perfect (on WE) are current series that show the utter dysfunction and perversion of the "Glitz"pageants.

And yet, after all this time, I still don't understand why they do it - why they subject their little kids to it. They are training babies to wear full make-up, parade around on a tacky stage shaking their "booties"as they call it, for a panel of judges, including some creepy men, and are encouraged to "flirt"with the judges.

One recent episode had Eden Wood shaving an older man, his chest area, his stomach, all the way down to his shorts, as he stood there with nothing on but those shorts. Ick. Some of the stripper moves and *advertiser censored* star facial expressions they train the toddlers to make are heart-rending. I have wanted to cry watching some of these episodes. Yet, the moms and sometimes even dads, have no problem with it all.

If a kid is being taught that they should endure hours of discomfort and hide their feelings to please their parents and a panel of strangers, all the while being praised for sexually suggestive attire and behavior, how at risk are they making these kids for predators? They are taught to be sexual and to use it for praise, to ignore their own discomfort and to desire being judged on their physical appearance, by strangers. I just can't say enough how horrible the whole thing is.
I saw one promo spot on TV for the Toddlers and Tiaras and one little girl actually had in her top falsies. I didn't watch it because the promo made me sick enough.

It starts when these pageants judges lay the hammer down on what is allowed and what isn't.
Found it: TLC’s hit reality show Toddlers & Tiaras, featured a 4 year-old contestant, Maddy, who was dressed up as Dolly Parton. Complete with fake *advertiser censored* and butt.

And if the make-up, the clothes, the hair, the body gestures isn't enough, how about the "special" drinks they give these kids. The Red Bull, 2-3 cans at one time, the Mt. Dew. It's all shown on national TV, someone needs to investigate this show. It's kiddie *advertiser censored*! On National TV! I don't believe for one second these kids "want to do it" It's the moms living through their kids.
Found it: TLC’s hit reality show Toddlers & Tiaras, featured a 4 year-old contestant, Maddy, who was dressed up as Dolly Parton. Complete with fake *advertiser censored* and butt.


OMG, I heard about this, it's the first time I've seen it. Look at this childs eyes, she isn't enjoying this. NO WAY!!!
My 2 cents- I am surprised that pageants have not been outlawed- (by who? Who is watching and who cares??) Very few of the kids are really "cute", and those that are "cute" become ugly with all the makeup and enhancements. Show me a pic of a cute kid with a missing tooth and rumpled hair anyway. These pageants are disgusting, and those mothers who stand in the aisle puckering and dancing look like complete psychotic idiots.
Obvious to me that they use the child to fulfill some fantasy of their own. The kids will grow up confused and disturbed because they were raised that looks are everything, rewards for the BEST looks are everything, and nothing else really matters.

The mom on T&T the other night feeding her kid some kind of speed pop, red bull, mountain dew, whatever...disgusting. "You need to step it up" she says, while complaining the kid "went too fast" during her 'beauty', whatever that is. This is drugging kids, pure and simple. It is!!
Kids looking beyond exhausted, some who look like they are ill and should be in jammies and tucked into a warm bed instead of being at a meaningless (except to the moms) contest about nothing. A waste of money ($4000 for a costume??) time and a waste of a childhood. JMO.

Wish someone would put a legal stop to them. Only peeps that are there watching are the families of the contestants...oh and the perverts sprinkled among the crowd, who are probably secretly videotaping it.

How nice that T&T is on TV so perverts don't even have to leave the comfort of their home anymore to see these pagents. (insert sarcasm)
Our society teaches girls that looks are everything, not just pageants. Most girls in your average elementary school will have some insecurities about their looks and compare themselves to their classmates. They look at pictures in magazines, watch TV and movies, etc; they know what is considered pretty and what isn't, and will compare themselves to the "standard of beauty".
Our society teaches girls that looks are everything, not just pageants. Most girls in your average elementary school will have some insecurities about their looks and compare themselves to their classmates. They look at pictures in magazines, watch TV and movies, etc; they know what is considered pretty and what isn't, and will compare themselves to the "standard of beauty".

Sure, but I'll bet you they do not want to become adult overnight and do all the posing and wear all the clothes?

The pageant's are bizarre. I find them so alien I do not watch them or visit any websites promoting them.

I reckon the mothers are simply deluded, they have their own baggage from childhood which is played out via their own children, seemingly oblivious to the harm they must be doing.

Its this aspect that convinces me that Patsy had some kind of personality disorder. A very wealthy mother, university educated, imposing pageant values upon JonBenet, all whilst knowing the value of a proper education?

Why? Because, IMO, the pageant lifestyle justified the sexual abuse!

My 2 cents- I am surprised that pageants have not been outlawed- (by who? Who is watching and who cares??) Very few of the kids are really "cute", and those that are "cute" become ugly with all the makeup and enhancements. Show me a pic of a cute kid with a missing tooth and rumpled hair anyway. These pageants are disgusting, and those mothers who stand in the aisle puckering and dancing look like complete psychotic idiots.
Obvious to me that they use the child to fulfill some fantasy of their own. The kids will grow up confused and disturbed because they were raised that looks are everything, rewards for the BEST looks are everything, and nothing else really matters.

The mom on T&T the other night feeding her kid some kind of speed pop, red bull, mountain dew, whatever...disgusting. "You need to step it up" she says, while complaining the kid "went too fast" during her 'beauty', whatever that is. This is drugging kids, pure and simple. It is!!
Kids looking beyond exhausted, some who look like they are ill and should be in jammies and tucked into a warm bed instead of being at a meaningless (except to the moms) contest about nothing. A waste of money ($4000 for a costume??) time and a waste of a childhood. JMO.

Wish someone would put a legal stop to them. Only peeps that are there watching are the families of the contestants...oh and the perverts sprinkled among the crowd, who are probably secretly videotaping it.

How nice that T&T is on TV so perverts don't even have to leave the comfort of their home anymore to see these pagents. (insert sarcasm)

Abbie, your wonderful post says it all about these competitions. I used to watch Little Miss Perfect and laugh at these mothers making complete fools of themselves as they performed the routines while their daughters were on stage. It was pitiful.

But, these pageants are no laughing matter. You are right, it's the mothers who are really competing in these matters through their own girls.

With the T & T shows it's the little ones I feel so sorry for. Who glues fake eyelashes on a two year old? I watched one show where while a mom was holding her little 2 to 3 year old, the child bangged her forehead on a door while she was squirming in her mom's arms. But, after a few kisses to the head, when the child's name was called, the mom took her on stage, black and blue forehead and all. Holy $hit.

I tune into these shows hoping, just hoping, someone from law enforcement and Child Protective Service shows up and puts a stop to it all. That's the show I want to see.

Little children who have only been walking for a few short months or maybe a year are not supposed to be crying and whining while being dressed up with make up and pushed out onto a stage. These mothers who insist their child loves the competition are insane.
I agree, and I'm not just being mean. Her (photoshopped and enhanced) publicity photos don't look anything like her. Same thing with many of the other girls. You look at the photo and then see them on TV or in a candid shot and you have to think "who is that"? There is an article about the Glitz Pageants in People Magazine this week. You'll see what I mean.
These are usually very ordinary looking girls of mediocre talents with delusional moms who in many cases are plain and obese. "Heredity is your destiny". They'll get there one day.
And I feel bad for the girls when they do. They have been taught they are
"all that and a can of beans". There are no world class talents and beauties there.

Ahhh DeeDee "All that and a can of beans." I love that. Never heard that saying before.

But, you are so right with your comments. This little girl is kinda cute with her chubby cheeks and she is outgoing. But, they change, they grow out of that cuteness. Legs get long and faces thin out and hopefuly these kids wake up and say I don't want to do this any longer. But the moms keep pushing.

It's the mom's who are really in competition from their long lost childhood. The more attention their child gets these moms foolishly think they are even better than the next mom.

Really, you've got it right..these moms are purely mental.

That is really disgusting.

It sure is! It's also what Patsy and John put their daughter through. You keep trying to tell us what "good people" the Ramseys are. Yeah, sure. I've seen some samples of how "good" they are! And this is Numero Uno!
Its this aspect that convinces me that Patsy had some kind of personality disorder. A very wealthy mother, university educated, imposing pageant values upon JonBenet, all whilst knowing the value of a proper education?

Why? Because, IMO, the pageant lifestyle justified the sexual abuse!

Now you're talking!
That is really disgusting.

That is really wacked out. Her mother needs to stop doing what she is doing to her child. Sounds like the mother is one with a need for fame.
Sure, but I'll bet you they do not want to become adult overnight and do all the posing and wear all the clothes?

The pageant's are bizarre. I find them so alien I do not watch them or visit any websites promoting them.

I reckon the mothers are simply deluded, they have their own baggage from childhood which is played out via their own children, seemingly oblivious to the harm they must be doing.

Its this aspect that convinces me that Patsy had some kind of personality disorder. A very wealthy mother, university educated, imposing pageant values upon JonBenet, all whilst knowing the value of a proper education?

Why? Because, IMO, the pageant lifestyle justified the sexual abuse!


i posted a question regarding this very implication. i tied it into the grandmother saying "she was just a little bit molested".

any takers on that topic?
i posted a question regarding this very implication. i tied it into the grandmother saying "she was just a little bit molested".

any takers on that topic?

IMO there is a link. Whether its simply one of influence or actual participation. The grandmother was alleged to have made remarks about the size of Burke's penis. So patently there may have been a degree of sexual laxity in the Paugh family?

This is probably why you have heard so little over the years from the Paughs?


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