Another reason to lie?

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The car was left at Amscot before 7am. Tony didn't pick her until 4 hours later. What did she do with frozen food for four hours?

And what is bothering me is WHY/HOW does he know that they were from the house? I mean, it just doesn't make sense unless she told him something to make him think that. It's just not adding up for me at all. The only thing I could think of is they were in a Walmart (or Publix WD etc) since there are none in the area.

I guess she could have taken a cab to her parents house but I just can't see it. I mean she was stealing from Amy and god knows who else--she had money and there are places she could have picked up the food within walking distance. Something just doesn't sit right with me on that one, as small of a detail it is. :waitasec:

LE can easily get the info. from local cabs in the area to see if they had any hopespring calls during that time. I'm sure they've done that already~!~
Just thought of this:

Casey killed Caylee and was hiding her body in the car because she didn't know where to put her. She found someone who would dispose of the body (for a price) and had that person meet her at Amscott. She cashed a stolen check at Amscott to pay the person and then that person met her at Amscott, took the money, backed in next to Casey's car (remember, hers was backed in as well) and they transfered Caylee's body to the other person's vehicle. Remember, Casey's car was not only backed in but next to a dumpster, so another vehicle could easily pull up next to her and the transferring of the body (I'm sure it was wrapped in something) could be done easily without alot of people seeing anything because of the dumpster blocking the view from the other side.
I agree except how could someone steal the car if there was no gas in it? Could she possibly be that dumb? I'm thinking maybe...

I was thinking that myself! But then as I went to reply, it occurred to me that she lies so much and thinks certain aspects out so much, while forgetting the obvious...there is a chance that she would forget that Tony picking her up blows her cover, or maybe she thought that he would back her up, or wouldn't be around by the time she got caught, so to her, maybe just a strangers fingerprints on her purse and the inside of that car would have been enough. Good partial on the key. There may have actually been other fingerprints in there before George go ahold of it, who knows! I would think that someone would at least try it, in a busy area like that...but maybe no one wanted it because of the SMELL!
I think that she intended to go back and get the car...Probably just hadn't sorted out yet what to do about the smell. She delayed too long and then...the car was gone!
And another question... were the ice pops / Tyson chicken still FROZEN when TonE picked her up?
Yep.........I think so too. As much as KC loves money, there wouldn't be any other reason for her to leave her purse. She knew there was no money in it. She just wanted to tempt someone to take the car with the purse and the keys in it.

I didn't realize her keys were left in it, but from the descriptives we've heard... I find it hard to believe she'd think anyone would drive that car very far.

I think she left the car because she couldn't get the smell out and didn't know what else to do with it. Leaving it by the dumpster to mask the odor from passersby. As to her purse being left behind...most young women/teens I know own two or more bags. Probably was a cheap one anyway, no big deal to her to leave it behind as long as she took her wallet.
I didn't realize her keys were left in it, but from the descriptives we've heard... I find it hard to believe she'd think anyone would drive that car very far.

I think she left the car because she couldn't get the smell out and didn't know what else to do with it. Leaving it by the dumpster to mask the odor from passersby. As to her purse being left behind...most young women/teens I know own two or more bags. Probably was a cheap one anyway, no big deal to her to leave it behind as long as she took her wallet.

I think that CA is the one who claimed that the keys were left in the car. I have not seen that anywhere else and this last document dump indicates that the car was locked. GA had to bring a key to open it! If LE's documents indicate that the car keys WERE in the car (I have not found this) then...Well then, that's very interesting. A third set of keys would have to exist in order for KC to leave one in the car and lock the car? No? (Based on LA's comments when discussing AHs car keys...He's very familiar with the family keys...)


Can anyone find where in LEs documents it states that the car keys were in the car???
I think that she intended to go back and get the car...Probably just hadn't sorted out yet what to do about the smell. She delayed too long and then...the car was gone!

I agree with you PP. The fact that she got Amy to purchase the Gas Can on the 30th makes me believe that she fully intended to go back and pick the car up sometime after Amy left for work. So if that was the case, and she hadn't intended to dump the car, but had really run out of gas, then I would doubt the Amscott dumpster being where she disposed of Caylee.
I agree with you PP. The fact that she got Amy to purchase the Gas Can on the 30th makes me believe that she fully intended to go back and pick the car up sometime after Amy left for work. So if that was the case, and she hadn't intended to dump the car, but had really run out of gas, then I would doubt the Amscott dumpster being where she disposed of Caylee.

If she had dumped Caylee in the Amscott dumpster, I think that she would have made it her number one priority to get gas and move the car! She wouldn't have called Tony to pick her up from there.

She may have thrown some other evidence in there (just to clear it out) but definitely not Caylee. And...given what she left in the car (evidence), I doubt that she dumped anything at the Amscott.

I know this might sound odd, but I wonder if all the "groceries" that she had, were frozen foods? Do the A's have a large freezer in the garage? I know this sounds WAY out there, but everything about this case is WAY out there..just sayin..:eek:
What better place to 'abandon it' than a loan office! Someone decides to try and get a loan, sees the car sitting right there, unlocked, purse inside, thinks "Hey I don't need a loan now, I'll just take the car, I'm sure I can sell it to someone"! Casey is cunning enough to come up with this idea - and obviously I'm not because it took me this long to think it up!

But, if the car was out of gas, who is giung to steal a car that they have to first put gas in? Unless Casey left them the gas can also!
Good question.
Didn't she have frozen Tyson chicken and Ice pops from her home freezer?
I see all points made but how did she travel from the car to the A's house and back to the car with frozen chicken nuggets and ice pops not melting????? Of course with all the guys in her life she could easily have gotten a lift.jmo
I see all points made but how did she travel from the car to the A's house and back to the car with frozen chicken nuggets and ice pops not melting????? Of course with all the guys in her life she could easily have gotten a lift.jmo
But a thought just crossed my mind maybe someone should check the cab companys or public transportaion in that area. Firt I don't think she walked the distance and secondly this is Florida in June all the ice pops would be melted.just a thought.
She either had to have other transportation or she went shopping at some time just prior to Tony picking her up. No way would ice pops not melt after 3 or 4 hours in the Florida heat. Maybe they were the liquid kind that come in plastic. It wouldn't matter if they melted.

If she had other transportation why hasn't anyone come forward and said so? Does anyone know if there's a store within walking distance of the Amscot?
I have to agree that I think we are reading a bit much into where Casey ditched her car.

I feel pretty good about Casey abandoning her car, keys in it, purse on the front seat in the hopes that it would be stolen so she could pin the murder of her child, whose body was at some point in the trunk of her car, on someone else.

I agree! I have oftened wondered if she ever made it back by there just to see if the car was still sitting there or if it was missing. Probably not or that would have be when she would have claimed she had been car jacked and the baby was in it. imo
Hey - I just had an epiphany! :) Okay, Amscott is a payday check place, right? Casey had a great job at Universal, so why would she need a loan? She didn't want to blow her cover, so she told Tony that she ran out of gas and someone pushed her into that parking lot. When maybe she was getting a loan and her car ran out of gas. Maybe the reason she didn't go back and get it is because she filed for the loan, and got money, under false pretenses and didn't want to get busted by going back.

The reason for this post was to show that maybe not all of her lies had to do with Caylee. Some of them also had to do with getting away with fraud. But she doesn't want to incriminate herself by telling the truth regarding Caylee, and getting in trouble for fraud, and vice versa.

The people at Amscott said she was never in there.
Yep that gap of time from 7am til Tone picked her up has me confused too..Especially considering the items he mentioned her having..
I guess there always is the possibility the woman at Amscott made a mistake of when she first noticed the car...They talked to her a few weeks after the incident...Maybe she noticed it on a break instead of when she first got in work that morning..Maybe she noticed it a 7am on the 28th instead of the 27th.
You never know...
But Tone did say she left early that morning...Wish he provided an actual time..

I do believe Casey planned on going back to that car but was too late....
If she wanted to get rid of it I don't think she would have left it in plain sight..If she wanted it stolen I don't think she would have left it without gas..

I don't think Casey would be stupid enough to dispose of a body in a dumpster at a business. I would assume that businesses would have cameras and stuff.

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