Another theory

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Mary456 said:
You can say that again|! Anything that doesn't fit must have come to her in a dream and most conclusions are made by others so she can safely say she was not the one who came up with it, in case it later proves to be wrong. I think she also thought it would make her appear more innocent if she was not the one drawing conclusions so she put out just enough to point direction and let others come up with the conclusions. Like a wide eyed high school kid being questioned about where Daddy's wine has been disappearing to.
Jeana (DP) said:
Jeana (DP) said:
In Darlie's case, we see mixed motives as well. Anyone looking at this crime should draw a big, imaginary circle around the boys being stabbed because that is the true crime here and that indicates a personal motive. The whole business about the "phantom" or "intruder" is an attempt to introduce an economic motive into the crime ("somebody came in here and tried to steal our things!"). This is simply another case of someone trying to claim an interrupted burglary and it is fairly common even though the economic motive parts are staged. That is, the overturned vacuum, the smashed wine glass, and the sock in the alley are all there to try and make people believe this crime had an economic motive when it is fairly clear that the real crime, the stabbing of the boys, had a personal motive.

In this case, the importance of the intruder is obvious: to show that someone else committed the crime or that there is at least reasonable doubt about who do it. However, the more important reason for suggesting an intruder is to introduce a second motive for the crime, the all-too-common "interrupted burglary," an economic motive. In other words, if someone had entered the house just after Darlie had finished stabbing the children, she would not be able to explain away the stab wounds on the children, a personal motive. The staging suggests an economic motive, and many of those people who believe she is innocent do so because they can't separate the genuine motive, the stabbing, from the staged motive, the economic one.

Too, Darlie and her family have tried very hard to sell the staged motive, the economic one. On the 911 call, as we know, Darlie suggests that an intruder, not she, committed the crime because she says that if she hadn't touched the knife, maybe police could have gotten some prints off of it (translation--it was somebody else who committed the crime, not Darlie). Later in the 911 call, she says that she and Darin "have to find the person who did this" once again suggesting that an intruder did it. Finally, she also adds in the call the question of "who could have done this" which is once again a sorry attempt to suggest that someone else, not Darlie, committed this crime. There is, of course, the other staging I have mentioned and my belief is that it was Darlie who smashed the wine glass, overturned the vacuum, and cut the screen while it was Darin (by process of elimination, the only person who would have had the time to do it), who placed the sock in the alley to suggest that an intruder had broken in their house. The 911 call is what I like to refer to as the first sorry attempt to create the intruder and the sock in the alley, etc, is the second sorry attempt to create the intruder. The third sorry attempt to create the intruder is when Bob Kee, Darlie's stepfather, files an affidavit two years after the trial that says Darin talked to him about a fake burglary scheme a few nights before the murder. I believe this is simply a clever trap. A reporter approached Darin and asked about whether Darin talked about a faked burglary scheme with his stepfather-in-law. Darin initially denied it, but the reporter went and got the affidavit that Bob Kee had filed and confronted Darin about it. Although Darin has been described as "headstrong," he meekly caves in and says that yes, he had talked about a faked burglary scheme with Bob Kee, and someone may have overheard it and acted upon it. In my opinion, Darin meekly caved in to try and introduce the intruder in this case, an economic motive. He also added that he told someone years earlier that he wouldn’t mind if his Jaguar got stolen, and it was; in my opinion, he is simply trying to bolster his street credentials as someone who would do this sort of thing all in an attempt to create the thought that yes, it is possible that there was an intruder in this case. Notice how Darin is utterly defiant when it is pointed out to him that he could not get the loan he was seeking shortly before the murders and when people bring up his failures on the lie detector test, yet he meekly caves in when people suggest he is a little bit shady and someone could have broken in his house at his suggestion to further a burglary scheme. The fourth sad attempt to create the economic motive is the defense effort to try and get items DNA tested to show that the intruder was involved. I believe the defense should do that, but I am not holding my breath that we are going to find the intruder that her family is desperately trying to create because the true motive, in my opinion, was the personal one of stabbing the two children in a jealous rage

What do you do with the fact that Darlie brought all of her jewelry downstairs that day to show her new housekeeper, an immigrant from Poland who apparently knew a lot about fine jewelry? She told Halina she needed to raise $10,000, the exact amount of the boys' life insurance policies. Someone used to juggling their bills, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, might just think they could use the insurance money for cash needs and make payments to the funeral home.

i think money is at the very core of this crime but it is also laced with personal issues, not the least of which could have been a love/hate relationship with the older boys, esp Devon who was described as Daddy's boy and apparently a little defiant with Darlie. remember she warned him not to try to get even with her later for her smearing birthday cake on his face for disobeying her.
cami said:

Yeah I'd like to ask Anne Good where the popcorn is... :waitasec:
Autopsy found popcorn in the stomach of one of the boys but not the other. Made me wonder if one was being punished and didn't get any that night.
cami said:
I'd like to make one or two comments. First of all the boys were stabbed a total of eight times not ten. Devon was stabbed twice and Damon was stabbed six times.

While I too believe it was not a frenzied rage killing as we've seen in the other cases you mentioned, I believe there was rage. If Darlie didn't want the boys dead, how do we account for the fact that Damon was stabbed at two separate times and in two separate areas of the murder room? Darlie could have snapped out of it and saved him but she finished him off instead.

Yeah I'd like to ask Anne Good where the popcorn is... :waitasec:
Yeah, Cami I agree with you. We talked about this earlier and I also think it was a killing with rage, or intense anger. I do think the anger was toward Darin. I believe there was more to the argument than both let on. I think in her own little sick mind, she was getting back at Darin by killing "his boys" and somehow blamed the children for making her life more difficult than she wanted it to be. Of course, then I think if what I guessed is true, then why is he standing by her all these years, unless of course he was involved in some way. It is crazy to say the least. :sick:
sharkeyes said:
I agree that Darlie was not in a "homicidal rage" when she killed her sons. I DO believe she was in full control of herself when she committed the murders - it was her last ditch effort to get Darin's attention; because, by that time Darin was on to her "acting out". I am sure there are more instances (than what we know) of Darlie conjuring up "damsel in distress" stories to get Darin's attention - there had to be a pattern; and Darin finally got a clue.

My theory on why she did not stab the boys in the head/face - she wanted them to look good in their casket [I don't know if there was a viewing of the boys before the funeral - but at the time she killed them she consciously and purposely avoided disfiguring their faces]. Looks were important to Darlie - she had several studio photos of herself and the kids (which is not unusual), but, these are not your simple 'Sears Portrait Studio' shots - those kids look like little models complete with matching outfits, expensive haircuts and doe-eyed expressions.

I wonder if Darlie ever felt remorse for what she did - personally, I don't think so. IMO she justified what she did by telling herself that it was really Darin's fault.

There is also the nagging gut feeling I have that tells me Darin knows a great deal more about what went on that night than he is willing to admit. I'd be interested in reading your theory/thoughts on Darin and whether or not he was involved in some way.
Lordy Sharkeyes, I never even thought about the face issue. Makes this whole freaking case even sicker!!! :banghead: :( :( :(
michelle said:
I wonder why if darin was involved darlie hasnt turned him in? I mean I realize that she may think she will get out by some chance but she cant be that dumb you know most people strike a deal or something. They are fiercly loyal to one another. I just dont understand...
Michelle, I honestly think she is that dumb. I really believe that she thinks that she is going to get another trial, and won't do or say anything that will lead the path back to her. She can't blame Darin, unless she admits that she was in on it also. Sick sick relationship they have. IMO :(
St3phanie said:
Thank you, this was great reading! I can definitely see all of this fitting and I really agree with the last post (deandaniellws) that she took it out on "his boys" to get back at him or teach him a lesson.

I'm looking forward to reading more of the original posters writings!
Haha I love your quote. The 2 movies about her were on last week. Liar, liar, pants on
justice2 said:
Yes, what is this about Darlie going to stay with Julie. I haven't heard that either.
I don't remember anything about that either
Goody said:
What miserable childhood? It was difficult as they moved back and forth between Texas and PA a couple of times, their were marriages and divorces that upset the household, and during Darlie Kee's single years money was tight, but no one was beating Darlie or raping her or tearing her to shreds verbally. Mama thought she was the most beautiful thing in existence. If anything DK was always pumping up Darlie's self esteem. One mistake she may have made was having Darlie babysit too much while she went out with friends, which prevented Darlie from spending too much weekend time with friends, And who knows? That may have been a blessing. It probably kept her out of trouble, too

I think Mama Darlie has said Darlie had to grow up too fast. I agree with that, but a miserable childhood? Nah

Maybe DK taught Darlie that she could get whatever she wanted from a man if she kept herself beautiful. That would not be all that unusual considering the relationships Mama Darlie had that failed. She wanted more for her daughter. DK loves Darlie as much as any mother could/ I see no evidence at all of a miserable childhood. I see a girl who didn't ever want to be poor again. Once she tasted the good life, she didn't want to give it up and go back to life in a trailer. Her whole adult identity may have been positioned on the new lifestyle, but that hardly makes the childhood "miserable."
Agreed, Darlie never learned how to relate to a man without flirting. Fast forward to showing her belly button ring and tatt in an interview. She and Darin were the ones who had "made it" in the family. They both loved the money and I think Darlie liked treating people to vacations, not only out of friendship, but becaues it showed how much money they had. Not only did Darlie not want to lose her things, she didn't want to lose her positon in the family.

But he doesn't. Darin comes from a working class family. When they started out on their own, all they had was his paycheck from his job. Then Darlie was hired too and they had their paychecks. They started the computer business in their apt and worked on it together nights and weekends. They built the business together and once it started making money, she stopped working to stay home with the kids. Darin was a good catch because he was a nice guy, didn't run around with a lot of girls, and was a hard worker. He was no . As a teen he was already a manager at the restaurant where DK worked. I think she thought Darlie would be safe with Darin.

And she was safe. I think he probably needed to worry about himself than she did him. Didn't Darin get "Most Likely to Succeed" in HS? A good catch for sure.:crazy:

I don't think Darin would be sticking by her if he had any real intention of leaving her. I think they fought, threw out the same meaningless threats they always did, but in the end they either kissed and made up, banding together to get rid of the kids in some bizarre conspiracy, or something went so out of control that they felt they had no other choice but to try to cover it up.

No, I don't think he was really going to leave her and I don't think she believed it either. If she threatened to leave him yet AGAIN, and he didn't back down like he usually did, she probably felt she had lost control of him. Manipulators don't like that. I think that's what tore her apart, not thinking Darin was going to leave her.

I don't think she had to be a sociopath to think like this.
I don't see sociopath either. You know I see Narcissistic and Histrionic
Personality Disorders though and yes, I know you don't. She presents with many of the symptoms even if she does not have the actual disorders. Not sociopath though. There is no inidication of that. They are often immoral, do things like cheat on spouses, steal, and feel no empathy. Have you heard of Darlie whoring around on Darin? And while I think she enjoyed showing off her money and that's one of the reasons she treated friends and familly to things, she would not have done it if she did not care about those people at all.
deandaniellws said:
Michelle, I honestly think she is that dumb. I really believe that she thinks that she is going to get another trial, and won't do or say anything that will lead the path back to her. She can't blame Darin, unless she admits that she was in on it also. Sick sick relationship they have. IMO :(
I've never thought it was stupidity. They are both arrogant and expect to believed. After all, they're nice peole, they'd never do this....right? It happens in alot of cases. The killer is a so-called normal person and is even surprised that LE is looking any deeper than their story.
Dani_T said:
A very interesting hypothesis, and one which has a great deal of truth behind it I think. As a side note I think the Diane Downs case has a great deal of similarity with Darlies (beyond simply the superifical).
For the record...ME TOO. I mentioned that on another thread a while back and nobody seemed too interested, but I think the similarities between these two women are very striking.
Hbgchick said:
For the record...ME TOO. I mentioned that on another thread a while back and nobody seemed too interested, but I think the similarities between these two women are very striking.

I agree(d) with you!!!! :) :) :)
Jeana (DP) said:
I agree(d) with you!!!! :) :) :)
Lol - yeah, I know YOU did Jeana :blowkiss: ! It really does fascinate me though - the similarities in personality are almost eerie.
beesy said:
How do we know he was serious? He is a manipulator also. Put a good scare into her, that'll shut her up.
I don't think he'd call CPS because that make him look bad too, and we can't have that now can we?
I think it had something to do with Dana. Even IF nothing was going on between them, Darlie could have become convinced there was. So throw that in with all of the other problems and we get a very unstable Darlie.
Yeah...I can see Darlie making something out of the Dana thing. Like you said, even if it wasn't true, she might have thought it was.
deandaniellws said:
Yeah...I can see Darlie making something out of the Dana thing. Like you said, even if it wasn't true, she might have thought it was.

An over-tired, emotional, fairly new mother with mild depression, a little bit of paranoia from diet pills and a troubled marriage could EASILY find something in that relationship that wasn't there.
beesy said:
Yes, that's been my theory for a long time. I call it "The Darin Made Me Do It" excuse and I've said that I can hear her saying it to him. The rest of my of the Darin Made Me Do It theory is as usual Darlie made him feel guilty. They have/had a different relationship than most couples. It's possible that at least in the moment she was actually able to convince him that it was his fault. Together they will get through this and their lives will go on. I think they were both positive they'd get away with it. They are both very arrogant and expected to be believed now matter what. It's not their fault the evidence doesn't match the story. It's LE's, make it fit, not our problem.
And they used the biggest throw down line that all losers use.....LE framed me, I am innocent, they lost, moved, didn't test evidence....yada yada yada...:sick:
beesy said:
It takes alot of nerve to shoot yourself no matter where. I think that shows us how determined she was to get rid of her children.
That movie came on not too long ago. She was a crazy woman!! Farah played her and I thought she did a believable job!
beesy said:
I've never thought it was stupidity. They are both arrogant and expect to believed. After all, they're nice peole, they'd never do this....right? It happens in alot of cases. The killer is a so-called normal person and is even surprised that LE is looking any deeper than their story.
What gets me is that she is always so worried about herself and wanting everybody to feel sorry for her. I wonder if she ever feels sorry for her sons that never had a chance at life. She makes me sick.:furious: And there she is wearing makeup, fixing her hair, painting her nails. :doh:
deandaniellws said:
That movie came on not too long ago. She was a crazy woman!! Farah played her and I thought she did a believable job!
yeah, that is a good movie. Do you remember the part in the trial when they played "Hungry Like the Wolf" and she was mouthing the words and sorta dancing? She said that song was playing when they were attacked. But she could still boogie to it. Where is she now anyway?
sharkeyes said:
My theory on why she did not stab the boys in the head/face - she wanted them to look good in their casket [I don't know if there was a viewing of the boys before the funeral - but at the time she killed them she consciously and purposely avoided disfiguring their faces]. Looks were important to Darlie - she had several studio photos of herself and the kids (which is not unusual), but, these are not your simple 'Sears Portrait Studio' shots - those kids look like little models complete with matching outfits, expensive haircuts and doe-eyed expressions
Yes, there was a viewing. Of course, right? Darlie had to make it as dramatic as possible

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