Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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LOL - yes even one of his "experts" said that - that the media ought to be let in to watch. Honestly!

At this point I would trust the media being there before I would trust the defense team being there.
I honestly dont understand. To over look thing is human nature and not hard to understand it is what it is!
Sorry that my thoughts or other possibilites only makes you want to insult my intelligence. I realize I am out of my league with all of the other scholar posts here.

Oh I hope nobody was doing that! The purpose of a forum is to get everyone's thoughts. Nobody's opinion is better than anyone else's.
Oh, Nore..your post made me cry. I feel exactly the same way--there would have to be a hole dug big enough for two...

To Nore and Indigo, you're posts are so touching. I think any loving mother would feel the same way. I know I do. :blowkiss:
Well, I can see the NEW Anthony attorney exiting the big top shortly.

You know what,this is way too bizarre,makes me wonder if they are doing all this FOR Casey.Do they love her so much?
My parents love me but they would NEVER (trust me) EVER defend me if I'd be a baby killer,THEIR granddaughter's killer.NEVER EVER.

This is beyond "we are protecting our daughter".It's not normal.


I very much agree. I posted a few weeks ago that this really is all about Cindy protecting her concept of herself, and that her 'self' is not separate from Casey. Something like how Jeff Goldblum became BrundleFly in The Fly. There is no Cindy or Casey, there's just CindyCasey, one entity, and that's who Cindy is fighting for.
Sorry that my thoughts or other possibilites only makes you want to insult my intelligence. I realize I am out of my league with all of the other scholar posts here.

Yes, the posters here are pretty brilliant. They don't believe the earth is flat, for starters.
I think this might be what we hear from the Antfam next:

The meter reader was ZG's boyfriend, and according to the script, he would find the baby. Poor meter reader. I wonder if he will be the next innocent person these criminal Anthony's will throw under the bus. Or should I say "throw under the utility truck"???

They would be really stupid to go there. They already have one lawsuit on their hands for false accusations and defamation.
I am confused...which happens often...there are so many reports about what the lawyers and spokespeople have said, I can't get a clear picture of WHATthe Anthonys believe. But it seems to me they are saying they don't believe it yet and neither does Jose......
What the A's and the defense are doing is right out of the Eichmann playbook. Tell the BIG LIE. So BIG that people will start to believe you -- because who would tell such BIG LIES?

It won't work, though. Oh, and just a few short weeks ago it was: "Don't get me started on Tim Miller... a drunk...

Rot in hell, A's. RIP Caylee.
IMO...chloroform will be the kicker....chloroform searches, chloroform in the car, chloroform in the hair...a deadly triangle. I also think there was pesticide sprayed into the bag, which came from the canisters taken from A's house.
I will say that I have to salute Michelle Bart for one tiny second in that she managed to do something I thought impossible....keep the Anthony's away from the cameras and quiet for a few days. Wow.

In all due respect I think it was the new attorney the A's have not MB
'The Anthony Family' in this context means CA and spokesperson MB.

And I just have to say, "Told ya so."

Many of us posted yesterday that this would be an inevitable response:

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13.

So, they're implying that someone JUST put Caylee's remains there recently? Wonder who would have done that?

Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone?

My thoughts are this is not the way to honor Caylee.
I am confused...which happens often...there are so many reports about what the lawyers and spokespeople have said, I can't get a clear picture of WHATthe Anthonys believe. But it seems to me they are saying they don't believe it yet and neither does Jose......

Smoke and mirrors.
It will be, I think, until the OSCO gets DNA back. The grandparents, remember, have had to deal with DNA before in finding out their grandchild's father isn't who they thought it was. IMO, regardless of what they spew publically, they will know from the DNA. What they won't accept is if Casey is convicted of killing her.

I also saw a couple posts comparing to Mark Hacking's family and how they stuck by Mark. The difference there, if I recall, was Mark was in a mental facility at the time of his arrest and not a jail. Mark's family did stick by him -- after they convinced him he needed to tell the truth.

And to be blunt, Casey was never confronted that way by her parents that we see: in all the video visits, they don't address the issue head on and Cindy has "leading" questions that make the lie bigger based on Casey's responses. It makes Casey's ability to spin stories to her easier and that's why they're in this tragedy they are today, IMO.
Actually they walk on eggshells around her and kiss her hinney. I believe it goes back to some deep dark secret they don't want revealed that she knows. The video of the visit between GA and KC is amazing when he tells her that "Things are bound to come out" and the one where CA &GA say "We forgive you for anything you have said or done." Immediately followed with KC saying "I didn't say anything."

They have past the denial phase all together. Can you say "psychotic"
I very much agree. I posted a few weeks ago that this really is all about Cindy protecting her concept of herself, and that her 'self' is not separate from Casey. Something like how Jeff Goldblum became BrundleFly in The Fly. There is no Cindy or Casey, there's just CindyCasey, one entity, and that's who Cindy is fighting for.

That is so true. It is something that is a little bit in all mothers in my opinion. I am so proud of my daughter...and I take alot of joy when someone compliments her or she does something really special. It makes me feel good and honestly - proud of myself too - that I raised such a beautiful sweet girl. Was all of it my doing..of course not...but how I raised her molded her. As a mother you don't ever want to feel that you raised a monster.

The problem is...when something goes have to acknowledge it if you want to fix it. Denial does nothing to correct problems. When my daughter does something I disagree with...I deal with it...I don't pretend she didn't do it.
Exactly. So how was it weighed down?
??? a few feet of flood water? We are not talking 30 feet of water here. Perhaps it had been covered with a log or heavy underbrush. Only LE knows. Tim did see the depression...indicating that the weight of the bag had created such a landform over time....perhaps indicating it had never been moved at all.

So, yes, I supose if you want to go with that fact....that someone planted the bag or added to the bag or took things out of it... sure that thinking might be okay for you.

I respectfully just do not buy at all that this crime was some elaborate work of many....just the simple (and simple minded) work of one Casey Anthony. I would suppose with her Nanny labyrinth she had expected the bag to be found sooner and LE buying her babysitter story and looking for the babysitter. She didn't plan on (cough) the real work that LE does do and the fact that they would ever consider HER to be the murderer.

In an interview with MN yesterday (orlando sentinel here is link,0,7966803.story ) he says that now remains have been found he can speak his thoughts and that from being at the center of this for a long time he has a really strong feeling of what occurred and that it was Casey. He wants to do nothing to help her Casey whatsoever. In short she did it (paraphrased but you can see it in whole at the link).

The only elaborate part of this crime, in my opinion, was the lies. The murder, where she put the body, and how she acted afterward were nothing but elements of the simple sociopath that she is. Finding the body close to her home, according to many experts, was to be expected with infanticide.
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