Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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Not open for further replies. it bad that I understand this? LOL Once LE has been through the crime scene it won't be in it's original condition.
Gee,sorry JB .Guess you'll just have to look at the pidtures LIKE EVERY OTHER DEFENSE ATTORNEY!
Who would want H Lee back there anyway? He's been discredited.

You know what, that makes sense... I believe you are correct on this :)

good job
If Jose wants to know everything thats going on, he should ask his client, KC. She knows all!! Ask her the truth of what happened and every detail and then you will will know what they have JB. IF you can get her to tell the truth which is a miracle in itself.
I have someone else in mind........
No kidding. I don't think the Anthony family should be making too many waves questioning the circumstances of the find - the finger on the family hand points backward.
Oh god .
Do you think the Anthony's will now be on every TV show blaming the nanny?

Oh god ..
I hope not!!!!!! :mad:

They'll blame LE for not looking for a "live Caylee".
I say"take it up with God" .IMO it was divine intervention the way everything lined up to reveal Caylee.

Yes I agree with you, MissJames. I wonder if "Ms. Bart or Jose Baez and his Scheme Team understand that, or even believe!:furious:

But, for the meter reader to enter that particular area, stumble upon the garbage bag, inspect it... that is nothing short of a miracle! And, imo, this young man is Caylee's Hero!!!

I also believe that little Caylee was sending a special message directly to Cindy and George! As she was found the very morning after they were both on national tv ( larry king) LYING though their teeth about the circumstances of the case!!!

It really disturbs me to realize that they are obviously going to carry on the lies! What a dishonor to their precious little grandaughter! I was so hoping and praying for truth and honesty to enter into this case now!
Im just totally speachless! I cant believe that the A's are saying this and throwing Caylee out the window all to protect KC. Yes you can stand by your daughter but dont disgrace that sweet baby memory by excusing your daughter behavior.You know KC did this and it makes me sad that Caylee is looking down on you in disbelief.For once in your life do right by that sweet angel baby give her some closer.If you think this is the way your wrong.How do you except Caylee to rest in peace when the truth will never be uttered from the people that supposely loved her.If the A's continue down this path I hope Caylee haunts them for the rest of their lifes!

Well said. This is literally the last thing the Anthonys can do for Caylee on this earth. It is their last chance to show that they really loved her, that she really mattered. Sadly, I believe they intend to let this chance slip by to cover for the very person that put their grandbaby's body in that bag. They are already denying her the love and respect of accepting and mourning her death and remains. They will make every attempt to deny her the justice she deserves. This poor baby doesn't matter any more in death than she did when she was being taped up, put in a garbage bag and thrown out like the trash.
They'll blame LE for not looking for a "live Caylee".

Kind of hard to look for a alive Caylee when she was already dead. There daughter waits 30 days to say anything and then only when she is cornered says it all IMO.
"I can't imagine a more difficult situation for a mother to be in than the position she's in right now," Baez added. "My heart goes out to whomever is the parent of this child."

"Whomever is the parent of this child"????
Give it up, Baez.

BTW, remember Casey's friend who maintained right from the beginning that LE should be looking for Caylee's body around the school? She was right.

yes and she will be under the bus with everyone else other than kc......or any of that will never end for them....NEVER....

They'll blame LE for not looking for a "live Caylee".

You know, as much as what the A's and the rest of their circus say and do that aggravates the CRAP out of all of us, I know that LE, the SA, and the forensics will do exactly what they're supposed to do. Put that murdering waste of a human being called Casey behind bars for the rest of her life. And maybe, as an extra added bonus, her demented parents will also spend time behind bars.

So let 'em say whateverrrrrr they want. Judgment day is coming.
Suspicious.:mad: "Suspicious" is the first public response they can muster while they're awaiting the official DNA results? These tiny bones may be(and probably are) the remains of their beloved granddaughter! How inappropriate that they have nothing to say for this murdered child who was thrown away like yesterday's garbage.

Anthonys-- Can you find no sympathy for this child at all? Perhaps this is why people are having such a hard time finding sympathy for you.
I hope the ME can establish time of death.
Would shut their mouths forever.
LE didn't search for an alive Caylee because they were right,she was already dead.
I find it to be at the least odd. I guess suspicious works as well. How did everybody search and not discover? And why would it be under water? Was it weighted down? If so I've missed that somehow.
Guess their acceptance, grieving and healing is still indefinitely postponed.

It will be, I think, until the OSCO gets DNA back. The grandparents, remember, have had to deal with DNA before in finding out their grandchild's father isn't who they thought it was. IMO, regardless of what they spew publically, they will know from the DNA. What they won't accept is if Casey is convicted of killing her.

I also saw a couple posts comparing to Mark Hacking's family and how they stuck by Mark. The difference there, if I recall, was Mark was in a mental facility at the time of his arrest and not a jail. Mark's family did stick by him -- after they convinced him he needed to tell the truth.

And to be blunt, Casey was never confronted that way by her parents that we see: in all the video visits, they don't address the issue head on and Cindy has "leading" questions that make the lie bigger based on Casey's responses. It makes Casey's ability to spin stories to her easier and that's why they're in this tragedy they are today, IMO.
Well said. This is literally the last thing the Anthonys can do for Caylee on this earth. It is their last chance to show that they really loved her, that she really mattered. Sadly, I believe they intend to let this chance slip by to cover for the very person that put their grandbaby's body in that bag. They are already denying her the love and respect of accepting and mourning her death and remains. They will make every attempt to deny her the justice she deserves. This poor baby doesn't matter any more in death than she did when she was being taped up, put in a garbage bag and thrown out like the trash.

it was only about Caylee day 31---when the scheming started she left --- then kc and the a's and of course someone by the name of DRAMA came in--

poor baby the only time she gets brought up was for the donation money...after that----heck on of the last flyers about the poor little girl--they couldn't even get her a fork or a plate for that canned corn---:bang:

I find it to be at the least odd. I guess suspicious works as well. How did everybody search and not discover? And why would it be under water? Was it weighted down? If so I've missed that somehow.

I was thinking (perhaps} read---retention pond...along with the rains
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